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SAIiBS BY AtTCTIOH. WEDNESDAY 2nd DKCEimSB, At 'I o'clock. KtKEHOLD CITY PHOPETITX. ■ocrre between Jetty urid Liverpool Etreeta. TIjT'LANDRESS, nEPBURN, and Co. JjJL hsTO received instrnrtlons from the ProrincUl lE—ieminent to sell by aoutUn, at tbclr Booms, •bnae stroet, on Vfodncsilay, December irod, »t i Vclock, That Block of Land, being the Reserve between Jetty and Llrw|)col streets, in which »__ tuo YoA Offleo Ballding». "M> Stone Stores Utidy oc—pic4 by Uaasn M'Callnm, Jldll, and "Co., and tbo Stone Sto—s am) otier offices lately ocuupted by Mr W. H. Beynolds. Ttm JOock fans a frontage ot ITS feet $ inches U PrincCT and Bond strceta. aad 151 foettc Jetty and Llvcri>o»l strevto. Tbe Block has been divided into •octiona, an<: lithoetaphic pbuui can be had by applylnf to tho Auctioneer!!. Ibß Auctioneers, In drawing n'.tontlon'tp th« abon t»j»r_nt Hrfe of Freehold City Property, ncoS onlj mnuxlc that Ita central and comra&ndlng portion ron^ dan it the most valuable piece of land that can now ■aw acquired within the City, and win afford to merabuts übA tatherw, tho only opportunity Thich the] tm% likely to powss of acenrin^ uuitable bwln«M sites ' TOTS DAY. FRIDAY, 27t1» KOTEMBKR, At 1 o'clock. _otcl Farnlture, Stock, Horses/ Harness, Cows, Oata Poultry, iic., ius. At Mr M'Kenny's Kartigi Hotel, near Mocraki. Under Power of Billof Sale. MTLANDRESS, HEPBURN, and Co are instructed to sell by auction, a. _tr .'M'Kenny's Kartijfi Hotel, Trotter"* Crack, noa: J_ttraki, on Friilay, 27th instant, at 1 o'clock, The whole of tbe Hotel Vurnitnre, stock, stroni horses, cows, harness, jwultry, oats, hor»o power clialt-cntter, carta, pUtighs, harrows tic, tic., 4to. Tarms cash. MONDAY, 30th NOVEMBER, At 12 o'clock. Tor the benefit of whom it m«y oonccnu ; M'LANDRESS, ', HEPBDiENy and Co nrp instructul to rell by auetton,. nt. tfaei Booms, iltmyc ttrc.-t, on Mwi>lny, ;K)th instant, at 1 •o'clock, 15 trn.l galvnnfHod tiles • ' 31 do giilvaui*yl iron, 7 feet 4 bale* paper'bibfp. Terms cimli. TUESDAY, Ist DIX;EMHER, . At 12 o'clock. DAMAGED TEAS, Ex Httmpan. For tho benefit of whom it may concern. M'LANDRESS, nErBURN, and Co are !nn>.rnet«d l>y Mcsim Cargllls and 11'Ltai to veil by auction. At tho TJniverßal Bond, On Tuefifeiy, lnt December, At VI o'clock, She damaged portion of tho Teas, ex Sunp&n, a tollowß :— N0.2-1 4 cliwt'i 21 1« do :w VI do 1* 1 do 10 r, do <; lo j.ciwwte r, v do 11 ,', do 20 15 do 18 18 .lo :;-j! 8 do :;> :; do 2 is do 1 1O ll<l "H :S2 iio 17 VI boxes ::o no d/> Hi -i!) ilo 4 XI ill) y 17 do 7 11 clu.-sta •2T. 10 do lit :» j-rhcßts » U do •J 11 do ■J7 13 do 2i; 1« d-> IK 11 do 'Jl 12 do 1.-, W <lo 12 12 do "Buyers will have an opportunity of Inßpecting th -teas at tlifi Univorisul Bond on tho day buforo tlie salo. Tcnna cash. KOTICE OF I'OSri'ONJJMIiNT OF BALK. F' consequence of Saturday, sthT)ecein brr, l»injf the 1) iiarturo of tho Kojjlmh Mail. Ui Sdo of Kiiraitunj i» I'o<tp-jnud to Buturduy, 121 - Decemb«T. Tius Stock will be sold on Friday. 11th DecpmlxT. POWER. PANTLIN. and Co. SATUBDAY, 12th DECEiUJER, At 12 o'clock. AT TUB BROCKVILLB ESTATE, Waikuri. ~OTJSEIIOLD FOItNTTURK, BOOKS, &C. POWE 11, P Airr LIN, and Co JL bare received instructions to soil by tpubli murrtion. on R iturj.iy, I'.'tfi Ui)!;uait«r. at 12 o'clock, a JJrotivillo E-.tiit3, Wnikori, The whole ot tho Extensive and Modern Furniture of Jno. IJorton, Eyq., <:on»intiii(; of — ■Drnwidjj-room auitc. wai'drobui, bookeaue. side board, dinin;; tables nnd chr.irj, whutnou fcwins; marhirc. writfnir de^ks, handivtm <a>ttago j)iiinoforte, curtains, ik)lo>, iic, Kidderininstur carpets, hcarthrugß, en graving, crystil ai.d giaK^iTtirc, cutlrrj toili.'t tiibli'? ami prhts-cfl, wuabjlands, toilet ware, cheats of dnivvers, fciidurs, Qroirone mats, vast*, l.itnpH, clock-i, iron "bedsteads bcxlding, b.itlu-, Sic, ka. tus. ■fflic Dairy U'cnsils consist of churns, mill buckets, pans, tins', and everything reijuLsiu for conilucl.iii(? a dairj-. TTho Kitcli'Mi Furniture is very complete nnc Kwd, conta'iiing cooking rang», boiler lindMr, t'ibl«a, cli-iirs, breud tuba, meal co\t»rß, clrw:k, Inmpa, »c:iie and weights buckets, sattot pans, presuryinK pmia. jjota Pmih, brooms, brnahes, washing and mangling iniu;liitii.\s, &c, Sm. The Library comj.riws nbqut 200 volumes o: ilcrary, scicuLiiic, poeticul, and hbitorlca works.' tiiMosuescan bo had on application to tho AnotaojsciLji'ti. POVTKR, PANTLIN and Co. Mil DAY, ; itli DECEMDEU, At 3 o'clock. At Long Room, Criterion Hotel, Duncdin. BUOOKVILLT3 ESTATE, WAIKAKI. POWER, PANTLIN, and Co. have roenived instructions to sell by public auction, on KriJay, -Ith Deenmfcwr,1 at 8 o'clock,'at tho 3Lmig Kooni, Criterion Hotel,:l>miedin. That valuable freehold |>roixjrty. known as tho Bruckvillc K^tate.Eiyiiatcdat Waikari, consitting of 2IC acra3 2 roods 21 poles of splaudld land, all fiauxd, excepting 10 acres of b'jsh XSO aero« of above arc under cultivation, In grass and craps The rcsiiionca ccasistd of n. substantial stone and ■wooil house of eight room*. *t present in tho oocnpatiou ot tljo pruprioior, Jno. Borton, l>>q., who vi nbout learing for Euroi>e. Tlie adjoiutiift buildings consist of barns, oonch-houAO, stabler, &c, &c. The Anctionccra, In drawing attention to the Bale of *hia valuable projiorty, ooufiUoutly state that, from tlia xichne«H of tlie land, tho subalaftial bnjliiings erected Xh—eou, and its proximity to town,; it ;s ono of tho must valuable proportion that have boon offered for •*-Oe. ■ ' : A. plan of tiro property con bo seen at tbe office of the AlECtioneara. Further particulars can bo obtained on application 'to ■ : Messrs KENYON and MADDOCK, Solicitors, Princes sti'cct; or, to - . POWEIi, PAKTLIN Tiir/IJSDAY, »rd DECE3I«ER. At 12 o'clock. VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY. ■jHIILIES and STREET 'V#~ arc instructed to sell by public auction, in thoir ■Eooros, I'raicoa street, on Thursday, ardDeccmbor, at 32 o'clock, ■ ' '■.'••■:■ "• '■' ■ ■ Tho Lease, having CJ j-cars to run, of. Section! U and 4. r>, B. IX., Dt/tieJiu (Dowliiig fltreet), • witli a largo well-built dwelling-house of eight rooms, presently occupied by Dr , "K'aterg, and six four-roomed cottages, all insured and constiintly lot. Tho largo garden Is woll stocked with fruit trees, v Jp^sscsslon will bo glveu on Bth Janoory iicxt. No reserve XJiIXIES and STREET, ..,'.■ An<Stlouoots vad, Estate Ajeata..

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 2126, 27 November 1868, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Otago Daily Times, Issue 2126, 27 November 1868, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Otago Daily Times, Issue 2126, 27 November 1868, Page 4