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POET OHAIJMKIiS.—Juxk 2. Wind S.W., strong breeze. Squally ■weather, cold, passing snow showers. High water on 3rd Juno: At Ui« ilu&An, 1.35; Port Chalmers, 2.5 ; at Duncdin, 2,50 p.m. l/VJ'AUTVRK. / ' Gothenburg, ».«., ■(59 torn, Underwood, for Melbourne, via Northern and West C«asfc I'orte, with cargo and p&feguugcra. lloyse, Mudie, and Co., agents. PAiWBSOKK UKT, Per Gothenburg, f«r Melbourne, via Northern and West Cotust Forte : Mennm I>o Beer, I?ae, Washer, Ilicharduon; and 1) in the steerage. KXI'ECTKD AUIUVAL.". Piwm Lo.tdojj.—Niphou, Feb. 14 ; Ajineer, March 24. Fhom OwHOOW".—Caribou. Feb. 15. FboK' M.KLi!yuusß.--Bir Isaac Newton, Tararua. From Nkwcah i lr. —Record. FUOJKCTKD J■iKI'AKTCfiES. X, P. Bonverio, for London, early. Queen of the isles, for Hokitika, early. Comenuig. for Lyttelton, this day. Tararua, for Northern Porte, sth inst. Jftjiij IClkin, f«r Greymouth, early. Ahuriri, for Northern Ports, 11th mat. VEOIKJ,** Jtf POUT. E. P. Bnnvorie, ship, from Olangow. Celestial Queen, nhi|i, from London. Maria, whip, from Glasgow. Lovet Peacock, seh., from Boston, U.S. Aapasia, schooner, from Tiainn. Ann, brijiantine, from Mell>oiirne. Creisfc. schooner, from Kaiapoi. Kxoelsior. schooner, from Kaipara. JamcH I'a/ton, nchooner, from Invcrcargill. Queen of the \n\<in, sehr , from Havelock. Crai(.»(;]lschie. bnji, from Mauritius. Hector, brigantne, from Warnambool. Janu Elkin, schooucr, from Lyttclton. Alice, schooner, from Pelorns Sound. Challenge, schooner, from Aknroa. Anne, Bchofmer, from Oamaru. Ll'<vd k Herald, schooner, from Oaraara. DcfiJtiice, ketch, fr«>ni Kakanui. Cora, BcnuKiiier, front Invur^argiH. Kmenild, fichooner, from Kaiapoi. Flj'in;; Sqiiirr 1, sch«vm"r, from Oamaru. Kloanor, burfjue, from Newcastle. CJomerang, p.n. from Lytt'l on. Clutha, schooner, from Waikava. CUSTOMS ENTRIES. OUTWAKOS — VOnVAOV, Juno 2—Maria, 747 ton'i. M'Dimcan, for Guam. (i. G. Hußtcll and Co., agents. Anne, ).'{3 tons, Norr, for Sydney. Xi. B. Martiujuid Co., agonta. oirrwAUiis —coajstwthe. June 2 -Lloyd's Herald, 4.H tons, Henry, for Ounmru. Keit' Kumsay, agent. Gothenburg, *iSO tons, CJn'icrwaod, for Lyttf;lton. 'Jtoyse, Mudio, and Co., agents Challenge, 57 tons, Murray, for Akaroa. Dalgety, liattray, and Co., agents. IMPORTS. Per Niphon, from London :50 cases cement, Dalg^ty. Mntb ay, and Co ; 20 tanks malt, Marnhall andCopeland ; 5 bundles wire, 200 boxes cauiUcß. I balo, l«0 half-barrels currants, 6 bundles corks, ."} iron tanks, 20 toaa pig iron, 0 conea liam.t, 3 casks pork, 95 qr-b:irr<?ls gunpowder, 2 boxes samples, Dalfjitty, itattray, &Co j 23 grindstones, 27 kegs nails, 02 boxes, 0 plough beams. *i{) plates, 321 bars iron, 16 bundles, 105 bundles iron, 24 axles, 10 hurdles, 3 cases, 11 rolls netting, 13 casks, 1 bundle, 5 cases, 12 casks, 1 easo, 5 cases, 1 bundle planks, «'J conks, 2 case**, 1 cask, !i cases, 4 tierces, 1 case, 22 drum?, 3 bundles oakum, 2 casks, 200 bundles wire, Oliver and Ulph ; 54 casks, 1 case, G-t drums, 0 casoß, Scanlon Bros ; 11(54 bars iron, 121 do, 4 bundles do, 80 bundles, GGpl'tos, 81 bundles plato iron, 411 bale* hoop do, 401) bundles wiro, 9 anchors, 2 chains, 3 Mheeta lead, 5 bundles forl s, 0 ca»a, 9 casks, 22 cases, 50 kegs, 3 caaks,-1 case, 3 packages, 1 balo, 2 cases, 8 planks. 80 kegs, 212 qr-brk gunpow--31 uuntfi. 'a Spades, 12D1 bars, 10 kegs, 30 drums oil, 5 cnaka, 4.0 bozca tin plates, 10 bundle* steel, 150 ko^a nails, 80 grindstones. 1 cask, 4 canon chairs, 3 cases, 2 casks, 10 cast's iron, 4 casks, 1 case, 1 balo, 1 case, 1 cask, 2 cases, 12 casks, 1R cases, liriscooand Co; 17 rolls lead, 200 caves brandy, SQO do geneva, 400 bags salt, 200 boxes candles, 20 casks currants, lOcases raisins. 75 bundles wiro, 12 kojtß staples, I case samples, Cargills and M'Lean ; 500 cases brandy, 10 qr caiikti rum, IJ9 cases whisky, 1 do show cards, 20 cnaos hams, 20 do bacon, 4 ba'es corks, 4 castm cigars, 5 qr cauko whinky, 4 drums is'hlv,, 2 cases soap, 1 ditto tin foil, 1 ca*k raddlo, 55 cases stout, It B Martin and Co ; 300 qr-brls gunpowder, Herbert and Co ;20 c acs, 5 bales, 7 tanks, A luglis ; i)l qr-brls pov/dor, Oliver and Ulph; lObalee, 10 c:ises, Bing, Harris, and Co ; 1 case, Jamcu Mills ; 0 casks, 1 balo, Gunn and Ko«s; 7 crises, B Web't ; 25 do, Hervico, Gilwon, and Co; 1 do, Ed Hulino ; 10 bales, Ili-nry Hrooks ; 50 hhds. Bright, EroH, and Co; 40 bales, order; 10 cases, Phillip and Stolt ; 17 do, Martin and Co; 200 do, Turnbnll ; 5 caHcs, W Hay ; 5 do, Bobinson and Co ; 2 do, G P Farqulnr ; 1 do, .T Borthwick : 1 do, T A Langton ; 1 bale, J Ilcid ; 1 case, Bt'gg ; 1 do, J Manning ; 20do, order; 4do leggings, 20 cas^s, Turnbull A Co; 1 do, TW Hones j I case, Heakettt; 2 plcgs, G Brooks; 1 case. Hicksori ; 1 do, E Webster; 10 cases, It B Martin and i>.j ; " ca°os. Turnbull ; 1 do, Fulton ; 1 cane, G G .HusifH ; 22 do, Bright Bros and Co ; 5 cast's, Sargood ; 1 do, V Pyko ; 1 do, Gibson; 1 do, Steeluj ,'{ do, It B Martin & Co; 1 do, Horton; 1 c.we, order; 2do, Turnbnll; 4 do, W Waf«on and -Sons; 0 pki;s, Livingstono; 50 hhds, Bright Broa. and Co; 40 bundles, oriler ;10 caxc*, Phillips and Hill ; 1 box, AHohce ; 1 do, Langton ; 1 bale, J Reid ; 1 box plato, W A Low ;22 pkgw, Hulmo ;39 canes, G Dennett; CO pkgs, 8 Webb ; 10 do, onW; 2 do, Trschmaker; 110 ontave«, Finch j 179 pkgs, Wobb, Kussell, and Co ; 20 cases, Chtaroni; I) p'juskages, Jamus K«y; 10 do, Hay Bros, and Co ; 7 do, J Lazaruß ; 354 packages, W and J Scoular ; 7 packages, J Farm and Co; 17 do, Fcldhoim Bros; 32 do, Itoas an.l Glendining; 23 do Butterworth Bros ; 5 do, Sai-gooa and Co ; 81 kogs, Parko and Curie; J)3o packages, French, Kemptliorno, and Co ; 115 do, lleyminson, Low, and Co ; 9 eas.js, Clarksoh and Turnbull ; 1 c«o tube cutter, 150 bundles tubing, 2 ciwkH fittingti. A and T Burt; 18 cratca enrth.«ijwiire, (.'alvert and Campbell; 79 trunks boots, Heyinanson, Low, and Co; 375 cases old torn, 11 c.iar« cocoa, 9 hhds, 1 crate earthenware, X B Martin and Co. EXPORTS. Per Gothenburg, for Lyttolton*: 1 box, Feldhoim; 17 pieces piping, Water Works Co; 1 case drugs, 2 balea corks, French, Komptkorno, and Co ; 2 cases, Sargood ; 1 cmo merchandise Harptir; 5 do, Feldhoim; 1 caso, Wataon and Sons; 2 cases, 1 truss, Bin/, Harris, & Co;! bnx, Havman; 4 cases, JBinpr, Flairis, and Co ; 16 packages drapery, "Watson ; 4 cases, Sargood ; 1 plcg. Watson and Son ; 1 case, Bing, Harris, and Co. For Melbourne—ll3 bags oats, Wluttingham Bros ; 138 do, Bright Bros ; 2oz 3dwt gold, Fiddea. , , n Per Lloyd's Herald, for Oamarn s 2 qrosks brandy, 1 do whisky, 10 tons coal, 3 cases cheese, 2 casks, I case. 2 boxca, 6 lialf.-ob.ojta tea, 10 boxen, M'Fariana j 12

bag* migar, 2 boxra, Wbittingham. Brother* * T> kegs butter, 5 amen, 0 casks ale, Turnball> 2 ctwtm sundries, I{ Harper and 'o; 2 chest«» 1 cusk, M'Callnm, Nciil, and Co; 80 ca»e», 2 boxen, 4 reams paper, Whlttingharn Bros ; ■ 1 package shovels, 1 do pick*. 1 parcel, 2 doz brooms, Oliver and Ulph ; 12 cases kerosene, Seoular; G do stout, 2 eases, J M'Clean and Co. Per Challenge, for Akaroa: 10 caies kerosene, 10 do candles, Dalgety, Rattray, and Co ; 1 case drapery, I tiunk, Sargowi and Co. Per Beautiful Star, for Wentport: Addition to manifest—2l cases drapery, Watson and Sons.

The ship Niphon, from London, utill remains at anchor outaide tho Heads, the strong B.W. breeze of yesterday prevented hi r from waking Uks Port anchorage. The 8.8, Gothenburg took her departure for Melbourne via Northern and Woat Coast Forts, at 2 p.m. yesterday. The barque Record Bailed from Newcastle on the 20th nit., for Port Chalmers. The fine clipper ship Elizabeth Nicholson, which arrived hero last year, after a rapid pannage from London, consigned to Messrs W. Crosby and Co., has greatly distinguished herself on the run borne from China, In an English paper received by last mail it is recorded that " the China clipper ship Elizabeth Nicholaon, 004 tons register, commanded by Captain Thomas Crosbie, of Kirkbeon, built and owned by Messrs Nicholson, of Annan, arrived from China in the West India Dock, London, after a upl ndid passage of eighty-nine days, although becalmed off the Western Me* for five days, but for which the rim Home would havebcontnado in eighty-four days. This almost unprecedented passage of the Elizabeth Nicholson is about fourteen days leas than that of any of tho celebrated clippers ensaged in the laat i ureat race from China." The performances of the ships Ariel, Taeping, Spindrift, Sir Launcelot, and others, were looked upon as ' something wonderful, but this feat of the ; filizabeth Nicholson distances them altogether.—Aryun, 23 rd ult.


The most prominent of the arrivals in port yesterday wan unquestionably tho new ucrew steamer Rob Itoy, which has made the voyage out to these waters under canvas. NotwitliHtandin^ the number of steam vessels of all sizes and capacities at present plying in the Australian colonies, it would appear that the demand for steamer 4 suited to tho particular requirements of intercolonial trading i» by no means exhausted ; for »ca> cely has the smart little screw steamer John Pcnn, with her wonderful engines, left here for the West Coast, than there arrives the Rob Itoy, a vessel of larger tonnage and greater steam power, and equally designed, like the John Pcnn, to supply a want in tho coasting trade. The Rob Roy was built at tho establishment of Me«nre 'fhoa. Wingato and Co., Whitw Inch, under tho special superintendence of Mr 11. Liddle, and as a model she will bear favorable comparison with vessels of Ber class out here. In design and work* manship, an well as in material, equipment, and finish, Messrs Wingate have done her ample justice, and have been highly successful in furnishing another creditable instance of their shipbuilding and engineering roaoureea, and it need scarcely be added that she is classed Al at Lloyd's. The dimensions of the Rob Roy are as follow:—Extreme length, MSft; beam, 22ft; and depth of hold, 10ft; her gross tonnage is 308, and when in st^nming trim, her carrying capacity is eqnal to 200 tons of cargo, on a draught of Bft Gin of water. Tho saloon is a handsomely furninhed apartment, and, with the ladies' cabin, can accommodate thirty passengers, for whose comfort and convenience every requisite, including shower and plunge baths, lavatories, <&c, have been provided. The arrangements for Hooon<l-clnaa passengers, the berths for wf.nm aro limited to twenty, arc also complete, and »how a duo regard for their welfare at sea. As the Rob Itoy is intended for tho carriage of stock as well as passengers, her 'tween decks havo been fij*»/ »r ™**> f-*»l» f"r.*^° accommodation of from twenty to thirty horses, and the plan adopted for their safe conveyance denotes considerable forethought. The steamer is also furnished with all the modern improvements, in the shape of steamwinches, &c. for the rapid and emewnt working of the vassal, and in thojoading and discharging of cargo. Tho engines are of 50 horse-power nominal, which can bo increased to 212 : they aro on tho inverted direct acting principle, and were also made at the works of Messrs Wingato. Tho speed attained on her trial trip at Home was eleven and a half knot«, but as a further trial will shortly be made in the bay, a fuller description of the engines and their working is reserved until then. Externally, tho Rob Roy at present bears all tho traces of a long sea voyage, but when she has been slipped and painted, and put in steaming order, the will show to infinitely more advantage. With regard to the passage out, Captain Anderson reports that tho Rob Roy, origrigged, left Glasgow on tho 4th January, and put into Kingston, from whenceaheeaited for Melbourne on tho 21st Jan., and crossed the Equator on the thirty-second day out. Tho voyage, with the exception of twoor three severe gales, waa distinguished throughout by a prevalence of light and variable winds ; and as tho vessel has a heavy cargo of cast-iron pipes and malt liquor, the voyage has been somewhat tedious. During tha heavy weather, however, she behaved admirably. The Rob Roy passed Cape Otway at noon on Tuesday ; entered the Heads yesterday morning, and, after being cleared in the bay by the immigration offioer, she was towed up to the Queen's Wharf, where she will discbarge her largo cargo. Tho Rob Roy was built to tho order of Messrs Robinson and Lilly, of Launccston, tho same enterprising firm under whose auspices tho s.s. Helen M'Qregor was brought out to this Colony. Mr Robinson, ono of the partners, camo out in tho Rob Roy.— Argus, 21st ult.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 2005, 3 June 1868, Page 4

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SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 2005, 3 June 1868, Page 4

SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 2005, 3 June 1868, Page 4