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We are now enabled to publish the remainder of the prize-list of the late show ;: and we re-publish so much as appeared inu the Times oi Friday, feeling assured thafc it will be satisfactory to many to have thft complete list before them.

It should be remarked that the Mount Eden sheep (Merinos)1 maintained their high character; those exhibited by Mr Buckland, of Auckland, taking prizes in. every class in which they were showr, . with one exception only. The 25 rams, 25 ewes, and 60 lambs, exhibited as extra stock by Mr F. D. Rich, were greatly admired, and were highly commended by the Judges. The lambs were a fair average or Mr Rich's this year's flock. Mr tee's? ' sheep were much praised. The result of! the importation of rams, from GerraanyEome time since was most marked ;. and. at like improvement for another year ortwo, would probably place Mr Lee'a flocks ia & position that there need be little or no. fear of any competitors. Mr Murray's Xeicesters also maintained their weH-kncwn. position; they took prizes in. all the classes in which they were exhibited, and the breed has often stood pre-eminent at.. shows in the old country and eleewbeve.. In every respect those interested in t3jc oldL and most valuable export of the Province had reason to be satisfied with, the displaymade at the Society's first gathering- As we have before said, the horned cattle were on the whole excellent specimens/; and with a practical, application of t'.ie experience as to necessary details now gained, next year's show should be one v ot alone honorable to. Otago, but worthy of veryhigh rank indeed in. the Souther a Hemisphere. ;■■■'. i\ ■■ ■ ■ ' , ■

The following ia the list of tJ ie prizes:— / ■ . .■ CATTLE. - . _

Class I,—Short-horn Bialt, rany age : First prize, LlO, George Murray, East Taieri ; second, L 5, Edward M'Qlasb an ; third, honorary certificate^ Goorgo Mw ray. Class 2.—SbOirt-hora, over 2 and not over 3 yearaj First pri^e, L 5, George Murrey s second, L 3» Wm. .TlJichol, Taieri; third, honorary certificate, Wm. Anderson. Class 3.~Sh6rt-hor,i Bull, over 1 and not over 2 years: First prize, Ls,^Edward M'Glashan i-atisaad ■.•■ L 3, Kobert M'DongalJ, Victoria, « Diumed ■" third, honorary cert jficate, Robert M. rfjJongall, Victoria, "Crowa Clasa 4.—Sl:iorl;-born Cow, w' «*« °f "»* mUk: First'prize, L 5, Edward M'Glaßhaa j second, EB,- FJward M'Glaahan 5 third, honorary certific/ ue, Edward M'Glashan. Class !s.—Short-horn Heifer, m calf or ia milk, not'over 3 years: First prize, L 4, Robert L 3. BtfJart M^ongaU, "KatoClan^'. Clr^s 6;~SbotMiom Helfejri ;, <:j ■;■!.■. .yx'i''->:■■■'■*&■ $;'i w. *qjc,<Vc£,

Mtst prize, IS, Edward ii'Glmhan ; second Ll, Edward M'Glaaban. Closb •7.—Ayrshire 8011, any age: .Fire prize, LIO, James Kennedy, "Ayrahin Jacks" second, L 5, Jame*-Hunter, North eugvagf, r --■■*;-» —™—- - ~ ■ -*• ; Clats■•■§.—Ayrshire Bnil, oW 1 and noi over 3 years j First prize, L 5, James Kennedy ; second, L 3, James Hunter. Class 9. —Ayrshire Cow, in calf or in milk; First prize, L 5; James Kennedy ; second,L3, Jameo Keouedv ; third, honorary certificate; David Wftrnock Class TO.—AymihirJ Heifer, in calf or in milk, not over '3 years : First prize, LA, Jas, Kennedy? second, L 2, David Warnockj third, honorary certificate; David Warnock. Class 1 1.—Ayrshire Heifer, yearling ♦ Firut •prize,X3, David Warnoek; second, Ll,D».vid Warnock >; third, honorary certificate, James Kennedy. ' Class 12.—Cow for dairy purposes i First prize,"L4, David Warnock; second, L 2, David "Warnock; third, honorary certificate, David Wernock. Class 13.—Pair Fat Oxen : First prize, la, Thos. Phillips ; second, Ll, Thoa. Phillips ; third, honorary certificate, Caleb Moore. Class H.—Pair Fat Heifers: Honorary ■ certificate, Edward M'Glashan. Class 15.—Pair Fat Calves, under 4tnonths: Honorary certificate, Thomas Phillips. Class 16.—Team of not lees than 6 Working Bullocks : First prize,, L 3, George •Saand. Class 17.—Pair Harness Bullocks : First prize, L 2, James Wilfion, Waipori, HOUSES; Class, IS.—Draught Entire Horse, any age : ITirsfc.prJze, Lls, John Nimmo, " Napoleon,; second^ L 7, John Nimmo," Emperor," 2-year old; third, honorary certificate, Matt. Holmes, v Eg.'intbh." ' Class 19. —Draught Entire Colt, over 2, and not over 3 years : First prize, L 5, John Nimmo," Emperor." ■ Clus2o.—pranghtEntire Colt,over 1, and not over 2'yeafs T"Noae"wi6ftKy orprlze.' " Class 21.—Draught Brood, Mare, any age: Finit prize, LIO, David Warnock} Becond, L 5, John Williamson $ third, hcriorary certificate James Cullen*. ' "' . C/asf 2?.—Draught Filly, above 2, and not over' 3 years : First prize, L 5, John William^ Son ; second, L 3, James Culk'n. ' Class 23.—Draught Filly, above I, and not over 2 years : First prize, L 3, James Aitken. Class 24.—Pair Plough Horses: First prize, L 5, David Warnock j second, L 3, Robert Muir.Ardgowan. Extra-for 1 Draught Gelding : Honorary certificate, awarded to David Warnocki Class 25.—Thoroughbred Entire Hcrse, any age : First prize, LlO, Chalmers Bros., " Colonel; second, L 5, David Carson, " Antonelli" ; third, honorary certificate, George Thomson, " Roue." : Class 2C.—Thoroughbred Entire Colt, not over 3 years : No competition. Class 27.—Thoroughbred Mares : No competition. Class 28. —Thoroughbred Fillies, not over 3 years : None worthy of prize. Class 29. —Weight-carying Hackney : First prize,' L 3, George. Tiiomßon, " Charlie" ; second, Ll, H. E. Steavcnson ; third, honorary certificate, A. C. Strode. Class 80.—Pair Carriage Horses : First prize, L 3, J. G. G. Glassford ,• second, Ll, John Jones ; third, honorary certificate, Matt. Holmes.In judging Oarrlago Horees, Mr George Thomson acted[in room of Mr Glasssford, who waa an exhibitor. Clnss 31.—Pony unJc-r 14 hands high : First prize, L 2, K. B. Mnrtin ; second, Ll, Thomas Oliver ; third, honorary certificate, Thomas Oliver. Class 32.—Pony under 12 hands high: First prize, 'L 2, Frcdk. Wayne ; second, Ll, W. H. Reynolds ; third, honorary certificate, Edward M'Glashan. SHKEP. Class 33.—Pen ef 3 Merino Rame, 6-tooth sind upwards: First prize, L 6, Chalmers Brothers; second, L 4, Matthew Holmes } •third, honorary certificate, Chalmers Brothers. Class 34.^—Een of 3 Merino Rams, 4 tooth : First prize, L 6, W. T. Bucklnnd, Auckland ; Becond, L 4, W. T. Buckland, Auckland; third, honorary certificate, Wm. Degraveß and Co, Victorin. Class 35.—Pen of 3 Merino Rams, 2 tooth : First"prize; LC, W. T. Buckland ; second, L 4, Wm, Deßraves and Co.; third, honorary certificate, Wm. Dt graves and Co. Class 30.—Pen of 3 Merino Ewes, G tooth and upwards : First prize, L 5, W. T. Buckland ; second, L3,W. T. Backland. Class 87. —Pen of 3 Merino Ewes, 4 tooth : First prize, L 5, W. T. Buckland ; second, LB. W. T. Buckland ; third, honorary certificate, Edward Lee. . . Claes 88.—Pen of 3 Merino Ewes, 2-tooth: •first priz.>, LG, W. T.,Buckl*nd ; ■ second, L 3, Edward Lee; third, honorary certificate, W. T. Buckland. Class 39.—Best Merino Ram exhibited : Prize, LIO, Chalmers Bros. Class 40.—Best Merino Ewe exhibited: Prize, LIO, W. T. Buckland. Class 41.—Leicester Rnm, 4-tooth and upwards •. First prize, L 5, George Murray ; second, L 3, James Allan. Class 42.— Leicester Ram, 2-tooth: First prize,' L 5, Robert Maclean, Auckland; •second, L 3, Robart Hunter, Ardgowan, Oarniuu. Class 43.—Loicester Ewes, 4-tooth and upwards-. First prizo, L 5; George Murray; second, L 3, George Murray. Class 44.—Pair Leiccuter Ewos, 2-tooth : JFiret prize, L 5, George Murray; second, L 3, •George Murray. Class 45.—Longwoolled Ram, 4-tooth and -upwards: First prize, L 3, Georgo Shandf second, L 2, George t!lmud. Class 4G. —Loiig-woolled Ram, 2-tooth: JFirßt prize, L 3, John Runciman, Auckland; eecorid,'L2, Robert Graham, Auckland. Class 47—Pair Long WoolJcd Ewes,4 tooth: First prize, L 3, George Murray; second, L 2, George Murray. • Class'4B—Puir Long Wooled Ewes,2-tooth: "N6 Competition. Class 49—Down Ram, 4-tooth : First priza, L 2, Jampu Allen ; second, L 2, James Allen. Class 50—Down Rams, 2-tooth : First prize, X 3, Every Maclean, Auckland ; second, L 2, Every Maclean. Class 51—Pair Down Ewes, 4-tooth : First prize, L 3, William Black, Tokomairiro. Oiass 52—Pair Down Ewes, 2-tooth : B'irst prize, L 3, William Black. Class 55—Pen of 5 Fat Merino Lambi: First prize, L 2, Edward Lee, Taicri. Class G6—Pen of 5 Fat Lambs, any other breed': lFirst prize, L 2, Georgo Murray ; second, Ll. George Murray. Extra Sheep Stock : Three Line iha Lambs. .5J months old, bred by J. Newman, Esq., Auckland,'and exhibited by W. T. Buckland, Esq., highly commended. . One Cross Bred Down Ram Lamb, bred and exhibited by W. A. Todd, Esq., highly commended. Fifty Merino Ewe Lambs, bred and exhibited by 5\ D. Rich, Esq., Bushy Park ; very highly commended as first-class sheep; TwentyFive Merino Ewes^ bred ,an,d .exhibited by F. D. Rich, Esq., Bushy Park • very highly commended m first-clasa sheep. , TwentyFive Merino Bams, bred and exhibited by F. D. Rich, Bushy. Park; very highly commendel as firat-clsss sheep. Cheviot Ram—; Exhibited.. by: Matthew Holmes, Esq.; very highly commended as a first-class sheep. v ■""'■ ;: JPIOS. : Class 57—Boar of any age or bieed: First yrizo, Lff, H. li. Steavenson, Dunedin.

Class 68—Sow, of any age or breed : First prize, L 3, James Wilson, Dtmedia. ._- Class iJOr-Boar,.o£ihe Jarge.b«fid,a»y «ge.: First prize, L 2, H. R., Steavenßon j B«cond7 LI, George Pram. -T* ~: -. i r 'Class 61.—Sow of ifie large Ttfee^aSraW: First prfcte/X^VW. Hj BeynoJlcb = jßecosd^Ll,. James Aitken; third, honorary certificate/ Wm. Steadman. f Class 62.—80ar of the small breed, bdj age: First prize, L 2, G. Shand ; second,Ll, C. Mooro ; t thi»J,; honorary certificate, -B. B. Martin. ' ■ Class 63.—Sow of the small breed, any age : First prize, L 2, James Wilson j second, Ll, Charles Sonntag; highly commended, James Wilson. Class 64.—Fat Pig : First prize, L2,W. H. Reynolds ; second, Ll, James Aitken. : Class 65.—-Pen of three or, more Porkers : First prize, L 2, Caleb'MboreV 'secofid, Ll;' H. li. Stcavcnson. rooi.THY r &c. Class 66.—Dorking Cock and pair of hens : First prize, Ll, Jas. Macindoe. •-. .-.-■ .. ~ Class 68.—Spanish Cock and pair of Hens i First prize, Ll, W. A. Toung ; second, hono^ rary certificate, Wm. Sly. - Class 74.—Bantam Cock and pair of Hens : First prize, Ll, Thomas Taylor, Port Chalmers. Class 77.—Drake and pair of Aylesbnry Ducks : First prize, Ll, Alex. M'Donalri. I Class 79.—Gander andpair of_Geese; First prize, Ll, B, 3. Martin. '• Class 81.—Basket of two dozen Hen Eggs : First prize, ss, Charles Sonntag. , Class 85.—Lot common Babbits: First prize, Ll, W. Hooper.' * '-' '5 " , Class 86.—Lot fancy Babbits : Fjrst prize,' Ll, C. C. Armstrong; second, honorary certificate, C. C. Armstrong. Class 88.—Lot Fancy Pigeons: Honorary certificate, William Sly. Extra. — Cock and hen, silver Poland breed : Honorary certificate, Wm. Slf. One Pen Brahmapootra Fowls : Honorary certificate, A- W. Donald. IMI'LESIEKTS, &C. i Class 91.—Threshin'jr; Machine for steem power: First prize, L 5, Thos. Eobinoon and Co. Class pa^T—^rhresbingfMachine power: First prize, L 3, Oliver and Ulph. ' ' . Class 93.—Reaping machine : No competition. i Claßs 9iv—Mower, or Mowqr and Keeper combined : No competition. Class 95. —Horse power: First prize, Ll, Thos. Ilobinson and Cd,'- • Class 96.—Winnowing Machine: First prize, L 2, Oliver and Ulph ;. second, honorary certificate, T. Robinson and Co. /; •■• ',; Class 97.—Seed Drill, 2 spouted for turnip: and like Reeds : No competition. j Clasa 93.—Seed Drill for grain or grass j seeds : The only machine .'exhibited, in" this

class was thought to be too complicated and expensive. Class 99.—Broad-cast Sowing Machine for grain or grass seed : Those exhibited were not deemed worthy of a prize. Class 100.—Chaff-cutter: Firat prize, Ll, iOHverand UJpli; second, honorary certificate, T. Robinson and Co. Class 101.— Crusher for horse feed: First prize, Ll, Oliver and.Ulph. Class 103.—Swing Plough, home make: Frst prize, Ll, Gex Gray Russell and Co. 1 Class 104.—Swing Plough, colonial make: honorary certificate, Thos. Robinson andCo.S Class 105. —Wheel plough, home make--that exhibited by Mr Thomas Moodie, of good design and workmanship, but too heavy for common use. Class 106—Wheel-TlOngh, colonial make: First prize, Ll, Watson and Gaw, Princes street. "

Class 107;— Brill Plough, no competition. ClaßßlOß.—Grubber: JBrat prise, Ll, Thomas Mooriie.., ...... CJass 109.—Cultivator: First prize, Ll, Thos. Robinson and Co. Class 110.—Drill Grubber Hoe or Harrow: not worthy of prize. '' ■■'■■•'- Class 111.—Harrows for general use: First prize, Ll, Oliver and Ulph; second, honorary certificate, Oliver and "Olph. Class 112.—Grass Seed Harrows: First prize, Ll, Thos Robinson and Co. Clacs 113.—Surface Scarifier: First prize, Ll, Thos. Robinson" and Co. • Class 114.—Iron Roller: First prize, Ll, Dickie and Brown,TE«st Taieri. Class 116—Horse Hay Bake. First prize, Ll, Thos, Robinson and Co; second,honorary certificate, Oliver and Ulph. Class 117.—Set Equalising Draught: Bars for three horses s The exhibits were of equal merit. ~.••. Class, ,121 .—Cart for general farm purposes: First-prize, L 2, Watson and Gow, Princes street. •• ■. • .i ■i C!asßflS2.~Express Waggon::First,prize, Ll, F. Cokman. ~ _ , Class 123.—Bu^gy for general usei First prize, Ll, Bates, She and Co; second, honorary certificate, Bates, Siso and Co. Class 127.—Set: Cart Harness: First prize, Ll, David Warnock. Class 128—Set Plough Harness: First prize, i Ll. David Warnock. . i Class 129.—Samples of Wire Fencing: First j prize, Ll, Geo. Gray Russell, and Co; second,; honorary certificate, B. B. Martin and Co. j Class I'32.—Portable Forge: First prize, Ll, Oliver and Ulph. Extra: Drainpipes,; Honorary certificate, J. H.'Lnrabert; Potato' Digger, honorary certificate, ,T.Robinson and Co. .- ' ■." .■/-. . ,:' ■ Class 134.—Churn :. First prize; Ll1, Oliver and Ulph. ' '-: Class 135.—Cheese Press: Honorary certificate, Thos Robinson- and Co. - •■ ~ - Class 136.—Colleition of. Dairy Utensils :. Honorary certificate, Thos Robinson and Co.: CEIIEAtS, SEEDS, &C. > CUsa 139.—Eight Bushels New Zealand Grown Oits, ,fot Milling Purposes : First prize, Ll, Jns. M'lndoe. - j Class U2.—Four Bushel Bag Peas: First prize, Ll, George Matthews. , Class 145.—Four Bushel Bag Perennial Rye Grass Seed and Sheaf: First prize, Ll, Peter S. Cullen ; second, honorary certificate, George Matthews. ■ Class 146.—Four Bushel Bag i Italian Rye Grass Seed and Sheaf : Honorary certificate, George Matthewp,. .. .• ;' Class 147.—Four.Bushel Bag Prairie Grass Seed and Sheaf: First prize, Li, Matt.Holmes; second, honorary certificate, David Andrew., ... ... Class I4B.^Four ■ Bushel Bag Timothy Grass Seed and Sheaf: Honorary certificate, George Matthews. ' , Class 149.—Tw0 Bushels Cocksfoot Grass Seed and Sheaf : FirsfcpnzeiLl/Jas.Mindoe; second, Honorary certificate, George Matthews, i Class 150.—Ten lbs Red ,Cloyer ; Seed; Honorary Certificate, George MattheVs. ; * Class; 151.—Ten lbs White Clover Seed : First prize, L 4, Matt. Holmes; second, honorary certificate, George Matthews ! Class 152.—Ten lbs Alsike Clover Seed;, First .prize,"Ll,-,Georgo, Matthews ; second, honorary certificate, Matt. Holmes. { . 'Class i153.--Ten lbs Janeorafi'. ,-fleed: First prize, Ll, George Matthews. i Class 154.—Ten- -lbs Kape Seed: Fifst prize, Ll, James M'lndoe; second, honorary certificate, George Matthews. .?. ■ - ?:. :; ; ' | , Class 155.—Ten lbs Swedish Turnip, Seed: First prize, Li, George Matthews; second, honoraty certificate, Ja«i Mindoe. *uiL<:!-- j Class ,156.—Ten lbs:Purple or Greentop Yellow Aberdeen Turnip Seed:" Honorary certificate, Jas. M'ludofc' ; ' J"uu- Xl -' j;t y\ : .r Clau 1fi7,~-Ten lbi.W^ute.Qlobe. .Tarmp-

seed : First prize, Ll, Jas. M'lndoe ; second, honorary certificate, George J£attbei*i.'U | _-.i3ft!l».lsß.—Five lbs Mangold SeecT: Hono- , rary certificate, James Mindoer " " ;Class 16o._Ten VbaWtm" <*r Gorse Seed : Firsfprize; XI,"" George "Matthews j ~ secondjr .honorary certificate, James M'lndoe.- •. r iClass 161—Collectiori of Seeds': First prize, Ll, George Matthews; second, honorary certificate, James M'lodoe. Class 162.—Four bushel bag Early Pota toes; First prize, Ll,. W. H. Reynolds; second;1 honorary* certificate, George a Mat thews. ] Class 166.—Four bushel batj Mangolds : honorary certificate, David 'Andrew, \ BDTTER, &O. ;'CiaisTl7B. r iTen lbs fresh Batter: -First' | prize, Ll, Wnt Lindsay,»t Valley.; second, honorary certificate, James Todd, Springbank. ■:■ >,'.■!■,.•;•,-.,....,. j ~ ~..-... ! Class 173.—Ten lbs Powdered Butter: Finf prize. Ll,. James Hunte* ;; second, honorary certificate, George Shand. Class'l74.-—Teh lbs Salt Butter-: First prize, Ll, James Todd, Springbank; second, honorary certificate, Georgo Shand. ;-, Class 175 —Two Cheeses, not less than 14 lbs: First prize,, Ll, David. Andrew; second, honorary certificate, John Andrew. ; Class 179.—Rolled Bacon, cured in New Zealand: First prize, Ll, Andrew Simpson; second, honorary certificate, Mason Brothers. ! Class ISO.—Rolled Beef Ham, cured in New Zealand: First prize, Ll, Mason Bros; second, honorary certificate, "Andrew Simpsen* ' '

Extra honorary certificate to Charles Sonntag for honey exhibited by. him; * ..; : ';

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 1305, 5 March 1866, Page 4

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AGRICULTURAL AND PASTORAL SOCIETY OF OTAGO. Otago Daily Times, Issue 1305, 5 March 1866, Page 4

AGRICULTURAL AND PASTORAL SOCIETY OF OTAGO. Otago Daily Times, Issue 1305, 5 March 1866, Page 4