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BOABD & RESIDENCE. SUPERIOR BOAED and RESlDENCEfortwo'Gentlemen; five minntes' walk from Post Office. Apply Mr Bagley, Chemist. qUPERIOR BOARD and RESIDENCE kJ can be obtained, on moderate terms, at Mrs Mon son's, Great King street. • .. ~ tTACANGY for,a GENTLEMAN, in T Private PamDj. . Apply J. Bannerman, Draper, Princes street. ' FAKCY GOODS. i TOYS, STATIONERY, FANCY GOODS AND PERFUMERY, ' ' , ;' In great variety, at MUN YARD'S BERLIN WOOL • "• ' And FANO V WA BE HOUSE, > ■'...... George street, • . .• • • Near the Octagon. ' i .- ■ cheapest house in town., ACCOUITTAIirTS & AaSISTTS. iyiGTORIA: — NOTICE. — Wm. ; V Gledhill, Estate Agent arid AuctioneerV of 95, Swanston street, Melbourne, acts as agent for absentees, and others residing in New Zealand; and business entrusted to his charge will befaithfully and pfoiaptlv executed. : : . :: -' ; : . . ; ■■•.:*L '.<.v /: .■■:.:•. \ ■,: '■■■■: ■-.- .■ ■•. • FXTRNITtTEB. .... .-i.; : and SO 0U L A^R> J_l Cabinet Makers, Upholsterers, and Importers, ■••'■'"'■'■ .•" Rattray street, Dunedin. ' HareTecoived, sx Celestial Queen, -an extensive Bhip- , . ment of English .Furniture, comprising:—. - DRAWiNGiBOOM StriTES.—Walnnt shaped and oval > centra tablesj.plate glass cheffoniera (marble tops): : ladies' fancy wprk tables, card tables,' walnut davenports. .. ■ -• DIHING-BOOM: PUBNJTTJRB.—Mahogany oval toles- < ■ cope-tables (with patent" screws); sideboards, ! (richly cary«d); sofas and lounges, >ladies*^and : ■• gents'easy chairs, dining-room ditto, mahogany ; -bookcases,, pedestal and octagon library tables; . music stools, &c., &c. .... ... ■ ■-. ■.• .-• Looking GiiASSES-r-Elegantly carved gilt mirrors, - marble toilet and other glasses. ' " ~' ' BBDRGOM EjfßNiTUßß^—Bedsteads: aalf-tester and ; JPrench, in brass,- tabular, ornamental, and other, patterns ; marble-top wash-sfenda and toilet tables, palliasses, mattresses* &c, &o. '■■ N. and S. have also a: large assortment of Colonialmade Furniture, and all kinds of American chairs, always in stock.- ' ' -:"'<■;■■ : , .: NOBTH arid SOOULAB, •■■■ .: Rattray street, Dunedin, - ; ■ Oppoei^ Murphy's Shamrock : Hotel. ....'. DR- Consulting Suigeon' and Accoucheur, begs to iritimatethathe'inay be •, consulted in all the Branches of hia Profession, at Ms Medical Laboratory, Princes street, oppoaita th& Criterion Hotel. , ...".I""/'" Dr. 0. hasgreat esxperience of the following diseases, Diseases peculiar to wemen and children Diseases of the heart and hmgs i; ' Diseases of the digestive isy&tem : ;•■• Diseases of the nervous system " . - i : Diseases of the eye ,' ' ■ .-I I • Diseases of the skin ' •/'""' ' , : ■ : : Diseases of the bloodi :- •• , Advico gratia from 9J» 12 a.m., and from ft, to 10. ;P«m, •- ' w■'" ■ ■ '••■•' ■ ■ .-.'■■. ■ !'.:';. •'"' .- ; .-:-■■.:■■ -i. -... ■:-. CAUTION.^ :"'- [: '" : ; QTEEDMAN^ SooimNG Powbebs, •hJ for Children cutting their teeth. Purchasers are to.bewarß of imitations of this medidrie' and to observe^in, every case, that the words " JohnSteedman, chemist, W»lworth, Surrey," are engraved on' the Governmeat Stamp affixed to each packet, withont which none are genuine. . : , - •-' .-.- Sold by all Chemists and Druggists in New Zealand, in packets only. '•'■ ■■• ■■' ;- ■; ■ • ' ■ •■•■ TRUSTBBS OP HENBY YOUNGMAN, ; ": '>-■'■■:. :■ ■■. :- ■■■ : .Kate: ••■-■■• ■■» ■■-■:■ '■.-:■ ' ■ "ORENOH, KEMPTHORNE, and Co., X, VTHOLESAKS BDUGGISTS, and Importers of uenuin© drugs rom their original sources, chemicals from the bw* tWglish.' manufacturers •" English, Foreign, and American patent medicines and perfumery from thai proprietors; druggists' sundries, photographic chemical painters' oils, French polish, dye stuffs, corks, is'd manufacturers'' goods ;■' dental, .veterinary, an -sargical instruments, and medical K5 SSOBB-? *%"? which they offer on Hberal and sMvantegeoa. terms -4 wholesale only —.selected froafcertiiiiropei:stock, or many articles at re^jc«i rates in original packages. • ~: . -Their nuineroos European Agencies, with their iarrangements-for outaining -supplies direct from Enrtod,. and ,the^ ;established business throughbut tha Cotony of New Zealand, with the ready means of commmsicaiHon, give tnem peculiar facilities for filling all demands as they arise, and doing business to the satisfaction of tha purchaser.; . •-. . ~.. ■. , . 'CHEMISTS and Dbuggists, besides'every ordinary requirement, can procure of F., K.,and C&. : all novet' tH» connected with the trade, and can select on their < premises all essentials to commence or extend busineiw -^■including window carboys; specie jars of new and elaborate designs, shop bottles, and generalfarnishinKß. at * more satisfactory rate than if imported by themselves;, an assortment of first-class surgical instruments, trusses of every size and make, elastic stockings, Delta, &c, magnetic machines,' feeding bottles from 'TOT- maker, Turkey and bath sponges, surgical and pnsraaceutic glass and earthenware, chemical and pharmaceutical apparatus, scented so»ds from the best SSl^ wi*£- 8°f s, for Presentation, guch as ni«^^ttles, Gpsnell's cut-glass pint perfumes, Bilvercapped smelling bottles/arid every dTher requisite, i SS) e?I*C ' new British Pl»nnaco^eia retoo^EEEBPERs' goods imported arid always ori: sale. HoUoway-s pdls and ointment^ Perry DavWs paia-fwUch-^ril^V^ 1'8' ■Bd.W» sarsapS-ma i SfLH duty paid or ** torid), Taylor's ' cocoa, extract of meat, assorted culinary essoncelcaV- ; gelatine, saltpetre, sulphur, salad and castor oik fluid Sb^S' powders, Epsom salta in packets, frfi^ T-RY^ SI OBEKi!EPESS '■»» invited to select from their stock oh visiting Dunedin, or their carrel , pondence wfll meet with prompt attention. InSities.where the drug business may-be-unrepresented, a large-^and profitable addition -may. bo modi TtTthe nS^Mll3^ »VJ?«aaß various articles con■SSStaSiSfflS' ««*«■.«» .**«*■ Wherever ;: „ FRENCH, KEMPTHOBNE, and Co. tablete! 11^8 :^ usn lozenges, insecticide, and worm Bishop's granulated citrate of magnesia. O'Neill's oxide of copper pomade, for removing bald- .' Grimault's French medical preparations. '■ flair's gout pnis, andFrampton'spill. For full particulars of all the above, see the various proprietary advertisements, in this and tha other New Zealand papers. They are also selei agents for N. Z.:for:— - ' Dr De Jongh's light brown cod liver- oil, the uniform purity and efficacy of which make it the most reliable preparation known. A large stock in original cases—half-pints, pinia, and quarts—always on hand Coopers sinapine tissue, for immediate mustard poultices. : ■ : Row^s embrocation, or farmers* frien i.- • ■■ Judson's simple dyes for the people, in 14 colors, which wiu dye anytMng, and wnicli anyone can'use • . fmc* . ■ , ■ ■ ■ Piesse and Lubin's perfumery, "from every flowar that breathes a fragrance." -.. •■ _*^wn»» Ex Cathariria, Warrior Queen, &c.:—: : Towrisend's sarsaparilla> Dr C. J. Ayer's medicines, Barry's tncopherus, Florida water; colza, olive, boiled and raw linseed oil, spirits, tar, blue stone, turpentine • hemp,-rape, and canary seed, Schoolin's pastilles, pura white sugar candy, soft soap; Cockle's, Parr's, and Frampton's pills, Epps's cocoa, Brown, and Poison's corn flonr, Liebeg's food, Dv Barry's revalenta, Nelsons gelatine, perfumed soaps, Murray's magnesia; mdexical silver soap, new British' pharmacopiEigs Richardson's ancesthetic apparatus, Bhnmel's lima juice and glycerine, combs, brushware, Goanell's Eau de cologne; a magnificent assortment of metal Duff boxes, with Rowland's, Beiger's, Rimmell's, Gosnelr? Atkinson's, and Briedenbach's select goods. . Q S*l^?^1 GOODS, comprising G.B. and S.W. bottles, English and Spanish cat Ckß. andSW Corks, whiting, ginger, oils, acids, esaences, quinine, brandy colouring, rectified spirit, (d p. or in bond) capsules, seaming twine, cut tinfoil labels, tinned aad copper wire, and all other articles required in their business; also, tinfoil for tobacconists'^se, wine corki and bottle wax for wme merchants, brewers'- bun^ isinglass, and brewers' and bottlers' sundries. By *uSchasuig these goods in quantity, they can offer at a lower rate than the consumer can import A large stock of the leading PHOTOGRAPHIC • .."■„: Articles :— iftfffl.|issaKaaasssaaawSodium amalgam, quicksilver, and crucibles.- - • Depot for R. and J,. Perry and Go's London medicines. Importers of leeches. ' • • ■ TT Agents for Otago for the Queen Insurance Com?ANT. Idfe policies granted on the most liberal terms • rates the lowest in the Colonies; and Fire risks taken at the lowest current rates. Prospectusesira: application to tae Trustees of Henry Yeun^nan, late, vv - FRENCH, KEMPTHORNE, and Co., Dnnedin; ,' HEATING'S COUGH LOZENGEsI -TtTDGED-by the immense demand, this y universal remedy now stands the first in public favor and confidence; this result has been acquired by he test of fifty years' experience.- These lozenges may be found on sale mjevery British Colony, arid through' out India and China they have been highly esteemed wherever introduced. - For coughs, asthma, and all affections of the throat and .cheat, they are the most agreeable and efficacious remedy. Sold in boxes. Is 1U; and m tins, 2s 9d, 4s Gd, and 11s each, by • T.KEATING, 79, St. Paul's Churchyard, London. hemisfc ' Sold retail by all druggists^ &c.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 2050, 31 August 1868, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Otago Daily Times, Issue 2050, 31 August 1868, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Otago Daily Times, Issue 2050, 31 August 1868, Page 4