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MEDICAL. TRUSTEES OF HENHY YOUNGMAN, : Late ■TjIKENOH; KEMPTHOENE, and Co., JL WHOLESALE RDTJGGISTS, and Importers of Genuine drugs rom their original sources, chemicals from_ the bep* "English manufacturers; English, Foreign, and American patent medicines and perfumery from, the' loroorietors; druggists''sundries, photographic "chemical painters' oils, Prench polish, dye stuffs, corks, aad manufacturers* " goods; dental, veterinary, an sargical instruments; and medical appliances of every Kind, which they offer on liberal and aavantageoa terms — wholesale only — selected from their extensile ouen stock, or many articles at reduced rates in original packages. Their numerous European Agencies, with their arrangements for ODtaining supplies direct from En»and, and their established business throughout the Colony of New Zealand, with the ready means of communication, give taem peculiar facilitiesfor filling all' demands as they arise, and doing business to the satisfaction of the purchaser. . : Chemists and Druggists, besides every ordinary requirement, can procure of 11.,I1., K., and Co. all novelties connected with the trade, and can select on their premises all essentials to commence or extend, business —including window carboys, specie jars of new and elaborate designs, shop bottles, and general furnishings, at a more satisfactory rate than if imported by themselves; an assortment of first-class surgical instruments, trusses of every size and make, elastic stockings, belts, &c, magnetic machines, feeding bottles from every maker, Turkey and bath sponges'; surgical and pharmaceutic glass and earthenware, chemical and pharmaceutical apparatus, scented soaps from the best manufacturers; with goods for presentation, such 'as toilet bottles, Gosnell's cut-glass pint perfumes, silvercapped smelling bottles, arid every other requisite/ (Shortly expected, the new British, Pharmacopoeia remedies.).:. ..: r ..;'.-: ■-~ ■■■ ■■ j Storekeepers' goods imported and always on sale.EpUoway's pills and ointment, Perry Davis's painkiller ; ; Townsend's, Bristol's; and Ayer's sarsaparilla (which, may be. had duty paid, or in bond), Taylor's cocoa, extract of meat, assorted culinary essences, cay- ■ enne pepper in bottles, jujubes and pastilles, liquorice,. gelatine, saltpetre, sulphur, salad and castor oils, fluid magnesia, Seidleta powders, Epsom salts in packets, -&c; and;' •". . '■■ ■ ■ '•• -. -.■•■■ ■.' - • .■:-. ,■■ ; ... Country Storekeepers, are invited to select from their .stock' on visiting Dunedin, or their correspbnde^ice will meet with prompt attention. ; Iriloc.alities where the drug business may be unrepresented, a large and profitable. addition may be made to. the storekeeping1 business by vending various articles connected with the trade* which are in demand wherever there is a population. ,;..-..-. ■. • f . :1 ' ,FKKNCH,KEMPTHORNB,andCo i • = ' : \ „ have been appointed.the wholesale agents for New Zealand for the fpllowixg:— Heating's cough lozenges, insecticide, and -worm tablets. ; -. -■■■[- :.-■. . ..:.;■•.,•■ • - • -.3 , .J Bishop's granulated citrate ol magnesia.; ,: | Dr Collis Browne's chlorodyne. : The pnly'gentiine, preparedby'DavenportV'. . "■ ' ;<•':'•■;■ •■ ; O'Neill'B.oxide of copper pomade, for removing baldtress. ...'.'. . • ■ : 1 . • '.■ - Gfimault'sSrench medical preparations.' ■ ■' ; Dr Chnrohai's specific remedies for consumption,. prepared by,H.Swannj Paris. ..-....■ . . I ■ Blair's "gout piils,>nd Prampton's pill. j For full particulars of all the sSbbve1, see the varioiiß ' proprietary advertisements, in this and the other New Zealand papers. ■ » , ' " . . 'They are also" sale agents for'N.Z. for:—";i " ' Dr De Jongh's, light brown cod liver oil, the uni.form purity and efficacy of which make it the most r reliable preparation known; : A lar rge stock iii original cases—half-pints, pints, and quarts—always on hand. .. Cooper's, sinapine ; tissue, for immediate mustard poultices. '■ ' . : ■ '■"• ■ ' ■ ■ ■ . - . Eow's embrocation, offarmers' friend. :•■•■■'■■'■ ! ■ Judson's simple dyes for the people, in 14 colors, which will dye anything,' and which anyone can use; and:' •'■'' ,'■ ~- .'■ • ■ '■■ ■ , '■' •■ :■' ■.■'. •'>. -•■■>_■• . v Piesse and Lnbin's perfumery, "from every fiowar, that breathes'a fragrance." Ex Catharina, Warrior Queenj &c.:-^- •'■ ;• ■ - Townsend's sarsaparilla, Dr C. J. Ayer's medicines, Barry'3 tricopßerijs, Florida water; colza, olives boiled and raw" linseed oil, spirits; tar, blue stone, turpentine;' hemp, rape, ; and canary seed, Schoolin's'pastilles, pure white sugar-candy,. soft soap; Cockle's, Parr'sj arid Frainpton's pills; Epps's cocoa, Brown and Poison's .corn: flour, Liebeg's food, Du Barry's revalenta; Nelson's gelatine, perfumed soaps, Murray's magnesia,' indexical silver; soap, new British pharmacopeias, Bichardson's- anoeathetic apparatus;' Bimmel's lime juice and glycerine, combs, brushware, Gosnell's Ea,u de cologne; a magnificent assortment of metal puff. boxes, with Rowland's, Beiger's, RurimelTs, Gosneil's, Atkinson's/and Briederibach's select goods;.: '; '/-- ' CoßDiAii, Makers' Goods, comprising G.B. and S.W. bottles, English and Spanish cut Cf.B.'arid S^W. Corks, whiting, ginger, oils,, acids, essences, quinine, brandy,colouring, rectified spirit, (d p. or in bond), capsules, seaming twine, cut tinfoil labels, tinned and 'copper wire, and all other articles required in their business; also, tiiifsil for tobacconists' use, wine corks and bottle wax for wine merchants, brewers' bungs, isinglass, and brewers' and bottlers' sundries. By pur-: chasing these goods in quantity,'they can offer at a lower rate than the consumer can import." '---..' . . . . A large stock of the leading PHOTOGRAPHIC " :' "'" "~: " ARTICLES i— "'"■'■ -'" ; ;- Be-crystal nitrate silver, Chloride of gold, Mawsan's, ■. Keen's,, and Ponting's collodions, albnmenised paper, Sohnee 'Frere's varnish, &c. These goeda in original cases at a marginal reduction. ' : ■ Sodium amalgam, quicksilver, and crucibles. Depot for E. and L. Perry arid Co's London medi-. cinea. Importers of leeches. ; ; ' .- Agents for Otago for the Queen ISsurance ComPAHT. Life policies granted on the most liberal terms.; rates the lowest in the Colonies"; and Fire risks taien at the lowest current rates.' Prospectuses on application to the Trustees of JEenrv Youngman, late : ..-'.- ---; FEENCH, KEMPTHOBNE, and Co.. Dunedin. . ' . KEATING'S. COUGH LOZENGES. TUDGrED by the immense demand, this t/ .nniversal remedy now stands the first in public favor and confidence; this: result has been acquired by the test of fifty years' experience. ■ These lozeßges niay be found on sale in every British Colony, and throughout India and China they have been.highly esteemed wherever introduced. For coughs,' asthma, and all affections of the throat and chest, they are the moat .agreeable and efficacious remedy. Sold in boxes, Is 1M; and in tins, 2s 9d, 43 6d, arid 11s each, by. : T. KEATING, • ' ■ ; ■•■■'■. ■. Cheiriist, 79, St. Paul's Churchyard, London." ';■;'.; Sola retail by all druggists, &c. •'.. DE. ;j. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLOBODYNE.—Vice-Chancellcr Sir W. Page Wood stated publicly in Court that: Dr JJ. Collis Browne was undoubtedly the Inventor of Chlorodyne; and that the whole story of the defendant Freeman was deliberately untrue, and he regretted to'say it had been Bworn to.—See the TiTnes, July 13,1864. ; Dr J. Collis Browne's^Cblorodyne.-vThe Bight Hon. Earl BusseJl communicated' to the College'of Phyaicians and J. T.'Dayenport that he had received' information to the effect that th.e only remedy of any service in Cholera was Chlorodyne.~See Lancet, December .31, 1864, Dr J. Collis Browne's Chlorodyne.—Extract from Medical Times, January 12, 1866.—"1s prescribed by scores of orthodox medical practitioners. Of course it would not be thus singularly popular did it not ' supply a want and fill a place.'" ■ ' Dr J. Collis:Browne's Chlorodyne 13 the best and mo3T; certain remedy in coughs, colds, asthma, consumptioni neuralgia, rheumatism, &c.' ; ■ Dr J Collis Browne's Chlorodyne.—Extract from tho General Board-of'(Health;- London, as to" its efficacy'in Cholera:—" So strongly are we convinced of the immense value of-this remedy, that we connot too forcibly urge the necessity of adopting it in all cases." From A. Montgomery, Esq., late Inspector of Hos-' pitals, Bombay: — " Chlorodyne is a most valuable remedy in Neuralgia, Asthma, and Dysentery. To it I fairly owe. my restoration to health after eighteen months' severe suffering, and when all other medicines hadfailed." • • ~ '~-.-■• • Dr. J. Collis Browne's Chlorodyne is' a certain cure in Cholera, Dysentery, BiarrhceaV Colics; &c. Dr. ; J. Collis Browne's Chlorodyne.—Caution^—None genuine without the words "Dr. J. Collisßrowne's onlorodyne on the Government Stamp. Over- ! Whehning medical testimony accompanies each' bottle Sole manufacturer—J. T. Davenport, 32, Great Bussell ' street, Bloomsbury, London. The immense demand enables the proprietors to reduce the price. It iiTnow sold xa bottles, Is l^d, 2s 9d, 4s Gd, and 11s for Melbourne: Taylor arid Co., Collins street West; Messrs Felton, Grimwa'de", arid Co -^ street°S Sto *? eniS'' Messts E]Qio*t.Brothers, 181 PittAgents for Adelaide: Messrs F. H. Foulding and Co. Wholesale agents for New Zealand: ■ Messrs FRENCH, KEMPTHORNE, arid Co., ; :- Duncdin. ' / ; DR. DE JOIfGH'S (Knight of the Order of Leopold of Belgium) Light Brown CodLiyer Oil,•.':"■ Prescribed by the most eminent Medical Men as the safest, speediest, and most effectual remedy for - Consumption, Chi-ohic Bronchitis, Asthma, Bheuma- :. tism, General Debility, Weakness of Children and all Scrofulous Affections, ' ..-. . e S°^l °? .is:Ppnvincinglj:'proved, by the highest medusal testimony, and by the practical test of successful experience for twenty : years? in aU parts of the/srorld, to be, beyond aU question, the purest, the most efficacious, the most palatable, and from its rapid curative effects, the most economical of all kinds ; Select Medical Opinions. Sir Henry Marsh, Bart;,. M.D.i Physician in Ordinary to the Queen m Ireland: «I consider de Joffi Light Broiw Cod liver Oil to be a very purefoil not vtfue.^ eWato and a 4»t of great Sir Joseph Olltffe, M.D., Physician to the British J have wery reason to be satisfied with the beneficial and salutary effects of Dr de Jongh^ _Dr Edward Smith, P.8.5., Medical Officer to the . oor Law Board of Great Britain, in his work on Consumption," writes: "We think it a great advantage that there is one kind of Cod Liver Oil which Dr Lankester, F.R.S., Coroner fer Middlesex • "I deem the Cod Liver Oil sold under Dr de Jongh's Jmaranteetobe preferable to any other kind asreearda genumeness and medicinal efficacy." : _ Dr de Jongh's Light Brown Cod Liver OH is sold only m capsuled "Imperial" half-pint, pint, and quart bottles, labelled with his stamp and signature, which none can possibly be genuine," bv Cbemists, Druggists, and Storekeepers throughout'.the Sole. Consignees: Ansar, Harford, and Co., 77, Strand, London, W.C. " Wholesale Agents: New Zealand—Trustees of Henry Youngman, late "'" French, Kempthome, and Co., Dunedin. I _ New South Wales—Elliot Brothers, Sydney. 1 Victorian-Felton, Grimwade, and Co., Melbourne,

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 2049, 29 August 1868, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Otago Daily Times, Issue 2049, 29 August 1868, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Otago Daily Times, Issue 2049, 29 August 1868, Page 4