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POUT CHAI-MEKS. —JTovkwbbk 25. Wijkl, S.V. r., gale, equally. Weather fiuli. cloudy. High water on 26th Kovtm!:i;».— >t fti riftvli-, 11.49; Port Chalmers, 0. ly ; Dun-din, 1.4. PORT CfIALMKKS OBSERVATORY. Latitude, 43<15..".;5 aoutb; longitude, Uh. 22m. .'{iJh-c. eait. . ; Tune ball rjroja daily (rnndays excepted) at T p in , Port (Jhalrncs mean time, or lh. V>lm. i.'.'5.-,ec. a.m. Greenwich mean time. AT TIIK J!KA7>S. IJoyd'n JTernM, from Catlin's river. eZViJiSIZU Af.MVA.Ui. FiWii LoNUo:;.- Uliilf, August 28. I Vv.ou Gi>.lkcow.—i.ot-rt P-on'itrson, Scn-ttmb.-r.'i. ] Fi:om LivKUi'Oof,.— Harvest Home, September JO. Fitoii Boston, U.S.—Agate. j Fi:om.Mki.i::ji;r:»:. — lian^itoto, Omeo, Go- : then burg. Frt'»"i Newcastle. —Kecorrl. i'ic-.jj St John m, N.Ji.—Celeste Clark. J'ltOJ «TKI> liKI'A HTUKEH. Wm. D.n-ie, for London, Jan. ISG9. Ch'li, for London, .I.MI. i.s-jy. Beautiful Star, for London. .fan. 18G9. W?dl , ( -f. for < nriiaru, 27th in»t. Flying -quim I, for VVaihcla, Ac, cnrly. HuVintini, lor Northern Ports, 27th mat. Taiaroa, for ! >ort Mnlyneux, this day. Qti.-.-.T of the I «]«•:>. f.^r Hol-itika, early. Jwkll. thian, f.,r K«kanui. li7th in»t. Lord A*hl«y, for Nortlu-rn Ports, 2Sth mat. Oot!;«:tibiir^, fur Melbourne, fee, early, li.-ileman, for Chatham Ibl.-hklp, thia day. Couierang, for Lyttelton, Ac, thia day. vmsr.j-s i.v pokt. Bruce, p.H., fror/i West Coast. Kecra, n.h., from LytHtoa. lUitiutiful l»tar, whip, from London. Avmra, schooner, from Hokitika. Mystery, barque, from Liverpool. Prospector, barquo, from Valparaiso. William i-avic, hbip, from OJnsgow. Snmp:in, barque, from Foo-ehow-foo. Wainui. 5.8., from Lyttelton, Sus. Emma, brig, from Tonic, Chili. Kob Jtoy, h s., from Melbourne. Tmiuru, «hi;>, from London. Syren, hrij;, from .Newcastle. r>.vy*pr;ng, hari|ii", from Newcastle. Itiflemau. .'{-in schooner, from Ch^thama. Walrus,, from Lauucc-ston. Q'lccn of th<; Iblt.-s, schooner, from Picton. Wallace, p.H., fr«'in Oamara. Corrier.-tng, pa., from Tim-iru. Taiaroa, a a., fr"iu Port Molyncuz. Why 'Sot, schooner, from Stewart's Inland. Pearl, schooner, from InvereargilL Adi, barque, from Liverpool, liio, brig, from Mauritius.


OtTWAKIW. I Novembcr2s—Prospector, 235 tone, Thorn- ] son, master, for Nuwc.ißtl'i, with cargo and paHK-jngers. K. H. Martin nnd Co, agents. INWAI'.IjS— OOASTWIHK. November 25 - Plying Squirrel, 30 tons, ltrii'l. lnr.Htfr, from tho Taitri, with cargo. Keith Kainoay, tig- jit. KXI'OUTS. Per Prospector, for Newcastle : 38 easka split poos, order. SHIPPING TELfcOUAMS.—Ykhtkhuay. lattki.ton : November 24 — Stormbird, for ', nt I) p m. Wki,<;tox : November 25 — Hercules, from Sy.luey, at 3 p.m. Nkuon: November 21 —Beautiful Star, from Wellington, at 5 p.m. ; Orgo, for West Co.iHt at .J.JO p m. Hokitika : November 25— Eangitoto, from Melbourne, .it 4 p in. IJr.uiK : November 25 Alhumbra, from Dnucdin, at 4.15 p.m. V7KATHEK TELEGRAMS.—Testbrday. Bi-ukp: Winrl W., yalo ; Ur. 29.C2; dull weather, with passing dhowc-rs. Qiikknbtown ; Wind S. W., light j dull weather. The Gcolong succeeded in towing tho brig Ilio, from the M.iuritiiiH, off tho bank on 'J'ueaday niglit ; but in coiiHequonco of tho Hood tide ani heavy wind, uric was unable to ale»- her round head to Port. After (several attempts, tsho li/;aliy dropped her at tho lou-i.r part of the Cross Cliatmcl, where she c mil! tn nn anchor. The (ieelong returned to the jetty yesterday morning. During the dny ti.e prevailing S W. g;.l« I lew with great viok-n c, accompanii:d with terrific sijualls, iv ci.iiKcquence of wh eh no aitempc was made to tow the brig up to a discharging berth. The n.B. Storm Bird ia duo to-day from Northern ports. Tho 8 h (Sothnnburg is expected from Melbonrno via Bluff Harbour to-morrow. Th'j ketch Hathir Ann returned to Port ChnhiKTH from Kak.imti ro.tdHtoad on luc«day morning, with loss of anchors and chains. (In Friday morning nh» was riding with a siiigl i Michnr ar.<\ thirty fathoms of chain, v.'heu a lieavy S. E sea tet in and tlic captain deemed it advisable to slip and stand to sen. During tho afternoon tho sea went down and tho ketch Htood in again, nnd endeavour- <t to pick up her lost anchor ; in doing bo she had the m sfortune of losing her second anchor. A fresh breeze wna blowing f.t the time ; her sails were f martly sot, and she managed to get an offing ; in doing so some of her sails w^re tplit. Off Fish Keef she encountered the full force of Sunday's S.W. gale. At Kakanui she only discharged about bix tons of cargo.

A small iron paddle Bteamcr, measuring 40 feet liy 10 ft-et, has juat been rem-ived from the yard of Mr C. Suager, on to tho beach opposite, for tho purpose of being fitted with her engines and fioiler, previous to b. ing 1-j.uiinhe I, which will tike placo next week. Sho has been built hero for T. Kudwoo'i, Esq. of Blenlio m, and is, we believe, intended for a tug for tho Wairau river.—Wellington Independent, 19th iost.


To t/ce Editor of the. Ot ago Daily Times,

Sin—ln to-day's iswe of tho Oamaru Timi-8, 1 sco a report of a public meeting held in Oamaru for the purpose of cona'dering tho best plan for forming a harbour, &c, in which Mr France, M.P.U., states, in tho courses of a speech made by him, that, '"as to such ]»lan« ns tho one beforo tho meeting that n-ght, they •wonid only result ia a lot of niomy being spent to no purpose, such as the Government were now doing at tho Kukanui, where ho could now hop over tho stream, and their splendid dock that was to be was now fairly Mocked up, arid likely to .■ ontinue so." To prove how little truth ' 'lore is in tho above B'at"m»nt, I need only : .y th;it I brought tho 1)< fianco, with cargo, nsi'le the Kakanui mnuth this afternoon, arid intend Joadiuf* atone f r Dunedin. I be*, Sir, you will ple.iso publish this letter, to l<it peiip'o sco how little credence can bo placed iv the many reports circulated to tho prejudici! of this p a<;e. —I am. &c, Ehwakd Kevins, Mister of the ketch Detianco. Kakanui, Kov. 20th.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 2125, 26 November 1868, Page 2

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SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 2125, 26 November 1868, Page 2

SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 2125, 26 November 1868, Page 2