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Legal Hbticea. IN THE St7PBEME COURT OP NEW ZEALAND, OTAGO AND SO UTHIAND DI6TEIOT. Ia the matter of »hs Petition of 'lfred FereuEon, of Taieri Beach,' in the Province of Otago, settler, a debtor; and in the matter of " Tho Delitora and. Creditors Act, 1862.'* TTPON reading the Petition of the said Alfred \J Ferguson, and the affidavit thereunto annexed, and upon hearing Mr Cook of counsel for the said Petitioner, it is ordered that the Petitioner do, on or before the fourteenth dßy of August next, <r within such extended time as this Court shall grant for that purpose, cede and deliver, convey and assign unto Thomas Paterson, of Dunedin. civil engineer, nnd James Melville Balfour, also of Dunedin. marine engineer, their heirs, executors, administrators, and anfizns respectively, scco-ding to the nature aid quality thereof respectively, all !hs estate and effects of the Petitioner, except, certain hereditaments, situate respectively in the Waihola and Clarendon district-*, and belns: section numbered three (3), block twenty-six (xxvi.,) on the record map of the said Waihola district, and stctkra numbeiel forty-four (44), block six (vi ,) on tbe record map of the said Clarendon district, and comprised in a lease dated tbe fitth day of March, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four, made between Isaac Augustus Avarne of the one part, and the Petitioner of the other part, and except also the wearing apparel of himself and his wife and children, upon trust for the purpose of Felling, disposing of, gettii g in, and receiving or otherwise realising the name, and in the first place paying, satisfying, and oischargmK aU costs, charges, and expanses Incurred by order of this Court, or incidental to the execution of the' trusts of the conveyance and assignment to be made in pursuance of this order, and all fees of Court aid all payment to the insolvent estates fuud, payable under the 39th section of tbe said Act. and Euvh-other suras of money (if anyi us *hall be or 'ered by this Court, and culject thereto, for the purpose of justly distributing and administering this c'.sar residue of the said rnonie-", between and amongst and for the benefit of all the creditors of the saM Petitioner at the time of the presentation of his said petition, and who shall prove their debts by affidavit, within six Citlcnd'tr nwn hs from the date of thw order, by way of pro rata distribution, sul'jeet to exiting !ei«l privit-es. on<l if there sbali be any surplus of tbe s ad monies nftcr answering the purposes aforesaid, shnll ps-y such surplus to the said Petitioner: And it if further ordered, that the Registrar of thi* Court, :it Dunedin, shall make and ex^cuto such canton and delivery Pouvsyance and assignment in the nama anrt on behalf of the said Petitioner, and tiir-.tsncli conveyance and assignment shall contain all requisite powers for enabling the said Thonrw Paterson and Jauies Melville Balfour to recover and receive all dabts, monies, goods, chattels, eamte, and effect* in any wny belonging to, oi- due and payable I", the said Petitioner Da'ed this third day of July, 1865. By tiie Court. (L.J.) EUBT. CHAPMAN, Registrar. IN THE BUPWEMB OOURT OF NEW ZEALAND, OTAGO AND SOUTHLAND DISTRICT. In the matterof tbe ''Debtors and Creditors Act, 1862" In tbe nutter of the petition of Jarnefi Finch, of Ounedin, in the Province of Otago, merchant: aiad in the matter of John Flunag-iu, of Danedin aforesaid, liotclkeeper, a<lubtoj not in custody. WBERRAS, tho said James Finch, of Dunedin, in the Province of Otaco, merchant, has this day presented his petition, in writing, to me. Henry fchmuel Chipiann, Esquire, a Jud«e of the Supreme Court of New Z alnnd, Otago an'! Southland District, setting forth t_h*t he i-s desirous that the estite of the said John Flanafrnn, of Dunedin, hotelkeeper, a deb tor, should be sequestrated far the benefit of all the creditors of the enii John Finnagfin according to the provisions of tin; "Debors and Creditors Act. 18G2" and has also made affidavits of such facts as h;ive .<ati.«fied rn<; of the truth of the matters coniained in such petition: .And wbcreiw it h<\> b>>nn rande to appear to my satisfaction thai in the meantime anl! vi.til tba aDpointiuent of a trustee or trustees under tbe s«d Act. it i* expedient th it tbe estate of the said John Flnnaenn fhould be placed under i-f quftstratiou : And whereas I cid order and direct that, the fntnt" of tie fnh\ John Flanagan should be pla'-ed under weqaestration in the hands of the said James Fi;i:h. one of the creditors of the said John Flanagan: Now, therefore, ( do order that the e<t»;e and eff*cts of the sad John Flanaean be, and the same are hereby accordingly planed -under sequestration in tlic hands of the taid James Finch, and that tbe sume shall be token and }ield by him uutil the furthfr order of this Honoriblp C> u't. Uated this twenty-fifth day ot July, in the year of Our Lotd. one thousand eight hundred and sixty- five. ( Ls .) H. 8. CHAPMAN. IN THE BUPKBMK COURT OF NEW ZEALAND, OTAGO AND SOUTHLAND DISTttiCT. I In the matter of the Petition of James ' Johnston, of Dunedin, in tbe Province ot Otago, Hotel kerp^r, a Debtor, aud j in tbe matter of the •' Debtors and Creditors Act, 1862." XTOTKK 18 HKRKBY GIVKN. that his IN Honor the Judne has appointed Monday, the 14th <iay rf August nsxt. at tbe hour of 10 in the forenoon, nt ths Court House. Dunedin, for hearing tbe Petition of the above-nr-med Debtor. Dated the26th >3av of July, 18C5. WILSON, KIDSTON. anil b'i'AMPER. SUffoid street, Dunedin, Solicitois tor the aaid Petiiioner. TO THB CREdITOmS OF MESSRS LEARMONT, GIBSON AND CO., A.ND J. (HBSOtf AND CO., INVERCARGILL. NOTICE IS HEREBY (JIVE'S, that, ov/ing to the late lodgments of a heavy md doubtful claim, a dividend will not be made on the 20th current, as formerly advertised, but wilt be payable on the 26th inst, at my office. WILLIAM POLE. Actiiig Trustee. Phoenix Bond, Hope street. ESTATE OF WILLIAMB BROS. ALL Claim* en the above estate most be sent in to the office of Messrs J. L. and O. Burke, within a week from dat after which a dividend will be declared. C. BURKE I Trustees. JAfiIKS BLACK / Dunedin, 20th July, 1865. IN THE BBTATE OF DAVIO GRAY. A FINAL DIVIDEND wilt be payable at oar office la Suiffjrii street, on and after this date. SMITH AND DEMPBBY, Solicitors to the Trustees. Dunedin. 20th July, 18C3. . NOTICE. ~~ ALL parties having claims against the Estate ot the late Ueorge Froudtoot, are requested to lodge the same with the undersigned on or be- | fore Saturday, sih August next. And all accounts due to the estate must ba paid on or before the above mentioned date. CHAKLEB HEID. Bazaars. \ OTAGO BENEVOLENT ABYIJUM. ABAZAAE Ia md of the above IMstitntion will be held some time in the coarse of the present year. W. M. lIOPPBB, ■ ".. " ■''■! (v.,. -: .i Secxetary.;

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 1123, 26 July 1865, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 5 Otago Daily Times, Issue 1123, 26 July 1865, Page 6

Page 6 Advertisements Column 5 Otago Daily Times, Issue 1123, 26 July 1865, Page 6