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SALES BY AUCTION. TIBS DAY, TirunaiMY, with November, At 11 o'clock aharp" On Ute Vremlma, Blake's Family Hotel, High rtnx-t. Tinder Power or BUI ol Bale. H.T. CHAPMAN and Co. . hare rera.-hvd ixulrnction* to sell by auction, under power of Uiil of Hale, on the preuabcK. UiaJu : '« KionSly lfol<-), Uijjd «<.-t, on Thurwliiv, 2«! i inst., at 31 o'clock, A qoantity of household furniture, to natirfy Ilitio! Hale. Terms ciwh, at full of hammer. FRIDAY, 27th NOVEMBER, At h.ilf-luKt 12 o'clock. KD E CARLE and Co. ■will «n at tlwir Rooms, by ordnr or tin; owner*, A uin- find will-n»orted lot of furniture, hone balr cot»;h and chaint, wood cbalrii. iron brdntead*. borne hair mnttriswes, pollf<i»cs drawers, tubkn. really good wardrobe, whatnot. wioib«tand» ur>d ware-, kltcheu ut'.-ntibt, and KundrieM. Term* cash. Inrtroctionn, realiw. FKt/JAY, 27th NOVEMBER, At half-pant 12 o'clock. ED E CAIt L E and Co. . will hcII at their Booms, on Friday, 27th Inht., at haU-iHut 13 o'clock, An inrolce of crockery, connl«tin(,' of baking ntid covered disbca, niufllriH, Hugw-bowl"., B and 1; platen, cup* and bauo.tb, and randries. Term* cash. sold. FRIDAY, 27th NOVEMBER, 5 At Half-past 12 o'clock. r I By Order of Urn TroKtees in an Kutatc. ED E C A~R L E and Co. . will i.r ; ;i at their ltoonw, cm Friday, at lullpast 12 o'clock. A utock, con»UtUij? of— Clotliin^c sulu, coabi, pilot jnckrtH, Bt'Uorti coaU, nhtrts, Crimean wtxvllen ; fancy boot*, bluchrrn, waUrrtlghV", tlautic-sidoM, coiJjMirtousi, oniampnl*, ork*crew», portraonnafwi ' whliM, violiriH, pipes, tclcicfipo slides, Itanne), towelling, frocks, braix-i, riixf^i k/*j«m, currlnp*, l>r;uv.-let*, rmuii-al bo* Broadwood'H piano, and mmdry i;rKxla. T<.tiih ciuih. Norosorvc. . STOCK, STATIONS, &o. t KIUDAY, 11th BECE34BEII, At 12 o'clock. i. At BrockYillc Estate, WiUkari. PITRK SIIOET-liOKNEU CATTLE. DAIUY OOWS. BUIXa HORSES. SHEEP. FARMING lAIPLEMENTS. liUCXJIKS, CAIITS 11AUNKS3, lie. DOWER, PANT LIN, and CO JL liavu Ti^uWcl liistrnctloiM to pflll by puUi. auction, on I'riduy, I lth Uecornber, v.l 12 o'clock, v lirockvill/j \V.iikiu-i, n The wliolo of tho Live Ftock, Farrninsf Im;.knw;nta X!u(fßio>i, C'arlM, badUl' », ilnrnuwi, ie, Jio. The pcre brc<l St<x-.k cotislstH of— K<xi and white Hall, " Field Marshal," b' •• «;ount of Umpire," out of " Kilith." l'uro Durham C'.w, " PoUy White," bred t" ' Mr M'JJouunll. Pnrc Short-lioni <Jovr, " Loubtnni," br«l b' Mi,rt-)!i and Uiiclu I'urc .Short-horn Cow, '• Edith," by Lonjjfcllow,' out of " Kdith.'1 lleifor mid Hull Ualvtji, by " GurilMildi." The remtiinini; RUx:k conflfsia of— Firnt-cliifi milkliif! cowm, hc-ifent. ntccr.i, year \ linpn. carriiiK" »"'' drati({ht lioracM. ValvusUir «li«j), cousiatingol rani.i, ewes,wcthcra mil ho^juta. The Forming Ini;.lcmcnt« aro very complete, conaiht in« of—, jiloughi'. Wee hoc, drills, harrows chuff-<:lJlti:r (horn- or luini!>, tlixash iiiK and wiiiriowiii^nuicliiiici. Iron rolli:r», forlot, rakx-j, ic., ic. IlamevH IloemH umuiiri— UciiUi'ni-n'K, iMditu'. and childrcn'H juubUai douUv mill «in;;li' ImrneM, airt and ploug! luiriic.'ji, iic., briilles. Aluo, Two Carri.i({<3 und Two Dran^tit IforMe3. (,'urtn, pt'OpLM, lar(,ro and rmall hungry, (;;irde) loolh, crtß-n-cut ruWH, curjx:r,tern' Uol-, ver; compkiU*. win.' HtriiinerN. grind.-toiK.-H, t«! lill^ns craiif, f.-nciliK win;, who nctiinjj fih«rj< proof fencing, postH and ruiU. ~ SLtfjkß of clovi^r and meadow hay. Poultry, consisting of ducka, gixsic, and fowls. luncheon provided. I"or pcdlßrco of cattle, and further partictilam, appl to tho Auctionucrn, n IWVIiR, I'ANTLIK, and Co. Tlio Auctlo!!ror», in drawing tho Attention of buyer to the pun: brnl rut tin, l« x b> hU-.U; tluit they kit Imported Ircmi lln> uJvlimtcd puro (stock of Mossr - Hi.rUj.-i und J*itih, und ol Air M-Doiißnll: furUier com nicut by tho AacUonccni in umuxtimxty. TUESDAY, 15th UECKMISKIt, At :j o'clock. At Long Iloom. Crit'.Tion Hotel, Doriodin. CATTLE EUN, So. 177. \ pOWEU, PANT.LIN, and Co. X hnvo retxivfd iimtructioim from Mr JeJlrej Williams, to m<ll by public unctio'i, ut thn Ij«ix Koum > Oitenon, JlolL-I, Uuiibdin. on I'uvnday, ISth Itecvmbcr lit y o'cl.f.k, The Wiirkni-a lUm. cnntair.tif? about KflV ucriv of (?""' country. Topiiher with '3 00 llc:!ui wull-brod Cattle, of ,-mxod »j-ct am <iKt\J B XOjJ _ >'or further pirticihirK, apjdy to I'OWiilt, PAN I 'UN, and Co., Uujic-jin. J 1 0 It S A h E. 4000 MbcedlI <«^ta 2uoo WoUlcr UoKKet3 4000 Storo Wethers 20 0 0 Ual''brcts ""KVets. POWER. PANTLW, and Co. TDE.SDAY, 15Oi DKCEMISEK, At 2 o'clock. SALB Oi' STATION and STOCK. O T A It A I A , W A I R A It A P A , Pi-orincu of WoUinsfton. MR J. H. WALL AC E i i imtni'TliM U> F<rTl by uuctioti, on Tutwdav. day or ('ea-tuuer nex'c, at hid Auction ILart, Hu:il(;r t-Lrir t, Wtllin^tou, All tlie Smtion known im tlw OTAIIAIA STATION, In the lViiii-nntiNi District, in tho Province of Wellington, with t'io Sheop, CalUe, Horsci, and Kflects thereon, lately belun^ing to Mr A. Gillies, dtccaitel. Tho land cotvii&tn of about 5384 Acroß The Stock of about 1300 Sheep 250 CitUo OQ Horses A pl'vn of the property mny bo seen, and fnrthor pari.:cnlar» obtained, Bt the oftlco of Mr Urandon, iiiliuitnr, Lambton Qaay, WcUiu^rtan; and at tho oflioo ot tho Auctioiux-r. Balo at 'i o'clock precisely. BUMS FOR S\L& pARGILLS AND M'LEAN \J luito sorenJ duairable STATIOKS for B*la to Otago ftnd Southland. - HE E P FO R SALE. Dclir-r?.bto In varloos parts of the Prtnrinco. Invmbs Kwra Store oad fat wothcr« Store and I&t cattle. ____^ CAROUXB and M'LXAN. PAT LAMBii ~ SUPERIOR FAT LAMBS, Apply to Sir Murray, llouiit Stuart. T) POWELL AND CO., AucmosKEßS akd Cattij! Salksmzst, Qnoenrtown. Cattle ana 5Ue-p YanU, Frankton. ,

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 2125, 26 November 1868, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Otago Daily Times, Issue 2125, 26 November 1868, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Otago Daily Times, Issue 2125, 26 November 1868, Page 4