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PORT CHALMERS.— July 20. Wind 5.W.,, light breeze ; weather clear and fine. Ilieh w«ter on the 21«t July : —At Heads 1..36 p.m.; at .'.jrt Chalmers, 2.6 p.m.; at Duntdin, 2,51 p.m. AKKIVALS. Nil. ■ 'DKI'ARTOItES. Witch of the Ties, bnrqup, 300 tons, Cooper, for Vjitriarafso, 2 p^Bsenfff-rs. Caledonia, lichooner, 56 tons, Falconer, for Hokitika. Defiance, scliooner, 2,9 tons, Taylor, for Hokitika. PASSENGKIt r.IST. Per Lord Ashley, for the I.orth—Dr and i Mrsßucbnnan, Mr and Mrs Wayne, Mr and ! Mrs Dillon, Messrs G. Fawcctt, Reynolds, Brodie, Vocel, 11-mirliton, A. J. Burns, Mackenzie, Ailkc-n, Ciaytner, and Ncill. ESI'KC'f'KU A Itl:I \ rALS. From Lo.vd'-n—Thrm-ian, April 11. From Valpaii m »o —Uinwrk. Fbosi MjsLc»fi::;i:—Hero. I'ROJ'KCTJJD I>MPAItTUKES. ■

New1 Zealand, for Uoki'iku, Sec, 22nd inst. Itana, for Wellington, this day. Lord Ashley, for Xouhern PortH, this day Hero, for LylU-ltiri, 22nd inst. Alhambra. for Melbourne, 22nd inst. Yarni, for Chris'c'iurch. 2-i:h i'ist. liastwarr] if.), for Aucldnii I, '22nd inst. Auckland, for N nh- m Ports, 25th inst. Wt, Aiexandcr. for Ifokisika, 25th inst.

VESSELS IS POUT. Eleanor, barque;, from St. John's, N.B. Caroline, «<'h<K/n'vr, fn-m Oarrsaru New Zealiii!'!, p.s . fr>s>> Lvt'r-lton. United Brollies, sclinon r, fiom Jlokitika. Brothc-rs. schooner, from if kitilci. Nora, rchooii'-r, f-t.m CatJin'j Km-r. Queen of Ii dia, shii>,' irom Loiduu Lizzie Southar'i, ship, from Lvndoii. Eastward Flo, s1 in. fn-m Xe* York. Elizabeth Cm I-, v:\,wv.i:r, put back. A. J. R-.nui?,, fic'ifj-srx.T. rrniii Va'-paniiso. P.C.E., t-KHiiu-. fr-.m >!• -wciistle. Kona, bri^', f'r< m Hf kit i':;:.. Lord A'-'fd-y, s «., from Northern Ports. Alma, schooner, from Melbourne. Breeze, schoojifr, from "VViingiiuui. Caribou, f,hi:», frr>!n Glasgow. Spec, schooner, from \Vnn2antli. Undine, schooner, from the coast. Auckland, s.b. from Northern Port?. Alhambra, h,-. fn>:n Mcltjourue. Omeo, s.s, from Ilnkitika. Mount Alt-XMndur, schooner, from Hokitika


INV.'AKDS. July 20—Nil. OUTWARIH. July 20—Nil. IN'iVAKDR - COASTWISE. July 20-^Orai o, fiOo tons, E-lwnr<]«, rnnster, from Nelson, wiili cargo. Itoyso, Mudie and Co., agents.' July 20 —Aparinc-.'i, '22 tons, TTurst, 'naster, from Kiverton. Master, nir'-nt. orjT«'Ai:ns—coastwisb.

July 20—Lord A-b!ey, 29G tons, Randall, master, for Lyttelton and Northern Ports, ■with cargo and passengers. G. S. Brodriek, agent. EXPOHTS. Per Lord Asbliy, for Lyttelfon and Northern Ports. LTr.d-V bond, "for Lyttclton :2o

hhds ale, II nnd J Hart. For Auckland: U •J-box';s, 2 boxes tobacco, 10 lialf- chests ten, Langc and Thonemati. Frue and duty paid, for Lyttclton; ldi'«t html ware, F Barker and Co; 3 entos eofTV, Greag and Co; 3 trunks boots, 3 c-isps do, HVymanson -and Low; 3 ciift-R drugs 1 cask bottles, 1 drum spirits of tar. Yuan man and Go; 1 trunk boots, Sargoor] and C>; 3 pi'-C'-s calico, C <bb and Co; 1 cfi«fi Bnndii'-s, K'>hn a:id Co; 3 kegs sausage si'dns, M L-.-vy; 2 cas 8 drapery, Barr. .For 'Wellington : 3 eises, H Brooks; 5 bun-lli'S nasties Hoyse, Miif'ie and Co ; 1 nnsf. fuioy goods, StcinhofE; 3 cases do, Kolin arid Co ; 2 do cigars. Strelitz and Hirt; 9 oases chairs, Turnbnll and Co; 1 trunk boot*. Heymanson and Low; 1 case drugt<. 1 kejf Yoiuigman and Co; 3 cases glass, II Brooks; 22 boxes lobsters, r> cases spices. 5 barrels dried apples, 1 case vestas, H and J Hart; /> irnnks boots, Siargood and Co; 1 citsu stitiflric;, Ivohn and Co; jttl do. Briscoc and "Co. For PL-ton : 1 case Feldheim Bio«; 1 c t>k saddlery, Barkr-r and Co; 2 cases boot*, 1 bnl» I"at.':er, G P Furqubar; 3 kep* n-uls, 1 hbd (:I:».sh, Briscoe nnd Co; 1 case dMp<ry, Uuttorwortli Bros. For Nelson : 3 ca^es, 1 parcel, "Dalrvmple nnd Co; 1 truss djTiipf'ry, TJ'it.icrworth Brb=; 1 bundle saddlery, Btrl:cr&0 .•; 2 (»CBcli;:ii», 1 caskl), 3 hrirs iron, 4 bdlc*. Bainis & Oliver; 1 exse, Lilmim ; 1 trunk boots, Sargood ami Co ; 1 cass laiiip?. 2 cask* Kiindries, Briiscoe and Co ; I ens-.; drap'-rv, Uutterworth Bros. For New- Plymouth : 1 (-ast-, 1 wlicwl, 2 sheets iron, 5 buniili's iron, 1 parci'l, 1 coil lead pips 1 oisk, 2 cases, 4 ovens, 1 bundle croubirs, 12 grindstones, 1 bundle buckets, 12 camp ovens nn-1 covers, 6 boxes, 5 drums oil, 57 *ash v.viahis, 2 bundles fpades and shovels. 2 coils rope, 1 bale, 1 cisc, 7 packages paint, 1 bnndle buck its, 1 dozan do, 2 cases kerosene, 1 p.'ireul, 2 bundles iron, Baines and Oliver; 1 case sun-, dries, 6 keps niils, 2 packages spouting, 1 do ridging, 1 bundle galvanised iron, Bii.'coe and Co; 1 varct"l spikis, 1 do sundries, R and T Flawortli.' For Napier: 1 case drapery, Watson and Sons; 1 do sundries, C coils rope, 9 keg* n:u!s, 1 package, 1 keg powder, 1 do slut, 5 do nails, 2 packages savrs and brushes, ' ca^k sundries, Briscoe and Co; 5 cases merchandise; 1 box, 1 parcel, Mrs Nichols; 10 cases kerosene, 3 do vestas; 4do salt, Turnbull and Co. For Auckland: 5 bnxes tea, Lange and Tiioneman; 1 case cigars, Strelitz and Hart; 1 case varnish, II Brooks; 1 do sundries, Kohn and Co; I do chicory, Gregg and Co; 1 do drawings, J MGr'egori 8 kegs soft soup, 1 cask, 4 cases drugs,'! drum oil, 1 do nnptha, 5 cases sarsaparilla, YouugmFin and Co.

The two steamers which are expected to be seat down from Melbourne to Ilokilika by Messrs M'Mi-ckan ami Blackwood are the Yarra and Uno. The Yarra is a paddle boat of good power, nnd of dimensions calculated to suit the requirements of the trade at Hokitika. The Uuo is a twin-screw boat,

also likely to*be of considerable service in discharging cargo and passengers from vessels % compelled, by their tonnage, to tranship their cargo at Hokitika roads. The steamer Wm. Miskin is reported by tho Omeo us having sailed from Nelson for Hokitika, and as having had to put back through stress of weather. On putting back tho Nelson authorities proceeded with an examination of the vessel, which they had not ■ before undertaken, and her deck cargo, consisting of planks, was ordered to be landed. The Omco was also officially inspected, and had her certificates renewed The next expected arrival from London, the ship Thnician, is now a hundred days out. Having gunpowder on board, she will, on

.arrival, be anchored on the Quarantine Ground until it ie discharged. * The steamship Alfaanibra is appointed to sail for 31felbourne on Saturday next, a* she does not proceed during this trip to Lyttelton. The Omeo is expected to sail for Melbourne duriug the enFuiag week.


The New York papers report the destruction by fire of the Federal transport, General Lyon, with a loss of over 500 lives. The "New York Times" gives the following account of the disaster :—

On Wednesday, the 29th March, the General Lyon, a screw steamer, which had formerly been used ns a blockade runner, sailed from Wilmington, for Fortress Monroe, with nearly six huudrid persons oil board, including the crew. Her pussengers consisted of discharged and paroled soldiers, escaped prisoners, und refugees, among whom were about thirty worm-n and twenty-five small children. Two negroes were also among the refugees. The' wt-ather was fair on leaving Wilmington, but the steamer put into the port of Smitbrield for the nisjht, ami rtsuincd her voyage on the foliowI ing morning. Soon after leaving Smithfitdd, the wind, 'which wns blowing from tho southwest, increased ia violence, and the vessel mude but little progress. At ten o'clock on Friday morning, when oH'Cnpc Ilatterns, an alarm of fire was t/iven, and in a few minutes afeermirds the fitrnes broke out at the rear of the pi!ot-hi uw. ami n arly in the centre of thy ves-cl. Several of the ercw were in the riguintr, and there were very few persons on dei'k at the lime, many of the passengi-is hi-:n^ confined to their berths by s-ick-iv S3. The iiist mate, James Gibh.», find •he other otllec-nt of the vessel, im- [ nii-fHntel-' fiot file Jlru-pumps (o work, I But the flames frtc uliiy Ruiru-d headway, :i d, filtiM.uaii tiie pumps were worked with utiilir,chi!i'.' pc-r~.evcriinco, tlie fire soon sj>ri-ud ov: r the centre portion of t}ii» deck, driving tlio crew and those who were assisting them to !!fi- .si(-ri) aiiii bow of the vessel. Tilt: j liatc!i<:i had In-en elosi'd in consequence of the df.-cks being so constantly under water, hut tlv-Ro bf.'l iw, nlarmed by the amoko which w;im sprcjidiug through the cabins, rushed on deck, only to i,a driven hack by the flames. j Thu frightful fliweks of tlie women and childre:), and their pidroiii} supplications for h«lp i wore drowned by the roaring of the storm. Several of the parded soldiers were sick and confined tothuir berths. Som^of them managed to crawl on deck, and clung .ther^ until I washed overboard by the waves. In about j half an hour after the fire broke out the ! enyine partially stopped, and the vessel immediately HW'uru: round with her bioadsi !e to tiie wind, the finnx-s then .spreading across th« deck. It had now become quite evident that the ship could not be saved. The first officer acted with great courage, and only abandoned the vossf-l when all hopes of saving her were gone. The fire-pumps were still kept at work, and the Hitmcs were fought back with great determination. Many of those bi-low were doubtless already suffocated. The shiieks and moans of the dying came up to those on deck, but they could do nothing to h'lp them. Just at this time the United Stat'-s transport General Sadirwick, Captain Stwrkey, and a small schooner hove in fight. But neither of them could render any assistance, owing to the violence of the f-t'irin, and the fact that the burning steamer hud drified in towards the breakers. The fl unes were now spreading with fearful rapidity..' The boats were launched, although there appeared little hope of them living in such a Ben. Into the first boat ten men lowered themselves, including the captain of the General Lvon. It is affirmed by several oftho-e who (-seined that the captain had lost all control of himself, and was evidently crazed with ft-ar. Hardly had this boat been loosed from the ve-sel's faiiie than she drifted under her stern, was struck by the screw, and almost instantly wet down. I rah Lowis, a private in the B'Jt'i New York Regiment, who was in ihu boat at the tint", states that he saw the captain sink. Lewis and two others alone escaped. A second boat was launched, and in this twenty-seven pi-rsons lowered themselves, and succeeded in retching the General Sedgwiek, which was about a mile an 1 a half distant. As the b >at touched the steamer's side, a wave dashed her violently against it, and she filled and went <!own, Of tlie twenty-seven persons ill the boat seven only were saved. Among these were the mate. James Gtbbs, Barneo L SL-y, of the s'h Virginia Regiment, and John Fitzgerald, of the 56;h Illinois. In the memtiivu- a number of the men had thrown themselves overboard, trusting to aspar for support. One man- ( C. Coltby, of the sth Ohio Cavalry), after working at the fire-pumps until he was almost exhausted, seized one of the doors of the gallry, and sprang overboard, lie was in the water three hours before he was picked up. Others were also in the water for several hours, and many doubtless sank before assistance could be rendered. It is supposed tint the schoonor did not succeed in rescuing any of them. When the General Seigwiek left, being unable to render fun her assistance, the ill-fatpd steamer was d'ifiiiig in tiward the frightful hieakers off Capij liatteras. She was then burned down to I fib voter's edge, and every soul on board had doubtless perished." The New York Tribune states that the number known to have been saved was twenty-nine, of whom twenty were soldiers, and nine the crew of the ship. Of tho two hundred and four of the .IGth Illinois Regiment on board, all but four perished, including all the officers. Not one of the women appears to have been saved. I

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 1118, 21 July 1865, Page 4

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SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 1118, 21 July 1865, Page 4

SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 1118, 21 July 1865, Page 4