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Election Notice. TO B. O. HAGGITT, ESQ., SOLICIJCOB, KA..TG BUNEDIN. SIE— Vscandes havlner occurred ia the reprel : sentrtion of the. City'in the .Provinda ■ < rouricili through'frement therefrom'of f» Honor'the Superintendent and TKr Horace B wt- * laga, we, electors for the City, -request tbat jou will allovr yourself to Denominated as a candidate for one. of, the vacant seats, .believing that the, presence of an able-solicitor la the Council would oe of much a J vantage to the Proyiuee; and believing, also, that the interests'of the City and Province will be safe in your hand?. | : In the event of your aoee<iing to t otfr request, We assure you that all the influence we possess shall bs exerted to secure your return, , • ■ i (Here follow the signatures.) TO J. H. HARRIS, ESQ., JOHN JONES, ESQ., AFD THB OTHER GENTLEMEN SIGNINGf THB REQUISITION. ' /^EKTLEtfEN—T have much" pleasure in \JC assenting to your request to allow my-st-lf to ba nomina e<l as a candidate for one of the vacancies in the Tepresentatlcn of the City iv the Proviucial Council. • : In the event of my return, which, in the fac9 of a requisition bo ir.fluentially signed us that you have done me ttic honor to present to me, I eu'jht not to doubt, I promise you to use my best exertions ia forwarding the interests of the Province. " : ■ = I am, Gentlemen, Your obedient Servant, B. C. HAGGITT. ELECTORAL DISTEICT OF. DUHEDIN. IN pursuance of the provision* of an Act of the -Genernl Assembly of *ew Zealand, intituled •• The Regulation of Elections A<t, 1853," I, John Gillies, Returning Officer, for .the Kiectoral District of DuneJin, do hereby give Notice that, by virtue of a writ hearing date the twenty-first day of August, 1865 issued undfr the hand of | Thomas L)iok, Esquire, Superintendent of the Provlnca of Olag", an Election will be held for the r»-turn of two qualified persons to serve as Mfembjr3 of the Provincial '.ounctl for the said I Rlectoral District, in place t-f t himas Dick and Horaoa flastings, Esquiies, resiimed, during the remainder of the t rm of the continuance of the present Council and no longer, and that the Nomination of Cindidateo will take pla~e Ht the Co u rt House. Du;ied-:n. on Friday, the sixth day of October, 1865 at 12oVoek at Noon, and that the Poll (if neeewy) "i'l be tnkpn on Wednesday, the eleventh day. of < ct.ber, 1885. Dated this 22ad day of August, 1865. ■ ••••■ JOHN GILLIES. Returning Off ccr. The foil-Turing p'acus are Polling Places for the Electoral District of Dunedin:1 — ■ < ' The Coirt House, Dunedin*, ; The Sclioolboose, North Dunedin. Date 3 this 22nd day of August, 1865. JOHN OILLIFS, Returning Officer. Ke9trcg3. HINDON QUARTZ CRUSHING CO., LIMITED. SPECIAL~MSBTING. A SPECIAL Meeting of Shareholders will be hold on Monday evening next, at 8 o'clock, at the 3hamrock Hotel. To allot the balance of the shares unsold. By order of the Directors, RICHARD CREATE, Secretary. secon3 nkw zsaland building and mutual investment society. fTIHE Twentieth General Mee< ing for the payI ment of Subscriptions and tin Sile of -hares, will be lioldeu at the Oriental Hotel, Princes ctreet. Dunedin, on Friday, 29cb September, 1865, at seven o'clock p.m. CHARLES WHITE, Secretary. OTAG ) KIFLH ASSOCIATION. THE Half Yearly Mqetins of the Association will be hbl t on Friday, the 29th instant, atM'CubbiuY Hotel, atß p «n. ;. - By order, A. D EVOKE, Hon. See, DUNEDIN BUILDING AND LAND SOCIKTY. AN Annual General Meeting of the above Society, for the purpose-of receiving a Matement of Aecuuta y<Jar endina; July last, the Election.of ottlcs-bearers for ensuing- jear, and transacting tf en. r*l Business^ 'wf.l be held in the Odd-Pellowa' Hall, Gtorga street, oh Monday evening ness, ai 8 .o'clock, when abseiu meinbais will be fined iv term)of wule vii. ~ Thereatter a Quarterly Meeting will be held, for disposing of tlie cash on hand. CHARLES RB!», ■ >■:• '■ - ■ -■; - ■ ■ ; Secretary. • NOTICE. NOBTH-EiST VALLEY DI3TRICT, BDU--CATION KATES.-»& '' fIIHE School C jmmittee will mett oa 9th beJL tober, 1855, ai-7 o'clock p.m., to hear any objection to Sdidrau s. '".';. By order of Committee, AL?X. ARMBTaONG, Educational. GJSRMAN LAN&UAO3. ;; MB.I JOHN HAMANN, late Pupil of the Acidemica College ia the City of Hamburg, Teacher ot' the iermw Language, according to Cllindbrfi'a celabrateJ fjstem. Applicants wli please address ihsiuiselres t\> hw office, Jetty street, lliordan'a Builiiugs; or. bis residence, Moray Piace, next to Oiimbria Hou*. : MR; D. R :83 bejrs to;intimate thac. lie iatsuds Opeuint;.his School at the corner of l'illeul and Hanover etraets, on Thursday, the -2'Stn ihsUnt. Cuinbtrland street, September 26ih:, .18(35. ■■■' ';; ; ;" ' r\tNNEFORD"B POttS HLUID, MAGA./- NESIA has been during twenty-five yeans emphatically sanctioned by the medical profession, tnd universally accepted by the public a3 the best reniedy for AGLDITI OF THB ;BTOMaCH, •-ttBp.KTBUE.Nv •■-■^ : -■-- ■'■•: '": ■ -r '■ ! '- - - HEiDACHfi, GOUT, and INDIG-BSTION, " iad as a mild1 aperient for delicate coiistitn- - tious, more • especially for ladies; aod childrea. ■ ; When oombined'i«tith the ,;> ,' J « 5 , ACIDULATED LEMOH BZROP, :t forms auagreeabla eftarvescins draught, in < -which ita apcrieut qualities are macb increaßed. Da'riag hot seaaara,. and,. above all, ia hot .cti-" mates, tb.B regular use of this Bimpleand elegant remedy has been'found highly beneftoitL : -' ■ Maaufactuxed (with the utmost attentioato •trangth.aadpurity),'by: '■■■, ■■■■: ■,!."■ " - ■~- . : DINWJEFOBD ana C0.,;. Y <■■ , ;. ; - ' 17*2 New Bond street, Lon*o», jLod huj bt, had from, all twpectabl* <^temb)U thiottgaouV U* WWld. ■

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 1168, 29 September 1865, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 1 Otago Daily Times, Issue 1168, 29 September 1865, Page 6

Page 6 Advertisements Column 1 Otago Daily Times, Issue 1168, 29 September 1865, Page 6