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SAI.ES BY AUCTION. i HOTICTS OF POSTPONESSEST OF SALE. TN consequence of Saturday, sth Deccm- . btr, Ijcldj; tlio Departure of tho English Mall, the Sale of Ftirnituxß ia Postponed to Saturday, 12th December. , Tho Stock will be «old onPriday, llth December. POWER, FANTLIN. and Co. BATOBDAY, 12th DECBMBEB, At 12 o'clock. AT THE BROCKVILLE ESTATB, Waikari. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, BOOKS, fcC. POWER, PANIrLIN, and Co. L have received Inntnictions to «01l by public unction, on 3 ituniny, 12th December, at 12 o'clock, at Brockvillo Estate, Waikari, Tho whole of tlio Extensive and Modem Pnraiture, of Jno. Borton, Esq., cowistiiify of — Drawing-room suite. wardroWs, bookciue, fidebo»rd, dining tables and ctuilri!, whatnots, tewing machine, writing desk*, handsome cottage pianoforte, curtains, polea. Sic, Kidderminster carpets, bcarthrug3. en-grnvlng-i, cryntal and glassware, cutlery, toilet uible» mid Klassai, washßtanda, toiletware, cheuta of drawcrH, fenders, flreirons, mats, vases, lsunjw, clocks, iron bedsteads, bedding, baths, *c, *c, tec. Tho Dairy Utensil* consist of chmms, milk bucket*, paua, tins, and everything rcqnialto for condncting a dah-y. Tbo Kitchen Furniture in very complete and good, containing cooking range, boiler, drawer, tables, chulrn, bread taabu, meat covers, clock, Itmpi, Bcalo and weight*, bucket*, Biiuoj pans, prenerylnjf pans, pot*, pnnx, brooin»,bnwhes, waalungandmiingling machines, fee, tic. Tho Library comprises nbcrat 200 voJmmen of lterary, ncieutlilc, poetical, and historical works. Catalogues can be had oa application to tbo Ace- ■ Uonflen. POWgB, PANTUW and Co. MUDAY, 4th DECEMBER, At 3 o'clock. At Long Boom, Criterion Hotel, Duncdin. BItOCKVILLE ESTATB, WAJKAKI. POWER, PaIsTTLIN, ana Co. JL h»ro received inntnictions to Bell by public auction, on .Friday, 4th December, at 8 o'clock, at tho Long Boom, Criterion Hotel, Dunedin, That valuable freehold property known aa tho BrockvUle Estate, situated nt Waikari, consisting of 216 acres 2 roods 24 polo of splendid land, all fenced, excepting 10 acres of bush ISO acres of above aro under cultivation, In (jro.«a : and crops . ■ .Tho residence consist of » raibstential tttone and wood houso of eight rooma, at present in tho occupation of th« proprietor, Jno. Borton, Km]., who is about leaving for Kuropo. The adjoining buildings conaifl* of bonus conch-house, stables. Sic., be. • Tho Anctioneors. in drawing attention to tlio Bale of thia valuablo property, confidently ntate Uiat, from tho richnctw of the land, the substantial buildings erected thereon, and its proximity to town, it in one of tho most valuablo properties that have been offered for •ale. ' A plan of tho property can be seen at tho offlco of the Auctioneers. Further particulars can bo obtained on application to Messrs KENYOS ami MADDOCK, Solicitors, Princes street; or, to POWER. PAKTIJN THIS DAY, SATURDAY, 28th NOVEMBER, At half-pant 12 o'clock. At ;the Promises "£ Messrs Bentwitoh nnd C«., oppouite the Bunk of Now South Wales, Princes street. Messrs BENTWICH and Co., Having boW their lease to a London firm, have determined to clear out the whole of their 8 T O C X, nnd have Instructed ED E CAR L E and CO. . to Mill on Saturday next, tho wholo of the Stock, consisting of Writing detks, P.M. an«l oWicr work-boxes, dressing-coh.-s, portfolio.*, iiikntaiuls, cribbnge botirdd, chea?mim, cords, tastwli, puffboxes, valuta, U>il«t bottle!*, concertinas, tea caddie?, juwcl and glove-l>oxes, envelope cuw-H, nhell nnd fancy canes, albums, watch pocketx, draft boards, dice, courier nnd UMuh' l>n(?«, enrpet and school bugs, pcrarubulatorx, ladius" ami Rent's companions, rattles,. card Htaiuls, thimble?, screens, HtuilK. rinp«, bracelets', efig IjoUcth, comlH of evory sort, knivwi. Hciwors, pencil', perfumory, caretsUe visitc, toys, pijwa, tobacco, cigars, berlin wool, Mr and Mrs Tom Thumb in klubh case. UnroHorvcd. Terms at sale. THURSDAY, 3rd DBOKMBEE. At 12 o'clock. .VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY. GILLIES and STREET are instructed to Bell by public unction, in their Rooms, Princes btrcct, on Thursday, Srd Decczuber, nt 12 o'clock, The Lotme, hnvinp C\ ywirs to run, of Sections 44 and V,. a. IX., Dnncilin (Dowling Htreut), with ti liirgc well-built dwelling-houto ol eight rooms, presently occupied by Dr Waters, nnd six four-roomed cottngts, all Insured nnd constantly let. Tlie large garden is well stocked with fruit trees. Possession will bo given on Bth January next. No reserve. GILLIES and STKEET, Auctioneers and Estate Amenta. ~~ STOCK, STATIOIfS, &o. THIS DAY, SATURDAY, 28th N0\ rEMBER, At 12 o'clock. At Provincial SnU Yurds. WELL URED IfACKS, LIGHT HABKSTSS, AND DRAUGHT 'HOUSES. DRIVER, MACLEAN, and Co. are Instructed by tlie iiniK>rtorn to offer for wile by puMic auction, at the above Yards, on Saturday, mil instcrifc, at 12 o'clock, : l n Hoibch, of tho above description. Ex Bticitlvptim. from (iipiw Land. SATURDAY, li'tli DKCEMISEK, At 12 o'clock. HORSES, BUGGIES, SADDLES. HARNESS, &C. MATTHEW HAY has .received instructions from the Executor* in tlio estate of tho lnte Mr Matthew Fotta, to sell by auction, at the Victoria Hotel Yards, on Suturday. 12th Dec., IFCH, vi folloivß :— Cf Morses, </niet in Bingle and double harness q Marcs do do do ■° fboUi in foal) <0 Firat-closs backs 0 Ponies, brokert tf> saUdic and haracas — a ■" Fplcmltd match •t Chesnut filly 1 AJbert car, and hnmessj 1 Couch, and double harness J Singlo buggy, andhaniessi I Dray „. Q Riding saddles—gentlemen's ■j Side saddle. Tho Auctioneer has great pleasure In calling special attention to the above gale, as partita in -Bunt of a staunuh riding h .ck for the Christina* and New Year holidays can purchase one to advantage. "' " RUNS FOR SALE. . ~^ * fIARGILLS AND M'LEAN V_y have several dostrable STATIONS For Sale in Otago and Sonthland. Q H E E P F O~R SALE. hD Doliversble in varioa» parts of the Provaxa. Lambe Ewes Store and fat wethen Store and fat cattle. . CAKoroa mb& yx^EAN. T? O B SA LE. L. ' " ■ ' ■ STOBH WETHERS in Wool, at tbo Station of JP. B. ATKINSON, ■ " near Oamarn. j^Olt SALE, Horse, Harness, and Express, cheap. Apply Mr W. Wright, Grocer, Great King street. T7OB SALE, a Team of Fivo Horses . and Waggon, complete; the-owscr Icarine tho countrjr, Oa Tiew WUito Horse StaMca.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 2127, 28 November 1868, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Otago Daily Times, Issue 2127, 28 November 1868, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Otago Daily Times, Issue 2127, 28 November 1868, Page 4