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[Esuibllshod 1860.] JO H N HI SLO Pi ' , , jSuccossor to , G E 0 R Gtß- YOU N G, £ Late Arthur Bovorly,. OHRONOMETER, WATCH, AND CLOCK MAKER, " ■'■■ : Exactly opposite tho \ '■ BA N X .0 F OTAGO, \ ■ Princea streot, Dunodin, ,: *,- . Is In constant receipt by every Mail of a choice selection of i Ladles' and Gentlemen's Gold and Silver Hunting * Lovors,, Of a very superior description, manufactured expressly to order, for Colonial uso; ■ Also, A very choice selection of J B. W E L L B R V ■ .:' suitable for Prosonts. Bvdry description of 'Jewellery ' MADE TO ORDER. ; SHIP'CHRONOMETERS Cleaned and rated by transit observations, . , ■, i Nautical Instruments ropalred. . , N.B.—J. H. being a thorough practical Watchmaker, all work entrusted to his care will rocoiva his utmost attentlou. . ~ ...... -,;.,-. ■ ■ ■ JOJIWELLBRY, &0. J;:. "XT SALOMON, in returning thanks to -L 1 • his numerous frlomls for tho support thoy havo hithorto accorded him, begs to roinhid thorn that ho is constantly rocoiving, via Panama and Marseilles, monthly, a largo and magniflcont assortment of tho undormontlonod goods, of tho latest fashions and nowest designs,'viz. ;—, ' " Ladies' and gontlombn's gold and sllVoir hunting and oponrfaeod English and Gonova watches from.tho host manufacturers.. Colonial and English gold and silver chains and alborts,. of tho newest patterns, splondld. brooches, bracelets, earrings, nocklots, lockets, ; crosses, scturf pins and rings, studs, ■ alcove links; vest buttons; of the' most tasto- ; fuldcsigns, just; arrived from^tho Groat International Exhibition, sot with diamonds; ' rubies, erubralds, opals, dmdthysts, sapphire?,' topaz, aquamarinas, camoos, ki., ko. ; sto^- , ling silver and cloctro-platod tea and co#<so- . services, contro pieces, claret juga, fruit Bfcahds,.flbworstands, cruots, liqueur, egg,. '. jwdp'.ckle framos, cake and card baskota," salvor, sido dishes and dish covers, butter coolers, sugar baskots, toast racks; spoorts nd forks, soup and toddy ladios, flsh slices ; —every description, too numerous to mention. Ladies'and gontlombn's gold and Bllvor pencil ; : cases : and toothpicks;; vinaigrettes, and charms. .. •..,..; Gold, Rllvor, and steel Bpectaclos, and byd-glassos. A lino assortment, of ladles' and gents'sterling . ; . ■ ; ailvor and olcctro-platcd dressing coses. 'A largo assortment of sterling sllvor cups, of ■■ beautiful designs, suitable for raco, yachting, rifle, or artillery prlzos. ■. i' . Silver and elcctro-platod inkstands, in great ■■' variety. '•'''••• ■ '.' ' Also, magniflcont inkstand, mado bf puro Now ~.;' Zealand gold. Tolosiopes, opora and field glasses J English and Foreign clocks, from tho best -*...:■ ttjakors.; . -~...., ■ ! , | Musical boxes, with all tho .latest lmprbvo- ■■• • "', ■' ments; " '' ■■'.■-■-■■■' i In thb Watchmaking and Manufacturing Jewellery Department, the, utmost precision, and strict attention to thb beauty, design, and purity of material, may be fuUy rolled on. • Hours of businoss from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. . . ... . N. SALQMONi ; : . Chronometer and Watch Maker, _, Goldsmith and Jeweller, - ■•'' : : ' ' : Next Bank of Now Zealand, Princ s street, , ' : ' ' ' Dnnedin.'.' | •-. /"TAILORS.; "-";;' •'' *-y' :-: HANSLQ W and SAMPS ON, Military and Merchant Tailors, • ■ ■ ' f Hat Manufacturers, \ .',! ' Clothiers and; Outfitters, Princes, street, Dunedin; and 101, Swanston street, . '. ' Melbourno. • N.B.—A large Stock of Ooloniatmade Clothing , always on hand.. ILLIAM SIN CLAIR, I TAILOB A2TO CLOTHIER, .'"■■] ...'■ • Princes street, . j Opposite Criterion Hotel), . j '■".".' Dnnedin., " ! PUBLIC COMPANIES. I ROXAJL JN«URANOB 'OOMPANI. • f ....,...; FIRE AND LIFE.. ". ~ Capital .....£3,000,000 Accumulated Funds in hand 1,500,000 Annual Income .....................i 800,000 ''-■ "•' LIFE DEPARTMENT. , "\TEW INSURANCES; under the Par- , A-^ ticipatioii Tables are nbw entitled to' an In- , creased Share of Profits, in accordanco with_tiio r«wolu- - «0n passed at thb last annual meeting'of the sharei holders. ■ ■ The- bonuses hitherto declared aro' the s largest over cbntinubusly declared by any Company. • .-.; ■: • . iTRE DEPARTMENT: ■ ; ; Goodstind buildings in to\vn ahd country insured at curront rates.. ~....- .■ . ... .... , ;AU claims aro Bettlbd in the Coiony. .= ; HENDERSON,y^AW, and Co., Dunedin; ; y' '::- -" ' ' Agente for Otago and Southland. THE . LIVERPOOL and LONDON rand GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY. . , . . For Fiitß, HFn,,and ANmimua. |; •' - Capital Subscribed-'................ i£2,000,000 i Invested Funds. • ) Capital paid up..;.........,.;.'...;........ £400,600 Reserve surplus fund .'.....'....'.■■ 1,000,000 lilta Department rcsorvo 1,400,000 • Balancoof undivided pr0fit5.......... ...... 200,000 j (Three million and fifty thousand pounds) v 3,050,000 ,• ,*! •. ■-.; Revenue. . -•■-;■- Fir0pr0mium5............................ £380,000 Lifo premiums. 210000 Interest on inve5tment5.................... icolooo (Nino hundred and fifty thousand pounds) ■„ £930,000 ; '■ Medical Reforoo—A'. Eccles, Esq. All claims are settled in the Colony. ■'''' '' ':'-' Tables of rates for s Firo and Life Insurance in aU its branches, and overy information, may. be obtained from -• '■■ . ■ - > . G.S. BRODRICK, ', ..-,*.. . -. , . .-., .;-... . Rattray street. MARINE INSURANCE. ■■'■■■ v fTIHE .PACIFIC FIRE and MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY issue PoUcW at Lowest Current Rates. .Losses,payable in Sydney, Melbourne, i or London, -~;-.....;, - , BRIGHT BROS, and Co., Agents. PROSPECTUS - of the '' OTAGO FREEHOLD LAND, BUILDING, and investment society.To be Registered.under the provisions of the Friendly Societies Act. . . fii' SHARES £120 EACH. Entrance Fee,' Ss;'Subscription, 103 per share per . month; Redemption Fee, 20s per share per month; „, _■ . Transfer Fee, 2s 6d per share. " . Xhe Society will commence operations ak soon as — , ~ shares are allotted. ' PRESIDENT :..-.■;. , -Thomas Bii-bh, Esq., J.P., Mayor of Dunedin. • -•••; !- . , : T - STEES - " ; : . George Duncan, Esq.; Secretary for PubUc Works/ George M'Lean, Esq: (Messrs Cargiils and M'Lean). PROVISIONAIj DIBECTOBS: i '•, : Benjamin Bagley, Esq, .... Alfred H. Burton, Esq. ' William Barron, Esq. ■ G.^H. Campbell, Esq.: : -; • William Gregg, Esq. L. Thoneman, Esq. John Mitchell, Esq. Charles Reeves, Esq. ■■-..- -Robert Wilson, Esq. ' . ' . "s ■• 'V. SOLICITORS: Messrs Eienybh'and'Maddock. ■'""' SURVETOR :' . ""' . Mr R.yG. Stratton . '■'■'•''.' : ■ bankers: ■■•■■• ■■■''-■ The Bank of Australasia. '■■.;-'. ~-■ secretabt: ■■ ; . ~.'• : -~--,-,'-' F. H. EVANS, ; '.._:■'■ To whom applications for shares can now be made at his offices, Princes street. '." •*»*?*, ■ PRELIMINARY NOTICE. ~~~ THE ARGUS INVESTMENT SOCIETY, ash i SAVINGS INSTITUTE. To be registered under the provisionsof the Friendly i Societies Act, 1867. i 1... ... ... ' 1 Shares, £50 each; Entrance Fee, 2s Gd per share • 1 Subscription, 10s per share per month. 1 i This Society is a Building Society, to be conducted • on the permanent principle. The investing members will be required to pay their subscriptions for seventy- " five months («£ years), and ho more. " Borrowing < members may obtain Loans for periods not exceeding i ten years, repayable by fixed monthly instalments j Members will be able to join at any time, without i payment oi back subscriptions; and no premium nor J commission -will be charged to borrowers. Prospectuses and forms of application for shares will « be obtainable on and after Monday next, the 15th inst I on application to the, Secretary, who will also afford I every information to intending members. _..-■ ■■"■ M. W, HAWKINS, • Secretary, Telegraph Chambers, Stafiord.steeet.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 2062, 14 September 1868, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Otago Daily Times, Issue 2062, 14 September 1868, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Otago Daily Times, Issue 2062, 14 September 1868, Page 4