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Public Companies, /~IHAN<3E IN THE NAME OF TH«: KJ LIVERPOOL AND LONDON FIBB* aNl> LIFE INSfTRANCS COMPANY.—Bjv virtue of an Act of the Imperial Parliament,. entitled The Liverpool aad London and Globe ipEurance Compaßy's Act, 1864. an amalgamatioa has taken place between The Liverpool and London Fire and Life Insurance Company, and The Globe Insurance Company, and the name of Tl:e Liverpool and London Fire and life Insurance Company has been chsneed to that of The Livbepool and London ahd Gu>bb iNSDKAiroB Company, in which name all the business of the Company will hereafter b« conducted. By order of the Boari, A. STANGBH XEATHES, Kesident Secretary. Sydney, 1865. THE LIVERPOOL AND LONDON AND GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY. Fob Fiee, Life, akd Annuities. Capital subscribed £2,000,000Ikvbstkd Fuxdb. Capital paid up £890,000 Meserve surplus fund 1,000,000 Life Department reserve 1,450,006 Balance of undivided profits 200,000----(Throe million and fifty thousand pounds) £3,060,006 RKVEHtJE. Fire premiums £580,000 Life premiums.. 210,000 Interest on investments 160,000 * (Nine hundred and fifty thousand pounds) £960,000 Medical Referee—Dk. Nelbon. All Claims ore settled in the Colony. Taolea of Rates for Fire and Life Insurant in all its Branches, and every information, c*b bo obtained from SiJO. S. BRODRJCK, I, Mercer's Buildings, Princes-strcot, Agent for the Companr. BOYAL INSURANCE COHPANY. FIXE AND IIFB. Capital—Two 3lh,lioiio SiEitLiHit. FHHpa in Hasd esoeed £1,000,090. PIKB. TNBUHANCKS on all descriptions of goods JL and buildings in town arid country eSoottd lit current rates. LoMes settled hera promptly, v/ithout the delay incidental to si rcibroticti to Australia or to Europe. hIVM. Lnrgo Life Bonuses doalarel 1855 and 1860, L 2 per cent p^rannam; the Iwpeit bonus evei continuously (!eclw?d by any company. Almanac*, cuitiiifi)!];: tables of premiums aod either particolars, to h-: ha;l on ;tpp!icat,ioa. I Mciioal K^nrainrr : Dr. Hcci'.sa SIOEISON, LAW, sad CO, Agents. Dunedin :iad Ir.vercarsill. [ >"\T'.(JO rUtV. AT'-.X) MAHINU ISBDK. ii. OaIUHM., F.:j<J., M.S.A. TuaaAH iho.a Enq., m.p.c. KaoKßlcs: J. Mt>;;». Es q, m v.o. Chilrnian. Agents hi Lo'idou : — Me?-rs Jlnlierl lJu.-'liaiuu, anj Co., Sinotcheap. I'lita Company in piepanvi fci acc-pt Kiro and Marineri;ks i\t lowest current r;ite. J Insurance on Wo^i an;.! '..Ju'd to Great Britain oti (he same terms aud at tiifl .->.'iiae ratea as London oilicts. Losses payable at tir: option o! the assured, at tho !j';:id oifice in > ii&so, or nt a-:y of the AKcnciea of the Company, in Great Britain or the Colonies. HENJIY HOUOHTON, Manager. NKW ZEALAND FIBE AfTD MAEIS3 INtJIIIIAiMCK COMP.iNY. Capital, £250,000. Dunediu Office : Tele«?raph Chambers Stafford stresi. F I~r" IJ : Insurances may be effected in this Office upon Knrm Buildings and StocV, Mills, Breweries, ftc. ; i>weliiug-houses, Warehouses, Shops Stockß-m-trade, &c., ko. SI A Ii I N E This Office insures Wool and Gold to England at Ixmdon rates; also, takes risks either on Biiipß or Goods for voynvre or time at current rates, for coasting or foreign voyage;.1. K. CHALMBff, Agent, Telegraph. Chambers, Statiord street. NEW SOUTH WALiiS MAitlN;i AfciSCUSANCii COMPANY. Head Ofiice—(ieorge street, Sydney. Incorporated by Act of Council, 1351. (Unlimited Liability.) TpHE Undersigned iiavinp; been appointed the JL agents of the above Company <i& tliis Port are no^ prepared to i=sus Policit-a oa Marina ULko fct the current rates of Premium, the particulars oi which may be obtained on application. Policies on Goodaand Gold to Great Britain, issued in duplicate, payable in London, in caw of loss, by Mtssrs Atkinu and Co., at Helen's Place, the Company's agents. CABGILL and CO- ' Dunedin, Bth Aug., 18G4 BiiITISH AND POUKKJN MAHINB lA'aUi'-AhCK COMPANY, (LT MIXED.) ! CAPITAL £1,01)0,000. i 1,/f ARINE INSJEANCiiS EFFECTED l\± on all descriptions oi AlercliandtSß and Freight at the lowest currant rates. Agents for Dunedin: LANGLBY, HAY WARD Telegrapli CfiamDers, atafford t. TTICTOiIIA VI&E AND MARINE V INSURANCE COMPANY. Capitol—£2oo,ooo. Also VICTORIA LIFE AND GENERAL * INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital L 2,000,000. Head Office: 82 Collins street enst, Melbourne* Chairman: Hon. Henry Miller, M.L.C Fire, Life, and Marine Insurances effected s» the lowest current rates of premium. Medical Hefcreo: A. Kccles, Esq., K.R.C.B. Agents for Dunedin: WM. WATSON and SONS, High street - wiraES%

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 1117, 20 July 1865, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 7 Otago Daily Times, Issue 1117, 20 July 1865, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 7 Otago Daily Times, Issue 1117, 20 July 1865, Page 2