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___^ Cautions. D BEWABB OF INJURIOUS IMITATIONS , OF BEETHAM'B HaJR FLDID, Of World-wide Eepatatioa. UKDBE ROYAL PATaOHAdK. HAIB BeSTORBD AKD BBBIHEB3 PaKVEHTKD BEBTHAM'S CAPILLARY HAIR FLUID is now used by most of the ladies and Rentlemen at the Court of her Majesty, and ■ thousands of the iriatocracy and gentry. It is acknowledged to be the most effectual article ever discovered or promoting the growth and strengthening weak and fine hair, preveutina fa ling oS, checking greyness, and restoring colour^ without the use oJ dye. It cleanses the head from scurf, and imparts to it a brilliant gloss truly enchanting. JJuring the last 14 years numerous parties have endeavoured to imitate it " but have utterly failed; it has no equal, as hundreds of testimonials fnlly prove. Sold in bottiV--2s 6d. Double etee, 4s 6d. 7s 6d equal to 4 1 small, Us to 6 small. J>o not be persuaded to try any other article. If space allowed, hundreds of Icttera might bi inserted in proof of the efficacy of this estraor dinary Fluid. The following was received bj Mr Beetham's Agents, Messrs Jewafeury and Brown, Chemists, Manchester :— " Bnrnley, S6, Standish street, April, 1860. *' Bik—l feel I ought to write and tell you cl the excellent qualities of your Corn Plaster and Hair Fluid. They are undeniable in their effects. Yours are the only advertisements I ever met 1 with where the articles advertised equal, and that thoroughly, the j)romise3 given in their use. This unusual trufckulnosa induces mo to write this. Your obedient servunt, 1 "C. "ToMrßeetham ' " Stonecliffe House, Chrißtchurch, 7th May" " Sir—Having lost my hair nearly three years ago, I had recourse to your Hair Fluid (all other remedies having failed) for its restoration, and am happy to say it had the desired effect; ami I now have a better head of hair than ever. I use no other preparation. (Signed) "Mas W. Lack. " To Mr Beetham, Chemist." IC Gentlemen—l have tried one 2s 6d bottle of Beetbam's Hair Fluid, and I do assure you it has far surpassed the most sanguine expectations. I have the greatest confidence in the efficacy o) '■ the Fluid as a restorer of the hair. I shall thank send me one lls bottle as early if possibls for the enclosed amount. I shall 1030 no opportunity of recommending it to other parties simiarly situated. " Youra, respectfully, "Thos. Dkitbk. " To Messrs Jewsbury and Brown, Manchester." " St. Albans, 20th March, If space allowed, hundreds more letters might be iaserted, equally interesting and satisfactory Sold by all Chemists. Proprietors, Beet-ham anil Co., Chemists! to the Boyal Family, Cheltenham CAUTION.—CHLOKODYNE, In Chancery. IT was clearly proved before v'ice-Chancelior Sir W. I. Wool, by affidavits from eminent Hospital Physicians ol London, that IJr J. Coliis Browne was the discoverer of Ciilorodjne ; that they prescribe it largely, and mean nc other than Dr. Browne':'.—^ee Times, Jan. 12, 18G1. The public, therefore, are cautioned against using anj other than IJr J. Coliis Browne's Chlorodine. CHOLERA, DYSEKTEHY, DIAKRHCEA, CRAMP, AOUJS, FEVER, KHEtJMATISM, OOKBOiIpriON, ASTHMA, GOU«H, &0. All pain, vomiting, and distress ceases in a fr.w minutes ifter taking a dose of that wonderful Sedative Anodyne and Anti-Spasmodic remedy discovered by Vr J. Collis Browne, M.K.C.S.L. (ex-Army Medical Staff), the recipe of which was confided solely to J. T. Davenport, 33. ''rear Husseil Street, Bloosnsbury Square, London, PLurmaccutical Chemist. The medical testiinon of Civil, Hospital, Military, and Nnvnl Priict:tioDcrs, pronounce it invaluable. It relieve, pain of any kind, sooths the restlessness of fever, andimparts the most refreshing sleep, v/itluu' producing or leaving-any of the unpleasant effects opium. Dr GHbbon, Army Medical Staff, Calcutta - " Two doses completely cured me of diarrhoea. . Extract from the General Board of Health, London, as to its efficacy in cholera:— liit St"ge, or Premonitory.—ln this stage the remedy acts as a charm, one dose generally sufficient. 2nd Stage, or that of Vomiting and Purging.— in this state the remedy possesses great power, more than any other we aru acquainted with, two or three doses ht-inc; sufficient 3rd Stage, or Collapse.—'ln all cases restorinc the pulse, do strongly are we convinced of the immense value of this remedy, that we cannot too forcibly urge the necessity of adopting it in all cases. From A. Montgomery, Ssq., late Inspector of iioapitalb, Bombay:— "Chloiodync ia a most valuable remedy in Neuralgia, Asthma, and Dysentery. To it i fairly owe my restoration to health alter li months' severe suffering, and when all other medicines had failed." CAUTION. In consequence of the extraordinary efficacy of this remedy, st-veral unprincipled parlies have been induced to vend imitations. Never be templed to buy Clilorodyne except in sealed hottlci, having the Government stamp, with the words, " iir Coliis lirotvne's Uhloroijyne" engraved therecc. A sheet full of medical testimonials accompanies etch bottle. Sole manufacturer, J. T. Bavkmpoet, 33, Great ftassell-streefc, tJicomsbury, London. doUI in bottles, 2a 9d and -is u'd. O'Dtalaid of • Messrs Treactcr'a, Bombay; of ticott 'i'hompsot, Calcutta; Warns, Sydney ; and all Cheiniits. pIAt\OFOJ£TE.;?.-Caution.-The public are S. xespectfully Cautioned against buying iostruments bs'iriup; tho name of Allison, and Allison, aa that firm has not been in existence since the year 1848- The only firm having a richt to that name is Ralph Alliaon and Bons, 108, Wardour street, London. "ileisrs A. aad Sons will be happy to fonvaiU their designs* andapricQ lists free upou nppiisation. (Signed) BALPH ALLiSONand .CONS <riAOTI<)N.—WAttftEN, RUSSELL, to CO \J b;,ACKIWG, INK, and DVK AJANDFACTUiIBiIS, late of 30, Strand, G;-.VTLj> tee PUBLIC against persons tr;.:lin N ' uudt; si'.uilar names, i.nd ■profes^ia^ to be coxmsctej with th'.'ju or ihrir. la.c establishrocnt at No. 30. Strand, their only manufactory beint? — Regent Works, Jiegent-strect, Vinceat-oqnarc, W&stminster, London, B.W. IA AY and MARTIN'S real JAPAN BLACK XJ ING, 97, High Halborn, London.—For ailording nourishment and durability to the leather it stands unrivalled. Sold by all firstclass houses in the colony, in battles and tins, at Is 6d and 6d each. I), and M. take tte opportunity of cautioning purchasers against spurious imitations of their raanufaotur . WILLIAM GREENWOOD, NightmanAddress Boxes: Queen's Arm.i Hotel, Union Hotel, .Craigieburn Hotel, Provincial Hotel, Shakespeare Hotel, Glasgow Anna Hotel, Royal Georire Hotel, York Hotel, Occidental Hotel, London Tavern Hotel, Umpire Hotel, Old Identity Hotel, Exchange Hotel, Talbot Hotel, Robert Burns Hotel, Telegraph Hot:!. Bnbbiah token away on the shortest notice. K. JB.—CMmney sweeping done. CIRCULATION

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 1121, 25 July 1865, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 6 Otago Daily Times, Issue 1121, 25 July 1865, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 6 Otago Daily Times, Issue 1121, 25 July 1865, Page 7