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'Aj meeting; of the City. Council was held ;yesterday, !■in ".,'-,'s#6 t'Cprpdratjipn offices.) The Maypr^ T^Birch^Esq.^ preßided, and! !t!h(s ;;Cpu^6il|ldr^ ,!:pre^eht!;.'were Messrs! Driver^ Camck,-Griffehj Simpson, Dodsj arid Wilkinson. '' •'' ■'•■■ I 'irmm jiowNtpi^^^O^^M Masseyj tfead^the" minutes ■'•- of the previous meet--ihgs^wM^K^r^c^nfii^d.;;;':;;^ !

th» following membrial fifom a huhibbri''bf icowfeeders:—i ( ' With. referenc'drtb 'thM depasturing 6f cattle Hipdh'^he! TbWh' Bfelt- we1, the undersigned co.wfeederßi. are'informed by the Town Clerk that L 2 per'head' per >annum is (the' license ( fee;"'; |X|iii,: SJfteir .&M 'cpMide'ratipja, we find! ..'.tft ibe : ..m»ny;r'easons—lsti That feed is very scarce at: all times of the year.'1 2nd; S ach'cattle have at all'times to be .herded, in, orcLer^ta^keep ;ts6m 4 ou the Belt. 3rd. That the keep of oattle in Town i$ so costly that;it*fequjrea knowledge and strict economy' to::makfe iiteoi ;pay. 4fch| rThatithey iayeiaiirecognised bqriefit.^to the inhabitants in various parts of the Town; siti>. " Thaji^ittli'fiejirlyair^hjo'Ksepithemupoh ;the,Bejti,, it,is'Jthe, ojnly,'Jway in!.,w^ich, "they make their Hying. 6entlemehTCß[eoping!.ail these m-viSwi'Ve Would suggest for-your consideration, thq^''tie sum of 10a per head, would bo a'|aiiPlicenae ( fee per iinAum for the depasturing pf catfclq^ upon the!B^lt.^; : ! ,^ r^The imempriai: ;!wasii ;! theßeseryes Committee.iff..--,.<•?,.«- " " !

-;---•--■-• .;;;ptohcwoKKS.-;;:; ';:',-'; ' .Th^ report,,' of. t^.Wpris'.Qommit|e6 was read, :as follows rr-^- ,!•;.; ' ' ' j :'!' lsti^Tlie ;Octagpi|^S.^y; J,!.. !kerbmg ikd channelling. jrecommend that the footpath at the Octagon, S>W,, be JKerbed with stoss and fthafanelled j[ the Surveyor Ao;give, the,, nec.essavy, linea'aucL levels; the'workto be done by;contract. . ; . ; ■'2nd/ Ypui 1/Gplin^ttee^re^inmend that Stuait .streetI!!«wCo?'"*he:!Octagon' be metalled at a cost of L36.;lttiat '» 4ft wide foot; ]pStb. fe formed'^at Porth; sirreet,; near Mr .Tilly's,-costis,tpj!L6.j.'th'at'no action,,cah be taken in ,'tie.matter of Mr Jacobs,, cohi'pMhing 'of debris fromsClark street; and , that twp^men'tje; etnpldyed^ for two .months , tQ;qaari^,'lma i VdfeßS.i qubes.'.'aiicl! pitchers, a at per yard, under an. agreement in-writing.!■ ! 3rd. waienh^! tne streets:—Tour Committee recdi^fehdrthfattthe lrB iWprks CompaAybe^q'^ , their charge^will be■jjEor watering the prih.capal.streets.of tte't/itylwliere the.mains are laid down, during tlie;ensning':season. ; Tnapector of - Worka reports that JJftor 2^ of, the jWOoden. lamptposts need repair, ja£'^, jCpst' of '.25d ,eaph,*land tlie Com- \ mittee ask the Council loriinstruGtioWjuaiihe ■matterlv ■■••;.'://.,-,-i.-■■;. -:,;,.■■■ \ -' sth.! 'The'following ' <iQ4ttß'rs:'-liayel^.'!li.e ! ©b to K - ; the ; Inpspector. of Works! for attention :-^The footpath near the Southern r Ks|rict.gc^ol.:;J^t^lAndrewifltt^ broughttiplder.notice^^ by Mr; T., r JK,eyhplds !;' HanoVer- fltWet,'aii'Leckie's'corner; '■'- XJ~- ' " ~'§b\i.,Mx JjOgah i&a been informedLtliat Ms verandah &t the- Octagldn iiust' be~ erected acpqr.dingtd'alme 'to'fbp furniah'&i, by- thp City purveyor ;. ahdr' Messrsf. : MfCallum, 'Neilli^ahdCb.^have beenireplied to,>-ith'at at present, the.CouncU'caiiiibt 'undertake to form Water. , vaidd ? ';Liverppol, streets, east of HB.ond-street.-;—---:--?-.----—--.-"--r-:—,--.-. -— ■-• - i'

'7th.'- Pe'rniis&ipnV have;been j granted to Mv Joel to barrow earth.; across Great Eing street'footpath j fej-'Mr'Wilkie; $6 remove six-loads clay frpm:;High^:;^treet; to M^ Buskin, tQ-depositfitpae^t, Macjaggw^i streets and! to Mr G.'Turjibuili; to remove atone pom a quarry near ;the.pld. pemetery, uuder usual superviswtt.ineaqfi case. '" ' \"\",.] /Jn reference to- ,the.; Ist-clause of thp report, a letterfrom.;the City Surveyor*, stating that ,the 'alteration!/would cosjt ■about L3O, w^s re^ejiyed. ...It, was, resolvedi that the. woric'.be..proceeded witt at Once. -:;: ■ :virH^^- : - '■■■::'■':,- ';.

Upon the 2nd jelause.. being, : <UscussedL -Mr Simpson.called; the "attention™of "the Council^^o^ever^ matters inl-' Jjnepliate, at^entioli" ni BellfrWa^rd, y and moved'that the''lnspector of Work's >be requested to furnish a return of all places needing instant^attentioni in the Ward; ;He referred.parfcicularly. toiithe state of: f6otpatKsln:Ge6fge" street, to the watifof ,a /chairnel inHanover ij street, and to, a dangerous obstruction^ the Inspector, after ;dping^ ; Cattle street. , TMr^Q^KJRic?: thought'that it waa Mr 'Simp'soil's duty tbf pbirit out these matters himself. The Inspector's attention could not be paid to' Bell Ward alone. Mr Simpson's motion was not pressed. ; '•'Mr Driver said that' for the future he intended to urge that all work, except the actual keeping up of "repairs, be done by contract It wo aid avoid the suspicion of 'there'being favour shown I^particular persons. At Ms 4 suggestion it was resolved that tenders" for the work recommended in dause 2, be called for. > The report wa3T;hen adopted. ' ":':' ""::"' ■■'■'' ■'. .^BSBRVE^J ' ;i '" ;' : \.[ \\ The following report of :the Reserves Committee -. ;was read by "the Town :y;;:: ;;;;;: 1:V. \-[.; i .;! ;:/;:'■■''Jy. ■■'■ I >• ¥our Gommittee^beg to report haying con;----sidered—-■ '"'''': " '"'■"''''.-'•'■■••"•• v; ■'; 'r' ' h' I ' ;{'- !

i Ist. Mr A. Mollisbnfe letter, proposing t0 surrender the unexpired term of his lease of section 9, block 15jDunedin ; the Corporajtion to ,iorego r .any rent due, and %o pay My Moilison L6O, for the building on the ground. —Your Committee recommend that the Counicil should forego any back rent; and pay Mr Moilison what thehouse ; is worth to removei: such amount to "be determined by valuators, to be^mutually.'.chosen—Mr; MolHson to surr render his'lease forthwith. i:"i ''.^ "1 | 2nd.. The application from, the West-Harp bor Eoad, Board, for-permission to form a road through the. xnunicipa). 2s, Sawyer's:! Bay District.—Your Cominiitee recommead that (subjecfi to the consent -of the lessee) the application be cbiaplieii with, on condition..that the; West .Harbor- Eoad Board come under, an/ agreement to fence, to • the. satisfaction .jat JthaXtOoncil*. .the^ppriiQns jpf> the '■>section ,by the proposed road. ,:,,'.';;',-, ; -,'-; V: ■■';. /,.;. , .^, ; :■[ i": ; : 3rd. Section - 20,-block 1^ Dunedin.-U Youi; Ooinmittee irecommend that.a 14 year^'lease of this "section be. granted to Mr Gl R. sWest,ratarental)ofi.L2operannum.-r ' j . . .4th. v The application, from, the...'Atfren&ixip, iCommittee, for a site a^ : th.e O^iagoif, for ihe

<purjpioaeH of the Institute.-T-Your Committee have informed the. Hbh. Secretary that if the Athenseum Committee will surrender the -\ unexpired term of., jihelease ;of the section at' corner of Manae and High streets, the Coun- \ cil will give fair valuation for fcho buildinga on the ground, and will consider favorably! the application for a site on tho Octagon! Reserve. The Athenaeum Committee have ' also been reminded that the Institution has' already largely benefited by being allowed a : lease of a municipal section in the very' heart of the city during the last ten years,, at a nominal rent.... '

sth. An offer hoe been received from Mr ; W. Betty to lease section 5, block 19, Wai-i hola, at LlO per annum rental.—The Com-! mittee refer the, offer to the, Council. \ ..'.!. There was a discussion,5 and the'eiausesi of the report were read seriatim. Thel plause ' referring 4b;the Athehceuni, Site! was referred back to the Committee, and! the report was then adopted; j '~'■ ■■'.!;' ' THE FIEB BBIGaIde. ! : . ■ i| ;; ;A;return,.shewing,the amount paid to! the Volunteer Fire 'Brigade since Decem-1 ber 31st, 1865,, .was read. It stated that ■ ,on account of subsidy,/1^516 4s 3d had; been paid^ of which L64'was per Messrs! Marshall and Copeland. To pay off old' debts, L3OO had been given, and a paymentbf LlB9. ,Ts lOd had beiSh made to Messrs Mor^sbn,! Law, and'tio. '^Theex-i pehses at fires had dniouhtied to £.6$ is;(>d. 'OOBiiESPbNDENCE. ' : ■'•■•■', ■• A letter from the Secretary of Land and Works, referring •to the Pelichet Bay! Jetty Baths, waa referred to the ReservesCommittee. .'! '' .:: ~; > Mr. G. X.; Turton wrote on behalf of Mr Ames, claiming a right to a renewal of lease, to ; qne it of the Reserves. Thd -letter was referred; to thß7R«Berves.-eom4 mittee ;' as was a letter lrdm'''Mr''>Walteil Simpßon, respecting the depasturing of /cattle on the46wtt Belt!-= % ; The following letters were referred'td the Works Committee:—From F. Hi Evans^ calling attdhiidn'tdjstK^'! state of the asphalte pavement in Princes street.' From A. Davis, referring; tp ; iootpaths iri Stafford street and Hope street.' From A. and T.^Burt,1 respecting the Towri pumps. "Ffdmß.C.'Haggitt requesting permissionl to take sdil from Argyle street] "and gravel from the Town Belt. Froni J. Hyman, • calling attention to 'fthe dangerous ; state-. :of the Dowling street steps: From JohhPatersbh, aakihg that a supply of metal be provided" for a portion of High street. From Mr Green, requestr ing permissidhtc» take ygravel.' I

.A letter from l^epsrs ,Marslyj,ll and Oopeland/ e^losm^'an^account Jfor;' in,tQre9Ji pn1 piSrphaß(9,: moirfey:' hi btua-Jcle lire engine, was referred to tfie Finance committee. ' -'- '■>■•<'::-:- '-^'' ■:■■■■ ■■■'-. .•> ;

• Permission was ''giypn;to-'Mr;;A. Macigregpr, to ky a pipe to '.'"airry'" off surface water ;: and to Mr W ( ilsdn^ toCp rut up a transparency,,,front, of r ithe Princess1 Theatre. . -,k- -■■.<. :■. .u K^ ... .",-■■..■. y/-i ! Inspector Nimon reported that thi driver of a vehicle had broken down one of the street lamp-poats. The -Mayor stated that the man had since paid L 5 as compensation. Mr Carrick suggested that an order be sent to England for cheap and durable lamp-posits. 'The1 6o£sidera r tion of the matter was deferred. I tenders. ! Tenders for street improvement's around the Provincial Government Buildings were read, together with; a> letter from J. W. "Htftchiaoh" and' ;Cp7, faking that ihe~cdh-! tract forthe'lwing down of flags should not be entered intoi. uhtil tjlie'experlmerit; the patent tiieshad "ibeenmade. ?. It was resolved to' accede '% i tnerre'qubst; and Mr :li6!rg""l2a 6d!was accepted. .^■'.'j..-'.. i . : .i',i :i^ 'j, '/y-.-.C ■.■!•■ '- C' COMTMITTEE MEEKNT^S. ! Mr Wilkinson moved-that K the Works Committee meet on .Thursdays instead'of - Mondays. The thotion was agreed td,7, :' The' meeting was adjourned for a;we!ek;

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 2059, 10 September 1868, Page 3

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CITY COUNCIL. Otago Daily Times, Issue 2059, 10 September 1868, Page 3

CITY COUNCIL. Otago Daily Times, Issue 2059, 10 September 1868, Page 3