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Miscellaneous. DX. DX JONGH'S (Knight of the Order of Leopold of Belcium) LtUHT-BROWN COJ LIVnR OIL, prescribed by the most eminent Medica. men throughout the world as the safest, speediest, and inoH effectual remedy for OOHSrjItPTIOH. OH RON 10 BRONCHITIS, ABTHMA,. ooncraa, khebhstassi, geseral debilxtt, OISRABIB OF TUB SKIH, RTCKETS, IWJASTI WASTISQ. AND ALL SOROTOXOUS AyFECTtONS- ; Dr. Dk Jongh's Oil is the most efficacious, the ninet palatable, and, from its rapid curative I effects, unquestionably the most economical of alt kinds. Its immeasurable therapeutic superiority over every other variety is now universally oc- ■ tnowiedged. SELECT MEDICAL OPINIONS. Dr. Lwhkbt, Medical Officer of Health. 3nd Chief Analyat tothe City of London. "It is, I believe, universally acknowledged that Dr de Jongh's L.jht-Brown Cod Liver Oil has gr#at therapeutic power; and rroiu uiy investigations I have no doubt of its being a good. and unadulterated artiile." Dr. Lankbster, F.R.8., Coroner for Central Middlesex. '• I consider that the purity of this Oil as • secured in its preparation by tue personal atten tioa of so good a Chemist and inteli'u;eni &•■ Physician as Dr de Jongh. Heuce i deem th Cod Liver Oil sold under nis guarautee to De pre ferable to any other kind as regards genuineness und medicinal efficacy." Dr. Grahville, F.R.S., Author of the " ?jjus of Geroiaay." " Dr. Granvitle has found that Or. de Songh's-Light-Brewn Cod Liver Oil produces the desired effect iv a shorter time tiian other kinds, and THAT IT DOSS HOT OAG3B THE NAU3SA AND IHDIGKSTION TOO OFTES 00N3E<JUESr O« THE A»BINIHTRATIOH O? THE Paliß OIL." Dr. db Jonsh's Light-Brown Col Liver Oil is sold only ia Imperial half-piuts, a*6t; pints, 4s 9d quarts, 8s; capsuled and labelled with hia stump and signature, without which none can possibly be genuine, ,by respectable Apothecaries, and Uruggiats. tole Cousiguees :— AiNtfAR, HARFORD, anpt C 0.,. 77, Strand, Londoti, W.G. Catjtion.—Firmly resist attempts often madeby unscrupulous dealers to recommend or substitute, with a view to an extra profit, other pre--paratioas, under the fallacious pretence thut tbey »re the same as Dr. de Jongh's, or equally efficacious. !LjlßAMPT<j«'{3 PIUL uF HiJaLTH THIS excellent Family Pill is a lriedicine of loag-tried efficacy for purifying tie btojl, so?.;ry esseatinl for the foandatioa of good health,. «(1 correcting all Disorders of t!ie dtouueh anJ Bowels. Two or throe doses will convince the • ittlicted of its salutary effects. Tfaa stomach . .vili speedily rej?;iin its strength ; .i hetlthy accion ot the livtr, bowels, and kiiiueys vviil rapidi» taie place ; anil renewed heilth wili he the quick wsult of taking this medicine, iioaordiu^ to tho - directions acuom|Mnyiui< each box. PK;iSU«6 OF A I'uLL HAUIT, wli» are • subject to headache, giddiajjj drowfiiad.<3, asd-' 3ingiiif» in the ears, artsiug froiu .oj^reat a flow of biojd to the heal, should uevtr b without tUem; as many dangerous svuiptoms will be eutirely sarrieil off Oy th 'ir tim-sly uau For P ti il A L RS, tbese Pills are truly excsil-jnt, Mmoving all obstructions, -lie (iiitresji-is iio^d. xniui so v<iiy pru7i!ent with the ax, depression** ;f spirits, duluess' of sitrht, naivouj alioctioas, liiotniie-;, pimp!e3, and sailowusw of the skin,.. irt'i give a lieakby, juveui'e bloom to tlift complexion. To MOTMBRS they are coufi lently racam-■iasn'.l'3-.l as tlie best medicine that can be taken and for children of ail ages tfcwy ura uus:iaaltei. These fills unite tho re^ouj!.ua;i'lutiju 'jf a miii operation with the most saauesrfai effect; and for elderly people, or where aa ocoasioiiai. iperient is required, notluDtf can be bette'1 t.iapttd. Her Majesty's Commis''ioners bave authorized . thouwneaiid address of'THOMAJ FROUT, No. 2'l'J, Strand, London," to be iEiprewd upon Uie Governiui.-nt stamps affixed to e.iii!> liox ot'th icenuine medicine, with printed directiouj for^ ttieir use. Soid in Bnfrland at is lsd and Si J)J per BjjcAircui- for Auckland, Mr A3H ER 18HKR1TIIK GREAT ENGLISH RE\IKl)5f FOR GOUT \rtD RHBdMATISM. BLAIR'S GOUC AND ttHSUMATIO PILL 3 preparation is ono of the benefits w.iieh the science of modern chemistry has conferred upon mankind; for during the first twenty years of the present century to speik of a cure for the Jout was coasidered a romance ; but. now the etiicaey and safety of this mediciae is so. fully demonstrated, by unsolicited testimonials from persons in every rank of life, that public opinion proclaims this as one of ike most important discoveries of the present azs. These Pills require no restraint of diet or con--netnent daring their use, and are certain to orevent the disease attackiug auy vital pirt. They can be relied upon as the m>3t safe and affeciaal remedy ever offared to the public, and have been universally used ia Europe oofj iinericn for many years for the a'Mve com* plaints. .tier Majesty's Commissioners hare luthoriao* *.be name aad address of " Thoinaa f'rout. No. •-'29, 6traa4, London," to be impresae 1 upon tha Goverameat stamps affixed to each bjx of the .'enuiue medicines, with printed directions for iiieir use, ciald in KutrlAnd at Is ljd aad 259.1 psr l)os .iKßiit for Auckland. Mr ißiior A.*tinr. BldHOP'i GUa.iV|Ji,\R KFFJJ iV-^dCBNI 1 UITRiTE OK MIG.iESIA. lutroduced and Prepared by AhßßttD Bishop^ Manufacturing Ohemut, 17 aid 18 lees's FielJj, Mile -Sad Sow Tjwn London. ''HEIS perfectly white and delicately clean JL granuUte i preparation po3iessßj rtmirkable tffervesceut quahcied, v/hich fjr surpasaas the urdinury ."ei uhz Pawder in its CQOiiag. ttefresh-iii-jr, nud miid aperient propirtii3, a* vitjll as in rlivor as a Saliae draught, it w pai-tiaularly well adapted for worno-a and yinng chiiiJren, on 'ica:>uut of its mo3t agreeable fl ivour aud mild efieot. N. B. —The fienuina lias t'-ie name Bi.-hop upon • the Bottle, al.-o the name and 1 rale murlc upon tho kibe;, no i is sold in convenient sizss, and. weaurad in so- psrfoot a manner tint it may be stiippud with safety to any part of thj world. Manufacturer also of Granulated and Bfferveseent Otirbuuateof Iron, Citrate of lion, Citrate of Qiiuiue, Citrate of Quinine afni iron, Carbotiate uf Litliia iv tuhes, Citrate of Lithia, Vichy ■Salt, "Hei'liita ilixcure, aai alt other Grauulated Prepavatious. OLiiANLINiidS. Stove most briUUutly poli-hcd in two minutes for less than One Farthing;. \TT G. IVIXKJT'd celebrate registered VY • Black Lead, a new domestic discovery. Cannot be wasted, and i3 a preservative of furniture from the injurious effects of the common article now ia use, as it creates no dust, and ra--quires comparatively no labour. Sold everywhere, in solid blocks, Id, Zd, 4d and Is. The advantages of this elegant chemical preparation are great savinf? of time, cleanlinessa of application, snwllness of quantity requured, and Uia . preveniiou of waste dust, and its destructive consequences. Further, it ultimately produoee a. pure metallic coating of a ■**&*&&* • brilliancy and durability, reflecting bo*n Ugm (Sec specimen on the sides of each block.) 12. Soho Square^


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Otago Daily Times, Issue 1119, 22 July 1865, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 7 Otago Daily Times, Issue 1119, 22 July 1865, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 7 Otago Daily Times, Issue 1119, 22 July 1865, Page 8