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Books, Stayih's Lcrturwion Modrm Hiswty Swyth'i Uptttreji m the UUt*ry«» 'the French | Befolatlop ■■ Storm** Morninff Cbtaauulnßf with God Tuyler's (Jersmy) Holy Living nnd Dyisg, portrait ' • i T!uerrj'« History of the '"osquwt of Bugkod bt . th* Normans. 2 yoU J Tlilerry^ Biatnry of the Tiers KUt, cr Third Kutato, iv Franca Vnari's Lives of the Painters, Sculptors, «uni ArcbiteoM. 5 vols Wheatley o« the Cemmon Prnyer. With Fronttujjioc. Untfona with t'JO Standard L'brary. BUHN'S FXTRA ¥OLDMBB. (is p»r Vol. BocMocio'o T>»c"nwron, a complete trsnslatioa by W. X Knlly, Portrait ' Cervastci.* Kxemplery Nowls. To which nrc ail^ed. Xl Buneaple, or The Scrpcat; La Tia FiaftWa, or The Pnteodcd Aunt. Trans. lsted from Jbe £puni»u. Complete in 1 v 0! ■ with portrait ofCtmntes ' G!ra(iimoiit's (Caant) Memoirs of the CVirt o f Cbarleu the Seroad, with Notes by Sir W Hcott; rj.-o Perstmal Mtmoirstf Charles ll" bj H O. «ohi') and tbe Eosoobel Narratives* Portrait of Well Gwynne. Hatniltoti'a (Coant) Fairy 'fnles. tramhted by Mock Lfwiii, and CLarJcs Keuuv, complete in 1 vol. Portrait ' Heptnmcroo, by Margaret of Navurre, n Rcrits of Taiee, now first tratiskttcd Irotn the original Ttxt. Ponradt s Itsbetais* Workp, the best translntionH, complete In 2 vols, wiih same additional Net*- from n Manuscript by the d John VI ilti* ILLUSTRATED LIBRUIY. Allen's B»t!les of the Briiieih Navy. « vols Danish L^jjetidß and Psiry Talcs Jtriosto'a Orlando Furico. 2 vols Ikehfrsin s Cap' anil Chamber Uirk, complete. (oil otbar eititions are nbrtdKcd) IJonotni'n KinevHsh and its PalncM Butler's Hudibroo, with virlnruia n;te<, a Biography, nm! a <ierioral ludtx Oalteraiole'» KveniDKsat Haildon Hsil . (jbina, Piatonn!, licscriplivc, :n,J Historical with Rome necaunt of Avi un<> the liunnr/y/ Hiarn and Anam. Jfeariy oco humlrtl illustration* Crnikshauk'tf Three Conines and a UM^ert X>tinte. trHn<ltited into English Vcttc tiy 1 C Wright, M. A. 'Didroo'a'Christian Iconography Gil Sins, the Ariventure* of, with 21 encraTlngg on steel, after Siuirkc, anil 10 cloi.i:jgs by Oeorgc Craikshsnk. Complete in 1 vof. (Gl2 p»s;e*) 'Brimia'u Uainmer Grethc!; or Gr.rman Puirv Talcs. FTolHein's Dsuca of I)cath, and BlhV Cats Howitt's (Mtiry) Pictorial Caiiondar of the Sea-otis How tit* (Mnry and W'm) Kfoii'iiof Kn Ji^li and Foreign Life, with 20 bc.iutii'ul Htttl tnKraTitlGrs Hunt's (L'i.^h) Book for a Corner, 80 boaatifu] enpriivin(rn Jense's Anecdote of Dojfs India, Pictorial, Descriptive, antil Historical Kltto'H {Scripture Lands, aad Biblical Atlas 21 Map?. Krutui'schet'f* Parables trant^at'd itnrn the sevcn>h Ui'imnn Kditiou, virith 40 ilhiutriitions by Citvvttm, en<rav<)d by tbu Brotbcni Oalzicl Litxlsny'B (Lord) Litters on Kiypl nnO ivlnn iiO<]g<:'M Portrait* of Illuitriouii Pemoimsvn of Grcul Britain L3D)tf«l'o-.t'<i Pneiicol Works, Omplete Matrynl'a Mp.Hrcnnaa Kssdy, or the Wreck of tte Pacftt! 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The pip«int New B<!ition is «inctcd and improfcfi, and, besides intro'luciuK the recent ctuiufe1* of Kiij;land and other cvautri'-s, reorda tbe chai'^cu which have Ukcn place iv Kugland an.l /'.aicrion. iJ<!pcj'»i'oetical work« Fops's ilomer's iliad, liluslrated hy Ilia entire Series of Flaxtnnn's it«tsn< Pope's ilnmtr's uUjßitey, with the Battle of Frogs »nd Mice fopa's Life, including many of his Letters. By Kobisrt CistTUthefs I!lie.prte.edinu! < r > *oh make an tls^ant e-Jition of I'opu'B Po-tiuai VVorkti aad Translations PotUry ttud Horcuhun, a GuiJe to the Know« i til ire of Front's (Fftthar) Hejiques ltccfcntios* in bbooling. By Craven Uoddlojt's History and Itecriptlongof Wine* iiobinsoa Cras«ie, with Hlu»tral!oBB by Htothanl and ifarvey Eomo in the Nlt'Ct.oer:th Century. 2 Vila ■ t'ouOuy'nt Life of Nel»on, with nidhiotiiil Notes nnd a goncru! 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Charge aguinst War. en HsiiiinES, ietters on tbe Am'iiean War.—Vol M. Miicellan«ousapcccbes,fflc. o»si.eral IndexBurke'B Speeciun ou the luifidioiiuient of Warren, £U»tlitip* j -* To'" Barke'* Life by Prior, new ctMoni revised by the Aotfior. Portrait: 1 vol Defoe's Work*, «3iie«i by Sir Walter Seoit, Vol 1. Life, Adventures, unii I'lwk* of Cftpi--1 Bingletoa, aud Life o£ CoW'M Jack. Portrait of liefoe. , Defoe's Works, Vol 3, WfoofMoll Flanders, aad History of <he Devil Defos's Work«,-VoM, Eoitana, or the Fortunate Mfstrew: find Life of Mr* Chilstian Da-rles. Defoe's Works, Vol 6, History vf we »«nt Vhypc of Loudon, MKJB. <to wfcicaii «dde.J, the lire , of London, KSB3, by so tnonymoas writw)j The Siorm; and *.he True Morn fiuglfebm»»Duncan Cbupbetl. Voyage Jietuwl the WotM Defoe's Works, Col 7* Bo»/ii»on Crn»o« flibbon** BomAn Miuvltd} tttmpUu naa u» abridged, with .nrletmn s""le *'' fo™' _

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 1017, 23 March 1865, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 7 Otago Daily Times, Issue 1017, 23 March 1865, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 7 Otago Daily Times, Issue 1017, 23 March 1865, Page 8