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A Boston paper state* that a new ha*vaster, called tho "YiiU'.'g America, 1' cuts the grain, threshes, cleans and la.-ks it, at ouo operation. The inventor claims that, with two men and four horses, it will do, in a single day, as much work as 14 men and 10 hors'.-s in the old-fashioned way. The yield of gold at Sandhurst, during the imnth of October, was at the rate of SOOOozs a week.

The new brewery at Wolher^fcones is now ia full work, and is producing ale described ai of firsirato quality. Mr Knfoed, ono of t c proprietors, who has coino over from Victoria with the express object of engaging in thiß'Tinsiness, is a brewer of many years' experience. A serious accident occurred the other day at the Blue Spar, to a Norwegian < f the name of May. It appears that while he waa engaged in working on Morrison and Co. 's claim there, a landslip took place, and luricd him. Assistance being fortunately at hand, he was promptly extricated, and medical assistance obtained. It jb hoped that, although the injuries he has received are ot a serious niture, they will not bo fatal.

At a meeting of gentlemen held at Oamaru, on Wednesday last, it waa resolved to abandon tho idea of establishing a branch Society in connection with tho Caledonian ■Socivty in this city, and a Committee was appoiutcd to arrange for the holding of sports on N*c\v Year's Day.

A man named Michael Welsh, while walking yesterday on tho Green Island beach near tbe K.ikf rai river, observed Boraething protruding from the edge of the I ank in an up right posture. On examination it proved to bo a human skeleton in a fair state of preser vation From the size and configuration of tho bones, it is (supposed to be tho skeleton of a Maori. When aud how it came into that situation, cannot be ascertained.

List night the first of a series of lectures under tho auspices of tho Anderson's Bay Lodge, A.1.0.0.F., for tho purpose of creating a fund for tho establishment of a district library, was delivered by James Black, Ksq., of Duredin, in tho Presbyterian Church, Anderson's Bay. The chair was occupied by the Key. Mr M'Naughton, who in intro ducing tho lecturer, made pointed allusions to the object for which the lecture was Riven, as well as the advantages it was calculated to confer upon the district. Mr Black, who was very well rcceivod, choßc for his subject tho "Science of Asstronomy," and in Ja lecture, the delivery of which occupied upwards of two hours, discussed tho various theories, and illustrated the different discoveries by which the science had arrived at its present stage of development. The loiturewas characterised by considerable eloquence of diction, and elicited frequent applauso from the audience. At the conclusion, a hearty vote of thanks wjs accorded to tho lecturer, and a similar compliment to the Chairman brought the proceedings to a close. Tho attendance, considering tho boisterous state of the weather, waa very gooJ, although wo arc in:ormed that it did not by any means represent tho number of tickets which had been disposed of. It is understood that the second lecture of the series will be delivered by tho Ilcv. Mr Alves, of Eaikorai. The following ia the report of tho stato of the Hospital during tho week ending on Saturd-.y last :—Patients in tho Hospital at the beginning of the week, 110 men and 29 women, toial, 139 ; admitted during tho week, eiiht men and two wtirnon, total, 10, of whom three were the result of accidents. The number discharged during tho week was 13, of whom four men and cix women wero cured, ono man benefited, and two women not benefited. No deaths took place during tho week. The number of patients now in th=j Hospital is 13G, 113 men aud 23 women. Iho average daily attendance of out-door patients was 32, 16 being males and 1(J feaiales. Duriog tho month of November, the average number of resident patients was 130. tho relative proportions of the sexes being 113 men and 26wotccn, and during the arnie period four persons suffering from delirium In-meim were admitted.

Tho opening of the Princes/) Dramati j Company's season wai anythi g but an auspicious one. Just before the pc forroances com-mc-nc- d, there was a heavy and continued fall of rain, and tiiii had not only the efJVct of thinning the audience, but ol damping tho spirits of those who were present. The piece first played waa Cohnan's comedy, the "iieir-at-Law." Tiioso engaged in tho representation laboured under great diflicultivi, and the members of tho cast who made fckuir first appearance before a Dunedin audience had not a fair chance of showing what they could do The patter of cho rain cm tho roof almost drowned the voic s of tho act r.«, and, at times, tho dialogue only resembled pantomimic dumb show. But in sp:te of .ill, tlxe piece was excellently played. First of the ladies in the cast, Miss Dally Gr«cn's Cicely was unaffected, aud w.w good. The country girl, with a war/a heart aud a broad tongue, was pourtrayed very naturally, and the impersonation was very pleasing. Mis* Jenny Nye had only a small pars ; but that part waa played with her accustome.l ease and fiirah Miss Cassy Matthews ha-l another' sa.all character ; but she raadu the most of it that contd ba made. The character of Ezekiel Homespnn was represented by Mr Wilson, and he is entit ed to great praise for hia careful acting. His dialogue was good; and if, at times, there seemed to be a want of ease, or a deficiency in bye play, it suited the character, and made it less stagey aud more natural. Mr K. P. Whitworth, who made his first appearance, aud sustained the character of Dr Pangloss, made a favoura le impression. Hia conception ot the character, if not very powerful, waa very [correct. Bis make-up

waa good, and in "business" action Rnd bye play, ho Bhowed that he had stage confidence. Put ivo think tho part was ono hardly Baited to him. and trust to soc him in something more congeniaL Mr Roberts, as Dick D.<wlas, p^yc-l excellently, tho inipulsivonesi and th<> goo Inca* of heart of the chandler's son being wtll dcilincated. Mr Joyce's Lord Uubcrly wa3 not at all extravagant, andtho conception was evenly sustvined. All the old favourites wore heartdy welcomed by the audience, and the new fices came in for a share of tho applause. The playing the comedy in three acts, spoilt its construction ; but we hope that on its Becond representation a little more care will bo taken, ami that such things as tho furniture for one cham!>er scene being left on for tho next will be avoided. After tho comedy a new anpiraut for public favour, a Mits Ettie M'Donald, made her first appcarauco and sang a Berii-comic song. It was encored an-1 she substituted another. Miss M'Donald was evidently very nervous, and it would be unfair to decide yet as to her powers to please. The same remark will apply to Miss Herbert, who also made her first appearance, and who sustained a small part in the farce of "My Turn Next." In that piece Mr Wilmot and Miss Polly Leake renewed their acquaintance with the audience, and, as usual, there was plenty of fun. Tho samo programme wil to repeated this evening.

The Supreme Court Criminal Sittings wil! commence this morning at ten o'clock.

In our article on tho Lunatic Asylum published yesterday, a slight typographical error was mudo. It waa stated, under the head " Mode of Treatment," that refractory patuuts, on entering on asylum in Great Britain within the last "quarter of a century," would bavo been subjected to a course of treatment which would have been considered cruelty. It should have read "half a century. "

Tho meeting cf tho Education Board, which waa to have been held yesterday, is again postpoaid.

SMr Charlei Wilmot takes his farewell benefit on Thursday, and leaves for Borland, via Panama, on Saturday. The pieces to be played on the occasion of his benefit are the comedy of " The Bxbct in the Wood," and tho burlesquo of " Aladdin."

During the month of October 07-t money orders were issued, representing L 3224 19a Gd, and 324 were paid, amounting to LM4S •Is 3d. Bir:ce the c mmencement of tho system, on the lat of September, 18S2, 35,730 orders have been issued, representing L1CG,539 2s Bd, and 10,756, amounting to LBO 251 2s Bd, have been paid. In tho Pott Office Savings Bank Department, the number of new accounts during October was 81, and there were 311 additions to existing accounts. The depof-.its on new accounts amounted to L?GSS 13s Cd, and the additions to L28~7 Ms Bd. The total number of deposits was 392, making 5290 from the beginning of the system, amounting to LG7.198 19s 7d. There were 138 withdrawals during October, including seven accounts closed. The amount withdrawn was L 2350 15d sd. Since the establishment of the bystem, tberu have been 1872 withdrawals, together making L 29.829 -Is Sd.

We have received a copy of a work entitled "Baptism, or the import, subjects, and mode of tho initiatory rite of the Chriatian Church," by tho .Rev. George Sutherland.

On Saturday last, tho members of the West Taieri Volunteers competed a second time for the medal subscribed for by the Company. 17 competed, and the shooting on the whole was very gocd. A close contest took place for firet honours between Corporal Ko>>ert«on and Volunteers Bathgoto and David BucbaDan, resulting in favour of Volunteer Bathga'o by one point, the scores being—Bathgate, 53 ; .Robertson, 52 ; and Buchanan, 52.

A Cricket Match', between 11 of tho marriod and II of the single membcrß of tho Citizens' Club, was played/m tho grounl of the Dunedin Club yesterday. Tho mar-rind members scored in their first innings a totnl of 51, and in their second 44. For the opposite side the totals recorded were-—first innings, 41 ; second do, 35; majority for married members, 19

In the Resident Magistrate's Court, Port Chalmers, yesterday, btfore D. L'olfe, Esq , and Captain Thomson. J. P.'s., Coile August, a seaman belonging to the barque Dayspring, was s« ntenced to 14 days' imprisonment with hard labour, for wilml ditobedience to lawful commands ; and James Hamilton, Charles Johnson, Thomas Cowan, John Anderson, and Olaf Pat*rsou, seamen belonging lo the barque Ada, wero each sen tented to twelve weeks' imprisonment for desertion. Mr Governor Caldwell report; that there aro now the following prisoners in I;unediu Gaol: —Awaiting trial, 17 men ; under remand, 1 man ; penal servitude, 18 man ; hard labour, 53 men and 10 women ; imprisonment, 1 man and 1 woman ; iadefault of bail, 2 men ; debtors, 3 men ; total, 95 men and 11 wonicu. During the waek there were received 8 men and 2 wonieu, ana 8 men wo-.e discharged. I

A recent number of tho Victorian Polica Gazette announces thit the well-known card sharpers, against whom there was a charge of having cheated a man out of LISS, were " wanted." Two of them, James Mitchell and .Samuel Thomas, have been arrested in Dunedin, and they will be brought before tho Resident Magistrate to-day.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 2129, 1 December 1868, Page 2

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Untitled Otago Daily Times, Issue 2129, 1 December 1868, Page 2

Untitled Otago Daily Times, Issue 2129, 1 December 1868, Page 2