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MSDICAL. DX. GIIAWiORD, Unusultixij:Surgeon aad .V(Xutio!iui:r, U-,.-< yj u.i. ma;..' tii""«t he may L« 10-^-aluvl ;:i all in*- !.ru; ..,.-. vi hi.* l-ro:.-?-ioii. »t hit iU-aieal 1-aUur.itory, l'm.^ si rvci, oivjaite Uio Crito lou Hotel. Or. C. has great ra;*riciic« ol lie following d[scftsea» viz :— Pi-....*-.* [*vu', to wointii ami children 1.H.-^::i'O!' ol lln- In-..: I, ana kmgs lJi.~ua.-A.-s oi me nu-.-t.i ,o system ])im-h>-.» i.l t!.i- t:c:'vur>i> sytlcm Ln-e.^w-.f thc.yo 1;i«> o; t.u- i-nin D;.~-.i:v-i 01 \.:m bi.iv>.1.. Advicu (i:aia lrom U to 12 a.m., and from G to 10 I'-m. TKVSXiHFui" lIiTnUY YOUKUMAS, [TIIIENCII, KEMPTIIORXE, and Co., JU WHOLES.U-K UDUU'iIST.S, and lini-jrt*.-* et UviuiUii' <triii;o rom their onc:ur.l *oi:ru-s, chemical! (rjm thu bvf' WmblijU manufacturers; English, i'».--ip, and Am-;n:.m jtai.-nt medicine* Mid perfumury from tlici htjv.vUitk : iir.:,>eUW bimUricK. phouviujili.c t-lu-uu'.-4l imuiw'u:K Vrmid! polish, (lfo .tun*, corks, mil iimiuilin.-ti:r>-rs' goods; dental, vuK.Tii.arv, in. s.!r);ic:il ;r.--'.nii!ieiiln, nrd medical appliance* «f ertry Kiud, wlnci they offer on liberal ami advanuiK'-ja term* — wholesale only — wlected from ueir uxieiuirc open »t.x*, or uiuuy articles s& reduced rates in anginal packages. Their »uiiii-..-jj.« Ki:n.;,.-;.:. Ay.-.-.tim, with thell arrangements lor ooumuin; --uysii* direct (vom lingland, uud tlieir f-tulihsluv. bi.-iin-.-.i throughout th« Colony of >,<;•.•.• Zealand, w,th t.'m r.^'.y rm-ans of communication, K.vo uieiu peculiar iac:t.Uc.- (or tilling all demands .-us tuoy uriM>. m.d Jju;;.' ba.-aw.-a to Uio tsatiafact.un of t!ie purclnifer. CllKMl.-is nuil Dulugists, Iw.ii'.ica every ordiiuury requirement, can procure of V., X., and Co. all novelties with tho trade, and ciiiKltvitou tlieir premises nil eseentiabi to commence- or extend business —including window carboys, specie jays of niw and elaborate des.gnu, shop bottles, und yenijul furnishings, »t a more satisiuocory raw than if imported by themReive* ; an assortment of Urst-i-lius .«u-;,'ical instruments, truss*:;! ol ovury «izc mid make.cUi t;o blockings, bcltri, &c, miisnc-uc uuuhiiiet), fivdiiifc' bottlon from every maker, Turkey and lmth f;>€iv.;',' -. turgiciil and plinr"iiuu:»:utii; Kliiss and eiirthcnv.wro, chc-mieul and uliarinacuutivul uppuratus, ."Cunfci'd lOikns (rum tho best uianufaclnrers ; witli goods for prer-cuuaien, such as toilet bouk-s, (Josneirscut-ultiHs pint pcrfumen, sllvercappwl suieilim; UntlcH, and every other roijuißilc, (dhortly expecu-d, iho new British riinrmacopo-'ia reuiolira.) dioi'.r.KKK.l-UHS' goods Importvl mid nlwaye on «alo. HoUowuy's pills and ulniineiit. Perry Duvis's paint kiUer ; TuwiLwndV, Urii4U,l's, ami Aycr'H «iriunsirill» r (M-liich muy l« luid duty paid or iv bond), Taylor's 1 coco.i, extv.ict of uivnt, :i.nh;:-Uil culinary r»«iit», c»yennc pt'pper in bouluß, jujiiln;^ anJ p;iM:lle», liiiuorlcc, , grUtinu, wiHpctrc, uuljiliur, salad and ci^Uir oiU, fluid f muuucfiia, boullt-u powdein, Epsom Kilw iv : tc.; and CuU.vntY STOJIKKKKI-Kll.s aru invited to select from tlieir s'.oek on visiting Duiivilin, or their correspondence will meet with prompt atuntion. Iv localities where t!iu drug busiiu-.-" may bu ui.iepri;.sentcd, a larg* and pro:.tnl.le luldil.uu ui.-.y U- made to tha s-jjrekwpii.j,' bumin.-Mj< by vi iiding v.irii.-;: ■ articles conr 111-cu.kl witli'tliu trude, which tire iv dumiuul wlierovoi tlieru in r. population. FKKNCII, KKiII'THOIIXK, and Co. liuvo Urn apiKiniUil thu wholewilu agents for Now Zcal.iiui lor the n.lluwiui!:—■ KeatniK'n cuiitfli loxongct, Inwctici.lo, and vrorm £ tal)l>'tK. U^tioii'a (*ranulatc<l ci< rate of nuipneaia. Llr CMj, Drown..:'» uhlcrulynu. 'i'lie only genuine, jirepanil by I)aven|iO'. t, O'Neill's oxide or. copjwr pomailc, for removing baldutaa. (jrimaull'H French mediml jirrparationa. Ur CnuichiU'x Hjv.-iilL- rfim>lie« fur consumption h 1 prci-areil by Jl. bwaiiu, I'arU. Xi limir's gout pill.-, and l-ii.ini.ton's pill. For full piiri..-ul.ii-H of all the uliov.;, m." tho vnriona projiricturv advertiseiuenta, in tlin ai.d thu other Now V /x-aland 1 •.."•,« if. Tnev are al- ■) liulc ap.-nt.t for N. /.. for : — Dr l)e Joi.t;ii'« lißlit bri.wn .••>-! oil. the tmlf./rui and i-rio.u;y <.t -.vh.'-.'i m i!;-.. it tlio most n reliable pr.'jiiii atiou v.i. A i.n'c.e ftm-U ir. orikjiiiiU 0 , ,-a-H-ha!.'-V.nU,, pmlH, and ~..^1, ..1'.v..; . ..n hund. Cooper's buiipine tiimie, !or immwiiaU) muatard iwiultiet-t. How's emlirocatlon, or fnrni'-rs1 frii-ri'l. JudMin'r. Minjile .Im-s for ti;e v.o-pie, in 11 colors, which will dye anylfuir', iin.l waicii uujouo can uso; - iii.-l l'i.vw m:il'rf jn-rfiiuiery, " ft'om cverjr floy/ox lL L'.iihar.i-a. Warnipr'ym.eii, i-J. :— Town --i..!'.-> .-..ii-.-iapaiiiU, l»i- I. J. Ay-r'< mwlicincn llurry'i- uii-..|-.ieru", Klurltla w;.i< :• ; o.!:';>. olive, ljoilcd and raw la, oil, rpir.u*, |.!<.ia-. ti.i-|».-nUno .. ln-iiip, ra. ■-. ..nd .-ji.-iaiv ko.--1. .-Vl:«.i.; n'n | a*lill..:n, para " -.iiu-.c --~■-...- .-.•url}. k;li .-0.-i; ; <;..-.-Mi.-'.-.'.t, and ;J 1 ,1111.1,''.:: , p:ils l-:j.|,-.':* ..,.-.,.'., 1.r..W1l .-.'id I'l.lfOll'a corn tour. J.;eln-i--'«''""-"'i '"' Uai ;■;.'■( 11.'.-n-.i. Ncl1, pon'n w.-:*l:\-, i-rimn.-! h-.-.-.-s Murr.-.y'* niai;n(«in, r ir-cl.xi.-ai ~!.'.:r :,,:i\,. i.^v i;n"..-li i.ii.inn.i..o;..riiu, le llii-liai.t-oii'ii an<::.--tl:-!;•• ;il-i ar..'-.:'. lii: .i::rl I lmiu v juic«and ..-iyiciini', euinbs, lni..-l.»,ne, tinM-eH'ii Eaa \r 'I, ...>|..^.u ; a mivui.i.vnt ,l ~,,,,■-,l ol ■..•-■ml puff -V b.ixi-i-, v. it:i ll.r.vlaud'.-, H.e.^i-r'!«, jiimir:i-i:#.i, UodiicU'H, Atk;iihoiiV, aiidlJri<-.1.-nl.aiMiV *b*. Jv<»\'. ic O/lilHAi. iIAKi-.u.i" U-ii.|i>, ci.mi r,-:n;r 0.8. and 1 S.Vv. l^i.i.-... j:i,klh!i an.i -;■.-.:.: ■■. e;i! (I.I!, and .4.W. ' (jork-i, wniliiiL", Ksnt-r, uir, a- ■■-.-., iiulnw li.«, cidnlirn.,;, rii:-..ti.tli-j..i-.-,i:il p. ■■:' i i Ik>u-!), jr c.ip.-uli-". i'-jiainj; iwine, cm tniiuli i.un ;'. ti.meil anil ."M<T w.rv, tui'-i nil '.IlKarli'i-. iv-ii- r.-l in their ~. tmiiincKs ; uV">, v il f'.r u,1;.i0 ..n.-.ti1 iik. v.inecork.l u-:d liotLlu for v.u.e ii,vr<-i..iii . hi .-..•..■-.-• !j!in;.p!, i iiiii|;la-i. .i:M bi-cwiTM1 and 1,.'.i;--i ,' , -. l:y ].ur i-1.-a-in.,' i.n.-.-<.- ifi nu.n;Liiy, tii.-y i .:n oiler at c 3 f lower r:iU- lii.iv the coi.suiii;! > i-i ik-jil.-I. A lar ;..- .-tvek oi tli- I'-.i-lintf I'll-J i 'OCJIAPUIC AKTici.i:- : Re-crw-t!il nitraio Hilv..-r, i.'ul.ii ;-..; «-.f t;,,!1. M;i'.vto:i's ,; K,-»-:ri,"a.i-i r.iiiti;iK'« ti.ii<■!..-. i.!:>..i:.> h:h»I p;i|A'r, ,1 hoiiiiiu li- re.-* vanu-n, ii:. 11-iti tfo-^da in original Cii«.-3 a'- -i r.-<lii.:tii>n. .So.i.i./n .«in.J t - mi, iini.:;:.-:lv(.T, and crucibles. D.-i-jt f.n- li. unii 1.. J'in-> and Co's i..jini.»n uicdlc!m.-.*. iriip..Tl.i^ oCI.-ei-'i.--. Ai'entc mr oi.i/o for tin: gri:i::< IN-.ii.HA.scK C'OK- " i TANV. IJfu p./L.-.e.-v rrnii:' -I ~n I!,.: v.< .-■- lilvral term!! I,'.< thi- In.1, v -in tin- (,:•,.. i- ; an-i I r.: n-ii U.tca „ ' «ltliulnwe-l cm-ill .-i.t«.->. IT"-: ■■..■!:..-•- on :ij>plica L tlcn V, ihc TniM..-.^o! 11,-nrv V..uiikm.i.i, l.ile | iiu;:.Cil. K!:.'.!J'i iiDUSI-;. and i.'v.. Jnnuslln. :" | T"i7C"~j7~(Joiri7i.s IT no w"S" io's i, iIJ cll!.<jKOi)i'Ni:.- Vie Cii.i.K-.-ll.i; ■ S.r \V. l'a!.;a U.ii^l'.-i puijl.rl; in Co,at. tinr. Ij.- .1. <>.lli;i i- lir-itt-ne w.«- u:id.-jiilii<-'llv the luvi-utnr nf Ciiloro-lyne; ". ' and th.v, ilio v.-:,..i,- «;or/.,r i.i.; 1 ii.vman wnu .. ; ci<-l.U:r.i-<-Iy annul.-, ai.d hu ir m -..:LL<-l \j> s-ay it had b.jtn :'. . B'.voi-n :.,. ",S •■ Up- y'i»i.-.i, J.ilv 1::, 1.-': J. J I !».- J. (;,.1!:> J'.r-j-.vnt;'- Cdl.iiolviie.---'J'l!i> Kij;lit Hon. . i Ji.rl liu--.-il i-oiinir;ii:<:auj: f> til.- C<i||.- : .-o: I'liyi-iciaiu ~ niid .1. T. l).f. i- p..rt tuat )n- :.:..! u:..ivl li .»■ rm.ition to t.iic c-;r-. t tli.i!. tin- otily r.-!r.--!r or n-iy M-rvi'.-c in ~ Ci.'ilci-ii wit fhloiwlvnu.—he..- /..unit, ij..cembyr Dl, ,j I lbi.l. j l>r J. f.V.111-. IJ.-ov.-ne':; C"ilni'" Ivn".--Kr.rart from '. M-:liral r,n,.:<, .i-iiiliarv !-', l>~ --"I - j-h :'-ril«.'l by ' ! kco:-w of o:-j.d !ox ui-iii'.-ai i'.-.i. :.L:-/:.- iv. Of mnrno , il would i,.it l,v tau.-i i-int-i:. -.:-ly did it noS . ' a vvi.i.talMl nil apli- .-.'" I iJr j. C.'.-Mm r.rowni-H Uhli'-odyii'.- i:i th" ix-at mul ' BUln).tii.n. I.i .iral^iu, rh-iim:.::.:i:i, i;.:. hr.l. (,'ulli. IJiowue'i. tJiiloi-^— LxU-.i' t from tho Central iJo.n<i o; 11-:i.!i:i, ly.i.d'.u, a -. t ■> it.- ',-IU-iu-y in [ Ch-.1i.-i-.i:—"t-..-troii^ly are we ■.-mvin-.-.-d </ the irn- . JW-i'.-.u vaiuu ol lai.-. l-eme ij ,I 1; it. -..I1 <•(.:,rut too forcibly ", ur/-c tin- ii.-i-.--.-iiv ol .id'.p-i;ii: :-. ia all ■m: •-.-." l-roin A. .Mm,.'-..m.-rv. I-)-,)., la-t Jn, ;-.-..«■ of Hoy- ,' pital.-, i!.jin;..-.j :'■—•' (jnloru l.i.i! i.s a» valuable ren.-tiy in .N-ural f .'':i,A.Laia., .ii..: !);.:--..t-.-y. To it '. I lv.rly own uiv re>t>>ralii>n to iu-.uih a1"..-r -.•:;rlit..-ea ; moi.llia' ..-jvurc und w lv.-v all uta,;r inudicincd ' Invi fallal." Ij,'. .1. 0.11i.i ISi-ow;:--'* <."ii. r(.-ivii': is a certain cure iv Caoli-.-a. IJ».-.'i.t<.-rv, i>:iirr!wa. 0!. i.-. ii:. Iji-. J. C.UL- iiro-.vnu'.-i <Jnl(.r.,dyiie.-<..':..iiii..M.--Xmio p.-tMiiai; without the v.-i.i i.s •• i).. J. 0.i1..-, lirowiin'a . Ciiionxl-, i:i:" on t-io :na ,ii. M-iiup.; uii-il;<-il t.- n t.ui'u.v .;<< ,|i:ji.i;llc- • a<;li botllo. Solo iuan.-.!a.-iii;-i.v—l. 'I. iJavti-i or;., ;!:; (i..-a!, Hu.^-ll mm i, lin.oiiidr.iiy, 1..,n.i..a. Tii'.- iiuiii. ;..—. •'.vumtuX cr«n>U:M tin: propr."-.-torrt t.. n-diice the j/r.c-u. It id now told in bottle--, iri l.Jd, L's '.'il. -1.-. t>d, a::u 11;-. A'-.-i-.t.-. Sf.i-.Mfiiiourm:: Tivl'ir umi (;,.., Culliiiii etrect W(?s; jl.■:;.-!>. 1-V-i-^jii, Unnnvu :c and Co. \V/ioir.','.!e afaiif : ile^rs L!i:olt IJioilic-iv, ISI Pitt-atri:..-t, Hi-«iiiey. At-ents lor Adelaide: *!■*•>.•- K. 11. fould.iiK and Co. Wuoicale ai'i-nlrt for New '/. aiaii'l: Aii»«K i'lti;NCll, KJiMI'IiiOUXK, and Co., JJiiui-din. D~ it7~DirT6xuT?S~ (ivni-ht^rtho (ir,!<.r of Uo|«.ld of l.ilr.uni) LlfiUT UHuS'.N CUb l.lVilli. tAL. Tliu practicil e:.p<.-rieni.c oi the unl eiuincnt nio-di.-al men <iui-iiig luu l.^r, 2.. yta;-.-. !ia« i.ow i-m.clii-nivi-ly u^iiibiisli-n the fact taut liv- lull lui.eiietil eilicts ot Coil Liv,;r U:l .-an be r< .ili--it onl> by the me ol l>v. dy Jonglis pure and t-aiatabk: l.ielit iiro*n Oil. Consumption and Diwascj of the Dr. do JoughK uil is :■.-<! wilu .::<trnordinary fuccc^k in ca.-ca ol coiiMi.-npUuU d.t'.atiii of the rhert. Allen O. Chattnway, Khj., Surgi-on to thu Lt-o:niiister liiilrmary, linghuul, writu.-i: — •' 'i he effects of fJr. d-^ .Toi.xU'h Oil are very for mpcrior to thi-ac of any other Cod I.iver Oil. Nearly four years ulnco, two case* of continue 1 Coiu uui]>lion wc-c-iiUuxtl uude;- my care. In loili the Im,^ were a masj of tubercular ilejx/ait, and every po-:>a)!e tound to be heard in pluhisit was ijrer.i-ut. Xiie sole rciucdjr employed was Dr. fie Jongti's L ght-I!rowu Co.l Liver Oil; uud now tlio ure .-.tronj fat ; the diseased (abnormal) i-onndi nearly maud'We; mtl in the one w: (male), hunting, H-hiiiK, ai.ii hli.nunp ttro freely inUulK*-<l In, tiie patient cxiTc-fUsin» himself quite capable of uui ci going as much fatigue as any of Ilia fellow-sportrinen." Debility of Adul-3 arid Children. Dr. do Jouglt's Oil j)O-M;t.-es urn) mllnl ai.d peculiar nutritive and re.-tor.itive proi*rtn.-» ; henoo iu> marvellous cfllcacy in debility ol adults m.d cli.ldren. Kov,-:and Dalton, Evi., M.K.C.S . L..S /.., Dlilrict M.dkolOlllcer at I'.ury s-c. tdmum:.s Knf;l,ind. writes: —"Ur. de JoriKiiV Oil him cc-rta lily Ken the only means of «ny iik my l:feon two oeraiiloiiH, and cvtu now, when 1 Jc.l -out of couditon.' 1 tiice it. and liko it. unmixed with au>thiii((, iui be.iiK ti.e most agree* tiblo way." 'iliuiiiu Hunt, V.?<\., Jlidlcsl Oilic<r of He:Jth, IJloouiabtiry, l.oadon, write-* :— '■■ l-'or bauly-nourmhed infants. Dr. de Jo.igh'n Lignt-lir..-.-. n CiM JJmt Oil is Invaluable. The r..pidis. witli wlilch two or tnrco UHi-«poun(ii!s )>tr iiuiii «i!l lutu.-o a )ouhk child is aKtoiiadiins. Cinldien (feiie/ally iihi; the t-»;e oi Or. dc Jonah's Oil, and when it, in given ttieui, ofu-u cry for more." Dr do Jongh'g Liitht, Brown Co<l Liver Oil is sold only in capsuled " Imperial" hulf-pluiß, a« (:d ; p!iiU«, -Is IM ; qcans. Sn; lnbellcil with )ii« stamp und *igi.uture, | " with on t which uono c;m porclldy bo genuine," by C'heniifita, BruggUut, »nd Stoiekee|-ers tiuo-jghout tba world. Sole ConmaiK-en: Auiar, Ilxurford, and Co., 77. .•vtiaiid.Loutlon, W.C. Wholesiile Ai;cat.s: Now Zealand—French, Kcmpttioruc, anil Co., Dtaiodln.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 2125, 26 November 1868, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Otago Daily Times, Issue 2125, 26 November 1868, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Otago Daily Times, Issue 2125, 26 November 1868, Page 4