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TO LET. TO LET. A TWO - ROOMED HOUSE and Stablinjr, with a Kilty-aero Paddock, on' the Anderson's Bay read, within one mile from the Pott Office, Apply to M'CALLUM, KEIIX, and Co., Bond street. - T O LB T. •piIRST-OLASS VILLA RESIDENCE. SIX BOOMS, and GARDEN Anderson's Say. Apply M'LANDBBSa. HBPBUBN, and Co. Tji JLR M TO BE LET. A FplcnJM Farm at'Otepopo, containing about 200 acres, nearly all fenced and under crop. Has a Dwel-ling-house, Stable. Bam, Ate. | For rent, term, and other particulars, apply to Messrs Council and Moodlc, "land agents, Dunedin ; or Oonncll and Webb, laud agents, Oamnru. FAKM TO LET. TO LET, for a term of years, a Firsfcclas* Farm of 1000 acres In the Tokomalriro District, fronting the Vain South Bond, all fenced, with dwelling-houm of noven rooms, stable for-woven horses, barn, soft, z 18ft., stockyard, cart and other ■beds, garden well stocked with fruit trees, kc, 4c For particolani, apply to MLANDBES3, HEPBUBX, and Co. Auctioneers, Dunedin. NOTICE. mO be LET by TENDER, the Stables attached to the Victoria Hotel, I«wmc«. Tenders to be forwarded to W. E. Farrer, or Dr. Stewart, on or before the ■Ith December. TO LET, a 6ve-roomed Brick House with garden. Howcll, Filleul street; or, Roberta, Prince* street sooth. ' TpO LET—Comfortable Two, Five, and JL Six-roomed detached COTTAGES. Apply Brown's Store, top Battray street. TO BE LET OR SOLD, New Sixroomcd House; reduced rent. David Robs, Architect, Princes street. npO LET, a 5-roomed Brick COTTAGE. JL Apply to Jucob Fogel, Great King struct. TO LET,. rTYHE House and Grounds in Leith JL street, Pelichet Bay, the property and residence of Win. Garr Young, Es<i., to whom apply, on the premises. ' EDUCATION AL. PIANOFORTE AKD SINGING. MISS BELL Reives PUPILS at Jill C. BEOQ'S MUSIC SALOON, Princes street. Terms, at Mr Begg's, Four guineas por quarter ; a» Elwood Cottage, Cumberland street. Three gnincaa and at the residence of the pnplls, according to distance. T>OARDING and DAY SCHOOL J_> . For Young Ladies. The MISSKS 6PKOULB, Lackbeg House, Comer of Mtiitliuul street and 'Walker street Prosucctuac* orwanled on npplioation. . BUSINESS NOTICES. WM. C O U S T O N, FUBNISHING mONJIONOER, Tin-plate Worker, Plumber, and GAS-FITTER. Returns his sincere tlianks to hln Friends and the Public generally, lor tho liberal support he lias received for the lost ten years, and begs to Inform them that he has now opened his New Premises in RATTKAY 6TKKET, "Wh«rc he hopes, by strict attention to businesH, and moderate prices still to merit their patronage, tic. MANGLK3 i MANGLES 11 MANGLES! ! 1 A AND T. BUKT have much pleasure • in requesting the attention of their Friends and the Public, that they hare been appointed Solo Ajtcnut for the talc of Low und Duff't Pnu-nt Manglcx in New Zealand. Tho large reputation they have gained in the Homo Country, Victoria, nnil New Sonth Wales, is ample proof of. their efficiency. They tako up Httlo room, simple in count ruction, modi rate in jirico, ai.d are most useful articles in any household. The first .shipment have jurt lauded by Wm. Davio, and can now be iiixiwcted oi» the premised. Note tho Address— OTAGO PLUMBER, COPPER.7 & BRASS WORKS, Princes street, nt-ur Octagon. P. CHRISTEN and CoT . GRAIN AKD FLOUU MEBCUANTS, Shipping Ai-'euU. ic, , ADELAIDE, AND POUT ADELAIDE, SOUTII AUSTRALIA. MBWE BURALL, Mechanical and JLjjL Mining Engineer, Next Bank of New South Wales. Mr Bnrall will undertake tho designing and erection of all descriptions of Mining and other Machinery ; General Management of Companies, including periodical Inspection and practical Supervision of Quartz and Alluvial Mining interests WKtnr'R>u%s, Sic. PORT CHALMERS NEWS AGENT. "OOBERT N. ADAMS, News Agent, JLV In returning thanks to tho Inhabitants of Port Chalmers and surrounding districts, fur tlie liberal support he has enjayed sine* commencing in the above line, begs to intimate that all orders left with Mr C HUDSON, Greengrocer, Port Chalmers, or at Thnt Printing Office, Duiicdlii, will receive prompt an punctnal attention. All Engliflh papers sold. Time find Wttneu may be hod of Mr Hudson. Small parcel? carried either way, at very reasonable raven (can Deleft with Mr Hudson, P. C, or Tuna Ufflce, Dunedin). Commissions executed. TiriLLIAM GREENWOOD, NightIT man.—Address Boxee : Queen's Arms liote Union Hotel, Craigicoarn Hotel, Provincial Hotel Glaiagow Arms UiteL. Royal George Hotel, York Hotel, London Tavern, Empiru Hotel, Old Identity Hotel, Sussex Hotel, Oddfellows' Arms Hotel, Robert Burns Hotel, Hibernian Hotel. Rubbish taken away on the shortest notice, N.B. — Chimney sweeping done. William Grkknwoob'S name alone on tho boxea. to th« Honorable Board of Admiralty. ' ."Lp L I Z A T I N S L E V, -Li ■ Sodgely, near Dudley, in England. ■ ■ Manufacturer of Wroaght Nails, best, E. T. Charcoal Horse-Nails, Chains, and Rivets, and of ' • PATKKT WBOI7GHT NAILS, Exactly idmilar in every respect to the Ewbank nail. The attention ot merchant* is particularly called to the prompt execution their Indents will receive, and Hw. better terms they will obtain if entrusted to tho above-named firm.', ~, ~ , ... ■ • London, 21, Chlswell street. I BEG to rail attention to my BAKING POWDER, which has , now stood tho teat of public opinion for more than twenty years, my object being to caution against purchasing any article which doeu not, bear my, trade mark and signature. Spurious and injurious substances, I flnd, arc Doing placed before the Public as Baking Powder, to the Uijury of my article, and the health of those using such spurious imitations. • TUo article can .bo purchased of all respectable Storekeepers, Chemists, and Grocers. I would also call the attention of Captains and Owners of Passeh< ger and Emigrant Ship*, to the importance of taking • good supply of this useful article to sea, as it is not only a great Boon- to Passengers, Officers, &c,;but effects a great saving in time, and economises labour In Making Bread; Pastry- *©~ independent of the beaeflcial results on the health of those on board. '.. ". GEOBGE BOBWICK. SBBTICB, GIBSON, and Co., '- " - Wholesale Agents, Donedln. THE DUKE OF eI^BURGH ' ' ' ' '. FAUCB, Prepared by JOHN MOni * EON, Aberdeen.—The Duke of Edinburgh Suuco.—Tlie success of the season at the table, for its agreeable, warming, and stimulating qnalitiesv U tae Duke of Edinburgh Sauce; it aids aigestfon, '»nd for .flavour is nhsurpoftfod. I'repared by John Jloir and Son. Aberdeen.' Sold by ail respect able Oroccrg and Oilmen. rpHE'SPARkLING MOSELLE> No. 2; X , ThU wine,: first shipped by Deinhard and Jordan, of Cobtenz (which firm has boon -extinct glnco 1804), being how imitated in Btyli aiid label, it become* Decenary to state— ' ■'■■■■ - ' ' > > • : Ist. Tnat Mr, Anthony Jordan, at Coblenz on the Rhine, and' Moselle '(Prussia), it tho only BUrvivinß partner of tbo flrm of Deinbard and Jordan. 2nd. That it i* he who invented tho' original modo Df preparation that has made tho Sparkling Moselle No. 2, so popular." ' ". ' ■- '' 3rd. ?3iat_con»equenUy; tho SpOTkllng Moselle, No. I, shipped by Mr Jordan, beiring hfa brand, "A J" is also tho old label, is tho best guarantee of its [CTiuitwrwaM i "■,!■* •■" ■■•■!■• . , . •„.::■:/; V-' :D . Xoodon A<ar«w ■■' ;. - ;/.;,.:.. -.-: , A. JOBDAN, ii, puipot Lane, Fencljurcli Street.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 2126, 27 November 1868, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Otago Daily Times, Issue 2126, 27 November 1868, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Otago Daily Times, Issue 2126, 27 November 1868, Page 4