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September' 11—Otago,' 457 tons, Symons, from Melbourne, via Bluff Harbor, with English mails, cargo, and passengers. G. S. Bvodrick, agent: ' ' , ..... OUTWARBS-t^COASTWISE . Sept. n^Ahunri/130 tons, Flowerday, master, for the North, with cargo and passengers. "W. Sly, agent. 'r""" T" IMPORTS. :i. Per T-aiaroa, from Port Molyneux: 250" bags oats, Whittingham Bros ; 256 do, Service, Gibson, and Co; 30 do, Cargills and M'lean;;-S3 ,bags .potatoes, Matthews; 37 do turnips^ <Ib potatoes, Sinclair ; 2 cases; Anderson; 1 box, Shaw; 1 cask, 1 case, Bolton; 1 do, .Oliver and Ulph. Per OTbago,. from Melbourne: 1 horse, M'Kellar; 36 cases, Service Gibson, and Co; 7 pockets hops, Marshall and Co; 6 cases, IQ-f-boxes tobacco, 2 cases cigars, 1 do snuff, 4do florida water,2 do pain-killer, 15 do vestas ;.l 4q fancy goods, Feldheim, Jacobs, aWd- 3 Qo ;." 6 g-boxes tobacco, 3 cases, order ; S'npfegs, Hanslow and Sampson ; 11 packages,; J -'■ Blakely ; 44. quarter-casks brandy. !; 20 ; cases sauces," Whittingham Bros; 50 boxes _candles, :60 cases claret, 1 do tobacco, 1 do-sundrieg, Lange and Co ; 1 trass, Inglis;,. 13, sacks seeds, Law, Soinner, and Co; 48 case's, P Hayman and Co; 1 case, Farra ; 10 do tea, Low Kit; 45 boxes, 6 cases glass, Andrew Lees ;.2 cases, Han?low and -,; 30 cWses: gil," '5 pocketsT Tibps, 160 bags, i:SO mats sugaiv-100 boxesta&rM'Calluin, Netflrr»*wiOo~; 400 bags rice, ~—WWTTWx^aa^yJfcliighcs an^XVfJ2j»ackaf'es, 6 ASmith ; 10 cases, North and Scoular°; 2 cases .woollens/ Hanslow and Co; 5 cases drugs, Yotm«man& Co.; 10 pockets,, 1. bale hops, Marshall-and" Co •'IOO .boxes tea, J Brook; 2 bars irom,.l package, Briscoe and Co ; 2 cases'crgjirs';1 tS-Xevi; l_case, 2pieces lumber. 1 bundle poles, Robin and Co; 10 qr-casks whisky, VfKittingham Bros; 74 cases oranges, Dunning Bros;. 1 bag tools, M'CaUumjNeill, and Co • 2 packages, Low Kit; 1 parcel,* Kirk'patrick; 1 ,case woollens, -1 parcel, Hislopj "1 case, H.jyman ; I parcel, Haigh and Co ; 1 case, Beissel; 1 do, Petersen; 1 do, Boyd ; lease, Allan; -1 parcel, Preshaw; . 1 cask, Acclimatisation^ Society/; '35 sheep, 13 v .caBes potatoes, 12 do oranjies,: 24 bags "onions, Symon ; 31iels"skin87Cfiats ; 1 box,, Jones; 1 parcel, Baily. From Bluff— 6 packages oysters, Jewett; 1 case, JX-vl^ety ;'; 1 parcel, Simpson; with original cargo" for Northern Ports.- ' ••-:---- -''■'■> --•- ; l--i ■•.- -■■ ■ .. , r , : EXPORTS. '. : . Per Ahuriri : For Lyttelton— 1 case glassware, J Lazarus. For Wellington—ll "cases wine, Dalgety and Co : 2' do. drugs, Kemp.thorne; 1 parcel, Bing, Han-is, and Co. For Nelson—l bale corks, 1 case,:Kempthorne. For Picton—l case drugs, -ELempthorne; 1 qr cask "wine, 2 half bairels apples, 1 qr cask brandy,"E, B Martin and Co. For Napier—2 bdls spades, 2cases^sundries'; i7kegs nails, 1 cask ziue, 1 cask sundries,4 bundles forks, Ido broom handles, 1 case, lcaskj 1 bundle fenders, 1 case range, 1 do glass, 1 keg ochre, 1 bundle spades, 1 do shovels, 30 kegs paint, 7 kegs nails, 12 ovens, ;10 drums oil, 2 half-barrels pitch. 3 do tar, 150 coils wire, 640 "bars, 140 bundles iron,. 5 brls tar, 2 cases, l c brindi,e tubs,v4 do spades, 5 do scythe |iandlesi 15 kegsnails, 7 bundles handles, 2 cases, 1 do stoves, Iroll2inc,2 bundles bladesri; roll lead, 1 case range, 1 cask shears, 1 do riddles, 1 cask chain, 2 cases, 1 cask, 3 springs, 4-package, 4 bars steel, 30 cases oil, 15 bars, 5 .bpndles iron, 2 axle arms, 1 matted package, 3 cases, 1 cask sundries, 6 ovens, 1 reaping machine, 1 wheel) Brfaftoei and Co; 1 cask earbhen-

ware, 25 cases oil, Calvert and Co,; 2 cases, 5 pkgs tobacco, Teldheica ; 4 cases, "Cargill _^nd. Co; 1 parcel, MoseY and Co. For Auckland.—4s cases vestasj 35 do matches, IFeldheiiD ; 1 hhd glassware, 1 cask do, 6 crates glass, Calvert and C0;.26 cases, 4; trusses, 2 trunks. 8 bales, Pargpod and Co j 9 trunks, 1 case Wots, Heymanson ; 1 parcel. Boucher; 2 cases acids," Kempthorhe.; 198 cases whisky, ~.5.0^ do 'tirandy, 10 :do lobsters, 10 do j<tms, 5 cases hams, 10 casks peas, 5 cases blacking, 5 qr-casks wine, 2 do Bherry, 5 cages herrings. 10 do sardines 5 do com 'flour, 26 bags meal, 2 sacks do, 2 cases confectionery, 2 -do lemon peel, ,--4 bales paper, 3 cases blacking, 2, do iloiJlies, _5 &o salt, 2do tartaric acid, 1 ease liqueurs, 20 boxes pipes, 10 cases sardines, 10 do lobsters, 2do confectionery, 1 do lollies, 4 bags meal, M'Cal-. lum, Ifeill, and Co ; 5 cases cigars; Feldheim and Co; 25. trunks,:-2 cases, 1 box s Heymanson ; 1 case drapery, Bing, Harris, and Co.

The P.N.Z andA.K.M. Co.'s s.s. Otago arrived from Melbourne, .via Bluff Harbor, at 10.30 yesterday, .with, the Suez mails, 9 chiefl and: 16 steerage passengers, 1506 packages of cargo, 35 sheep and 1 horse, for this port, .and;:s2 passengers and cargo, fcir Korfchern Ports. Her m&Ss and passengers were conveyed to Dimedin by the Golden Age on, he.r. midday trip. The Otago left Hobson's Bay at 4 p.m. on the sth,, and cleared the Heads at 7 p.m. Passed " Tsland at 4.30 p.m. on the 6th, from-thence she experienced fresh north and nor^h-^ast 'winds. . Passed the Solander at 5 a.m.,pn,t)xQ 10th, On nearing the Bluffy a thick fog came on,: ia consequence of which the engines -had to t c stopped for four hours, -w;hen it partially cleared, and she arrived "alongside .the wharf at 3.30 p,m, i landed 14 horses and 22 tons

cargo, and lefb at 6 p.m. arriving as above, bavins; experienced fine weather on the coast. The purser, with his characteristic courtesy, supplied us with our usual Melbourne files, and a copy of the Home News. The s.s. Ahuriri, having received on board the Northern portion of the Suez mails, ex Otago, sailed for Lyttelton and other ports at 2.45 p.m. yesterday. ■ ■ , i The gutter Hope, with! a cargo of'beaVy timber; from the forests! of Sawyer's Bay, sailed f_or Waikouaitfiivthe afternoon, :> .,' .• 1 The favorite N Albion,'- formerly belonging t&th'e now\d'efunct Otagtf-Stetfm Shipping Company, and purchased by the Messrs. Hoyt and Captain A. M'Kinnon, arrived,at Yokohama, Japan, from-Sydney via the Fijis; on the 16th of June, after .a remarkably fine passage of 35j days, including 3 days' stoppage at tlie Fijis. From private corfespoisdence, we are enabled to glean that ;the greater of the .passage was made with one boiler, attd that her consumption of fuel only averaged. fourteen tons of coal per day. On arrival, co.-^ was worth L 3 10s per ton, and she had 250 tons left. A large number of steamers were in the Japan waters, but none equal to the Albion. The latest dates are to the 18th of July, upto which time the Albion was still lying in Yokohama without a purchaser, although advantageous offers had been made for ;her. Her passengers were very much disappointed with the| place, owing to the porta not being opened and safe ; as fighting is still going on and; no stable Government rule, they could get ■ nothing to do. So far as the country was concerned, i nothing could excel it in beauty and fertility; but only a few miles could be traversed safety, as the natives thought nothing of cutting one's head off if an encroachment waß made upon their lands. Also, if a foreigner did not make obeisance to the Daimios, he was liable to be cut down. Only for the presence iri Yokohama of a number of English, 'French,. American, < and Dutch men-of-war^ the safety of Europeans would, be .in danger,,, On, the passage from the : Fijis," a' number of shoals and islands were discovered to. be .incorrectly laid down in the charts.

The mail brings us news of,. the arrival Home of the barque Catherina and ship Lady E&idia. The former arrived at Grayesend on the 3rd July, 93 days "out; and the Lady Kgidia,*ou the same day, at Deal, 94 days out. The ship Robert Henderson arrived off Scilly, from Bluff Harbor, on the 10th July, 94 days out.. The ships Countess of Kintore and Chile left Otago the same day as the Robert Henderson left Bluff Harbor, but had not arrived when, the mail left on the 17th of July.; : !-'-" i;'— ■'■ - x

The ship Schleswig Bride left the Clyde for Otago on the 24th of June. The Beautiful Star sailed from Gravesend for Otago on the 7th of July. The only vessel on the berth at London loading for Otagb was the Timaru. At Liverpool, the Ada was loading for Otago ; and Wellington. In noting the arrival of the Great Britain (on the present voyage, it affords us a great amouijt of pleasure to state1 that the good old ship is still commanded and. officered as on her; previous trip. : Wo state this, as many rumours gained, ground. that Captain. Gray, ;had left her (to coil np his ropes ashore), but we ar© now in a position to state that Captain Gray is too mucn attached to His vessel to think of leaving her; and it is problematical that, if he was out of her, whether she could make the extraordinarily, quick,run? ,she has always effected under his supervision, many laverring that it could not b.eidoue. On the present occasion she left Liverpool with upwards of 500 passengers at.3 p.m.i on" the 9th; of July; crossed the Equator on the 26th, in, 19: deg., 20 mm. W;-;! passed the meridian of the Cape of Good Hope on the 13'h ofiAugust- id 3S deg.;s2 min;S., and at 11.50 on the 3rd inst. brought up inside of Port Phillip Heads," having experienced light winds land fine weather throughout the passage* As usual on the arrival of this fine ship, the Bay^ was quite., alive, with visitant^, the • boatihea reaping a fair harvest: from those who c .had friends -on board, jfor the day being fine, they went off and met the ship a short distance down the Ray. The following are her daily runs: — 195,211; 213, 229, 213,204,220,202, 190, 192, 184, 195, 191, 175, 156, 157, 181, 198, 207^230, 219; 2^^^9^204^05^.213,^220 190, 20^-493^198, 325, 260, 262, 262, 237!*----260, 1279, 250, 283, 262, 244, 263, 262, 295 270, 310^332, 291, .255,..247, 27.0,J220, 299^ 299, and 250, making "in^all 13^041. So thus it wjfll be seen that her' best- day's run was 332,1 and-her- worst -156, and"the~ayerager rather over, 232 per. diem, or a decimal under: 10 knots an hour. —Age,.l .:-.;:.. "= .-•••■;: H. .v\-u

SHIPPING.TEI^GRAMS~-r^sTE«DiYr-NE.soN,i>Sept. 10.^Pho3be, 'fromPicton!,' atlp.m.; ••.■••;.:.. ~^.^-'i.^:-i'.v;

IWEATHER^;• TEI^GEAMS^-FEsi^jjAYr Wellington: Wind ! N;ij.'- Ughfc; bar. 29.96, thar. 55; dull weather. ' •-'" ;.; >, " ; "Nelson : Nq j.,bar.29,85, - ther. 58; fine weather.' Blenheim : Wind W., Kghi/bar! 29.84y ther. 55; fine weather falling.; ~ . :- Lyttelton: No wind; bar. 29.79, ther. 49^duU weaker;/ &!;J;'.' ~:o o:,. * -.'.•. CHBiSTGHURCHf • ■ Wind 7N.Ei. light: bar. 29.78, ther. 55 ■; fine S^eather.' " " . BealeV;: Wmd N.W. fresh ; rain ; rivers ■very low; . ~t,■■.••.>.' <-:- ■ :-Jv.-- ■• j;; X 1 •■"-..... '-;-

Gkeymouth : Wind...N.E., jigtt] ■•' dull weather; bar good. ~ Hoeitika : -Wind S.E., light]; bar. 29.88; ther. 50; rain. ....:.. v>:;c,^ ri ;" ~*:"'. >O

Oamaetj: -No wind ; dull weather; slight swell. -',-M liv; .'■:■''- --; -'■■'•■■ ■-'■'■; y Blto?f : Wind W., light; bar. 29.60 ; dull weather. ; \ l '■'■ '■''- "-' Napier: Wind 'N.W. light^ rain; sea slight swell. .\ ■■■':■':---'J ; .;

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 2061, 12 September 1868, Page 2

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CUSTOMS ENTRIES. INWAHDS. Otago Daily Times, Issue 2061, 12 September 1868, Page 2

CUSTOMS ENTRIES. INWAHDS. Otago Daily Times, Issue 2061, 12 September 1868, Page 2