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MISCELLANEOUS 'WANTS. RS. A L P E N N Y'S CETTTUX B.EGISTRT OWCB. Belerave Chambers, Princes street. Accomnodatlon for Servnntß. Good trtoratge for boxes. MISSALLAN, BEararnr Omo, Gcorg* ittreet, Wanted, mil clamcs of servant* to apply. WANTED— Tallow, Tallow, Tallowto Purchase Tallow, In any quantity. Albion Soap Works, Great King street, WANTED to SELL, a three-year-old Ayrehiro BULL. Apply F. H. Tovmsend, dairyman, Caversliam. WANTED to Sell, handsome Fourroomed COTTAGE with Garden. Apply VLaarm Bros. Great King street. ANTED to LET, Parlour and Bedroom, Furnished or Unfurnished, Apply, House abovo Ocrzio Doll, Regent Uo«l. WANTED~to~SELL7^FreehoId Section and Cottage, in Mornington—a Bargain. Ajiply. Farraat'u Store, Maclagjjan strwt. WANTED to LET, Bedroom and I Sitting Boom, for Married Couplo or two Gentlemen, with or without Board, near Flagstaff. Port Chalmers. Inqalro at Mr Gibson, grocer. Port Chalmers. WANTED, to Instruct Juniors in General Literature, and mnkeoncoelf gcnorully uicful. Comma, office of thU paper. ANTED, Private Board and Residence. Apply by letter, " Pica," office of this paper.. WANTED.— TENDERS~Wanted for Painting Verandah, and other work. Mr Smith, Cobh'a office. ANTED KNOWN, Drain Pipe* of every description; chimney tops, Sower pots, ornamental vanes, fern pans, flooring tilias, bricks, Sic., tor sole, at Lambert's Watcr-of-Lelth Works. WANTED to Dispose of, Boot and Shoo BtiKinesß, Princes street south. For particulars, apply, BCOBLE. Georgo street. W ANTED, PASSENGERS by Cobb'g Coachci to know they can rely on being called at the Occidental Hotel. DUliard balls, cloth, tips, cnen, Ac, on Bale. WANTED the Public to Know, tliat Glbbt and Clayton have on hand a great variety of doors, ttuihec, nionliilngn, und all kinds of manufactured material* for building purposes, at greatly reduced prices; nlso, that they are prepared to exocnto all orders on the shortest natice. Country customers please note address:—GlßUS and CLAYTON, Snah, Door, and Blind Factory; Cumberland und King streets, Duiicdin. ANTED KNOWN, Gentlemen's ' Suite of Tweods moilc to order, well shrunk, style and fit second to none, at IA per suit. Albo, Trowscra and Vest, at/50?, all wool, made by hand, and no deception ; cheapest liouhc in tlic trndr: tor best clothing. Alao, Suits of Clothing, well cleaned und prc&MM. ut Ca v suit. £. Stokes, Tailor, next to British Hotel, Gcorgo street. HOTEL FOX SALB. . VV ANTED, TENDERS for the Pur- * » chant! of tho Edinburgh. Cattle Hotel and Stables, with the Freehold Land, situate at Uavcrehain. Fuitlier particulars limy lie obtained by applying to the Hiiduntigiicd r tn whom all tc-mlerß must be a«l<lret*od and sent In not later than sth December. Tliu highest or any tender uct necessarily accepted. KKNYON and MADDOCIC, Solicitors, Princes street. Novcmlicr 25th, 1813. \\T A N T E D, t I Gentlemen to hay« their O h O T X B S Efficiently CLEANED AND PRESSED, At FIVE SHILLINGS PER SUIT, At inSSCU'S DUNEDIN DYE .WORKS, GEOftGE Street. TUTORS, CLERKS, &c. rpEACHEIt WANTED, for tho Side JL School, Soutlibridg.) District, T<jkomairiro. Salary (including rent allowance) .CIUO, and all tho pehool fees. Applications with UvUmouials to be lodged wiUi mo ou or before the lth December next. 11. R. JONES, Clerk School Cimuiittec. November 21tli, IBCB. THADESIIEM. &c. \V ANTED, a WOOLCLASSEII. Dou- ? 7 glim, Aldereon, and Co., Manse street. WOOLSORTERS.— Wanted, a firsfcluhs WOOLSORTER. Apply to Dalgety, Rattray, and Co., Bond street. •\ ANTED, a DRESSMAKER, com- *.* pctent to tako Charge in a lteUiil Establishment, at Greymouth. Apply, Wm. Wutson and Koui, High street. WANTED,.! duly qualified MEDICAL MAN, U> tike up the practice of the Pastoral District of Orjti.HouthUiud.N /. A bonus of £2.1u per annum (rtiaranU-cd for twoytara. IYobubie incomefrom prsictlrc, £:i«J i»r annum iul iiticmul. Medical man to provide his own residence at Lovvtucr. Applicant-) will please shite 'whether they aro married or Binglo men Applications ucooinpnntod with references or testimonials will be received by the undersigned, up to yist Dcccmlwr, 1868. OUTHBEBT COWAN. Ben more, Soutlilaud, 19th November, IBUB. BEKVAJXTS. RANTED, Strong BOY, for upIi country, willing to mako himself generally v jfnl. Noah's Ark, South Rcji-rvc. •.V ANTED, a NURSEMAID, aboul 15 ■' » or in years of age. Apply Mr Price. Bank of New X-^aland. "ii1 ANTED, a smart active LAD, to V T mako himself generally nsuftiL lU*l Lion Hotel. WANTED, MARRIED COUPLE, for a Station. CARGILLS and M'LKAN. U/ANTED, Thorough General SER- " » , VANT ; family of two. Apply until Saturday, Mr«T. White, Stuart street ' i v ANTED, NURSEMAID, about 14 1 ' or 15 years of age. Apply to Davidson, grocer, Brown Btrcct. V*.1 ANTEDJ by Married Couple, * * KJTUATION'-Jlan, carpenter ; woinvi, hou.-«inaid or cook. Apply T., oilice «f thin paper. VV ANTED by^ Married Couple, "' SITUATION. Man, handy at Roncral worlr ; wife, generally useful. G, onico of this paiwr. BRETyEBrEa. yiCTORU BREWERY, I PITT STBBET, i DUNBDIW. WILLIAJI STEACHAN, Troprietor. W. Strachan has always on hand, a largo qipply of his celebrated HIS AND POETBB, In Bulk and in Bottle, For which he was awarded a MUST- CLASS CKRTIFICATB By the Commissioners of the New Zealand Exhibition ■ 1865: . . FABTCY GOODS. TOYB, STATIONERY, PANCT GOODS AHD PBBFUMKIIY In great variety, at MUNYARD'S BERLIN WOOX : And FANCY WAREHOUSE George street, Ne»r the Octagon, V The cheopest house in town

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 2126, 27 November 1868, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Otago Daily Times, Issue 2126, 27 November 1868, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Otago Daily Times, Issue 2126, 27 November 1868, Page 1