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'" ' 3i_ae*ftt Hotice. *~~" „." " RATIOS By BLEs Hwor-. ' '"[■--•ar, Erg, Bop«r_ite__«atorth«Fu' . ' . *'*"r. "" isi^certai. Disib Jf* 95 vMtr "The Diseased Ciittl, t -. WHEREAS by •«?_•"* C-Wa-aa. CtU'e Act, 1861 ,*' It wai prorided that the Gavcr. or ' ia Council night, by warrsat nn-*er Ins _a_a, \ from time to time legate *» the Superintendent ' of any Province wi'Ain the sawl Coloiy, a'l or i acy of tbe power* verted In the Governor or Oo- * verror in Coaocil by the s*id Art,jtubjectto such H*gttlatio_»as ha mhht think fit, sno might from time to time Mwdnd sura delegation: And whereas the ssW Governor hatb, wilh 'he advice and cneent ofthe Kxeeu-ive Ckwneil of New Zealand, dekgsted to Samuel Bealey, Esquire, «o Jong as te .bell bold tht office of Superintendent of the Province of Canterbury, tie stveral , powers yeoted in the said Governor by the Bectmd "' Fcurih, Fifth, Seventh, Kfntb, and Tenth ««- : tion*oithessldAct,subj^tob<ingre«i_nded as ; T In the said Act provide-, snd subject to the Re- ; ', gnlatiocs haued hy the Governor in CouncU on . ! ' the eighteenth day it>f SepKmber, Cno thourand , S" eight tuadred and sfxiy-flve, ami to any other | '• Ilegulstimis to be from time to time duly made ; j _.w, therffore, I, SAMUEL BEALEY, by virtue of *nch powers in me vested, do hereby j proct«'m»nd declare, that after tbe dste hereof, tbeMverai Colonies ofAuinralia, that i*» to ssy, tlie Colony of Vfcteit., of New South Wales, of -' Queensland, of Bc-tb Amtralt', and Western 8 Australia, as well ai the Corony of Tasmania,and . tbe Colony of tht Cape of Good Hope, and ths ' I-ands of tfieat Britain and lie'and ; the several Provinces of the Colony of New Z*a!a_d, tb it r Is to *ay. the Province of i tsgo, of Sonthland, in the Middle Island, aad the P-ovince of Aucklar d, in tbe >'orth Islund, shall be deemed to be infected Districts witlan the meaning cf tbetaid Act; and that no cattle shall be imported from tbe taid District- into tbe Province of Canterbury : And I do further proclaim and declare (the following Hegulati'jßs for ttie destruction cf d._----e eased cattle, snd forthe preventing tbe removal 0 or trannportalicn of cattle from the said efversl infected Di&tiicte into the Province of Centerg buryI, If sny person sbtil! drive or remove or 1 cause to be driven or removed, or assist in driving or removing any citde from either of this said infected district*, Into * tbe Province of Canterbury, such person » shall be liable to a penalty of Fifty r Pounds for eviry hcs.l of cattle so driven into the Province of Canterbury. 11. It fhall he lawful for any Inspector of . Cattle or Police Crnstable to deitroy or e-ute to be def troyed sny cattle which shell pars into tbis Province frcm cither 8 of tbe "?aid <1_ tricta. 111. If any person shall wilfully irajrede or : obstruct any Inspector or any Police Constable ac-iing under tbe Authority cf these BeguUtions, every person so ' offen-'ini? ihail ond may lie se'errd and ! detained by such person so .C'ing ss ' aferes-iid, nr any person cr persons he [ may call to bis ats'*>t3nce, until such , offender or offenders can be taken before two Justices of the Peace, and shall be r liab.'e to a penalty cf Fifty Pounds. Given under my hand, at Chris'church, this i twenty- third day of September, one thousand l eight hundred &_d sixty-five. 8. BBALKY, Superintendent. ' By His Honor's Command, •■ Edw. Jo__ib, i Provincial Secretary. i IrnKNDING Travellers to fhn Canterbury Gold Fields, aie hereby Informed tbat the \ roal between Lytulton and Hokitika. via Chrhtchurch, is now open for adittance 105 miles by coach, and that the remainder of the road, 60 mile*, can be perfoimed on hoiseback without difficulty, Within three mouths the whole distance will be open to coach and dray traffic. EDWARD JOLLIE, Provincial Secretary. Provincial Bec-t&ry _ Office, Christchurch, Canterbury, H.Z.,lßth August, 1865. Business Uofcicea. W. LUKK AND CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CHEMISTS AND DRUGGI-Td, Princes street, Dunedin, six doors from Manse street. WLU-_i~~AND CO., • in returning thanks to their numerous supporters, and tbe Inhabitants of Dunedin gcnendly, for the large omount of patronage bcsiowed on them since their opening business, have much pleasure In informing their friends and the public, that they are continually receivippr; consignments ef the most genuine and well-selected stock of drugs and patent medicines, also perfumery, brushware, and all requisite, for the toikt. To _u*et tbe requirements of then* large Increasing business, they have made such arrangements that they are now in a po-ition to supply up-country orders, shipping and the trade, with the greatest despatch and a the most reasonable .ferae W. Lu__ & Co. would call the particular attention of those who are suffering from colds, lnflttcnsra, nstbma, and from all irregularides, fC.-j.lfcc.. caused by dinnpe of climate, to their LIVER OR TBO ETA BLK COMPOUND ANTIBILIOUS PILLS. These .pills are highly -recommended by the Faculty, aad have effected coet wonderful eu-es. | when all other remedies have failed. LUKE'H PULMONIC MIXTLRB a_s proved most efficacious in the cure *f coughs, asthma, consumption, .olds, and all disordent of the lungs; m many instances thk valuable mixture hai effected perfect cure from "?■__! , _it? n nr7 u uU,a- byaJlayfng the Irritation of the chest aud throat almoin InsUaitaneonaly. The list of artiefcs kept at the csttblishment of , jl a_e and 00., is too -unierous-too mention, but the following are worthy of notice*; LUKI.S BYE LoffrON AND GOLDEH OL-vf-M-JNT, Which, when used in conjunction, speedily cure - lmflamma-on^fthe eyelids, and all other dLse_jes Incidental to ihat sensitive organ. LUKB'3 DYBK*STJBJg" fI YBUP. LUKE'S j RHKUMATIC LOTION, LUKK'S PII"k~7iIHT-.E!ST: ihia ointment v/ill g!< vo relief in 24 hours ,to those suffering from thi* most dlstre. ing cotaLD K^ IiT- I?T E? ,KESIirK RSBKNCE OF BAR-: fiAPARILI.A & .ODIDH OF POTASH. : I „a? m.°^ t enectivo alterative of the system' x and purifier of the Wood yet discovered, ft will t bo found most valuable iv the cure of tho follow. * tesg diseases:—Hhoutuntism, old sores, .yphilis or venereal dlsewc, and cutaneous eruptions: it ■ wu root out the very foundation of the rJUsease, I to__P._!_S ing»the fl*w».l>St3MSs witboat a bottle of thin valuablo compound. LUKE'B ORIEIStTI KALYDOR For lmprcving and beautifying the oom_le_ln n i " v* rendo^g the «ktoj< cilw, Ld beauS'. ] »Mr rJL?F'm*' mya ANODYNE AIT JNSTANI- CURE FOR TOOTHACRa Bok Agents : _.V7. 08* Frinoa street, Dunedin; * ttt Kobs tbo Add-ref*--W. LOKfa AMD CO., Plspensing Chemist., kc,' ?rinpw utreet, Donedn. *(>"-_**

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Otago Daily Times, 2 October 1865, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 Otago Daily Times, 2 October 1865, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 Otago Daily Times, 2 October 1865, Page 2