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PUBLICATIONS. ICKENS'S NOVELS in Red Cloth— Tlio Ohofti>oafc Books Published. Tlio Family Doctor Dictionary of Medical Knowlodgo ' Walsh's Domestic Medicine and Surgery Handy Book of Mcdicallnformatioa Yankeo Drolleries Practical Horsemanship .: . ,; Tho Hunting Field, by Harry HieoTer Tlio Pocket and tho Stud do do ThoStudFarm do do / . I Things Worth" Knowing about Horses, by Harry Hieover Tho Management of Sheep and Stations Blalno's Veterinary Art . Randall's Sheep Husbandry I Youatt'B Grazier and Cattle Brooder's Assistant Sheep—their Structure and Diseases, by Spoonor • Shcop—thoir Improvemoufc and General Management, by Blacklook' Frcoinosonry and tho Grand Lodga of Scotland Tho Ladies of tho Covenant Phonographic Reader and Manual Cooloy's rrnctical Receipts Now edition o£ I'ondonnls Nowcomos, Vanity Fair, &o. WISE, BOOKSELLER, &0., Old Bank of New Sonth Wales, Duncdin. THE Advertiser receives, by each Panama Mail, a Parcel, containing Copies ' o£ all tho Works of Gonoral Interest, published durina tho Month. Printed lists will bo forwarded to any address, Immediately on tho arrival of tho Matl>, Books Specially Ordered Can bo procured from Britain In four months, and will bo chargod at tho rato of one-fourth advance on tho published prico. . Book Buyers Will find it cheaper, and more satisfactory; to procure Books In this way, than to ordor from Melbourne or Sydrioy, whore frequently the commonest Publications aro nob to bo had. A. E. UVINGSTON, Princes street.. XpNGLISH and EUROPEAN NEWS. J2A " THE MAIL:" a Paper containing the principal leaders, a well-digested summary, and all tho interesting matter from tiie Time*. ; Published in London twlco a wools,' Tho newspaper hitherto known as tho Evening Mail having become tho property of tho proprietors of TJie Times, will, on and after tho 80th of Juno, bo published twice a week, under tho title of "THE MAIL," At tho price of Threepence per copy as heretofore. Tho days of publication will bo Tuesday and Friday, and each paper will contain tho news and all matters of interest appoarlng in tho threo previous numbers of The Timet, which wili thus bo rendered available, In a cheap and convenient form, for persons residing abroad or in the Colonies. , . ~. ~.;..■• • Subscribers can obtain "THE MAIL' through Nbwspaper Agonta, or may have it from the PubUßhor, on prepayment, at Printing House Square, London. MEDICAIi. DR. CRAWFORD,, Consulting Surgeon and Accoucheur, begs to intimate that ho maybe consulted in. all the Branches of his Profession, at his .Medical Laboratory, Princes strcat, opposite tho Criterion Hotel. £ . ■-~-... ■ Dr. C. has great experience of the following diseases, viz:— . . -~ . . ;.-:,. :,■' ; ■ •..."• Diseases peculiar to women and cbJldrot Diseases of the heart and lungs ' Diseases of tho digestive'system . - ; Diseases of tho nervous system Diseases of tho eye : Diseases of tho skin ■ . ■ " ■■■■.. Diseases of the blood. Advico gratis from 9 to 12 a.m., and from oto 10 p.m. : .:...-- FeTeITo h~~medTcTn"e~s, ' PBEPAKKD BY " . GRIMAtTLT and CO., . Chemists to H. 1.8; Prince Napoleon, PARIS.' These different medicines represent tho most recent modical discoveries, founded on .the principles of chemißtry and therapeutics. They xnuat not bo confounded with secret or quack medicines, as their names sufficiently indicate their composition; a circumstance which has caused them to be appreciated and ' prescribed by tho faculty in,the whole wprld. ..They widely differ from those numerous medicines advertised in the public'papers as able to cure every possible disease, as they are applicable only but to a very few coznplainte. The most stringent laws exist in Franco with regard to tho sale of medical preparations, and only those which have undergone an examination by tho Academy of Medicine, and have been proved efficacious, either In the Hospitals or in the practice of tho first medical men, are authorised by the Government. This fact must be a guarontoofor the excellency of Messrs Grimanlt and Co.'a medicines. DOCTOR LERA S' S (Doctor of Medicine) ' .. Liquid Phosphate of Iron. Tho nowest and inpqt esteemed medicine '■':'..' inchaesof—' ' CWorosis, Pains in tho Stomach, Difficult Digestion, Dismenorrhea, Anhnea, General Debility, and " ' ' Poorness of Blood. ■ r „ It is particularly recommended to regulate the functions of nature, and to all ladies of delicate constitution, as well as to persons suffering under every kind of debility whatsoever. It is the preservative of health 'par excellence" in all warm andrelaxing climates. ■ NO MORE COD LIVER OIL. ' ■' Grimault's Syrup of lodized Horseradish. This medicine has been adminißtercd with tho utmost success in the Hospitals of Paris. It is a perfect substitute for Cod Liver Oil, and has been 'found most beneficial in diseases of the.cb.est, scrofula, lymphatic disorders, green sickness, muscular atony, and loss of appetite. It regenerates the constitution: in purifying tae blood, it being the ;most powerful depurative fcno\rn. It has also been applied with, happy results in diseases of tho skin. Further, it will bo found to be of great benefit to yonng children' subject to humours and obstructions of the: glands. • • ■ ■ : , ~: . CONSUMPTION CURED. ■ : Grimault's'Syrup of Hypophosphite ofliime.- ' ;- This new medicine is considered to be.a: eoveroign remedy in cases of consumption and other diseases of the lungs. It promptly removes all the mbst serious symptoms. The cough is relieved.night perspirations' ee>se, and tho patient is rapidly restored to health, i N. B.—Bo sure to see that the signature of Grimanlt C^ Ca" is affixed t0 tUo bottle 'a? Ms syrup " Uable fco NO MORE DIFFICULT OR PAINFUL DIGESTION. .. • . . • Dr. Barm Dv Buisson's (Laureate ,6f the Paris 'Imperial Academy of Medickie) • ■'■ ; - - ; ■ Digestive Lozenges. . ■ •. j.: • This delicious preparation is always prescribed by the most reputed medical men' in France in cases of derangement of the digestive functions, such as— ' ■■■ '■ Gastritis, gastfalgia:, long arid laborious digestion wind m the stomach and bowels, emaciation, jaundice' and complaints of the liver and loins.; ■ >. ■ - , : • ' NERVOUS HEADACHES, NEURALGIA,' ' - ... Diarrhoea, dysentery, instantaneously cured by Grimault's Guarana. This ,vegetsb.le substance, which grows, in the Bra2ils,'hasbeen.employedsince-time immemorial to' cure inflammation of the bowels.!- It has proved of late to be of the greatest service in cases of cliojera, as it is preventative and cure in cases b£ diarrhoea. ; ; : NO MORE,DISEASES OF,THE SKIN. ' '•" Dr Cazenave's pills. . I■: The efficacy of these pills has .been found after, 20 years of experience ia the hospital of Saint-Louis, in Paris, under the direction of Professor Cazenave, headmedical man. This hospital is especially devoted to ttte cure of skin diseases. . -. . • - . NO MORE DTSPEPSIAj '.' Yomitmg, during pregnancy, or Sea Sickness. : ' . , -■ Grimault's Elixir of Pepsine. ; . Pepsine undergoes 'no alteration in this delicious preparation. It will, consequently, be preferred to I pepsine powders or pills. It is the digestive medicine I "par excellence," and if is, at the same time, a most agreeable table liqueur. '; " " . Messrs Grimault beg: to call the attention ofthe faculty and of the public in general to the fact that real pepsine is prepared in .France alone. It is far .suparior to all others, often extracted from the siomach orporci. ■■. ■. -. .... ~-, , ■.";•• r '' ;! 'NO MORE COPAIBA, OR CUBEBS.' Grimault's Capsules and Liquid Extract of Matico '' "■'•'■ ■ ..- Vegetalis. ': ;■• ■- ; 't:''-'"-' Where all other medicines have failed, these preparations will always effect a cure. These insure rapid _and ; extraordinary cures of severe recent and chronic cases of private disease/ They are used in the' hospitals of Paris, by the celebrated Dr Ricord, and are found greatly snperior to all hitherto' Iniowii"' .mineral remedies and-copaiba and cubebs. The injectioriis used in recent, and capsules in the more chronic cases. - ' ' : ASTHMA.'ASTHMA: -ASTHMA.-" ;uIndian cigarettes prepared with the essence of Canabis Indica. : -.•;. Wonderful results have been obtained from the use of theso cigarettes, by persons suffering from asthma and other complaints of the respiratory organs. '"■ r ' •N.B.—All the above medical preparations are accompanied by instructions as to the manner in which they are taken. . . , ■ . . ■ • GENERAL,DEPOT :-r- : . = v In PARIS, at Grimault and Co., 45, Rue Richelieu. ,In LONDON, at Newberry* and Sons, 45, St. Paul's Church Yard. ' In NELSON, Mr T: B. Hadfield.' " ; In INVERCARGILL, Mr G. M. G. Clarke. In-DUNEDIN, Trustees of Henry Yonngman, late" :Messrs FRENCH, KEMPTHORNE, and Co., and T. M. Wilkinson, Medical Hall, Princes street. ' ~ : NO MORE TOOTHACHE. ' ~~~ T>UNTER'S NERVINE.—SoId by all c^ iSt3i at ls 6a per packc(i>'to **■ to*™t cure cor toothache, forms a complete stopping, renders exa'acwon unnecessary; and does not injure the teeth like the worthless mutations which unprincipled persons' are selling under the same name. -. Bunter's Nervine, «' The Cure for Toothache." . ■ _ Hood and Co 160 Elizabeth street, Melbourne, sole wholesale agents for Australia and New : ZealancL To as had of all Chemists and Druggists, and Store" 7 ~~ "CAOTION^ ~~~ GTEEDMAN'S Soothing Powders • f llffl^ cntbhxS tbeir teeth. Purchasers are requested to beware of imitations of this medicine' and •to observe, m every case, that the words "JohnSteedman, chemist, Surrey," are engraved on the Government Stamp affixed to each packet, without Which none are genuine. ' ' ia S°ack b t a4^ hem2ts Druggists in New Zealand,

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 2061, 12 September 1868, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Otago Daily Times, Issue 2061, 12 September 1868, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Otago Daily Times, Issue 2061, 12 September 1868, Page 4