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Miscellaneous. DH. DX .JONGH'S (Knight of the Order of Leopold of Belgium) LI (i JIT-BROWN COJ LIVfR OIL, prescribed by the most eminent Medica. men tbrouchoutthe world as the safest, speediest, and !uo*t tlilctual remedy for COHSUMPTIOH, OHItO.VIO BROJTOKITIB, ASTHMA,. OOUGHB, RHKUMETASMC, GEHERAI. DKBILirr, DI3EABB3 OV THK BKIH, RICKSTS, INFANTI WASTING, AND ALL SQUOFOLOUS AFFBCTtONB. Dr. De Jongh's Oil is the most efficacious, themost palatable, an), from its rapid curativeeffects, unquestionably the most economical of all1 kinds. Ita immeasurable therapeutic superiority over every other variety is now universally ocknoivledged. SELECT MEDICAL OPMIONS. Dr. Lkthebt, Medical Officer of Health, and Chief Analyst to ■ the City of Loudon. " It is, I believe, universally acknowledged that Ur do Jongh's JUiht-Browu Cod Liver Oil has great therapeutic power; and irom my ln--restiLrations I have no doubt of its beiug a good and unadulterated article." Dr. Lankeszeb, F.R.8., Coroner for Central Middlesex. " I consider that the parity of this Oil as secured in its preparation by tne personal atten tiou of so good a Chemist and intelligent a - Physician as Dr de Junga. Hence I deem th Cod Livtr Oil sold under his guarantee to be pre ferable to any other kind m regards genuineness ■^nd medicinal efficacy." Dr. Ghahttllb, F.R.8., Author of the '* -tt»as of Germany." " Dr. Uranviile h&3 found that Dr. ue Jongh'a Light-Brewn Cod Lh-er Oi! produces the desired effect iv a shorter time tiian other kinds, and THAT IT DOB 3 NOT OAB3B THB NAO3EA AND IHDIQI3TION TOO OFTEN OOtfaEQITENT ON THE ADMINIBTKAIIOH OF THB PaLK OIL." Dr. db Jonoh's Light-Brown Cod Lh'er Oil > is sold only in Imperial half-pints, 2*61; pints, 4s 8d quarts, 8s; capsuled and labelled with his . stamp and signature, without which none can possibly be eenuine, by rcspectabte Apothecaries ■ aud .Druggists. toie Consignees :— AA'SAR, HARFORD, and CO., 77, Strand, Lond>>n, W.C. Caution.—Firmly resist attempt* often made - by unscrupulous dealers to recommend or substitute, with a view to an extra profit, other preparations, under the fallacious pretence that they "re the same a* Dr. de Jongh's, or equally efficacious. j^RAAU'TurrS PILL uF HKALTH I -t ——— THIS excellent Fumily Pill is a medicine of-lonff-tried emctcy for purifying the bloi*l, so very essential for the fouudatiou of ffood health, >.nd correctiiii? all Disorders of the auJ Bowels. lVa or throe dosjs will conviaoe tha irtlicted of its salutary effect*. Tiia .stomach . will s|.cedily resiiu its strength ; a heilthy action if the liv-jr, bosvoli, and kidneys mil rapidly ;,.ia.e jnin'e ; ana rou^wed hj-Jth will i>-j the quicli. I'usultr of taking thin uiolioinc, ;icjoi- diii^ to tho lirectious iioriomp-mviii'- e:tc:k bos. P_iiKduJN'S i>F -i i'Ohu HABIT, wh« are iiibjvct to hendaciiD, drowsiness, and sinning in the ears, at'isiui; tVoi»i :ou i ilow o} biojd b> the hail, should never b without them; m irimy (Jan^eruua Hjuiptotris will oe entirely jarric! off by Hi ir tiinclv u^e For Fii •■! AIiKS, tiii=e Pills are truly 3-«cllaat, retuovin;; all üb.jiruetions. the Uistres-'iai; iisni. •■ic-iu !ii> vm-y j; aviifiit with the sex, d-Juression jl" wpiritß, duUiKssi uf biijlit, nervous uii-otiona, '.■flotthe-t, pituplea, atid x.iH'Hvuj-w of the skin, mi! irivc a iiCuiltby, juveaiie bloo'ii to iha complesion. To MuTHKBS tijey ;,ire coifi.lently recomuuiide:l as the boss medicine that nan bo '..ik-jn imi K-r children of sillairea they ;kre uuts (ualldJ. Tht'ie Fills u-uite th'j re^ounaeudatt.jn ■>( a .-iiiid operation with the most suct'es>fal effect; and for elderly people, or where un occasional iperient is require:!, nothing can Ue batter ifiapted. Her Majesty's Comniiasionora have authoriieU die name aud address of" THOMAJ PttOUT, Xo. 229, .-Jtranii, London.* 1 to be impre.«i<:d upon the Government st«np* affixed to each bos of th nunuine medicine, with printed direciijns for Uiiiir use. aold in England at 1* l.Jd and 2s 9d per B« A^eat for Auckland, Mr ASH KB, AriHBR THB (JRBAT KNGLIBH RBMIiOY FJR GOUT < ND RHKUMATI3M. BLAIR'S GOUT ANB KHKUMATIC PILLS.—This preparation is one of the beue&ta wuich the science of modern chemistry has conferred upon mankind ; for during the first twenty years ot the present century to speak of a sure tor the dout was considered a romance ; bat now the efficacy aud salety of this medicine is so fully demonstrated, by unsolicited testimonials from persons in every ranfe of life, that public opinion proclaims thi.-> as one of the most important discoveries of the pre-*sat a?e. These Pills require ao restraint of diet or connement during their use, and are certain to i/reverit the disease attscktu« any vital part. i hey can be relied upon as the most safe and eSeocual remedy ever off^rei to the public, and have been universally used ia Europe and America for many years for tuo above com* phii'its. Her Majesty's Gommwaicraers have authorised :h<! name aad" adlress of " Thomas Prout, No. v 29. Strand, London," to ba impressed upun the Government stamps affixed to each box of the jeauine medicines, with printed directi'ins for their use, Slid in Enriau'l at Is l^ and '2«9l p;r br>x \gent for Aankland, Mr *-<thxr A^"!r. HIrfH'JPM GttAiSrji--iR t/tfi'li ■■.V^SG&XT CITitxTK Oi' AIAG.VESIA. Introduced an-J Prepared by ALifitßD Bishop, . Manufacturing Ouetuiat, 17 and 18 S^ecs's HielW, itile Ifud Saw Town London. rnHIS porfectly white and delicately clean JL jjranul-jte i preparation possesses remarkable effervescent qualities, wh;c_a i^ir surpasses the ordinary *ci aitz Powder in its <Jyj\iu*, Kcfreshititf. a:id milJ apirieut prop-Tites, ai well as in flavor a-i a daliue dr*\ij'.b. It is particularly wi-.h 1 for vyijnun aad young children, on sic.: »uHt of its uioab agrteable flavour ;md mild ■ eti'ect. i\'. B. — Tfic poauioe ha' t'iy name Bi-;hop upon the Bnr.'e, u!so the name and trade mark upon tbe Litjsii, an i is *:i!d in convenient sizes, and . (iocui'jjd in so psrfest a uianusr that it may be ahipp-.-d with u^futy to aoy pail of th-; world. Maiiufaaturet- aUa of Granulated and Effervescent Carbonate of Iron, Citrate of Iron, Citrate of Quinine, Citrate of Quiinaa aud Iron, Carbonate of Lithia ia ttwea, Citrate of Lithia, Vichy rialt, deidlita Mixmre, aai all other (iraaulated Preparations. CLtSANLINISiSS. Btove most brilliiintly puii^hed in two miautes for ie^s than One Fiirfciiiuj;. WG. NIXE¥\-S celeurafcd registered o Black Lead, a, new domestic disc;overy. Cannot be wasted, and i$ a preservative of furniture from the injurious effects of the common article now iv use, as it creates no dust, and requires comparatively no labour. Sold everywhere, in solid blocks, Id, 2d, 4d and Is. The advantages of this elegant chemical prepa* ration are great saving of time, eleanlinesss of application, smallnesa of quantity required, aad the prevention of waste dust, and its destructive con* sequences. Further, it ultimately produces a pure metallic coating of a high degree o brilliancy and durability, reflecting both light heat. (See specimen on the sides of each block.) 12. Sobo Square,


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Otago Daily Times, Issue 1117, 20 July 1865, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 7 Otago Daily Times, Issue 1117, 20 July 1865, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 7 Otago Daily Times, Issue 1117, 20 July 1865, Page 8