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Medical, 4c. DR. DX JONttH'S (Knight of the Order of Leopold or Belgium) T IGHT-BEOWN COO LIVKR OIL, . Hi prescribed by the most eminent Medic*, men throughout the \w!d a* the Barest, speediest, and mo<it effectual iemedy fur • - cowsniapTion. okkokic BRoNourm, asthma^ 00DOH8, RHKUHKTABM, OKffX&AI* DBDILITT, OISaABES OV THE BIHS, &ICSUETS, IWFATITI WASTXira. ASO »LL SOROjrULOtja AffPBCTrONS Dr- I>k JoNpn's Oil i- the ipost ctuV> ncioas, the ~, most palatable, and, from fia rapid curative - rffecUi, naquiiSt'Mnalily the moH ecouomical of all ' klndi. Its immt'iaurftb'e therapeutic superiority OTcr every other variety is now universally acknowledged. . ■> - SELECT MEDICAL OPINION 3. - Dr. Lktjiebv, Medical Officer of Hcilth, and Chief Analyst to ! ' the City of-London. "It is, I behere. universally acknowledged thnt Dr de Jongh's L^hl-Urown God Liver has great therapeutic power; and iroiu my vesti<rations I lisre nc doubt of its being - « and unadulterated artble." Dr. Lankkwer, F.E S., ■ Coroner for Central Middlesex. "I consider that the parity of this Oil secured in its preparation by tiie personal ation of so pood a Chemist and Intelligent Physician as Dr de Junith. Hence I deem tfc Cod Liver Oil sold undar lu-nyuarantoe to be pro ftfrablo to any other kind us regards genuineness ■vnd medicinal efficacy " ■..■:. Dr. Gbahyillb, F. 8.8., Author of, the " -"prs of Germany." " Dr. Urnnvillc has fouud that Dr. do Jongh'a .' Lixht-Bruwn Cod iiiver Oil produces the desired effect in a shorter tinis liian other kinds, ahd THAT IT DOKS NJT OAUBK TUB NAUBBA AHD IH* DIGESTION TOO OPIKS 00NSKQOBNT OS THZ JL&MIHIHTRATION OV TIIK )*/UitE OlL." Dr. db JoNdu'a Li<ht Brown Cod Liver Oil is Bold only in Imperial h*lf-piut-», 2tfl 1 ; pints, ia 9d quarts, 8s ; capsuied and labelled with hia stamp acd sifjnciute, without which none can poasibiy be irenuine, by respectable Apothecaries and Drusrßista. Bole Coiiuiiineca '— .ANSAii. HARFQRD, and CO., 77, Strand, London, W.C. Caution.—Firmly resist attempts often, made by unscrupulous dealers ta recjinineud or substitute, with a view to an extra profit, other preparations, under tins fallacious preteuee tbat they ?re the same as Dr. de Jonah's, or equally caciooa. P RAMP TON'S PILL OF HSALTH ■ ■ ' % THIS excellent V.irmly Pill is a medicine of ~\ long-triod efficacy for pariiyinj the nlood, do ','; very ei-o!itiil for the fo<t:iils£iori of iroo:l health, anil correcting -\ll iJiso<xlers of the Stomach ant) Bowels. Tiro or three doses will convince tha afflicted of its salutary effect*. Th'i stomach will sf.eo.iily refill its strength ;a hoilthy notion of the iiv«r, bowels, and ki'iaeys will rapid!* tanopln'O ; and rcuswe'! heilth will be the quick rc«ult of taking thin medicine, according to tho directions accimp.on.viu^ cn:h box. PttuSONS <>ii A I'Ubi. HABIT, win are subject to !jo;il:;c'i'», gid linesi (IrovPuinejis. and ahiging in the em a. arising from iOJ^ieata flow of blood to the hoaJ, slioiilil uev-.r b without them; ' as ti:any tfau^uruus SjiniJioms will bo entirely carried off iiy tn ir u;e for P X vi a L KS, ! hc:e Fills are truly excellent, removing nil obstructions, the distrdminj? head* ache so very prev-ilcnt wiih tha Hex, depression of spirits, duliic^H of wuht, neivom nfl-ictionu, blotches pimples, smi Killinvne* of tho skin, md (,'he v liealthy, juveulw bloom to the com^ plexion. To MOTIIEK3. tiiey arc contlderiUy recommended as tho bent ine>ll<ilne that can be taken and for children of all tu^os they nra atieqtiiUlod. ' These I'Ulb u'ii'e Ih.j re.-oiumt.'adiiU'jn of a mild operation wirh tha moat successful effect: and for elderly people, or where an occasional ' aperient is required, cothiou oan t»o better adapted: Iler Majesty's Commissioners bave anthoitad the name and address bf'T.HOMiS PROUT, No. 220, tftraud, Londun," to be imprc-ssed upon the Government stamp afSxed to eaeli bot ol .lit, Kfliiuino" modicin'e, with prime directions for their two. ~ fioid in KnKlnntl at Ik l.Jd and 2i 9J per Box . Agent for Auckland, \ ■ Mr ASH BE ABHKK NO MOilE IJILL.B1 JILL.B OR ANY OTHER MEDICINE. DU B A &. B V ' 8 Delicious hualth-reatoring RE\ALHiVTI iKABICA FOOD, Cures opeedily and ertectaaUy indigestion (dya- t , pepsia), cough. *>=ttiica consumption, nabitnar ! * -oonstipatiou, diarrho3.i, all gutric ilerangaments, haiuorrholils, livor oinpiniut^, fl'itulenoy, nervousness, billousn'.'ds, f«ver9; core tbroata, dipth- ' thcria, cutarrhn, >tol ja, influeoia, uoww in tha bead and c irs, rluumauaai, gout, impurities, eruptions, hyisttTJii, nourufgia, irritability, sleep- . leisncta, aoulity, pulpiutioa, heartburn, headaoae, debility, dropy, cramp-«, apasms, nausea and eiciuess evou in pr"i?uaney or at sea, link- - • ing fits, bronchitis, »crofuU, tiKrhtne-s of tho ; :' chest, paius at the pit of the stomach and be- : ' tween the xhouiders, «c. We quote a low out of 80.000 cures — Cure No. 53,2>C,0i the Marchioneasdeßr4hen, Paris, of a liver com;)! «Nt, WAsriag away for seven years, svith duMiiiy,|.itadon, bad digestion, c<>muut .slueulc.iaaeaa, and ths moßt la< tolerable nervom ;igit;itioa.' Cure No. 57,511. " Tittenson, 25th October, 1860.— Gcntleiucu, I enclose 33s for another 10 lb anlster of jour excellent Revalouta AxabSca Food I cannot surliuiintly express my «ratitude for the benefit 1 li :ve derivwd from it after every other meaa3 h«s failed. Icm rimy rent veryrJi 8 at nltfht, luy appetite Is perfot-tl? restored ail the pains ia cay e^, back, and chest are quite gone, Bud I am foot gatnins strength and fleshY . If your food wa3 bottur kuowu I believe it would gave many thousand lives, which are destroyed. - recklessly by ■ poiaonous dro^s, and many families would be saved from utter ruin.—Mrs A, Owen." Cure No. 71, of byepep-ji*, from the Eight Hon the Lord Stuart de (J-ciss, Lord-Lieutenant of the County of VWerford —" I have derived much benefit from your excellent food.—Stuart de Decies, Uromaua, Cure No. 54,810. — Fro ii the Key James T. Campbell, Syderaroae 'ientory, near Fakenhsm, No-iolk.—" In all casjs of indigestion, and particularly when the liver Is more tuan usually afiectcd, I consider it the best of aIL remedies. It regulates the bils and makes it flow, in coses which would not a'imit of mercury in any shape. In short, a healthy flow of bile is one of It« earliest and best symptoms.—James T. Camp- : /. belL" , - Cure No. 52,422.—" Bridne H-juw, Prlmler, Barrey. Thirty-three years' (Uncased lungs, spit-» ting of blood, liver, derangement, doainew, singing in the ears, constipation, debility, shortness of breath, and com;h, bava been removed by your Revblenta Arabica. My lungs, liver, 'tomach, Bead ami ears are sll right, my bearing ; oerfect, and my recovery is o marvel to acquaintances.—James Roberta,. timber merchant." The food is sold in canisters—l lb, 2i &L 21b, 4» 6a; 12 lb, 225; '21 lb, 40*. The 12 lb and 21 lb canisters, carriage free.' on receipt*of Port Office Or.ler, by Barry Ou Barrj aaC.Coj. „ 77, Aezent itrtset, London ; Fortnnm aad Mtton, ISt, Piocailiily; Abblss, Cl, Graoechurch street; dso it 63 »Bd 153, Oxford street; 4, Cheapvida, :„. London; and «dl.respectable' grocers aad cae~ ■ miita. - - - '- '■-.', v- ■ \ ' 3700 j

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 1168, 29 September 1865, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 7 Otago Daily Times, Issue 1168, 29 September 1865, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 7 Otago Daily Times, Issue 1168, 29 September 1865, Page 7