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_ Auctions. THIS DAY, TUESDAY, sth SEPTEMBER, At 12 o'clock. 35 cases Galvanised Scotch Iroa 2do do Ridging 10 kegs do Sheathing Nails. aW. MOSS AND CO. , have received instructions from the importers to sell by public auction, at their rooms, Princes street (lately occupied by the Bank of Otago), on Tuesday, sth instant, at 12 o clock, 35 cases galvanised Scotch Iron, 24 guage, C, 7, and 8 feet lengths 2 cases 6 feet ridging, 200 ridge straps 5 kegs sheathing nails, I^-ineh 5 do do do 23-inca ! Terms at sale. WEDNESDAY, 6th SEPTEMBER, At 12 o'clock. To Contractors, Shipowners, Boatmen, Carpenters, and Others. n W. M 6Ts AND CO XX m have been instructed to sell by public auction, at the Government storeyard, near the Rattrayjstreet Jetty, on Wednesday, Gth September, at 12 o'clock, The following surplus stores, tho property of the Provincial Government— A large escort waggon Spring cart 4 boats (2 almost new) 20 best oars 1 dobbin 1 truck 6 carpenters' benches • 13 blue gum logs 50 planks, various lengths 30 black pine piles, various lengths 4500 fire bricks, imported, Heathfield's paient 4 floating stages 50 wheelbarrows 5 stoves 37 rifles , 33 bayonets Weighing bridge, complete up to 4 tons Wire rope, old iron, chains, iron bolts, oakum, anchors, old harness, &3., &c, &c. Terms at sale. p W. MOSS AND CO., AUCTIONEERS. | AUCTION ROOMS—PRINCES STREET. Premises lately occupied by the B-ink of Otago. Music, X O it O if ~. VV r. 8 T 'jTOSfC PUBLISH EX ah a I'HKOPORTfi JMPOETKK, Princes-stccct North. The np;v:ious Saloon is now completed, ana intending purc'iasera cati select from a iarg4 and varied alorl; of Pianofortes and Harmoniums imported direct from tho manufactories of Krard, Broadwood, and Alexandra, by the proprietor. The Music department now receives new supplies monthly, per Overiaa'l; selected 1b Knglnud, by Mr 11. West, senr. Pianoforte Tuning corofuliy and promptly attended to. To ensure dispatch Gouatry orders mast be accompanied by a remittance. PJANOFUIITB, HARMONIUM, AND MOBIO WA.BKHOUBB EBT.»bmßhbd 15 Ybarb. WILKIK, VVKBSTHR and 00., 15, Collins strtet Ba")t, Melbourne, beg to call atten tion to their very fine Htock of— Pianofortes, Harmoniums, and other rnuiiofil instrument*, of tho most modera description, with all tho latest improvements, an«( imported direct from the Pianofortes by Broadwood, Collard, Krard, Kfrkman, and r.tber established makers. Harmonium)) by Alexander. Cornopeans, daxhorns. Clarionets, Mutes, Drums, Fifes, and all inHrutnente for military bands ; Violins, Guitars, Htups, Concertina*, &c., &c., in great varkty. Wholesale and retail Colouial Pianofortes, especially auapted for hot climated, from the factory In Queen street North. Vocil and Instrumental Music of every description, Including all the newest publications. BISHOPVJ GKA\U',-li KFFKHLVKSGKW'I CITRATE OK MAQNJWIA. Introduced and Prepared by AI-fbbd Bishop, Manufacturiajr Ohemist, 17 and 18 Sfeck'4 KielJj, Alilo Knd New Town London. fjIUIS pesfisctly white and delicately clean A granulate 1 preparation possesses remarkable effervescent qualities, which fir surpasses the ordinary tifillitz Powder in its Cooling, tiefreshing, and mild aperient properties, as well as in flavor as a Saline draught. It is particularly well adapted for women and youn.-; children, on account of its most agreeable flavour nnd mild etfect. N.B.— The genuine has the name Bishop upon the Bottle, also tho name and trade mark unoo tha Libel, and is *old iv eonveuieat sizes, and secured in so perfest a mauaer that it may be shipped with safety to any part of tho world. Manufacturer also of Granulalel and Kffervescent Carbonate of iron, Citrate of Iron, Citrate of Quinine, Citrate of Quiuiao and Iron, Carbonate of LUhia in tubes, Citrate of Lithia, Vichj gait, ScidliU Mixture, aaJ all other Grraaulnted Preparations THH GKftEAT ENGLISH RBMRDY F')K GOUT <MD JIHKUMATISM. BLAIR'S GOUT AND KHKUMATIC FILLS.—This preparation is one of the benefits which the science of modern chemistry has conferred upon mankind ; for during tho firsi twenty years of the present century to speak of 8 cure for the tfout was considered a romance ; but now the efficacy and safety of this medicine is bo fully demonstrated, by unsolicited testimonial from persons in every rank of life, that public opiniou proclaims this as one of the most important discoveries >;f the pre?eut age. These PUSs require no restraint of diet or con neinent daring their use, aad are certain t* orovent the disease attackmz any vital part. They can be relisd upon as the owst safe aaa effectual remedy ever o&re-l to the public, an«! have bean universally usad io Europe atu* America for many years for the above cam plaints. , Her Majesty's Commisaionera have authorise the name and address of '• Thomas Prout, No 229, Strand, London," to be impressed upon t!i« Government stamps affixed to each box of the genuine medicines, with printed diraefciooa for heir use, Sold in Kn^bud at Is lid and fcsStt per box Agent for Aonkland. Mr tsbtir Aiher KBATINO'S'PKttdIMf INSISUT DH3ThOYING POWDHE, For which a prizs medal was awarded Xo the Producer, at the International ExMbi;i»n 1862. THIS Powder U quico tiarmlew to animal life but i 9 unrivalled io destroying fleas, bu^s, flie3, heetfes, gnats, mosqui <w, motha in furs and every other speo'.en of insect. _ Bainft the original importers of this now invaluable article, whicU h&u fouad sa great a sab that it has tempted others to vaad a sa-<ullei article, the publia ate therefore cauktonod to observe that the packets of tha genuine pswder bear the autosraph of THOMAH KB&gttSQ. Bold in packets variousi easb) by TM-'MAS KEATING, Oaemist, 7D, 8« Paofa Caarob, yard, London, E.C.; aud also by «01 ftg«ttts for Keating's Cough Loeeages."

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 1157, 5 September 1865, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Otago Daily Times, Issue 1157, 5 September 1865, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Otago Daily Times, Issue 1157, 5 September 1865, Page 3