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.Part 11. General Police PRovisioKs.

11. If any person commit any of the next following offences he shall on conviction forfeit and pay a penalty not exceeding twenty pounds or be imprisoned for any period not exceeding three months or both in the discretion of the justice before whom the case is heard—

1. Placing any obstruction upon any road canal or river whereby life or limb is likely to be endangered. _ 2. Leaving any. hole . excavation or dangerous formation in or near any public place <e>r thoroughfare without fencing or enclosing the; same or keeping a light burning upon; such enclosure from sunset to sunrise- .■

3. Not keeping in good repair any rail gate fence or cover over, or about any area or entrance to any cellar or other place or keeping open for more than a reasonable time for taking in; or out any : articles any. entrance to any area cellar or other place such area ort entrance opening, into or uponj or. near any public street road thoroughfare or other public place. i 4. Throwing any offensive matter or any .Jive animal with- the -intention ofdrowning it into any.river.^watercourse canal or" other place whence the Supply of water for the use of the obtained.'"' ;,:.././"■■.. ; : '.-'; ' .■•"^■■•'■'.. ."'":•"

4.12. Any person wilfully guilty of any of the following offences and being duly convicted thereof 'shall forfeit a penalty not -exceeding ten pounds for: the first offence and for any second or subsequent offence mot. less than forty shillings nor mor.e than twenty pbjihds—- ''■'"' ' ; t 1. Any driver of 4ny vehicle injuring any person; or ; j property r whatever byneghgence.or, driving on:-the wrong sid« of the,road or. being away from his horse or dattieso'as to be ujiable to, have .'the fuH •■<jonirol,p£;thejial..'. T v;-'I.. t s'"-V v'--■:""!;■ i X Driving ; any cart Waggon ipr. drayi without, the name and residence pf the owner thereof being painted in a' legibie and,permanent manner on the right or off side in letters of at least one inch in I length/ ? *.;/■''. :' ".;;' ; v: ; ;';l' J;* '■' ; 3^;l)riving ( any &pg <)^gpatr harnessed or attached to any vehicle through 'any public.plac^... ,v ;.. ~ '-/. ( v, v ' : i- Any carter riding on any cart dray. or' waggon not being a; light, or spring cart Tisuajly driven -reins and-no competent person haying charge of the; animal drawing the same. ; .. y 5. Any person who acts as driver or hasr the sole chlrge of "more !than one vehicle on any public • road or street unless in cases. ,^here two .''.of' such vehicles and no more are drawn each by , one horse only and /the, fyorse of the hinder !of such vehicles shall bo attachedby a sufiicieritrein to the back of "theioreraost of such.vehicles. '

6. Driving any vehicle whatever o^ rid-, ing any animal and. when^meeting any other other vehicle ; pr animal nofr keeping .op. the :! lef.fe or, near side of; the road or street or when.. passing,, any other vehicle °y.ani.WaJ gWg: in the same direction not going or passing or not., allowing any person desirous so to do to pass when practicable on thexight.or off side;of such other vehicle or animal..'.

: 7. Turning looseor. allowing to wander any-cattle or-other beast upon any public" •rOaa or 'thoroughfare or in the'streets or, thoroughfares of ainy. town. /. 8. Suffering to be at large, and unmuzzled "any ferocious dog or setting on urging -Or •• permitting any dog: or other animal to attack or worry or put in fear any or other animal or by illusage or negligence in driving any cattle causing any: mischief "to be done by such cattle. . '•■* *" '--•

9. Obstructing or preventing the driving of 'any"' cattle along over or across any public! road bridge or thoroughfare.----10.. Leaving upon any public road or thoroughfare any plough harrow cart or other vehicle without any horse or animal teing harnessed thereto unless in consequence of some accident having occuiTed. 11. Slaughtering or skinning any beast Upon any public road or thoroughfare or' permitting, any slaughtered beast or. skin to remain there, or leaving any-dead-beast on such'road or thoroughfare. •'» > -; ' ■' 12. Having any timber iron or boards" laid across any vehicle': going- along any public road or thoroughfare so that either end;projects more than' one foot beyond: thewheels orsides of any such vehicle.' '' 13. Any driver or-guard of a^public vehiclfi-for the cphveyance of passengerswilfully delaying on the road using any abusive or insulting language'to ihy passenger or: by' reason of intoxication negligence or other misconduct endangering, the-safety oTr p'rPperfy'of any passenger jOr other person or demanding or exacting fmore than the proper fare 4ue from any .passenger. ;-; •'"- .;/ ;..': ■-•-'• ■'--\ ■■- ■■■

.|rig a public thoroughfare Ip. any manner .npt before specially'described;'; ..., -13. Any person who, shall: commit any of .following] offences ; shall on conviction pay to the person aggrieved compensation for or,, the , value of the injury done'to* Be assessed' by 'thW' adjudicating justice to'anamount not exceed.-, ing in any .case, fifty pounds and shallalso be; liable to the penalty,and punishment hereinafter specified for the cases' respectively-^ ■■■'<;_ ■ ■■■"■,.'' ■'' '.'' ! ■■■■■". :1., Any jperson destroying damaging or polluting. or obstructing any aqueduct dam sluice pipe pump watercourse or fountain..c v ; .".., i ~;./. , ; .........; . i 2.; Or destroying or damaging ahytplli bar toll-gate or other, public, work, used as a means for collecting any toll pr due shall for a first: offence ;be ;ilabje to a penalty not. exceeding .twenty'pounds or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding three months and for a s second or subsequent offence to a/penalty not exceeding .fifty pounds or to imprisonment for-a period not exceeding six months: •3. And any artificer workman or jour-, neyjnan or . apprentice wilfuHy damaging spoiling or destroying any,goods war.c.a" work br material committed to his care or .'.charge .•• '■'••■. ■"/■.-.,;.../ ;• • -'■ ■4. And ;any perspn wilfnliy 'breaking.' any- pane of -glass inthe-winddw of any building. .■:"■:. 5,.; Or wilfully breaking or ; . extinguishing any lamp or- wilfjiny . break'ijig or injuring any lamp-p6at- ; ,. i; .7' ' Q. .Or,wilfully trespassing' in any place an 4 ineglecting, pr iTefusing ,io7leay« such. place after.being waaiied to do so by,th4 or any. person authorised by or. on. be.haK of the owner ,■' ' i -:7;.',Wantonly t or r: m^liciovsly defacing ' injuring or: remo.\giig,,any;door-plate bell, knocker^ sign-board or gate or wantonly or maliciously disturbing any inhabitant ; by ?iPgi»g any. dp,or : bejl;iknocMng.atany, jdpor blowing,any horn, beating.any drum using any other noisy, instrument-in any street or ringing- any, firef-bell. ;-.:, ■-; , ' 8. WilfuUy.destrcyingor.damagingany public: building .erection survey - mark bridge sewer culvert watercourse road footway or, other public -work-or pro,.perty. ...-•..: - . ■...:■-.•; ; . v 9. Or committing any injury or damage to any property..(whether- private-..0r-pub-lic) not hereinbefore provided for the injury donebeing.under the value'of twenty pounds shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding twenty pounds or to imprisoanTient 1 for a period not exceeding three inoiyths

Provided that nothing hereinbefore contained shall extend to any case where the person offending acted under a fair and reasonable supposition that he had aright to do.the act complained Oi\ ° 14. Any person who commits any of the next following offences shall on co lviction thereof be liable to the punishment hereinafter specified for the cases respectively that is to say—1. Any person who cruelly beats illtreats overdrives overloads abuses or omits to supply with sufficient food or water any animal. :■ : 2. Any person who keeps or U3es or acts in the management of any place for the purpose of fighting or baiting any kind of animal or permits or suffers any place to be soused. , 3. Any person iyho in any manner encourages aids or assists at the fighting or baiting of any animal.. ..,..,.• ? 4. And any person who conveys or carries or causes to be : conveyed or car^' ried any animal in;such a manner or position as to subject any such animal to unnecessary pain or. suffering shall for ey.ery suchoffenee be liable to a penalty not ex-; ceeding ten pounds or to imprisonment with or without hard labor for any period not exceeding two months/ r.i \' : $* -Any person who A,y cruelly, beating ill-treating overdriving overloading abusing inciting to fight'not supplying;with sufficient food or water or torturing any animal does any damage or injury tb.such animal pr thereby. causes any, damage or injury to be done to any person pr td any property, shall in.additipn to such .penalty or imprisonment as aforesaid pay to" the owner of such animal if the offender be not t)ie owner thereof or to the person who shall sustain damage or: injury as aforesaid, such sum of money by. way. of compensation not exceeding the sum bf twenty pounds ap shall s be ascertained■. and deternnnea. by the justice. by or before whom • such person-shall be convicted.;. : And whenever any person having charge of any vehicle, or animal-is £aken into custody by any constable for' any* offence against the -provisions of this such constable may take charge' o£ j3ucli vehicle; or ahihial and deposit the, isame in some place of safe custodyias a •security for .payment, of, any penalty to which the "person having had charge thereof or.the owner thereof may become .liable and for payment- of any expenses which may have, been, or may be necessarily incurred for taking charge of and keeping the,, same and^any.justice before whom the case is heard may order such vehicle or such animaTto be sold for the purpose of satisfying such penalty and reasonable expenses in-default of payment,, thereof in,, like-manner ,_as,it ihe^ . S9,me: had".. beenj V^ubject'. tp Is. anU' Efadf been distrained;,for the payment ',-qi, such penalty and expenses; ' ; ; " ;,-

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 2050, 31 August 1868, Page 3

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THE POLICE OFFENCES BILL. Otago Daily Times, Issue 2050, 31 August 1868, Page 3

THE POLICE OFFENCES BILL. Otago Daily Times, Issue 2050, 31 August 1868, Page 3