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Miscellaneous.. DR. DX JOR GET'S (Knight of the Order of Leopold of Beltrium) LIGHT-BE OWN COO LIVhR OIL.. prescribed by the most eminent Medico.. m-m throughout the world aa the safest, speediest, ana most effectual remedy for CONSUMPTION. OHRONTO BKOSCHTTIB, ASTHMA, , OOOBHS, KHKUItEXASM, GESTEBAL DBBIIiITI, DIBRABE3 OF THE SKIH, RICKETS, lOTASTI WABT.IHG, AND ALL SCEOTOIOOB ATFBCTtONBDr. De Jongii's OU is the most effirncious, the - most palatable, and, from its rapid curative - effects, unquestionably the most economical of all / kinds. Its immeasurable therapeutic superiority ■ over every other variety is now universally acknowledged. SELECT MEDICAL OPINIONS Dr. Letiibbt, Medical Officer of Health, and Chief Analyst to> the City of London. " It is, I behove, universally acknowledged that Ur de Jongh's L\ zht-Browa CoJ Liver Oil has great therapeutic power; and iroiu my investigations I have no doubt of lU bsiug a good, and unadulterated article." Dr. Lankksteb, F, R.S., Coroner for Central Middlesex. " I consider that the purity of this Oil assecured in it 3 preparation by tue personal atten tion of so good a Chemist and intelligent a Physician as Dr de Sua\>k. Hence I deem th, Cod. Liver Oil sold under jus guarantee to be pre ferable to any other kind as regarJd geuuineaess and medicinal efficacy." Dr. Gbasttlle, F.E.8., Author of the " apaa of Germany." " Dr. Granvifle has found that Dr. de Jough"a Light-Brawn Cod Liver Oil produces the desired effect in a shorter time tuan (Other kinds, ah» THAT IT DOSS NOT OAtfSa TUB HAUSEA AMD IHDIGESTION TOO OPTBiJ OOStJEiJIIKNI OH THE ADSHKISTBATION OS THE PaLK OIL." Dr. DB Jongh's Light-Brown Cod Liver Oil is sold only in Imperial half-pints, 2s (i i; piuts, 4s 9d quarts, 8s; capsuled aud labelled with his stamp nud signature, without which none can possibly be genuine, by respectable Apothecariea and Druggists. Bole Couaignees :— ANSAR, HARFORD, and CO., 77, Strand, London, W.C. Cadtioh.—Firmly resist attempts often made by unscrupulous dealers % recommend or substitute, with a view to an estra profit, other preparations, under the fallacious pretence that they ■?re the same as Dr. de Jongh's, or equally efficacious. I v\ RA2I PT U N'S PILL OF H.H A LTH ■V THIS excsllent F.imi!y Pili Ls 0 inedicino of long-tried efficacy £ov parifyiug the olooi, 30 very eibeatial for the fouudutiou of good health, md correcting all Disorders of tlie dwmach aa</ Bowels. Tyo or three doasa will conviuce the iiilicteJ of its sututmy eiiicts. Tiie stomach will speedily rcßiin its streo^th ; a heUthy action of the liver, bowels, and iciilueys will rapidly iab.t: place ; anJ renewed health wiil be the quick result of taking this medicine, according to the direction-^ accompnayin:; oat:h box. I'KiiSONS uF A FtJiiL IIaGIT. wh-are subject to headache, giddhiejj drow«ine*s, and singing iv the ears, ariain# frou; coj trrcati j flow oi blood to the head, should never b wiiiaout t,h*3tn; 3d many (iau^erous sjinptoms will iie eutirely sarried off by th >ir timely use Cor FK 1/ ALiiS, these Pills aro truly excsllent, removing all obstructions, ilio .listressiuK lie-iii-aelie so very prevalent with the nox, depression of spirits, (lulu>j.-ts of si^ht, ne:vous aii'iuuons, blotches, pimples, aud siiiJ.>'.vne*J of the skin, lud trive a healthy, juvenile uiooiu t'j the o^m(dexiou. To MOTHERS tlioy aro co.-ifldoinly rooraoieuded us the be-st meJicinc Uiat ran be t-iicea md for children of uila^e^ tiiey are uae^uiileJ. These Pilla unite the ru.:ouiiuoudatiua oi a mi!(J operation M-ith thu-most succos^ful eifoc.; aud for elderly psopie, uf w'aure aa occiwional aperient is requirud, nothing a^u oe batter Mlapted. Her Majesty'" Comniissioiwra bave authorized the nami! and'aJdresi oi"THO.\l4< PROUT, No. 229, strand, London," to be'.d upou the Government .stamp Hib'xoJ to ea-sli box of th geuuina medicine, with printed directions for their use. sold iv England at is lAd aud Zi 9d par 3jt Agent for Auckland, Mr AS.tlßli \nHKU I'HK GliliAT ENGLISH air.IKDY F .>R GOUT \r. rD JiHEUMATISM. BLAIR'S GOUl1 AND HHEUiIATIC PlLL3.—This preparation S3 one of the benefits wiiich the sasuca of uioicrn chuiniatry has conferred upon mankind ; for daring tho first twenty years ot the urasout century to spa lit of a cure for the dout was coasidsrcJ aromauos ; but vow the etficacy and safety of thus lu-jiiioia'; ia ,-io fully demonstrated, by unsolicited tsscimouiaja from persons in every rant: of lil'o, that public opinion proclaims this no oue of the most important discoveries of the a?e. tUi These Pilla require no restraint of diet or 85n- - nornent daring their use, and are certain to crevent the disarms attacking nay vifil part. "hey can be reiisd upon a3 tao xu^tsafe aad eSsstnal remedy ever olfjrcl to tha public, aad bave beoa universally usxl ia Surope aai America for many yeara for the abjve com>plainta. Her Majesty's CouiuiUsioaers have aathorisoa sba name aud fi'i-iress of " Taornas Pwut, No. 229, Strand, London," to hi impressed upon the Government stamps aifixei to each bax of the mediuiues, with printed direcJions for siieir us 2, Bold in Bntrlaud at ls l' ( i aad 'l*')i psr bix Agent for Annkl.irv.l. *lr jiw A-i'ttr BL3IIOP'S G!ta.«abVK L'.ifl'H'iVr.dOKST ciTiivra ok AfAGNiidia.. Introduced and Preparel by alprkd Bishop, Manufacturing Oaemist, 17 aid IS S^i'3 Kiel 1 1. >Itij iiud Xw Xowa London. rfiHIS psrfuctly white and delicately clean X granulatei prcp:inition pos'CS3Bs remarkable efforvewent qualities, which far surpassiii tho ordinary isci:ilitz Powder in its Cooling, Refreshing, an;l mild aperient prop;rti.«, aiw:ll as in flavor aa a Saline drau: s 'f:t. It is particularly • well adapted for wbmsu and young children, on necoaut of its rnojt agreoab'e flavour aud mild eilect. H.B.—Tiie gonuina hn fc^is na-ne BUhop upon the Jioitle, also the inimu aad trade mark upon the Label, and is sold iv convenient fiizas, and eecurcii in*u perfect a tnanacr that it may be sbippsd with safety to any part of tha world. Manufacturer also of Granulated .and Kifervesceut Carbonate of Iron, Citrjleof Iron, Citrato of Quinine, Citrate of Qninmo ami Iron, Carbonate of Lithie in tuota, Citrate of Lithia, Vichy rfalt, SeWlitz Mixture, ani all other Granulated Preparations. CLBANLINKSS. : Stove most brilliantly policed in two minutes for less than One Farthinff. WG. WlXElf'-i c-leorated registered „ Black Lead, a new domestic discovery. Cannot be wasted, and is a preservative of furniture from the injurious effects of the common article now in use, as it creates no duet, and requires comparatively no labour. Sold everywhere, in solid blocks, Id, 2d, 4d and ls. Theadvantaees of this elegant chemical prepfe» ration are great saving of time, cleanlineass of ap» plication, amollness of quantity required, and tie prevention of waste dust, and its destructive consequences. Further, it ultimately produces a pure metallic coating of a hieh. degree brilliancy and durability, reflecting both, light heat. (80a specimen on the sides of each block.) 12, Soho Square,

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 1121, 25 July 1865, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 7 Otago Daily Times, Issue 1121, 25 July 1865, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 7 Otago Daily Times, Issue 1121, 25 July 1865, Page 8