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STOCK, STATIONS, &c. FRIDAY, 11th DECEMBER, At 12 o'clock. At Brockvillc E-tntc, Waikari. PUHE SHORT-HORNED CATTLE. DAIKY COWS. BULLS. HOUSES. SHEEP. PAEMINO IMPLEMENTS. BUGOIES, CAET3, IIAIINESS, iC. POWER, PANT LIN, and CO. X have received imst? uctiona to soil by public auction, on Friday, 11th December, at 12 o'clock, at Brockvillo EHtate, Waikori, lius whole of tho Live Stock, Farming Implements, Buggies, Carte, Saddle!), Harness, ic., 4w. The pure bred Stock consists of — Bod and white Bull, " Field Marshal," by " Count of Empire," out of " ISdiih." Pore Durham Cow, "Polly White," bred by Mr M'Dougall. Pare Short-horn Cow, " Lonbennl,' bred by Morton and Leitch. Pure Short-horn Cow, " Edith," by Loogfcllow,' out of" Kdith.'Heifer and Ball Calves, by " Garibaldi." Tho remaining Stock oonnuits of— Flrst-claras milking cows, heifers, steers, yearliugH, carriage and draught horses. LelccHter sh«p. cunsisting of rams, owes, wethers, and hoggvta. The Farming Implement* are very complete, consisting of— Grabbers, ploughs, horws hoe, drill)', harrows, chaff-cutter (hone or hand power), thrashing and winnowing machines. Iron rollers, forks, rakes, &c., &c. Harnciß Roetni contain— Gentlemen's, ladies', and children's saddles, double and single harness, cart and plough lmrcenß, tc, brldlek Also, Two Carriage and Two Draught Horses. Carte, (Icdgea, large and small buggy, garden tools, cross-cut «aws, carpenters' tool*, very complete, wire strainers, grindstones, ic., lifting crane, fencing wire, wiro netting, sheep proof fencing, post* and rails. SUcks of clover and meadow hay. Poultry, consisting of ducks, geese, and fowls. Luncheon provided. For pedigree of cattle, and further particulars, apply to the Auctioneers, POWER, PANTLIN, and Co. Tho Auctioneers, In drawing tho attention of buyer* to tho pure bred cattle, beg to state that they were Imported from tlw cclebrnt«l pnre stock of Mcasra Morton and Leitch, and of Mr M'Dougall: further comment by the Auctioneers is unnecessary. FOR SALE, Horse, HarneßS, and Kxprcn, cheap. Apply Mr TV. Wright, Grocer, Great King street. -T\ POWELL AND CO., AtICTIONEEIta AMD CATTI.B SALKSMK3, Qnecnßtown. Cattle uiil Sheep Yards, Fronkton. JEWELLERY. [Established 186 C] JOHN HISLOP, SocooKwr to GBOBOB YOTJNG, Late Arthur Beverly, CHROKOMETKR, WATCH, AND CLOCK MAKEII, Exactly opposite the BANK OF OTAOO, Princes street, Dnuedin, Is In constant receipt by every Mail of a choice selection pf Ladies' and Gentlemen's Gold and Silver Hunting Lerveru, Of a very superior description, manufactured expressly to order, for Colonial age; ALjo, A very choice selection of JBWELLERY suitable for Presents. Erery description of Jewellery MADE TO ORDER. SHI I* CHRONOMETERS Cleaned and rated by traimit observations. Nautical Instruments repaired. NJ3. —J. H. being a thorough practical Watchmufccr, nil work entrusted to hU care will receive his utmoat attention. JKWKLLERY, iiC. "XT SALOMON, in returning thanks to JLN • his numerous friend* for the Hupport they have hitherto accorded him, bega to remind them that ho is constantly receiving, via Panntaa and Marseilles, monthly, a large and magnificent aseortntQut of the undermentioned goods, of the latest fashions and newest designs, viz. : — Ladies' and gentlemen's gold and silver hunting and open-faced English and Geneva watches from the best manufacturers. Colonial and Knglinh gold and silver chain* and alberts, of the newest patterns, splendid brooches, bracelets, earrings, necklets, lockets, crosses, scarf pins and ring 3, studs, ek-evo links, vest buttons, of the must ttißteful design.*, just arrived from tho Grcut International Exhibition, sot with diumonda; rabies, emerald*, opals, amotbyßts, sapphires, topaz, aquaumriiiau, caiueos, &c &<*. ; «U]rling silver and eloctre-phited teti and coffee (service*, cuntro pioccs, claret jugn, fruit suinds, flower stands, cruetu, liqueur, egg, and pickle frames, caka and Ciird b^skeu, salver, side dishes and diah c»\or«, butter coolers, sugar bmOcats, toiu<t racks, »poor« nd torfa, soup find toddy ladles, lish nlicef —every description, too numerous to mention. Ladles' and gentlemen's gold and silver pencil caws and toothpicks; vinaigrettes, anil chnrms. Gold, silver, and steel sjwctacles, and oye-glaßses. A fine usMirtment of huiics* and genu' KLurUng silver and electro-plated dressing rases. A large iiasortmrnt of uteri ing silver cups, of beautiful designs, sultablo for raco, yachting, rifle, or art!U«ry prizes. Silver und electro-puited inkstands, In great variety. . Also, magnificent inkstand, modu of pnre New Zealand gold. Tcle.«copc», oiwra and field gUusos English and Foreign clocks, from the best mnkcre. Mußical taxes, with all tho .latest Improvements. In the Watchmaking and Manufacturing Jewellery Department, the utmost precision, and strict attention to the beauty, design, unit purity of material, may be fully relied on. Hours of business from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. N. SALOMON, Chronometer an^ Watch Maker, Goldriiaith and Jeweller, Next Bank of Now /^tiuind, Princ B street, _^__ DuiKstiu. KSTAULLSIIRU, 18J8. ALEX. ~BEAVER, PRINCES STRKET, Nearly opposiio tlw Bank of Otago. IN STOCE, Ladles' and Gentlemen's Gold and Silver Watche especially manufactured to order, and imported direct by every Surupoan Select variety of Firet-clas"! Jewellery All Goods Sold On uanteed. WATCHES ACCURATELY REPAIRED Jewellery Manufactured to Order. A. BEAVER, Princes Street. ILLIAM PATON, Watchmaker and Jeweller, latii of Gcorgo Young'r, mid laUr of Rattxay street, has Removed to corner of Stafford and Princes streets. BUTCHEBS. QMITHFIELD MARKET COMPANY, kj Wholeaale and Retail Butcliering Eatablishmcnts, George street and Modaggnn street, Dunedia. EDWARD MJBNLOVB, Proprietor. Families waited on for orders In all parts of tha City THE CI T V GO MP ANT S Wholesale and Retail Butcliering Katablieliinent, ) High street. GARDNER and DALE. Shipping supplied BREWERIES. TTICTOEIA BREWERY, PITT STKBE T, BUKEBIH. "WILLIAM STRACHAN, Proprietor. V. STBA.OOAK has always on hand, a large supply of his celebrated ■ ALBS AKD POiIJB, In Bulk and in Bottle, • For "which ho was awarded a ' • FIBBT-CLASS CERTIFICATE . ly tbe Ctommiaaioneni of the New Sfcaland Exhibition ~.. J8 •«,..... ■'■■-'

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 2129, 1 December 1868, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Otago Daily Times, Issue 2129, 1 December 1868, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Otago Daily Times, Issue 2129, 1 December 1868, Page 4