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SHIPPING. FOR TUE THAMES GOLDFIELD3. For Lyttelton, Welllntrton, Nelson, Tarannkl, Napier, and Auckland. HPHE P.N.Z. and A.R.M. " Co.'b steamship LOUD ASHLEY, „ ,„ 000 Ton», H. vlonsp Commander, Will leave Port Chalmers for tho above ports (in TUESDAY, Ist DEC'EMBKK. Shipping ordera can now bo had. Cargo is being roccived at Wharf. For frolght or pawiatre, apply to GEO. S. BRODRICK, Atcorit, Euttray iitreet. I nxmngen embark by steamer leaving tho Jetty at BTEAM TO MELBOURNE DIP.ECT, VIA BLUFF. -Kkg^mHE RN.Z. and AR.M. JSBnSgggJy J- ■ Co.'» Stencnxhip KAKGITOTO. 1000 TonH, W. H. BAX, R.N.R Commander, Will be despatched for Mellxjarnr! dlr«.-t, on or nbont WEDNESDAY, '2nd DECEMBER. Paxw.n K crK looked through to all Atwtrallan porta. For freight or passage, upjjly to GEO. S. BRODRICK, Agent, •n .. _ Rnttray Ktrcct. Dnnedln Pansengora conveyed on board froe by two • clock steamer. FOR OAMARU, TIMARU, AKAHOA, AND LYTrELTON. X E E R A, WEDNESDAY, AND E VERY FOLLOWING TUESDAY, Full or not full. O. O. RUSSELL and Co., Or H. HOUGHTON and Co. DUNEDIN TO MOERAKI AND OAMARU. ■£& O^^ °^ *G0 undermentioned Regulsu- Trndora :— ANNE. MATILDA HAVES. MIDLOTHIAN, PIONEER, or THREE BROTHERS, VtU, In future, bo despatched for the above Porta m follows :— For Moerakl, ererj- Satnrday ; for Oamarn, ovary Wodneuday and Satnrday. Kor freight, apply to HENRY AITKEN, Onmarn ; or, KEITH RAMSAY, Jetty Btroet. FOR TAIERI FERRY and WAIHOLA LAKF.. /iijLrJT* H E Favonrito Schoonor «Si!s«' FLYING SQUIRREL, Being now a reffilar trailer to the Tnieri Ferry, will also take cargo, should unlTlrlcnt inducement offer, up to the Waihola Lake. For freight, apply to KEITH RAMSAY, Duncdin. For bick loading, apply to Mr Irvine, Taieri Ferry ; or Mr Webb, Wuihola Jetty. FOR KAKANUI DIRECT. *£%■'• Favorito Schooner *~ MIDLOTHIAN I Will Sail for the nbove Port On TUESDAY, Ist DECEMBER. For freight apply to KEITH RAMSAY, Agent, Jetty Bfcroot. FOB r.ATJNCESTON DIRECT. p v rnHE SCHOONER WALRUS, V ,•„ ~ JL Xx Ton H Renter, W !ll n»il for the iilkjvc Port on THURSDAY NEXT, tho tfrd DECEMBER. For freiglit or paasagu, Apply to DALGKTY, P.AITRAV, and CO., Bond utrert. PUBL'icTNOTICBa. AUCTI ON EERS.—Th c Siibscribers beg le:ivo to inform tho public Unit on ]Ht of Jnnuury ni-xt they i>urpos« tuldipg to their busineni thut of Auctionfem, for tin- pnrpoFo of enabling th»m to sell by publle mle (l>es!iicH s<-lling privately i« hitherto) Rural LnmlM. Farm und Other Country Properties, Suburban nr.d Town Landn and KwidcncoEf, Ornin, HtantliiiK Crops, in., &c. ; also, Ships, Hulls, Lighter*, Wr«:ks. &t!., i<;. Dulrvmple, Junr., and Co., StufTord fitrjtt, Duuedin. Nov. L'i;th, 18CS. TO MERCHANTS, BAKERS, ie T_TAVING appointed Messrs SERVICE, GIBSON, i-.nd Co., Agents for the Salo or my FLOUR ami OATMEAL, all order* left at their Office, High street, will be attended to. ALLAN KING, Otago Stonm Mill 3, Green Island. NOTICE. TULIDS HYMAN7 Jeweller, Princes Pj Ktreut, respectfully takes this opportunity to notify to liirt friends am! the public generally, that he has this dny sold his Watchmukiiif; and Jowellia-y IliMinc-p-i t<» llwn), Hiirrop imml Nelll, and bG{p> to thank them for tlic'kiii.l putronagu accorded to him during the hist eight yearn. All watches, jewellery, &c, left for repairs, will bo found in the care of Mot.sik. Harrop and Ncill, who will carry on tho bu»ineK» as heretofore, and for whom he Boliuit-. a cxiiitiminnce <j! j«ist fuvon. All lu-counts oKaiiiHt mo arc rrt|urated to bo snnt in by"thu lith lnaUuit, to my ofllco on tiic al»ve jjremkos. J. HVMAN. ITAIIROP and NEILL beg to call XX the attention of their friends und the public to tho abovo nniiOimccntent. Being Ilrst-chiss ]>rnctical v.'orkmcn in all the briusch-s of the bnsincsii, they trust, by the strictest attention to biisincs-i, to merit a Bliarc of tho public patronage. VOLITIsfTEEH^JJOTICESr^' VOLUNTEERS FOR THE FRONT. WANTED Men for tho Armed Constabulary Force to servo in too North Mund. Must be unmarnl<l and between the ages of 18 to :'.O. Must produce testimonials of character. Apply at the Militia Office,, Dowllng street, between the hours of 11 and 1 o'clock daily. I3y order, JNO. JAS. ATKINSON, Capfc. and Adjutant, Militia and Volunteers, Duncdin. PARTifERSHIP DISSOLVED NOTICE. THE Partnership hitherto existing between John uud Chnrlca Flexman, Woolbrokers mid Tannora, Dnnedin and Hokitika, trading nmler the firm of Flczunn Eros.. boB been this day di^.olve.l by mutual consent. All accounts in favour or against the firm, wil bo r.f*iv«l and paid by Charles Flexman, %vho will continue to carry on the bubincss. JOHN IXKXMiN. CHAELES FLEXaiAN. Witnera : W. SI'AVKI.Y. November 27, IBGB. TAILOBsI ANSLOW and SAMPSON, Military and Merchant Tailors, \ Hat Manufacturers, Clothiers and Outfitters, Princce street, Dnnedin; and 101, Swanston itreot, j Melbourne. ! N.B.—A largo Stock ol Colonial-mado Clothin , always on hand. ; WILLIAM SINCLAIR, I TAIIX)R AND OLOTUOtB, :. Princes street, Opposite Criterion Hotel), Dnnedin. AMES M ' G A W, (Late G. H. Boach,) Tailor, Clotliicr, Hatter, Hosier, Glorcr, an Habit Maker, Princes street, Dunedln.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 2128, 30 November 1868, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 Otago Daily Times, Issue 2128, 30 November 1868, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 Otago Daily Times, Issue 2128, 30 November 1868, Page 1