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medical" ~~ ■ Upwards of fifty jw cx ; confirmed the ■upcrior repugn ftW Lmcnges in the euro of Asthma, w «£j tough, Homeness, Shorty of Br^th * other pulmonary maladies. ' tt Sold iv boxes, tin,, and b ott!cs o{ bizcs. '"iiuujj KEATING'S CHILDREN WORM TAULKT. A Purely Vegetable Sweetmeat both in appearance and taste, furnishing a m Z agreeable method of a«lwiiu 8 tcriu« a In known remedy for intestinal o°r t W J worms. "^ It is a perfectly safe and miU prcparafo" and is especially adapted for chililrun. '"* Sold iv tins aud bottles of various sizes. KEATIXG'S PKRSIAX INSFcr DESTROYING PoWbJiß.' This IWder ia quite lumnlwa to animal, but unrivalled in destroying Fl^, BttJ T Linxuets. Flies, Cockroaches, Ikules GnaU Mosquitoes, Moths in Furs, and every ottw' spucics of insect in all stages of mb*^. phosia. Sold in packets, tins, ami bottle of variooa SUCS. 6*s* Tho public arc particularly wqueited to observe that aU tho above preparations. bear tho trade mark. Sold by all chonußta and drugyiaU. Wholesale agents for Now Zealand : Freuch, Kumpthorue, ami Co, Dunedia. THE MOST WONDERFUL DISCOVERY OP THE AGE 111 CARANGARA BLACK OXIDE OP COi'PER POMADE, For the Curo of Baldness, and I'lwvcntiot the Hair falling oil 'JUIE wonderful property of the Black OiJdo -"- of Copper from the Caraugara Mine, ttat i accidentally discovered by a minor named John Youillu, %rho, after beiny completely , bald for over 20 ycare, can now boast of ao l fine a head of hair us ever graced thu head of ■ a King, entirely through its agency; since i which timo it haa eiiected bo many curve . oi Balduees, that it haa been favorably f noticed by all tho leading Colonial papers » including the " Sydney Morning Herald," and "Melbourne Argus," and has beta justly tunned " the most wonderful diiscovury of tho day." Tho New Zealand public have therefore)» 1 remedy which for tho euro of Baldnew and 1 strengthening tho Hair has never beca equalled. One or two bottles will cfleet a. ! perfect euro. One of tho beat proofs of its ■ ellicauy ia, that einco its discovery, a littlo over 12 months, moro than a quarter of a i million pots have been sold !!! 1 Solo proprietor, E. H. O'Neill, Chemist wid Druggist, Pitt street, .Sydney, whoso ' signature ia attached to each bottle, without which uuno i» genuine. ) Wholesale Agents for Now Zealand :— Messrs French, Kcmpthoruo&Co, Wholesale Druggists, Duundiu, from whom al parti* • oulars may bo obtained and testimonials in- ! spectod. Sold by all druggists and storekeepera throughout tho Provinces, JS TO MORE PILLS OR ANY OTiiliK MEDICINK. r\ v n a n ny -*"' Delicious health'restoring KKVALENTA ARAHIUA FOOD, j Gurus speedily and etFectualiy indigestio* I (dyap'JpsL'i), omigh, autbuia, conKuinptioo, I habitual constipation, (lin.rrh(«a. \ll gastrU i derangements, lut-morrhoida, hve« oniplaintt, ilatuleucy, nervousness, biliousness, foven, Bore throats, dipthcrta, ctitarrha, olda, influenza, noiata in the head find eara, rhuuroaskm, gout, unpuritica, eruptioiiH, hyutena, neur*J> gia, irritability, aleeplesancas, ncidity, pfclpl tutioo, heartburn, hefuinclie, debility, droptsj cramps, Bpa«niH, nauHea and bicluioss, even la t pregnancy or at Bea, amking fita, bronchitli Hcrofuk, tigh'Juuda of the cheat, pains at thi pit of tho utoMMitth aud between tho Bbooidera, &c. We quotj a few out of fiO.OOO curcta s— Cure No. 58,216, of tho MarohiomsM di }3rehexi, Paris, of a liver complaint, wasting away for aeveu yeara, with debility, palpita fcion, bad digeation, constant BieepleMness, and the most uitulcrablo nervous agitation. Cure No. 57,524. "Titttuison, sthOctobciJ IStiO.—Gtsufcloiaeii, I eaobso 33a for anothfl 101b canister of your excellent Kevalonta Arabica Food. I cannot suiJiciently express \my gratitude for tho benefit I have derived from it after every other means have failed. 1 can now rest very well at night, my appetite ia parieutly restored, and the pains in m? book, leg, nml ch«3t are quite gone, and 1 «a fast gaining strength and flcah. Li your food was better known, I believe it would savi many thousand lives, which are destroyed reckleaaly by poisonous drugH, and many fatniiiea would be saved from utter ruia.— Mrs A. Owen," Cure Ko. 71, of Dyepepaia, from tho Big^» Hon. the Lord Stuart do Decies, Lord-LU"* tenant of thts County of Watcrford—" I b^' derived much benefit froia your excellonl food.—Stuart de Decies, Bromana, Cappo* quin." ■ Curo No. M,Bl6.—From tbo Rev Jame* Campbell, SyderatoJie Rectory, pear K»ken ham, Norfolk.—" in allcMwa of in«u'g«artio6, and particularly whon the iiver is more tk*B ÜBunlly alfected, 1 consider it tha best o! m remediea. it regulates the bile and mak<* t floy?, in coaua wiueh would not adimt of n»e* cury in any shape. I.n short, a healthy -lo* of bilo is oae of its earliest and best symptom* —James T. CampbelL" . CurexS'o. m,-m.— "Bndge House, Frtni ley, Surrey. Thirty-tbxeo years 1 dii«»»«o lungs, spitting of blood, liver derangemca*» deafuoss, singing in the ears, constopatwn, debility, ahonnusa Gl breath, and cough, bVf been removed by your Rovalenta AraWo*» My lungs, liver, 'stomach, ncad, and ***** are all right, my he;mng perfect, and «* recovery is a marvel to all my ac^oamtanoe* James koberu, timber merchant.' _q. , The Food sold u» canujtere—llftl* "gJ. ab, 4» 6d; 121b, m ; 2*lb, 40s. and 241b caniHtora carnage free on rooeip •» Post Office Order, by Barry Da B«iy «« Co., 77, ll«gent street, i^^K "SP md Miion, 182, Piccadilly f Abbui, 61, aracechurcl street j al«o »t 63 and »jl Oxford street j 4, Cbeapeide, London i m ill respectable frooom and etonuiw.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 1943, 23 March 1868, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 7 Otago Daily Times, Issue 1943, 23 March 1868, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 7 Otago Daily Times, Issue 1943, 23 March 1868, Page 2