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The City Council met yesterday in the Corporation odices. The Mayor (Thoma» Birch, Es<j.), presided, and all tho Councillors were present. Tho Town Clekk (Mr J. M. Maasey) read tho minutes of tho last meeting, which wero confirmed. THE RESERVES. A report from the Reserves Committee was read. It simply referred to a letter from Mr James Wilson respecting a summons which had been issued against him for cutting timber on tho Town Belt. It stated that tho valuo of tho timber cut was L 5, and upon the condition that the amount should be paid, tho summons had been withdrawn. Mr Docs asked for an explanation. It seemed to him a perfect farce that tho Reserves Committee should submit a matter for the consideration of the Council upon which they had already acted. Mr Fish said that Mr Wilson had called upon him, and had explained that he was summoned for an offence of which he was entirely ignorant, it having been committed without his knowledge That he was willing to pay the amount of the damage, and was anxious to avoid being summoned. He also stated that the other members of the Finance Committee wero willing that tho summons should be withdrawn. Believing that the Committee had tho power, and that it was a case to withdraw, ho had consented to its being withdrawn.

The following is Mr Witaon's letter :-. — Dunedin, 7th November, 1808. His Worship the Mayor— Sir—ln re'erencc to our conversation with regard to being summoned by the Town Belt Ranger, I beg to inform you that I have seen tho several mf-mbcra of tho Ifcaerves Committee, who have unanimously aureed to have the case withdrawn, and are quite agreeable to have the wood valued, in order that I may pay to tha Corporation such sum as may t c fixed. Will your Worabip therefore be kind enough to inntruct tho Town Clerk to tho above effect, in order that tho summon*ea may be withdrawn by tho Ranger on Tuesday morning, beforo the canes bo taken into Court.—l am, Sir, your obedient servant,

Jas. Wilson.

Mr Dons said that from tho first ho had felt that the Committee had gone beyond their province in withdrawing the summons, and it was most disgraceful that it had been done. In any case he protested against the Committee usurping the powers of the Council. It allowed all kinds of abuses and favouritism to creep in. Here it was monstrous that a poor man should be brought before tho Resident Magistrate and fined for cutting a handle for his hammer, while the wealthy and influential man should go scot free. He believed that there wero no palliating circumstances in this case that should have induced tho slightest alteration from tho established rule. He could not help commenting upon tho conduct of the t/entlemen who composed tho Reserves Committee. They submi ted a lofer to the Council upon which they had already acted. They had withdrawn proceedings against ono who was charged with having committed a wilful injury to public property, while only on the previous day some of them had wished to summons Mr Bathgate for making a road without askinjr permission—for doing that which did nobody harm, and which was a public good. Mr Dods then commented in strong terms upon the action of the committee, and said he would move " that unless good and sufficient reasons be given to the Council for the withdrawal of the summonses issued against Mr Wilson and others by the Town Bolt Ranger, that tho Ranger be instructed to issue fresh summonses against the abovenamed persons, and to proceed in the regular way to have tho matter disposed of by the Magistrate. Mr Diuvkr aeconded the motion pro forma. Mr Fish deprecated the use of Btrong i expressions by one portion of the Council to the other. The Reserves Committee misiht have erred, but they had acted fairly. There was a broad distinction between the case referred to by Mr Dods and Mr Wilson's case, as represented to the Committee. They had been led to believe that the offence of cntting a piece of dead timber was done by Mr Wilson's servant without his knowledge, and they had felt there was a certain amount of excuse. If the facts were not as repre sented, the Committee had acted in error. Ho would move as an amendment, that the matter be referred back to the Committee to report. Mr Wilkinson seconded the amendment.

Mr Simpson said he supported all that Mr Dods had said, all except the motion. He thought no committee should take upon itself to dictate. He had heard that there were circumstances in the case that made it much worse than the gene- [ raliiy of cases. But he looked upon the | matter as settled, and, if the money was paid, he did not see how the question could be again raised. Mr Driver made explanations as a member of the Reserves Committee. He had believed, from the representation made io him, that the issuing of the, summons was a mistake, and that all, even the Banger himself, wished it to be withdrawn. But the matter was now public, and the facts should be investiAfter further discussion the motion waa withdrawn, and the amendment carried. - ptnrLio works. The following report of the Public Works Committee was read and adopted :— Your Committee beg respectfully to report : — ■ Ist. That the City Surveyor is preparing plans, &c. for the Pitt street works, with a view to having the same commenced forthwith. ■ 2nd. That the Inspector of Works has been instructed to attend to the drainage at St. Andrew and Gre»t King streets, alw near to Mr W. C. Young's property, Pelichet Bay. • 3rd. The following permissions have been granted>—- , To Messrs Gnthrie, Barton, and Charles K«on foe crossing* attheir premiss*.

To Messrs Jas. Millar and John Ootram, to rcmo\ c gravel from tho Water of Leith. To Mr Simpson, to lay a drain-pipe at his premises, Maitlantl street; and to Mr E. Smith, to place a signboard at his prernites, Princes street.

4th. Your Committee cannot recommend the Council to undertake tho work desired by Mr P. Thomson, Qaeen street north.

Mr Wilkinson asked why there was no mention of the Bteps in the Canongate. It seemed that the matter wa3 forgotten. The Mayor said that tho work was in hand, and would be completed as soon as possible.

Mr Cakrick mentioned that High Ward had yet Ll2O of the allocation fund to spend. Mr Fran thought it should bo given to South Ward. If it was given, ho would guarantee to have it spent within a week. ITXAN'CB. The following report was read, and the financial statement attached was laid on tho table :—

Yonr Committee beg rcspect'ully to report that they have very carefully reviewed the

financial position of the Corporation, the in' come and expenditure for current year ending 31st December, 18 riß.

Your Committee beg herewith to append statements nnmbers 1, 2, and 3, showing the transactions so far entered upon for the year, and the amount requisite to meet engagements up to 3lßt December. Number 3 statement shows an estimate of income and necessary expenditure for 12 months ending 31»t December, 1869. Tho position on let January, ISC9, m*y shortly bo stated, that (provided the estimates for tho remainder of the year be adhered to) there will be an available balance at the Bank of L 2200. Out of this L 2200, your Committee recommend that L 350 lo devoted for the Pitt street work, and tbat tho day lab:>nr expenditure be confined to eight men and two drays, the balance left out of tho L 2200 to be set apart for new work* < f construction, to bo apportioned aa may be hereafter determined.

It will be seen by statement No. 3 that the excess of income over estimated expenditure for next year is L 2302. The Committee would urge upon the Council the necessity of_ limiting their expenditure within the limits of the ordinary incomo, as the Corporation cannot afford to borrow any additional money if interest has to be met out of that ordinary income.

Rigid economy will be therefore necessary. Inspector Nimon's Salary.—Your Committee, after further consideration, beg to recommend that Mr Nimon be paid at tho rate of L 219 per annum, being first class Sergeant's pay up to April, 1869, tho termination of the Government financial year.

The following are the statements of incomo and expenditure for the year ending December 31st:—

The ordinary income for tbo 10 months from Ist January to 31st October, is nhown by statement No. 1 tr have been as follows : Cemetery dues, L 271 la ; assessment?, L 8420 9<i 8d ; licenses. Ll9l 15s ; sundries, L 390 ss3d; rente, L5Bl 17s 3d; market dues, L 99 133 ; Town Belt, L 157 7b 5d ; total, L 10.112 8s 7d. For the remaining portion of the year, it is estimated that the ordinary income will bo : Assessments, LB3l

10s lOd ; licenses, L3O ; rents, L 435 17a ; market dues, LlO ; Town Belt, LSO 3s Bd, equal to L13571156d, and making a total for tho year of LI 1,470 0s Id. During the first 10 months of the year, the extraordinary revenue was as follows : Government subßidy, 1J4891 Ma2d; Government refunds, L 162 10s; depositor contracts. Ll7l 14s; Sinking Fund Commissioners, L 3300 ; gross proceeds of Halo of bonds. L 24,000 ; total, L 32.525 18s 2d- For the last two months of tho year, it is estimated, that the extraordinary income will be : Government subsidy, LIOOO ; Government refunds, LI 132 1G» 9d, equal to L 2132 16s 9J, making a total of L 34.658 14s lid, and a grand total for the year of L 46,128 15«. Tho ordinary expenditure for the 10 montns ending on tho 31«t October is shown by statement No. 2, to h*ve been as follows : —Lighting, L 3 )90 13s; salaries. L 1582 Is 4d ; day labour and forage, L 2002 17s Cd; contingencies, LlO3l 13a 4d ; interest, L2llO 15* lid; contractors and. city works, L 2581 4g ; fouth Ward allocation, L 739 15s 3d ; High do, LB2B I 4« 9,1 ; Bell do. Lt>2B 18s 8d; Leith da, L 628 9a 9d; D.V.F. Brigade, L 230 15s ; bonds (short dated), L 220 1; total, LI7.GSC 18s Gd. Tho estimated ordinary expenditure for tho remainder of the year is as follows :—Lighting, L 1393 8s ; salaries, L 583 ; day labour and forage, L6OO ; contingencies, Ll5O ; interest, LI 15 10* ; contractors and city works, L 1917 13s 3d; Bouth Ward allocation, LlO 4s9d; High do, H2l 5s 3d; Bell do, L7l Is 4d : equal to L49C2 2a 7d, making the total ordinary expenditure for the year, L22.G19 Is Id. In addition to this, it is estimated that the following extraordinary expenditure will be incurred :—Exchange, LOS ; discount on bonds, L29IG; commission on sale of bonds, L3GO ; Bank of New Zealand (loan). 1 6000 ; Bank of Otago (overdraft), Lll G77 14s Gd : total, 1,21,043 14a 6d, making the total expenditure for tho year, L 43.657 15s 7d, *nd leaving a surplus of receipts over expenditure of L24GO 19s sd. The following ia an estimate of. incomo and expenditure for tho enauing year :— Kstimatk of Income and Expenditure, from Ist January to 31st December, ISG9. INCOME. Assessments ... £9,300 0 0 Licenses ... 250 0 0 Kent. ... ... 1,317 0 0 Market Due* ... 100 0 0 Government Subsidy 3,000 0 0 £13,967 0 0 exprkdituiik. Lighting ... £-1,200 0 0 SaUriea .. — 2.165 0 0 Day Labour ... 1,500 0 0 Contingencies ... 750 0 0 lr.ter»*t ... 2,800 0 0 Fire Brigade ... 250 0 0 £ 11,065 0 0 Surplus, £2302. Consideration of matters of finance were postponed, for a week. ROADS THROUGH THE TOWN BELT. The Town Clerk read a letter from the Clerk to the Roslyn Road Board. It stated that the General Board having assented to the streets in Roslyn bein^ declared District roads, and that it was intended to form'Koss street, which joina on to the Belt. The Board asked permission to continue tho street through the Belt on to the toll-bar. The cos! of tho road through the Bolt would, if the metal was obtained from the quarry en the Cemetery Reserve, coat LBO or LOO ; and as it opened up an important road to the township,and to an important district road, the Board asked the Corporation to bear half of the cost.

A discussion ensued. Motions to the effect that the matter bo referred to the Reserves Committee, the request to I c granted if the Engineer saw no objections were made. Another motion was, that L4O be given towards the cost of the road. Mr Dods, and other Councillors, objected to action being taken before a subcommittee had reported. Ultimately, ! the matter was referred, to the Works Committee. THB PCBLIC BATHS. Mr Lakeman, the Secretary of the Public Baths Committee, wrote, enclosing the following ropy of a resolution passed at a meeting of the Committee :—"That provided the free bathing space now encloved be not encroached upon, the Committee make no objection to the proposal of the Corporation to lease the bath* to Mr RJ. Wilson." With regard to <**-

tails, tho Committee felt assured that tho Corporation would endeavour to secure tho carrying out of tho contract in tho manner tltat would most benefit the citizens. The letter was referred to the Reserves Committee. THE WATER HVVPLY. Tho Secretary to tho Waterworks Company wrote, calling attention to the fact that in tho alteration of tho levels and gradients in Princes street, the fire plugs and valves had been covered tip. Tho Mayor stated that tho matter had been rectified. Another letter from Mr Dick was received, in reference to tho watering tho streets. It pointed out that the use of the water had been given upon conditions, and suggested that the services of the Company's Turncock (Mr D>vvys) should be taken in watering tho streets, the Corporation paying portion of his wages, as if ho was employed the Company felt satisfied that their property would bo protected.On tho motion of Mr C.vkrick, seconded by Mr Dons, tho services of Mr Davys wore accepted on tho conditions named. THE FIRE KTUGADE. A letter from tho Secretary of the Fire Brigade was received, enclosing sundry small accounts, and the invoice for tho hoso arrived per Timaru. It also suggested that an order for a new hoso reel should bo given, as ono was needed. Captain Wain wrote recommending Mr W. J. Mitchell to the office of watchman at tho Bell Tower. Mr Fish bore testimony to Mr Mitchell's character, and it was resolved that tho appointment bo made. Both letters were referred to the Fire Brigade Committee. MISCELLANEOUS*. A letter from the Secrotary of tho Agricultural and Pastoral Society of Otago, enclosing copy of a resolution passed at tho meeting of the Council, respecting the establishment of a markot, was referred to tho Market Committee.

The Town Clerk of Melbourne sent copies of the bye-laws of that city, and a vote of thanks to the Mayor and Corporation was recorded.

The Inspector of Works reported that the Canonjjate steps in Rattray street were in a dangerous state, and ho recommended that, in their stead, a road should bo made. The matter waa referred to the Works Committee.

l A letter from the Provincial Secretary, stating that so many applications for tho weigh'ridge at B»lclutha had boon received, that it had been decided to invite tenders from persons willing to purchase it, was read; together with one respecting the blinding of tho metal near the Government Buildings. Both communications wcro reforrcd to tho AV'orks Committee

Letters from Mr Goo. Dnncan, offering to lease sections in Canongato; from Moasrs Rcnnio and M'Gregor, referring to 'danger from decayed trees in the Bolt; from Mr Robert Banks, respecting renewal of lease ; from Mr Long, complaining of encroachments wpon tho Bolt ; and a report from the Ranger on the same subject, were referred to tho Works Committee.

Inspector Nimon's reports wero sent to tho Works Committee, as wero letters from E. M'Glashan and others respecting tho state of Duke street; from John Thomas, making a complaint against the Inspector of Works ; from Park and Curie, calling attention to tho dangerous state of street near their premises ; and from Mr P. O'Brien, asking that something should bo done to the footpath in front nf his hoteL

The Council was then adjourned.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 2119, 19 November 1868, Page 3

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CITY COUNCIL. Otago Daily Times, Issue 2119, 19 November 1868, Page 3

CITY COUNCIL. Otago Daily Times, Issue 2119, 19 November 1868, Page 3