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The usual ve-ttly a»*eti'jjf ot tbe Town Bonn1 ■wa» hnU j-oterday—ifr Ob-XT £n this chair 'ffawc wer<r pntertt., Measni Miller, Burse*. Turner, £mitb, aodl Bwitliigs.

ukszmlL nvuxeao.

A letter km wad from Mr ttuy Bennett, auktop; fsermfaiion to crMt ft l.««ip post opfwj'ite hi* premise", the Octm&a Hole!. P^rminlon wai A fl«tt<r If mo M, Seuilaa, itatisj? that for many siDntlm ho i«ir) wock#i Sn oo.# of tbo Man I«gl?an i-ftYctquftrrie*. »«d had a large jj'iianrifj of atom broken tlwr«t, «h..m l«»t vr«'k he received notice ti> If live th»; qasrry-' Hs aaktii pgrainfon toreiaaiii until .Ise hn-f sold thu mslnl wh'co h*had hto'ctn. Uttferrt-d to the I Job)ie Work* Cons miftw. A J» tfey woa read fro'ii Matra Onwthnw rim Mitchell, asking w be infovmf' when t' ey wtre to 1,i9 pnhl for contract works which lia-J long been fiaflrtl, and they rtqueatcd th*t thair de> 'p'jilt money, nui'iualiug to upwards of LIO9O. (iJiouid Le returned to them. Tit* Cirr Khojmker stated that ho hid Bos-Cf been n«kf4 toci.'ittfy f>r t!jc« coutracts It ■»«* icinitrcd toifw Oity Engine-sr to exliiairifli the wotfca vefenccl to, >uid t» <;« tify forthvrith. A letter wan retd from Mr Andcrum, e»xtiv, with ifcfcrencu to warrants f;»r huriala K«ferrei to thy Public Works Committee to en<]<iir«into. A letter from. Sir John WaliacA, quarry man, with reference <o one of the Mac'ftagwn street Quanrks, was refsrre<3 to the Public Works Committee, Me<era M'Kny and Goodfcllow, contraetor> for tbo Po«t Office, wrote a*kliifF perminion for ft crane to ctrad, which they hua-'l erected on the footpath ia Prfac4!a eitreet, iusilc their fence PcriniMtton was p;rasted. Mr Jamos M'Kenzle, contractor, wrote diking a number of with reference to the coriditioii«i or. which the works on the deferred pnyment principle wrc to be carried out. hi (Xinticctlon with t!ii« letter the following report was road from the City Kn^incer. ''City Kugineor'si Department. ••21st March, 1<30.5. tsf!i'.NTi.KMKS—ln .wordanw with your requ«!ht, innilij throtijrli tw Town Clerk, m nitti«<i in my feuftinww look, I liav<i tbo honor to submit for your contidtTJitlon n «''bj-4u!e of fxpitmlit'irr under tiia £25,000 deferred pavmont ech:me, under nulico of motion for titlji tidy. "On thin btAri'Z siwcli'ind hy the Bow), it will place mi-i is (i jiO-jjliorj to ilraw up fperific^tio"*, Ice, bk a bui'lr to U-tir'errr', of the quititfc.4 ami <iuantit|p» of vwh ItJiri of work r^fjairetl, ami tyhire to te executed. "An a bnni' f><r a wpeciGc-Uion, I t-uhanl tin! tbo wurUs f;nur;ir>ratt'f) 'ut my Miictlule, io my oj)iiji»n, 'li-nii'l be tbo tirat '.hnrxe on the si:h':m«:- 2>V-00 cube yards of uctnl dt'po'ilnd, c«rti;<i. arrl tprcad in euah vn.r-i proj-ortionn ■■<•• !xmv he eaffcr be cofialtiorct t'.(juitjtblc;, 'Jo(.i q«jy!r;int k(:lh>t, t'l m<:u"r tho ntiK'ei <■! tlii" u'rcfcH, ■nni permft'ißiitly fix (ho imlldiiK; loviilji rrirounliout the City; 1500 t:Upall:iiil yuf'ti r>rc'ri-u!:i:- i-baoncUini;, utn] n- dwi»o cubes. 10,000 I'tiiic yariu {ntoru or Jt-fif) of Glirihivork in iiriliin;,: i.'O"ff, tiinimiutr, ftiul prepftririff lor mfMli'-tr. Tubuiir iJtuinajja, -CtO' 0 ; pfwf.rane, ,t"27JO; C'juii::('tßC:fi% 10 per cent, £UOO. "I h-iva, he, "J. Miluii, F.8.A.. "City Jin^ir.cer." It w.'w rc'solv'l -"Tlmt tho f'ity linirinctr I>c instiiic.tcd to pr<i|>:in.-sjK't.:Sfi<';iiioiis for the works undfr tli« <X[ic!ifli[tir>.;ot L~">,<HM) (in(icli-rrcl p:ivm':n(«, <i"'i to M.ibinit the Biitiii.1 ti> tbe Public Works CcmmiHw, the Mime to repwt fo the Uoard nt its ru.'xt KKMjtitif;. A ni<:ii!ijii-tl from the inhftbliants (f fIX- Pc!icb«t IJ-iy I>lirri iww rtiid, cuipiiit ing of the ftttneb nrihinK fruin a Hun; kiln in ncira opera tion noar {•'« IVlirhr-t H >y Jdly, :\nii tfn-y n; k':d thiit the Insjir-ct'T of Nu!rit;,c«» mii;l»t be instrtictetl to t;i},r: U.i" muk-r lii-i C(H.'nis.-.r)«-«. A letter w.'iM nttneheJ from th'j Imipcctor of Nal;>iu)ci."> j fully c:«rTotii'!itin.; t!i> '•tii'tinsnt "f Uiß mciuoriul I sn to.the Bti-toii o.| Ihe kiln. Mr A. J. HuitjlM, <ni.; vi Lin: i:!?morl»l!<tts w;:-' prenent. :o»i rxpluino'i 'li-'it lit ha'i th*t m-triAn; in.en tlio ov.'rer of tli • i<iln. 'srnl li« g.'iv wt as. cxplnnitiou ot' 'ha r'*ro';;; fiu'-l!, tint f"r ■■nuie. week, pn-t lie l,;id bfj*-n liurninr (irecn l<\.<n-l coal ivi'li tli: wo »,.!, but bo caj>ici<'«tl hi< willing. DC Hto Htl>)) til-! UK) Of this CfUll. it Was Kirn-Oil to alow n.iH r.-./itt'.-r io K'.-i'irl ( » fortnight, in ord<T Io «!'•(: Uit- owntr of tbe kiln au op[.''irtunity of n> u'.'ina tbe nuiJincr Mr A. J. JMuitNij furtl«rr «lrow the attention ol tho Uo;i'"<l to a r,ii)!i:inc<n .jriii'iif," from n iikiuntry in Pi'licbi-t Buy. I'he Insjvi'ior of NuNanc'"« itatfd that lie had inspf-ctt'l tliifl w<<>'> w««iiind ci't-'bllKhtn'-nt fiTiju;.siliy, aid ii;«l f»!w;ty! i'luiid it th'TOUjjhiy clu^". 'i'iio im.ttsr 'ir,>! |«;ri. A r:ijint"('Tor f.firtißc'itcs fir Tcw.inlft "for early loads ot w.itf:r id ■■title tirc:i wore ordered to be pni'l. ,' Mr If. (JitKKft wr"t" i*nmp':<i»iiaK that a drikin in Moray j/i;.cii rtomli ;rit out of ort'er, und tlie flraitmi!!- •■•■■ cm di'.nf!;.:!"'.; lii» property, Ibo ' H«lpravo I'ui'.linjra Juf rn:d to th-: I'ubhc ' Woi'jtH i.'oiimiit'rt'. Permi-flioi' wns Rrunti-d u> W.r Dathb;. Georgu ' i-tr'i t, t'i irio' ;t nm-'-ti:' ir nvlt his pri'tfii«t6. ' 'fhf! t:vovc.l—"Tlmt the Clerk be ' i.'iH'.rHiied t<» '■ .j Ie l,■> the (J jv<-rnm«i»t, pmyintc (hut tlie />lu«i ■ ■>iotild b:; removed ami a fortputh fonii'id niircs tiio Ocfng 'ii before winter." . Mr Tuji:ii:n sucoudtd iho tn^tiou, which was rrirricrl. ; A cctiilt1 itf v,M.i to v! from tho OHy linyrinctT, ' certifyini; tlial. f.IOH 2< mijlit he paM to Mr Pit- ' fort on nci'mi'it of sim br '!'•(' in Clyilf! sire t. ■ Tiiii w.'is'rrwl to sho Fi'^ir-i-j O<im"iittee for : con-iiicif.tion. :>!t(l tiifi .■ jjti\co of membyra <i , tiff Ful.'iie VVi..rlc.-i ('ymtuittce :«t tho mmstinjj ru n<iu-tecl. • 'I'Im: To\v:i Oijiiu; stilted th'it-in coiisoqufncent « Ihn insolvency <<f Mr iloiviifd, ho hfi'l ln'COiua (U'iiti:vl:ll'd Iwra hol':i»}; :> ft.':>t p<» aiu uibjr of ! tho Jiimd, and ii wnn tiec-.'-sarv to elect v. uiemb-jr for Hdl Ward in lih ro nn. ' ' It wiiii lesolvci. ''That the Cl rk be re'juc<.tc(l 'j to innko !inr|uiKCto;:ntß for tl'o election of tt mci;)- t ber for .B-ll \VY.r'., t!.u cl'clion to take oliicu on ~ tbf>:Jid of April." j Tbn Tows 'Ji.f.ek .sUtcd ih:it it had becomu , nfct'f>-a;-y f> npp' int a CoTimiitca to coosiiirr th« , Mnnicipil J3ill. ;i-. tbe Oommitt'c previoii>ly tippt'int^d had I;ip cd. A Cmiunitico of the whole { lioard was nppoiiit -d for thin parno(to. , Two fWK-witHtt. apue;:!. Tti^rrfd from the , Fiiruio.e Committee to the Hoard for cmsidera- . tion were allowrd to stand over. * The Ci.t:iiK v.-rw ntwnt to opr-a 'the frenh ,' tciulcrx for ibn worxs in ConaiitutEon wrect, Pitt, ttre.-t, iloriut :mw, aud ouigbburhoocl, • wiieu litr f't'i.N.ijn ?;ii'! ho had buen unuHle to oWUi'.i n. media oi the I'in.inco Commisfci*. and there wen co 1: f|iiontly no report. Hut it was n fiscL Hint tho Oovcrnmiot had already n:rrcc<! to the (•"fen'.iin.irj" of more money thin 1 wag Covur.-'i ! y tha LOO 01)0 loan, uixi it had ■ come t<» !si< kiuiwl-tli;e that, if tbo Board expended nny rno'is-y nt the prfßi-nr time, tliej , might uxpect to b-.j pa|'«! ho pretty sharp. Tht-y wcrt! not in n proitiiTt to accept nny of the ( tcail'.TH, nnd In? would jiwvo, *' shut the openine of t!ic ti-jii!t-n •»: de'tvya'l for a wk," hy which time 11 report ivmilfl hu before the Beard from the Fin.'inct! Ccmfni'lt'c. - \ The CiiAi< mas i'ucorjdi'd the motion, only for < tin- iiif:i; ins,'tho report ot tho Finance j (Visninittt't bi-fi>rj dmijii'i; upon the expoudlture 1 of iiiotc iiioiu-y. f Air Jlaiins:* sironply protested against these 1 w»rk> Wintf ib-tnyed any loncer. Ha moved fln r ani<!ii(ltncnt, *''fh:it tho ttn<lcr» bs opened aiH 1 one of tlif in a'cptCii," on the Gyvient of do- :~ furred payment, it It could not iie cioue any other 1 way. f Mr I>. Miiwa, Jan., tsecandod tbo amend- t mont. lie I'elt. thut tlie ratepayers in these BtreeU r htv\ been thiunv.faSly treated, nnd that tbe Board { wnji now boenil to find the money to carry out | the works, alter tho promises they had given. 1 The motion for delay wan carried. < . Mia Boahl adjourned for * we«k. I

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 1017, 23 March 1865, Page 6

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TOWN BOARD. Otago Daily Times, Issue 1017, 23 March 1865, Page 6

TOWN BOARD. Otago Daily Times, Issue 1017, 23 March 1865, Page 6