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Wanted riBNTHU RKGISTttY OFFIOB MKB A.LPKNN Y'S Princes street. CHEAP BEDS FOB BESF_CT__S_K :• FEMALES. GOOD STORAGE FOR BOXES. MI 8 8 *. L L A X REGISTRY OFFICE, Opposite tho British Hotel, Qfiarge street. ANTED for the Choir of Sf. PaoKs Church, a few respectable Boyg, between the ages of 8 and 14. They will receive instraotion in music and singing in return for their services. Candidates to leave tlieir applications with the Choir Master, sta'iner aj;e and residence, on or before Saturday, Sept. 9th. GEO. R. WE.=T, Choir Master. With reference to the above, it ia notified that the applicnnts chosen will be admi'ted to the Practices and Concerts of tbe Philharmonic v Society, free of charge, as soon as they are able to give proof of their efficiency. By order of the Commit'ee, P. REAM, Hon. Sec. WANTED, Two Gcoi Bcotch Shepherds. Apply to ROY3E, MUDIB and CO, _____ Hig'i street. TXTAM'KD, a Younjr Man, trom 18 to 20 years T T of aee—unmarried—as a General Station Hand. Apply to ROY3E, MUDTE and CO., Hlch street. "AaTTJtI), Four Heavy Draught Mares— mnst be Btnunch and sound. POWPB, PANTL'W and CP. W'ANTKi), a Mfirriel Couple, without children; the womin to he hon*ekeeper toa finclu gentleman—the man t> be ploughman, and make himself eenernlly useful on the station. Apply to W. KeW, at MHis, Dick and Co., Siiifford street. WANTKD, imme iotjly, aSUhleraau. Aopiy Houston and Meyer, Queen** Livery Stables King street. W'ANTKD, a Compositor, nco'istomei to Homework. Apply offing of thin paper. W'ANTKD, 40 Quarryracn, nearthe Kawaraa, 12* to 143 per d<»y. A dray wi 1 start on Thursday to carry swags. Apply nt tha Shamrock Horelhyll o'clock Tlnviii Kirby. "IV' ANTKD, Man aa Boot 3. n pply Octagon. ?1 Hotel. aNTKI), a Biker for up-country. Address X office of this panaK \hj ANTE , strong active Lnd. Apply, v ' Allen, butcher, Princes street south, next Carriers' Arms Hotel. WANTKD",~a~liitie"Girl to mind a baby. Apply at the OM Club Hotel, Maclaggaa street. TXJ"ANTEP, a firat-cl'iss Tjrainer. Apply to TV S'-anlan Bros, ivnd Co Princw street. WANTKD, a Htoat Youth for Grocery Business. Apply, 10 o'clock, Brown's Store, top of Rattrny street. ANTKD, Waiters for the Masonic Ball, on Thursday night. Apply to J. Grey, Con- ■ fectioner, Rattray street. ANTE'), a FemMi Servant. Apply Bair View Hot-1, M -itland atraet. AN t'KD. a Girl to Nurse * Baby. Apply nt Tf.ylor'B Store. Kirn Knw. _" |ir ANTED, n Competent General Servant VV Wafrcs, L3O per annam. William Hay, Bookseller. WaNTKD, an Overseer on a /arm. AppJj ia the first iist nee by letter, stitine references a? to ability, &c, Box 19, Post Office,. Oamaru. ANTKi> to Sill, f-priug Carts; also, American Waggons (cheap.) SUerwin'p, Frederick street. WaNTED, Three Apprentices and esix Improvers to he dressmaking. Apply Mrs Ord, George street. WANTKD, a ne-ii'leut Governess, for a family near town. Apply by letter, addressed— Box Wo. 17. ''o't Office. AN'i'KD tor tbe U".><) net-veen liokitika and Ohristchureb, 150 Axe Men ; to those acquainted with clearing; wages fiom 14s to 153 per day will be given. Men to find te^ts. The Contractor finding Tools. Stores on the ground. The mo3t liberal offer will b? rande to sub-coa-tractors The be^t route it via Port Lyttleton, and enquire at Cobb nnd Co.'s office, Cfaristchurch, for Arniitng-a and Anth my'a contrast; or apr ly to Mr Anthony, at the Imperial Hotel, for n few day?. WAN Vt/D, good Perennial lye lirasa Seed. Doug a?, A]<jfnon ami C". WAN'i'Ji./ i*a.H3tfuiji:fa liy uouo'o u'o;ioi:t.s so know they can rely on being called at the Occidental Hotel. Single bedrooms. WANTKD To .-ell, a few good Horses; make first-class packers, Apply Lower Taicri Ferry HotelWANTED to Rent 3 or 4 roomed Cottage, 10 minuted walk from the Octagon, south side. Apply, Scanlan Hnw an'l Co. aN'I'KD to Let or Sell, Ten Acre* of Land, with four-roomed House, near Town. Apply Folke's St^re, King street North. W_NTKD kno*", Drain Piu set all descriptions, FinWc-r Pots F/oorini? Tiles, Brickß. _C. for si'e, at LAMBBRT3 Wat«r of Leith Works. WANTBO, ibe Public to Know tnat Coke ia the Cheapest Fuel, ton burning equil to two tons of coal. Price, L 3 15s per ton, delivered. Apply at Gas office, Hat tray street AW TED, New \rrivaln, and others, to know that D. Bavia la open to bay any quantity of Second-hand Clothing. Jewellery, lie, _c. Ladies and Gentlemen' 3 VVtrdrobespurclascd. The highest price given. W.B.—Household forniture bought to any amount. Gentlemen waited upon at their own residences^ All letters punctually attended to. Pfcane mark tbe address t D. Davis, two doors above Aldinga Hotel, Stafford street.-—-At home, from 9to 11 am.; and from 2 to 7 p.m. WASHING MADK EASY TM3TE4.D of wastine time by rubbing the J_ elotnes at the " Washing Tab," use a eolation of the "GLYCERINS" SOAP POWDBB, Tbea boil the clothes twenty minutes, and hang them op to dry. The family wash may thus be accomplished in many cas«s before breakfast* and the usual *" miseri-s" of the dreaded washing day altogether avoided Ask for "Harper Twelvetrees" Glycerine Soap Powder." Sold by all storekeepers, —t penny packets; sad wholesale by the manufacturer, Harper Twelvetrees, Bromley-by-Bow, London j and by Measra Turnbull and Co., Had F.-anck and Co., Dunedin. More retail acentJ w&nteil. /CLEANLINESS !—A Stove most brilliantly \J polished in two urinates for less than one farthing.—W. GK NIXHY'S Celebrated ReKtorated BLACK Lit AD. A new domestic dia covery ! Cannot be wast'-d, and is a pieservativa cf furniture from tha injariona effects of the common article now in use, as it creates co dust, and requires comparatively- no labor. Sold everywhere, in Bolid blocla, Id, 2d, 4d^:anu Is. The advantages of this element Chcmiasl Pre pp.ratioa are creat saving of time, cleanliness of application, smallness of quantity require J, ami the prevention of waste, dust, and its destructive consequences. Further, it ultimately proJucej a pare metallic coating of a high degiee of bril--I—.ncy and durability, refleciiiiß both light ana heat. (See specimen.* on the sides of each blodf.l 20 Soho Square, London. '■ Agents Wanted^

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 1157, 5 September 1865, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 7 Otago Daily Times, Issue 1157, 5 September 1865, Page 6

Page 6 Advertisements Column 7 Otago Daily Times, Issue 1157, 5 September 1865, Page 6