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PORT CHALMERS.—November .'SO. Wfri'l S W., s'rfng brccz©, (-qudly. Weather fine, <;!oud-y. Bijih w«t»r on lit December.— .* fms Hr.i<l«t, 3,30 ; Port Clialmcra, 4.G ; Dunlin. 4.51. PORT CHALMERS OBSERVATORY. Latitude, *.'; 43 ."5 sonth ; longitude, l!h. 22m. 30V c fan. Time ball ']'O(s daily ("undays exccptwl) at 1 p m., Pi-rl (T.'tinlnrerß inf-an time, or 111. 37m. 2.'/scc (irt";;iwjch mean time. uy.fAtavi'.F.a. TJiflrrnan, *Lr' ri-mn-b d ueliooner, 82 tons, Christian, for lh-s Ch.tth&iii Inlands. 11. Honghton": Co, fn.-r.rjts. Storm liini, k h, f;8 tonK, Doile, muster, for Northern p'.rts. W. Kly, agent. I'aa-EfQgc-r : A3 r ii •->..•). aiuiivalm. Fk/im Lon;")-.\ —Chile, August 28. Fkom Liv.'ii'.i'ooL. —Harvest Hocie, SentcrnUr 10. Fiiom Kwioa. f7. S.— A {rate. Fkom Ai Ki.i;ji;i£.v«. — Jiiingitoto, Omeo, Gothenburg. Fi:om Nkwcastj.k. —Record. Fjyyji ir Jojin s, N. X._ Celeste Clark. I'1(0 iy.'.TKll I>KPAJCTi;jIKM. Wm. Davie, for Lou-don. Jan. 18G9. Chili, for Lou-lon, .Jan. 18-/ J. IJc.iutiful>t;ir, for Ix>ndnu Jan. 18G9. Woll«ce, for f inmaiu, tliia day. Queen cf tho Ji>lt.<j. f.,r ilokitiita, early. 1-ord A> hl-iy, f-.r Northern I'oits, tliia day. Golbonbuv;.-, for McJh-otmjo, <*;«., ouly. Wellington, for Northern Port 8, this day. Wainui, for Lyttoiton, fee, 2nd IXc. KfjT.a. for Lytc-lton. &c, '-'n't Dec. WalruH, for La'Tic-Hton, 3rd Dec. Kamito'o, for M«-ll,ourne, 2nd Dec. Midlothian, or Kakanui, this day. Tu.ia.roa., i>jv J'ort MoJyueux, 2nd iu/jt.

XVMit'.lH IS POUT. Bruce, p. 8., from West Coast. Keera., a. ft., from Lyttelton. Beautiful •'•'tar, whip, from London. Anrora, nch"oner, from Hokitika. Mystery, barque, from Liverpool. William I'avie, ship, from (-ilnflgow. Sampan, barque, from Foo-cbow-foo. "VVairmi, s,s , from f.yttvltoo, &c. JStuma, brig, from Tome, Chili'. Tinaaru, «hn», from London. D.ayspring, barque;, from Newcastle. Walrua, Hchoo:ier, from Launceston. Queen of the Uch, schooner, from Picton. Why ,^ot, schooner, from Stewart's ifcland, Pearl, Buhooner, from InvcrcargilL Ada, barque, from Liverpool. Kio, brig, from Mauritius. Lord Ashley, b b., ftorn 151 tiff Harbour. Cora, schooner, from Hokitika. Wallace1, p.B. from Oarnaru. itoberb H^ndcruon, ship, fpirn'Olasgow. "Wellington, h », .Northern Ports.


November 30— Ifopn, 13 tons. Gay, master, from Waikouaiti, in Veil1 »st. Master, agent. Advance, 15 tonH, Brown, master, from Waikotiaiti, in ballast. Master, agent. We'lingtnn, h b, iiGt toriH, Holmes, master, from '.yltelton, with cargo. W. Sly, agent. Wallace, ph, Ti > tons. Malcolm, master, from Oamaru, with pofcsengera and cargo. J. Jones and Co, agents. OOTWA HUM —COASTWISE. November 3i> — \dvanf:n, 15 tons, Brown, master, for Waikouaiti, with cai-Ljo. Master, agent. Wallncn, 50 tons, Malcolm, master, for Oarnnru, with cargo and paasungern. J. Jonea and Co, agents. Storm J'.inl, OS tons. Doile, mister, for Lyttelton and intermediate porra, with cargo and passengers. VV. Hly, agent. "IMPORTS. Per Wallace, from Onuiaru : Free and duty paid — 1 ciH', (i Harper; 1 bale wool, (.'argil's and M' Lean ; 1 parcel, M'Farland ; 1 box, A Payne. EXPORTS. ! Pur Advance, for Waikouniti : Free and ! duty paid—lo lihdn ale, 20 sacks Hour, 10 ba^a sugar, I qr-ciHk whisky, J box tobacco, 0 boxes caudles, ti oikch sundries, 1 keg rice, 6 bagfi, 1 ease gin, 1 oast- sherry, 1 case soap, 12 tubs butter, 000 5-Uct palings, /S<JO j ieat tim'-er, 51 biifjs tloiir, 1 wool, 2'■ bales woolpack.i, 3 hags Biignr. 1 barrel tar, 10 packages, 5 biles wool packs, 100 straps and bolts, C empty tub», order.

Per Stormbir.l : Under bon«l. for Wellington—! box, Bright Bros For Lyttclton, fret: and duty p'id—l c^iso drapery, Buttcrworlh B03; 28 pickaxes, ling, Harris ami Co ; .'{ cases fancy J Liir.&rus ; - r) packages boots, G Harriett ; 4 packages drapery, Ko^s and Glcn'liriin.: ; 4 cases. Sargoo>l and Co ; 2 cases, Feldhei'i", Jacobs, ami Co ; 2 oas'^s lobster.s, 2 cases Salmon, 1 o%sk crynt;ilu, 31> igs oat:ueal, 2 cases <>il, WLiittin^ton Bros ; 3 packages drapery, Watson ami Sinus; ] parcel, Hayinan and Co ; 3 cases c<'U"e<* 2 c.tscs spice, Win GregK and (.Vi ; '1 packages, 2 cnnUs liorso ihoca, 1 package, 112 bars iron, 29 bundles iron, 1 biindlu Hteel, Krii-coo nml Co ; 3 cases, FeMheim, ilacot h, and Co ; 1 case, Hay man and Co ; 1 keg butter, Turn'mll and Co ; 12 kegs paint, 1 c.iHo gIuKS, II WaldfJi ; 9 packages drugs, Younuiiinn ; 1 box, Bight Bros and Co; 10 cases eouoa, W Gregg and Co; 1 safe, Collector of Customs ; 1 plate iron, 1 case sundries, 1 bar iron, Briseoe and Co ; 3 crises npice, W Gregg" and Co. For Piioton — 1 cn.«c flocks, V Hayman and Co; 1 halo drapery, 1 bale leather, Blackadder, Fur 'A'anganui—l case drugs, Youngman ; 1 cisc cocoa. 1 do pepper, 1 ca-ik, 5 ca»«H con":n, 4 boxca. W Gre^^ and Co ; 1 cask zinc, 1 bale iron. Briscoe and •'o ; 1 bos cticinic.ilß, VV Mehißh. For Nelson—4l pkgs drapery, Watson and Sons ; 2 c sea drugs, Youuyni.lll ; 1 c.iso, Feklheim Jacob 3, and Co ; 40 nheeta ir.m. Briicoe and Co ; 11 cases, Fc'dii irn, Ja:oba. and Co; 1 hhd glass, 10 ciscs chaira, <"!alvort and Campbell ; 1 parcel, K<-l'lhcun, Jacobs, and Co ; 10 pkges b.jota, Kcyaianson and Low ; 1G pkg"B drapery, Wa'so^ :vnd Sous. For Tiiranaki— 50 oats, Jl Wilson.


Lytiki.ton : November 30—Martha, brig, for Dunediti.

Wki.lini.ton* : November 29—Wangamii, for Waauatmi, .it 5..'{() pin; 11. M. sa. Blanche, from Syilney, at 1 p.m ; Uob iioy, from I.yttelton, l.tto.

Nki.sos : November 2!) —Ran^itoto, from Weat Ooasb ; Lyttelton, from Hlenheirn, at fi ]). m. NovornWur 3D — Unas. Edward, from West Coast, eaily.

NAi'iut : Nuv< ntli'T 20 — Ida Z-jigler, from Auukl.tud. -November 30—Ahv.nri, from li\3l Coast, early.

V7EATITKU TWl.KOKAMS.—Yesterday. ■\Vklliv(itoh : Wind N. W., light bretze ;

bar. 29 (57, tlier. C-3 ; weather cloudy. £>'Kt.soN : Winl -V 15., fresh breeze ; bar. 29.05, tli-r. <i 0; w ntl:er overcast. TJi.ENUKiM : Wind 5.8.. fresh breeze ; bar. 20.CA, tl:cr. I'-S ; w-.a'her fiti'i : rivers low. Lyttki.ton : W'ihl N.W., breeze ; bar. 2D.'12, thi:r. 7- ; weather cloudy. L'tii'.t-i! huhi.h : Wind. N.W. ; bar. 29.45, tier. 72 ; wouther fine. Tim.uiu : Wind N.W.. fresh vreczc ; bar. 20. MO, ther. GO ; \v<: itber fine ; sea calm. IiKALEV : "Wii.d N.W., breeze; weather dull, passing showers ; rivers high. Okkymouth: Wind S. W. } fresh freeze; weather overcast ; l>;ir j^ood. HoKirncv: Wind "W.S.W., fresh breeze ; bar. 29.7-, tlier. 50; weather line; bar c;ood. Pout Chalmk-h : Wind S.W., frrsh brce'/.e ; bir.. 20 '.ii, thor. tl ; weather fine. DuNfm.v : Wind S. W.. fresh brcezs ; bar. £9.30, thtr C 4 ; weather fine. Bli ;fk : Win! W., galo; bar. 29 40; weather overcast and raining.

Tlso passengers by the ship Robert Henderson, from Glasgow, were conveyed to

Dnncdin y. st« nlay forenoon by the Harbour Com; any'B atcarrn.-r (•'oldt-n Agt. < n leaving ) the hhip, they gave three, hearty cheers for the crew, which wire »•«■•> ponded to u'it!i onis more in thorough blue jacket mylo. At the j- tty, a iarge nuni^cr u^sfnibJcd to witnesi th'ir lauding. The assiKU-d portion of single ffmalc* at ore«? proc tdeel to the Immigration Depot, where they wire received by Mm Crawford, the matron tf the tbtauliahinent. The scliooncr Itiflcmsn, which hw more than once brought uh fjenfiation.-d new.». from tho Chsthamn, Bf.iled for the IslandfcycsUTday afternoon, witli a strong lair wind. She will return again to thin port with a cargo of cattle. 'Hie Martha, from Norway via Lyt'.elton, with a full cargo of Baltic timber for here, is exp- eted to arrive in a few days 'lhe 8.8. Keera is tkav at Port Chalnvrs taking in a large quantity of sugar, ex llio, from Mauritius. Bhc saiJa to-morrow for Lyttelton, and intermediate ports. Throughout the greater portion of yesterday a strong H.W. gale withfiighiful squalls I prevailed, rendering communiration with the shipping a matter of difficulty and danger.


The Sun atta:ns bis greatest sou!horn dcelinatioa on tho 22nd, and then enters the zodiacal Kign Capricornus. The iloon is ntareat the Earth on tho 4th and the .Vlst, and fai thest away on the 19th ; enters her last quarter on the fith, is new on the Mth, Jir«t quarter on the 22ud, arid full Moon is on the 29th. On lhe sth the Moon in near Mam, p.-issing cloee to the planet and the bright star Itegulus in Leo ; on the 11th she is near Venue, on the l.'ith Vlercury and Saturn, and Jupiter on the 22nd ; on the 27th passes near Al<Jebaran in Taurua.

Mercury is a morning star, and may he observed tor a few mornings at the beginning nf the month, the time of jising beore the Sun decreasing gradually from 1 hour 45 mm. on the Ist, till at the end of the month they rise together ; is in aphelion on the 24th. Venus is also a morning star, rising about three hours before the Sun, in the constellation Virgo.

Mars is now visible nearly all night in Leo, close to Hegulus, and is well placed for observation.

Jupiter is an evening star, still remaining in Pisces On the 29th this planet sets twice in 2-1—at 0.4 a.m. and again just before midnight.

•Saturn is still in Scorpio, and ig invisible till towards the end of tho month, when it becomes a morning star.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 2129, 1 December 1868, Page 2

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SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 2129, 1 December 1868, Page 2

SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 2129, 1 December 1868, Page 2