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Miscellaneous. Dtt. "DX JONGH'S I (Knight of the Order of Leopold of Belsrium) fOHT-BROWPf COD LIVBR OIL, J prescribed by the most eminent Medica.. men throufihouttlie world as the safest, speediest, ana most effectual remedy for COH3UMP7IOH, OHROSIO BROSCHXTfS, ASTHMA,. ootrens, rheometabm, ohneiu.l- ukbility, DIBISASE3 OF __._ SKIN, RICKETS, INFAHTI WASTING, ASD ALL BCno»OLOTJ3 AFFECTIONS. Dr. De Jongh's Oil is the most efficacious, the most palatable, and, from its rapid nurativeeffects, unquestionably the most economical of all: kindß. Its immeasurable therapeutic superiority • over every other variety is now universally acknowledged. SELECT MEDICAL OPINIONS. Dr. Lkthebt, Medical Officer of Health, aud Chiaf Analyst to ■ the City of London. "It is, I believe, universally acknowledged that Dr do Jongh's Ljht-Brovvn Ood Liver OH has great therapeutic power; aud irotn my in- - vostiiiatians I have no doubt of its being a good. and unadulterated artiule." Dr. Lankkbteb, F. 8.5., Coroner for Central Middlesex. "I consider that tho1 purity oi this .Oil ate ■secured in its preparation by the personal, atten tion of so good a Chemist and intelligent a Phyjician as Dr de Jonish. Hence I deem th God Liver Oil sold under ins guarantee to be pre ferabla to any other kind as regards genuiuenes» *nd medicinal efficacy.'' Dr. Gramtille, F.E.S., Author of the " sjjbs of Germany." " Dr. Granviflo has found that Dr. de Jongh'a Litjht-Bwwn Cod Liver Oil produces the desired effect in a shorter time tiian other kinds, and IHAT IT DOBS NOT OABSB TUB KAUSBA AHD INDIGESTION TOO OPTBN OOJtSEQUKST ON THE ADSIIKI3TRATION OJ THE PaLE OlL." Dr. dh Jongh'b Light-Brown Cod.Liver Oil is sold only in Imperial half-pints, jjstll ; pints, 1b 9d quarts, 8*; capsuled and labelled with bis stamp and signature, without which none canpossibly be irenuiuo, by respectable Apothecaries aud Druggists. tiole Consignees :— Ai\SAil. HARFOK.D, and CO., 77. Strand, Londou, W.C, Caution.—Firmly resist attempts often mado by unscrupulous daalew to recomiuead or substitute, with a view to an extra profit, other preparations, under the fallacious pretence thtit they <■ re the same a3 Dr. de Jongh's, ur equally offi- ! cscious. i^UA 41 ?'J.'OM '.3 PILL OF HJJ \ L'SB. THIS excellent F/imily Pill is a medicine of ioup-tricd efficacy for purifying the blood, so vtry eKSUtud ibr the fouiiduEiuu of good health, j Hid eorre«titip; all Disorder.-* uf the itoiuich aut1 Bowels. Two or three doses will coavinae the ililicted of its a.ilutary eii*£i>*. Tns stomach. '"■ill sjvoe'iily repiin its strength • i lioilthy action of the iivcr, bowels, and kidii-jy<i v/iii nipidiv tdrio place ; anJ renewed ho>uth will ba tiia quick resuU of t.ikinK this 'titedicinc, according to the iirccMo:is aoooipiiuyint; •.:;wh >y>s. PItiISONS OF a FijjL*. MABIT, win aro jubj'.ct to headache, <;i<i-ii.;ejj <iroivsiriei3, and singing in the ears, arising icon, mj .i !iow ol blood v the hsaj, should novtr I) wittntii, tnsm; cs nianv 'tanjterous ayiaptoms will ha entirely larricd oIF by th:ir tirafilv use For F X '•! ALiiS, ».h_-:;y Pills are truly exc-'ll-Jut, ra:uo\ins all oijjtruclJoua, she dlstresjin^ ua'id« anliu sj vory pi'uraiju!. with the sox, tLyression if spirits, litiluis.-f of si^ht, nervou* atioctioaa, olotclic-*, pimpltj:), and sml>;-.vne« of the skia, i:iil t^ive a hualtby, juvunile iiiociui to the coiaj>!cxi<in. To .MOTHERS they ara cy:iiiie'itly reeo'flme'iUed as tSio West Kiedicino i,ii;.i. cmi b'l taiwa ■Hid for children of adages tn^y 'tro uui^a.illcl-Th-r.-j Fiil3 nnitu th'i rei'otumoii'latinu >,i a aiii.i operation with tho most hu<wesiful effect; :ind ia9 elderly people, o:' »-!ici'J ;ta occasional aperient is rcjiiired, nofhiusr caa t>e better ii:<ptcd. Her Majesty's Commissiouers have authorized the nuraii and udJre*-? of" TIIOM..IS PUOUT, No. 'liii, dtraad, Lomiou," to be impre-wod upon the Goveruuipnt stamps uliixeil to ench box of th medicine, with priuted directions for their use. Sold in KnctHnd at Is I.W and 2* 91 per 8)* Agent far Auckland, Mr ASQKK. *HHKR THK ttiiliAT KNGLISH REvIKOY KJft GOUT \riD JRHEUMATIrtM. BLAIR'S GO Of AND KiIKUMATIC PILLS.—This praparatioa Is oae of tho benefits winch tho acionce of moiera chemistry aa3 conferred upon mankind ; for during tlio first twenty years of tho present century to speak of a cure for the Grout was coosidered aromaass ; bat noTr tho efficacy and safety of this mjdioina is so fuiiy demoastrated, by uasolioitcd tsstiuiauiaU trom pewoas in every raak of life, that public jpiuion proclaims this as oae of the moat important discoveries of the pre»out aa;j. These Pills reqaire no restraint of diet or ccm* -nament during their use, aui are certain to ■jfcvent the disea3o attickni^ any viitl p'irt. Th-jy can ba reliad upon as the m ;st safe and fiSsstoal retoeily ever oflfere-.l to the public, and have been unireraally ussJ ia Europe an?J America for many years for ths abrjve cotn» plaints. Her Alajesty's Coianiisjioisera hava authorised •fa.-, name aud address of " TUaiuas Proat, No. »29, Strand, London," to be impreassi upoa tho Government stamps affixed to e;.ch !>jx of tho jTsnuine medicine.?, with priatfcd dir-JDS'.'J.aa for their use, dold in Hneland at la IJ-i -U3l par box A-Eeatfor Auckland. -Mr A-t'inr. SISHOP'3 QiIANUI-\ll ttKFJS •'- V T OITHiTK OF M ACM US lA. Introduced and Prepared by alpssd Bishop, Maaufaoturing Ohe^riist, 17 aad 18 Spjcs's git&li, Mile IS mi X-r* Town London. TTHIS parfectly white and delicitely clean JL granulate-i preparation po3'«e3ses remarkable efTei-vescent qualities, which iV-r suvpaassi the ordinary dei-Hitz Powder in its Oooiin^, ilefreshinrj;, aud mild aperient prop-rtis3, aiw.-il a? in fl-ii-or 03 a Saliae draug-Mt. Ik is particularly ■.veil adapted for woman 'in;l young chWria, oa ■ics'juui. of its mo3t agreeable flavour auJ taild •jiiliCß. W.B.—Tbogenuina has t'ia ua:ns 81-hop upon the Buttie, uiso tho uamc aad trals uiark upon tho Label, and is sold in convenient i-izzs. and secured in so .pavfest a mahnur thai it may bo shipped with safety to any part of fth? world. Manufacturer also of Qranula',sd ;m.l r" 7e.=c^-at Oarbanateof Iron, Citrate of Iron, Gitrata of Quinine, Citrate of Quiaiao and Iron, Oarbouateof Lithia ia tu'jcs, Citrate of Lithia, Vichy Ailt, Seidlitz Mixture, aad all other (irauulated Preparations. OLBA.NLINK3S. Store most brilliantly polished in two raun^tes for less than One Farthing;. *"* WG. NIXEY'4 celebrated registered » Black Lead, a new domestic discovery. Cannot be wasted, aad 13 a preservative of furniture from the injurious effects of the common article now in use, as it creates no dust, and requires comparatively no labour. Sold everywhere, in soEd blocks. Id, 2d, 4d and Is. The advantages of this elegant chemical pxeps» ration aro great saving of time, eleanUnessa of ap« plication, Bm»llnes3 of required, and theprevention of waste dust, and its" destructive consequences. Further, it ultimately produces » pure metallic coaHni? of a high degree of brilliancy and durability, refleoting both light ana heat. (See specimen on the sides of each block.) 12, Jsoho Square, _____

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 1123, 26 July 1865, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 7 Otago Daily Times, Issue 1123, 26 July 1865, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 7 Otago Daily Times, Issue 1123, 26 July 1865, Page 8