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Cautioaa. OAOTION.-CHLOKODYNB, la Chancery. JT was clearly prowl before rtoe-ChaaceUoi 1 Sit W. P. Wooi, by affidavits firou. eminent Hospital Physicians of London, that 0r J. OoJllt Browne was the discoverer of Chiorodyne; that they prescribe it lanjeiy, and mean no other than Dr. BrowneV.-fc-eo Times, Jan. 12,1861. The public, therefore, are cautioned against using any other than l>r J. Coilia Browne's Chlorodine. OHOLSRA, DY6KKTEBY, SIABKIKXA, CRASt?, AOOK, FSVEA, aKKnUATISM, COKStrMPTIOH, asthma, cooan, &c. All pain, vomiting, and distress ceases ia a few minutes ifler taking a dose of that wonderful Sedative Anodyne and Anti-Spasmodic reinedj ■discovered by !>r J. Oollis Browne, &I.R.C.aL. (ex-Army Medical StaiT), the recipe ef which was confided solely to J. T. Uavenport, 33,'" rest Kussell Street, Blooinsbury Square, London, Pharmaceutical Chemist. The medical teatimon »f Civil, Hospital, MilfUry. and Naval Practitionerw, pronounce it invalaable. It relievei pain of any kind, sooths the restlessness of fever, undimparts the most refresturiK sleep, withjui producing or leaving any of the nopleaiant eliecu opium. Or Gibbon, Army Medical Staff, Calcutta - " Two doses completely cured me ofdiarrhoea., Extract from the General Board of Health, London, as to its efficacy In cholera :— Ist Stage, or Premonitory,—ln this stage the remedy acts aa a charm, one dose Renerallj mlficient. 2nd Stage, or that of Vomiting and Purging.— in this state the remedy pos.-<esHea great power, more than any other we are acquainted with, two or three doses bcintc sufficient. 3rd Stage, or Collapse.--In all cases restoring fie pulse. 8o fitronsjly are we convinced of the immense value of thiii remedy, that we cannot too forcibly urse the necessity of adopting it in all eases. Prom A. Montgomery, Ksq , late Inspector of Hospitals, Bombay:— "Chlorodyno is a most valuable remedy in Neuralgia, A«thma, and Dysentery. To it I fairly owe my restoration to health alter le months severe suffering, and when all other medicines irnd failed." CAUTION. In_ consequence of the extraordinary efficacy of this remedy, several unprippipled parties have been induced in vend imitations. Never be tempted to buy Clilorodyne except in sealed bottles, liaviiiir the Government stamp, with the words, " L>r Collis Browne's UUlorodyne" engraved therccc. A sheet full of medical testimonials accompanies each bottle. Sole manufacturer, J. T. Davenport, 83, Great liugseU -street, iiloomauury, London. Sod ia bottles, 2s 9d and 4s 61. Obtained of Messrs Treact'cr's, Bombay; of Bcott Thompsos, Calcutta; Worsts, Sydney ; and all €heini*U. CAUTION. rsMIE GSOS-t FIUTTD3 which oontlnuo to X be praclUed by obscure miiiii'scturerß. more particularly in Germany, b/ imitating the Labels nttached to JOHN QOSSiULi, and UO.'b PKEFUMIiKY, render it imperative upon the Proprietors to Caution tha public a^alntt surh ne-f-trioue proceeJingu, and t-j request their friend* and patron* to purciasa only of reap-ctaole deaVrs, whi import direct from John Goicell and Co.; and iuvite special attention to the addrepa — 12, THfiEK KING CODUT, LOMBARD ST&EKT, LONDON, H.C. JOHN G93.VBLL and CO.'S BKLEOT PKBFUMKs~K<s Bouquet—Boyal Yacht Club Hnuquet—Jo'ikej Club Perfume -Ka'vna of Wowl Viol«-t—Victoria Bouquet —QaribAld Bouquet— Frangipsnnl—filiUtiry Hourjuet—The Bri<!f'a Bouquet--Tea Row—Russia Leather Perfume. John Qosnell and Co.'s Milk of Hoses— Adamantine -Pearl Powder, Bloom for the Complexion, John Go-well and Co.'s Toilet Vinegtr—l»--exhouftiWe Ba!t%~Aromatlo Vinegar—Aromatic Kau de Colozne. John Gosnell smd Gn.'n Prlncs of Wales Per fume, af used by his Kcynl liigha&B. John Goanell and Co/a Princess Alexandra Perfume, manufactured from the choicest flower* for this special u*e of her Royal Highness. John Uoanell and Co.'s La Noblesse Perfume. John Uosncll and Co.'a La Noblea«e Pomade. John Gcanell and Co.'s La Nobleffie Soap. John (Josnell nnrl Co.'s Jof key Olub Perfume, the most fashionable and delicately franrant perfome for the handkerchief. John Gomell and Co.*» Toilet Poips: Rcr.l Oltl Brown Windsor Soap—Hooey, Almond, Glycerine, Oatmeal, Elder Flower, Nut Oil, Soap Tablcti. Franglpanni, Spermaceti, K*B Bouquet*, and Sandal Wood Boap Tablets of the most choice detcription. John Gosuell and Co.'s Golden Oil— 5-foelline I —Maca-sar Oil, Beit's Grease, &c, fjr the hilr. John Go«n«ll and Co.'s Cherry Tooth Paste— Pr Verdifjon'a Dentifrice—Camphor Chalk i>entifiica, &c. John Gomell and Co.'s Instantanesu* Hair Dye—Poudre Unique— Ksweaceof Tyre. John Gosnell and Co.'b Extra Highly cented Toilet and Nursery Powder. John Gosnell and Co.'s Stercotemic or Dentists' Toath finishes and Trichoaaron Hair Brushes, wAtr.intcd to purchasers. John Gosnell and Co-s Meiicated Oil, rccom-mende-1 when tha hair falia ofi after accouchement, illnew, &«• John GosneH and Co.V Cherry Tooth Paste 1* (rreatly tuperior t^ any tooth powder, Rives the teeth a pewl-iika whiteness, protects the enamel from decay, and imparts a pleasing fragrance to the breath, JOHN GO3NKLL & CO., LONDON, Perfumers to Her Mijesty, and by Special Appointment to H.B.H. the Princwis of Wales. PI ANQFOHTKS.-Caution. -The public ar« respectfully Oautloaed-against baying,' instruments be wing thea=»me of Alliaon and Allison, as that firm has not been Jn existence since the ye&r 1818. The only firm having a right to that name is E<*lph Mlison and Sons. 108, Waritottr street, Lcadoa. = Meifini A. and Sons will be hupoy to forward their designr and price lists free n?on application. (tjigned) RiLPH ALLI3O.V and SONS CAOTION.-WAEREJf, RUB3ELIj. * CO iILACKING, IKK, and Di'K ilANljKACrDKEad, late of 80, Str-.^J, CiUTiq> the PUBLIC against persona wading un-Jcs I similar names, and profea.Jiug ta be eonnecud with tbi-m or Iheix late eßtabllshment at Ho. IHJ, Strand, their only mauufact ny iK-inp;— Isefiiat Woiks, itegent-street, Vincent-square, ■Wcaiiainster, London, B.W. TUY and MAKTIN'S real JAPAN 81.4CK XJ> itiQ, 97, High Uolboro, London—For aKordiag noartshtnent and durability to «c leather it stands anrtvalled. Sold by all flwtI cla» houae* in the colony, in batUea wid tin*, at Is 6J and 8d each. I>. and M. take the eppoitul nlty of owtioninij purchasers agaliat upariflu* • iaUitiotuiof tbeir jj»»na£»etßr .

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 1157, 5 September 1865, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 6 Otago Daily Times, Issue 1157, 5 September 1865, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 6 Otago Daily Times, Issue 1157, 5 September 1865, Page 3