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Daily Times Office, Friday Evening. The! amount of Customs Revenue reoeived to-day, on goods cleared for consumption was as follows, yiz-jtfi"' . , n -

■• ■ ' ..' ;-.£! ,ys. i ■■■-'■'.■ ' £ s.d. Brandy ... 61 17 1 .Tea . ... 68 12 6 Whisky ...120 3 .1 Sugar 11l 5 0 Geneva ... 68 4 3 Drapery... 54 8 '6 Wine U...V34 14 6 Boots ...... 34 13 9 BeerinbulklO 0 0 Sundries... 67 16 6 Tobacco... 19 17;,,^ ■ ' -•

Total, £660 4 9

Anticipating the delivery 9f the.Otago's mails, which did not take place till a late hour, buyers postponed the completion of any transactions of moment, for which reason very little-; business has been. doneprU vately to-day. We only note' a. moderate sale of HennessyV case brandy, at'main-5 tamed rates, and some inconsiderable lota of oilmen's stores. The sale of teas and sugars J at Messfs^ M'Limdress, Hepburii, and Co.'s Rooms was fairly attended. ; Of the teas; very little _was .placed-iat the auotioneera' limits ; and the trade seemed indisposed to buy. A- better feeling attMSoiiftiie 'offer (ot tho-sagajra _ex Sere^nr-all -or^iea^lyjaO, of which wpre placed, . Quotations : fine .white crystals,; L 39 10s; second whites; L 36 7s 6d to L3B; j lower: .shades, L 35 2s '6d to L 36} second counters, L 27 to L^S, 7s 6d; and. -browns, L 25 ss. The quantity submitted amounted to 6681 bags. ' : ; ';;',', '~. ]'

Aprivatemercantile letter from London, just -received, xef erring to recent wool sales, states,: 'i " The Quantity of wool from New Zealand was hot so large aa last year, and-there were but few really wellgdt-up flocks, but these as^ usual commanded good prices,, and were5; readily bought up. No' word yet of the Countess of Kintore.".■■.•::: -'■-.■'<:'<:"• ■ '■'■'' '

Th© Argus of the sth inst. Teports:—'''' V Suited .cfche exoitementof :the mail's arrival has been got.oyer,' and ( everything haa been culled from "the advices to hand likely to prove in any way favorable to trade, business resumed tjhe., unsatisfactory and depressed aspect whichprevailed previous to the Avoca'a coming inj 'An extremely quiet day has been passed, and complaints of dulness. arenas loud aa ever. vßre'adstuffsshow decidedly less firmness, for though we continue to hear of trade sales ofr'ftyur at L 17■ 10s to Llßt, the rates ruling oF late, the larger buyers show much less disposition to purchase in quantity, even if offered at LI 7. Oats are steadier^ at; 3s' 7d T t6 3s Bd, at which sales of New^.Zealand are ; i reported. iSome 4^oo bushels: of malting wer<3 taken up Lat1 a price withheld.' Mafcse (sound) is very scarce, and difficult to be got under 3s 74d to 3s Bd, though inferior, is offering at^s .o"d to Ss:6d,^without finding Myers. Bran has been run up to 2s ; a line, of 10,000 jbushels';' changed within a penny !of thik'price.j Sales of cornsack^ % are! -■mentioned iat uslls 3d, in bond. The public r sale of the Mobilels cargo of' new season teas attracted, a, good .attendance,! andthe^auctioneer was success-, ful in gettikg rid~of- over"4ooQ"pTckages, a large quantity 'being boxes. The prices realised frdm tjie box. ranged from Is. 3£d. toils' lO^d. We |earnof aline of ninety chests of last season's teas h^ving^been placed at As 4A. JJf small shipment ofVnative v ,Ceylon coffee was duitted at 7|d or thereab'buts.% In •hops, sales have been made at Is 7d to'ls 10d, according to quality. 'In iiialt, signs, of increased! firmness appear,; an& ior late , shipments,- to arrive about six weeks hence, as much as 11s has been^ff^red. We have'no actual business, however, to report as yet, |We also "observe more inquiry ? for blasting powder, which, ;eyideptlfe means business. Outside brands of kerosfiSe-'pil have.been quittedat Is 84d. Under the hammer, some 211 packages of tobacco were disposed of at 9|d to Is for half-pounds, 9|d to Is 3|d; for pounds.; atomatics i^sabsed lOd to l|j. 2d, whilelfaulty tens^Vfii|ff quitted tft 5^ to 6|d net. j The .salfij,^o|,"^mber comprise spruce deals1. Scotch'^o^l^gl^clear pfrte,i white pine, shelving, picl!||s^?cedar boards, hardwood, &c. An eaaief"feeling prev'ailsin brandy. Sales of Hennessy's caaeh^ye. been made at 275. No buyers for ''bulk' can be got, except at lower rates also.,1 '".'.".' \ ■''"■ "'■" The JEobart..Town Mercury of t;|ii n 3l«t ult.yreports.:— - '-. ■■■' W'^£; '-> ; ' Business for the week has clos^|!|j^and we have no change to note in^|ips^;SThe effect of the intercolonial nbws-^^bjeiv'tp-unsteady the market slightly^ and' I&ferehlis I -been little trade done.. ;Wi(ea, not 5! ing, as holders dscline'tp accept 7s per bush^,- 1 the; highest price which= miUefs will pay, and?until the commencement of the week it is hard to say what turn the market will take. Other produce continues as last quoted, and we, therefore, simply refer to our former pricelist. ■_ . ... . . The South Australian Eegister of the; 25th ult reports •:— ;; , • Wheat. —The Panama jnews has not produced much" effect upon the market beyond creating a disinclination to business. The quotations are unchanged at 6s 6d to 7s 3d.'

Flour remains dull at Ll7 10s to LlB 10s. General Merchaudise.—With imported goods today a moderate amount of business hag been tranßaoted;«*Several lines have been sold to arrive. ■ ' ■ -"

The. fpllowing are the! prices realiged at the London wooliales of wools pf the undehnehtionedsbrands], exjWillidm oDavie :-—•. Vh '( ?

. Messrs Jacomb, Son, and Go's Circular, under date 27th June, reports as follows:— The second series of public sales of" Colonial wools for the current year, which commenced on the 14th ult.,: has closed to-day. ; Throughout this series.. (the aggregate quantity having been larger than everbef ore) there has been a greater fluctuation in prices than; usual; The average difference between, the highest and the lowest points having been; 10'to'15 per cent., the history whereof being that, at' the opening, Homo and foreign buyers mustered m very strong force, showing eager competition to supply their more| immediate wa'rtta,.'underthe influence of a blight recuscitatiori in trade and very goodjprospects of grain harvest throughout gurope. This feeling lasted longer,, perhaps, than, even the more sanguine expected, and; for about the first three weeks, in the face J of catalogues of larger dimensions than have before beansieeii in London^ the market dailyistrenfithen^d till, instead of the highest rates of March being fully as was at'the commencement, we were enaVled to quote an advance.on those rates for most sorts." After three weeks;! however, satiety began to show itself; "largeqiiantitiea , of South American -Had"beeri sold at Antwerp and Havre at rates lower by 5 to. 10, percent, than their previous quotations, in ' addition to the large bulk of Colonial that had >een placed hero and the German and French merino, wools camd to and wore sold at a very low range, which told more jespeeially on lower ; Colonial Borts. During the latter half of the. sales, instead of the confident competition of the earlier ones, a .yeryi different tone has displayed-itself; speculation has, under the prospect of a very largo sale again in August, been absent, and almost all descriptions have with difficulty been s6ld at a reduction fromMarch'ratea. Much |*s we may regret the ability of biir Continental neighbours to outbid home en-1 sumersj, the benefit of a central market has again been shewn by foreign purchasers to the extent pi more than 50 per c,ent, of the .whole quantity offered. r^s'' h ! , Victorians have been in ■large supply, on the average fully equal to 1; last year's' clip, with a goodly shew of superior flocks in fine condition, which were eagerly-i competed for at high piiceß in the earlier sales. : The finer ao!d better Australian flocks have been in demand, but the heavy weight of medium, low, and faulty sorts thenco has realised a low range at the best; the bulk of this clip has however yet to be soli Adelaides and New Zealands, on the average compare badly with last season—of the former, a large quantity of low, earthy, greasy has sold at a very low range ; of the latter, stout deepgrownparcels have been in demand, but the majority has been shorter and poorer than' last year. Of Tasmanians, even/the better" flocka have not r given the ; r\inge 'of rlast year. All the well-grown aid better sorted Swan River-flocks have she^n an im- • provement. In Capes all^ and good Western flocks especially, shewed an improvement at ihe commencement" vphich has not- been maintained. 0 From''all porta^greasy wools have given & low prpportionateirange. scoured ; wools with body have -excited good competition, lambs have been son. th& average' lower than in March i -!<»nd latterly lobki' and pie!c'W have showki/a, curiously high,', proportionate range of priceHo'jjlie flocks to which they appertained. .i-uAmkl ■'■■•__ ' ''<- : The nexirßeries*prsalis3 ,wili proba^ly ; comi nience about the1 l3th 'of Auguat,,j by which time there wiUbe a Btock of 200f000 bales. Annexed we append^table:of limportsj &6.; arid prices current! . ...i.

Ranges .of- Prices, of C(tloiii&Wwl y M&y-x June Sales, 1868 :— -'- ;-i/r^ t: ;}p '. '•?■)■ " , ..-' .^ ""-•"'," ""?few- ■■' I """ \ , Victoria.' i\ Zealand. / '■'- - ''■' !■ s. d. s.. d. ' :u: d. s. r d..'j Extra flocks 2 3a"3.*6 : : iiE 10a 2 ..Q.. Superior, flocks in best'% c""' ''-:".[ '■':-. ['J :: z'~: rl' "I condition....; 2.0 : -?,-2J ir.S? 1 '■& ivSrstgbftQ good in fair Xi lL''■'."- ''i ''■'-■;.--.-.■ •-.- ! ,.-; i ' ~.1 1 8 -1 11 1 •&* i-l (7;"' 'Ordinary and * ill-condi- '.- .; '.'.• ■•!' "-. ",.r" ',: ; ■ 'Ktuj&jd ......;.;.......-1--3 ~±'T ••'I- 0 1,4 .Spffareci;.....;..;.:.>,„ 18J 2 6 l\ ;8- -:2: ■'■4;..' \ y,SL-i*inferior-.....;...Vi 3 I "8" H." 2 I^7' ■■;:-.^,.% Lambs' ....V... 1: 8 2 5*11.6 ;2. 0> Fair and- Hand-washed - ■_>. '. \ ■■■■■--■■■■■ •■■■■.■ skin::r :...-...... 1,^3...t5^ ...m-,i- 14Inferior and Kempy Skin ClO ""* 1^ "i. '$ 0 "0 .. 0 11 Lambs', good V,*,, ~j 9 23' 1-:5. '17 .-;■•• kExtra.,. * : 3 ,oj: .; -> .-,',"'inferior to aye- :' ''" i - u11age'.V...;..;..:./.,.. 1. 2 a .8 1 0,1.4 Br.c^n, Locks, &c. .....,, 0* 10 1 8j, l"0" S-;0 11 si- .'JLr ■■*■>'■■'■■'■ : Extra..--1 in •% 0. ■■■ "■--.:. ''InQ-rea5e............v... o' r9-i . .I'■;,4J .0. 3 I2J .^,%osfSripfc.^London, iitik: fvXyl— Sines .^sue q| the above there have been-no tranar i^tioa9'! of i»g|aent in tlie market to record. Jq^Wals ara»|^rge, inquiries been, yery liinitSi, alltnanufacturing district^ a,re |adt encp«ragiiigUn the face of heavy stob&l of, wool^ A Bf|e of about 35,0Q0 bales-;s|south Americia (equivalent in,weight to.7f^OoQ Colonial), 4jened onthe 14th, at A"ntw;eip, at prices'from.lO to 15 percent, under themMay?ate^-s^-4^!On3^era^e reduction, considering tfie^eclps then established; " . •■» •■':■•• • ;: :^'ft;# ■■;:;/'■ "'"';'

The arrivals here to date are • .... Bales. Australian.....-,...., 49,453 fViotonan ...;,lj, 50,178 ian--": 6,716 Adelaide 7 911 Svran River..,. .'..,,.. ' Ney-2^aland '.. '~ 29,366 .^..h; 15^006 J f:y-; Total,., 158,635 and would;.-liave been much, larger but for long prevalence of easterly winda.

M ovet- anchor, : :.; 16 fc>a!ea fleece 2s;. Od : |Do S15 do'""• do Us lOd, -■■■". \jPo 20 do do Is 94'd •; Do 8 do do Is 9d - Do 12 do do . Is ,6d j\ -:■"■: -. 12 do do Is Id H.L conjoined., t r .- -, - ■ . , s r ,' over'. Moutit 'Pisa, 22 do ' do ' la 3^d Do 10 do do Is 73d .Do 20 do do la I24d Do 22 do do .la---2d-Do, 11 do, do- Is lid , S /Do 12 do pieces 0s ll|d ' 1 Do 76' dp greasy 0s 9{& Do 85" do do '0s 9d Do 45 do ■ do- 0s 8Jd ; Otnma ,. . , : ., 23-^ fleece Is ■ fid Do ; 14 do ' do Is 5id Do . 32 dQ ! do Mla'Sd ! Do 13 do do Is 2d Do .12 do; do Is Id

3| t ,..■ . ; .-.i .-, .. : O CO *—' tO fflCfiW jto toeapiOi o h* g, rf^ ososegtc^iaiw. .'■'.."., O W t— to CO M , t . ■ Jtf S° t® P 1 P5 "-1 & ■ =, »*»■ oj cn>-a oo oo o> i£. ■■- • « *tg.oo , w.ooh,? I:, • (g g m ■■<:■■■■ :■'!•■-:• ■•■■ ■ '- '- •• ! i ' O . -., „., —-.- ■ ; . : .•;.. ■■,-;-"■:::■ ■ ■ ;i|r|;;>^_^j^;^ s ss2sssa?.-.; ■ ■■ M4m^ tf»- K> SJT *. t-i OS O-SP ■• > ■•■■-f35J-s;«:r ;W^v ,■:.;<© 00 *. i- i- #. OS Ol . . i ...-.■. .^ r., -...;'. ,;i» ja'ii.i.jSi.'Jfc^''5 -^- •■-.■ - ...;.'.-, ■■j-.>ji".::.;:-i.',-i "rf». h-" ;•■■•. ■ v-i-'-uj ■ "' ■•ii-B >.'.'■■■■■:. ■ ■;-.• pi offi rfi.t- tfxoog'.: >s'. B&^:<v\-."-,;:-00 HCOlfflWOoS'. ...-.-Vi • vR efj.--Ii£':-Vi ■■:- ■ h- oocovicoH-itoiw" 1' '■;■" --•(■; g, ■•■-..- - .-. , .. fcfl ..-tfs. i- to oi 00 i- ©■= -t ; .■;■■£ fi(tl0O •- ...

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 2061, 12 September 1868, Page 2

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COMMERCIAL. Otago Daily Times, Issue 2061, 12 September 1868, Page 2

COMMERCIAL. Otago Daily Times, Issue 2061, 12 September 1868, Page 2