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SAIiES BY AtTCTIOISr. WKDKBBDA.V. 3«tb MAKCH, At 12 o'clock. . - •■ By order of O» Mdngigtm. Voder power of Sate. HZ. CHAFkAK and Co, • are mU by *actlo», at tbdr K«*m«, Eattray itrert, on Wednewlny, tit*. lait» at U 4'doek, uod«r powar o< ««Je, by or*»r VI Urn ICorteagw, I All ttmt tAiuM or jivo-l ot ImoA, Wag Section I n. Mode U to the town of KawVy, In t&« l^orltscw of OUtw. toiietber with, and on which in erected, ttt»tlarfa and nett commodteoui Itowl k»«wn m Mm» B*Uor*i Hora«, and oUior bni tdlsgv, In tlio oocapation of Mr Jamm Donnellr. Forjpattlailari of Tltie, appr/to tl»Ancttone«r», or to B, ff. W-td E«q.,Bdlclu»r,l>BMdin. Sale, l«h Aprn, at Koon. 0 A ALLOTMENTS of Surveyed Crown /W~C LujdfwiUbeoffandforratobypiibUoaactica. in tho Auction Boom* of Mr Henry Vtutee, atuamani, on Monday, the 12tb day of April, lMW.atlieo^lock nooti. Up»ctprl«»,lo« per acre. There will be ofrercd for aaU aim Section 63. Block I. Kauroo, npatt price, tz vat man; Section CO, Block HI, Fopnkalo, opntt price, £11» per acre. On 13tb April, at Noon. 1 AO SECTIONS of the Government LHcO Towiuhlp of Mahsno («lla»U> on UieHaiti Boad at the junction of laland Btntani wlMjOwKakannl), will bo offered for «!» by pnMlo aactioa. in the Booms of Ur Henry France. Oatnom, on Toc*dor. the I3ih day of April, 18fl9, at la o'clock noon. Up«et price. £1 pet 6ectlon. rorpartiaaar»M«O«»T<ammet>tAdv«rU»*meiitKh«et. and I4»t* which may bo obtained from Use Anctloooer. TO TIMBEB UEBCHAKTO, BAWTEES, AND OTHBEB. Taloable Timber Jjou}. GILLIES and STREET bars been Ourtnicted by the proprietor t» aoll, Section 8, block IV, Inch Clnt&a, nearly the , whot* of which U eovorod with timber (principally totnra) of * very »npertor quality, and ooold b» ewily ablpped from tho bonk* ot the Cloth* Blver, cum to the property* 7or fnrtbor partfetOar*, apply at th«lr offlcw, comer »t I'rtoeo* and Dowllng Ureou, Datwdia. BTOCK, STATIONS, «w> BATUODAY, «U» MAHCIi, At lil o'clock. At Pr* irinclal B«Io Yard*. WKIOHT-OAimYIKQ HACKS. DRIVER, MACLEAN, and Co. are feTOwred with ttt»traetlon« from Utsttn W. and 0. Trsrnboll »nd Co., to sell by tinclion at tho ulwfo '( writ, m Bulurday. 27th inst,, at 13 o'clock, no ""try ttupertor Hacks. WJEE>KKgI>Ay, 3IM MABCH, 1860, j At 3 o'clock. HYDB HOME STATION, EO» 820. EO'ffKD HILL ESTATE, 4,000 ACRES. DRIVER, MACLEAN, wad Co. have received instructions from Ifuaru Calcntt and MenloTO (In oonM<|ucnre of o«o of the paiUna1* leaving tho <oolony'i to Mill by auction, at their Itoomn. on tho S!«t Ar«'ch Inntnnt, ct '1 p.m., all th*t vtiJunblc loutehold pn>p<;rtr Vao HYDB HOME STATION, Ko. 338, Provlrcfl ot Otat,'<J, oonlnlnijig— i^ri AHA i*™ of fim«rcl.Mß country, together U' ',Ui;u T^jy, t [, e s u<; j[ tlicrcon, namely :— 20 000 suiKEP»<<r therealwnU—rli., 4 050 wcgl c *"" ' t<>o' !!l *3 050 ■"0< 2 ttnil4 toot' i 2 400 r"'etlMTl>' carl! tooth r (ifif) Po»» 2 and 4 tooth 4,500 11 00 cs* ra'xwl cats'* O Bollock team*, with drays, ltd. The lama has 1A vcar* nn^zpired. The Run U uplendlelly provided rylth wnt?r aivl ba»h. and tho ii&]<rovumenta ivre very oniidorable, comprising— Oood dwelling hoare and ffsirdcn, with dotached klrxhra and onthotutcß; nuuiager'* Iwuiw, lUircrooin, nbsarcni' and «htnherd'a lmt«, wooUbed for 10 hLakrerv., with new scrowliruM ci.d cnpiul yards ; dip, wuhpool and y&s-da, '•' ftockyanla, otic of them quit* new and tho but in the province, toßtther with (far) 20 miloDof lendog, all rcoently erected and In ftrxt rule ordir. Th!« Run (c i» well and fftvoorab'y known for t!» exodlnnoo of the stock and iho fattening qualities of the ooaotry, an to rcnditr any farther commctit from tho auctioneer* umicooviary, Tlie terniK will tie lltxTal: tlie portion rcinnin'ng on mortgago to bear Interest ut 8 per cent, per annum. Al*>, All that 7ronhold EnUtc, situated 8 miles from tho town of Oan>»ra, known an tho BOUND HILL FARM, containing 4,000 acres, or tlwrrenboutn, of Uio finest fiKricultural land In tho Colony, and nuli-nilldly w.-itrrttl. There !• also attached to tho freehold, a leaaehold proixtrty of TJ'J ncien having 1!' yenix nncxplrcd, held at a uomirmi rent from the Provincial (•oH'riimeut. Hcitrly M 0 ncrcn of tho freehold Is subdivided And under cultivation, :if>o uctcks of which aro in Kngllih gram. The {tnprov(uncnt« txiiulxt of superior (tone j wool fihtd, with ernnnry over to itare 40,000 bnnhoU of grain ; aplerodid ntone suihle (Jott crccKK) fvr eight liorfi**; I'xccllent atono built men's lioum, witli baker** oven, bollcra, lie: neat vtTiuidnh 4 roomcsl cottage with ttono k'tclien, together with lartte Burden full of trail and forot trcoi, and ationt 10 to 12 miles fcnc!ng. To jx'ruoriß requiring a permanent and Onst-t Una invontnicnt, the Auctloneors can reommeod t.-.ia pro purty mi Kocond to n"iic In the i'rovincu. Tlio vihole uhUiU! Ik nI. prencnt held nndur an Improving loom for an uncxplred term of H years, and will bo void subject thereto, Tcrrnn, at tlio option of purchaser, ca»h, or £1 per acre with thu btilai^co at 1, 2, 4, and 6 yearn, bearing Interest nt 8 per cent. FRIDAY, 2nd AFRIL. At 12 o'clock. Import me SiU of ruilK-BaEl) STOCK, FAnifIKO IMPLEMKNTS, &c, At the Orange Farm, East Taiori. DRIVER, MACLEAN, and Co. aro inutructcd by OcorßD Murray. Ktw),, to Kll by nuctlon nt liU fnrcn, Krut T.lori, on Friday, 2nd April, at 12 o'clock, and without r» nerve, Tho following valuable Mocfc and plant, viz.— Tlic pttro-breJ short horn bull '* Imperial Butterfly 3rd," by •• Frederick* Ciilot," Imparted from tlio o-lcbra'ed herd of Colonel Townley, dnm " JesßKtnino lUtli," the winner of first | • prize* every time i>ho was shown In Victoria yj pure-bred short-horn coutj and heifers /? well- iirti colonial dairy cows c nhort-liom heifer calven o ahort-horn ball calves 9horec«, including 3 heavy draught hornet and 2 crenm-colourcd ponies, :i and 4 year* oto—a perfozt nmt*:h, &c. BOt thoep, consUtlne of ni pure-bred Leicester rama, two and focr ■«'» tootli ar. pnrc-brcd Leicester ran Umbi .-• irf\ piire-Lrcd Lelco*t«r ewe*, two tooth • « and npwanU Ar. puro-brcd Leicester ewe lambs half-bred four teoth ont* n, n threo-tinirter bred limlm, m'xed. Uonc power tliri.^lilnx machine, chnff-cotter, cartß, i-louKhs, harioun, roller. &c, &o. Tlic above «»lo lim, owing to various circiirrntanccs, been postponed ficmttnia to time, but will now polllively take place a* advortteed. Tho character of Mr Hurray* Stock la already oufllciontly well-known, and wo need only remind buyer* tout tho wholo will bo sold without reserve, and on liberal tcnus. DBTVEB, MACLEAN, and Co. Otago Wool Stores, Dunodia.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 2223, 22 March 1869, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Otago Daily Times, Issue 2223, 22 March 1869, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Otago Daily Times, Issue 2223, 22 March 1869, Page 4