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Aocttons _ Auction*. _ ail norn Auctions, Auctions. • * notions. Bxxsmeas ISotvm, : N°TICIi FRIDAY, Mlh MABfCfl, WEDNESDAY, 22nd MARCH, THIS BAY, EBIDAT, 24th MAKCH, ~ KOTICE TO FABUERi I VtOaOguA fe*ve This »a7o^^ At 12 o'clock. At a «vi»* WEDNESDAY, SSnd MAECH, At 12 o'clock. . .* oomnsaowl mmS S«le of Mr AUre-IClere*. Furniture AtlZociocfc At 2 o dock. ' »» jluoooou ~~ 1 i.l^« r cdlorafcird W d a .»odoe __ _ - Sale of Mortgaged Property. Patent Thrashing Machines. ■«*•*«„*„,«„-!! ' *? *,*.«». , To Timber Merchant Builders, Contractors, On the of Mr S. Cobco, niLLIES AND STREET ~ /", M'LANDHESS, HEPBURN & CO., *o Capitalists, Merchants, and Others, sad Others Chwrler Stare, George •teeefc (x are by Robert Xlhapi Barrett, Exhall and Andrewe's Celebrated «rm of DICK and FLEMIKGK Auctioneers. " _, ,„ T~ t„ , °l a£ K*'gist«*r of the Supreme Court U&kc. A business entroeted to them will be hmcFinal Clearing otrfc Sale. of Otago, to <stll by public auction, at their "" pmic firr<4 n\v OAftGO f»P TrMTWt> • — Booms, Princes fctrcer, and Dowling street, . t -pyavtvfb fTTMAfTOO Am f"O taally "*"* fci*hib!ly attended to. w™^!™, v™« DfTO -m -Ciririirr ASslSw- — Atl2°'dMk- WTBr Now Landing. Ataj, *'^jf^"•£2^SJfSd «»* - ATOBBW FLEMMO. Jbr TIO> Tfoo whole of the Stock of Boots and Shoes, fcing Section No. 17, Block I, A shipment of Thrashing Machines, Wncceslrwf, Unnedin, t« flio Aft-rchnnts ar.«l Storr-kf-pnern of Dun ». and Men s Clothing. Clarendon district, containing 68 ex Star of Tasmania Ist Mack 1865. * in D^ "tan ,1 oi«^ To NORTH-EAST VALLEY. Daniel Watson, from Hobar* Town. Fixtures «>d Leaae. r? and 8 pek-s, more «%a A Bllipment of Thrashing Jfachines . ™ >t i _. T „ u»virjg a iromnge 10 me jioaa ex Glonoao, including 3,4, anal 5 OUTiSAIENT mnvirwijo ■ . , kuinaiiiro, Tuavtkn, &c. - I -»-> AWIA/ J^ b AN D 00. o f i 560 i, n jj g an ,| adjoining * horR _ „„«.,- with and without IJ "* iSJtOTHBJRS beg to inform «m» ' ' ' Well adapted for a Gentleman's Residence. Tlf' LANDRESS ' HEPBURN AND CO. V* ha™ ««>«<> ""traction, to jell by the Ferry Itaerve on the North ; fitlmXtcmotions Hotel Keepers a C d p-mu, f<n ,- JyJL , , . , -. public auction, on the premises, George together with the Brick Dvrellir.g' xnnrmcoiaw motions. " '«=i a«pers aca Publicans of Dunedia IMPORTANT SALE n , Dmi lnßtructt<J by Messrs B treet, on Wednesday, 22nd instant, at 12 House, and the substantal am! A« the above are offered to close consign- thai they have leased the proimws at tM *.««» ~ Pntchard, higher and Co, to sell by auction, o'clock, commodious Store now erected nient«, an opportunity now exist* to intending r =»i «c comer , at the Stuart street Jetty, on Wednesday 7 casct wWikey then on. purchasers rarely met with. 0I aoail oati »*««*y «tw«t., next door to Dal~ STOCK OF MESSRS CLLVE and CO, Freehold Property in the West Tateri District 2-> n ,l inst at 2 nVlnct 10 cases Byass 1 boltlcd pnrter The above property is admirably ai»uated a. C. and Co., nwy add that the above are KBty» Kattray, and Co.' B new Store, at the head Cwiristing of " nIIDB1 -' «<*<>««>«, Currants, starch, chew, &c at the junction of the Taieri and Waibola well known a» having obtained tho Rreatest !of the Batbav rti^t Jmi» Wn f 'P,.,l *j« iritf P«i-r Ironmonwrv The Car K0 oi> Hardwood, now landing, ex Patent welßhing machine, up to 15 cwt Kivers, and the Store is close to the 13ri<J K e, number of prizes for superiority in England, _____Z. Wmeb atiu ainntß, i^ter, ironmongery, ~„,,. , „ . „, Set of ocales and wdsrhts and wouid suit any ptrson desiring ta com- &■•> ~~ &c. Daniel Watson, from Hobart Town, con- L H shovels, spades, &c, bine storekeeping and farming. Z, . . ~, . t , ~. „ ... I MB»I 0A L HAIi TFA^nnm imnwuTv sfatineof- Boots and shoes For Jnrther particulars, ami conditions of Samples can be viewed cither m thotxlu- I -„* HAl>*" LEAbEHOLD PROPERTY hianng ox I^die*', Men's, and children's clotliing sale, apply to the Auctioneers; or to Messrs ""on Building Annexe, or on tlie premises iJstablished 1852. Without reserve. 434 pieces timber, 6562 ft Reefing jackets Howorth,' Barton and Ho worth, Solicitors, °f r A.Cummmg and Co, I nncos street, Bun . in 17.500 box palings, sft I>oe trousers Princes street. " rTIHOB. M. WILKINSOH" M'LANDUESS, HEPBURN AND CO. 2,000 do do do Felt™«." ****" THURSDAY, 30th MARCH, ~~ Publication^ ' ropm^T*?-,"* 'T*' 6 ],avo b«-n instructed to sell by anc STAFFORD STEE ET. 10,500 do do 6ft Men's and Boys'cap* At 12 o'clock. ~'mHE OTASO WI-DNkUm faJSI , * vDWGGIST' 4.. T , ~ , f ' w , , 3101 Dosts and rails Fixtures and tense. T aß OTA»G WITNUdfi, Imiwrterof pure drugs nud chemical., perfumery. tion, at their Ilooms, Manse street, on Wed- j,io.> posts ana raus —- j_ patent medMnee, *nd all articlra coDneeted ncsday inst at 12 o'clock, 9,000 laths, 3ft. Norencrve. SALE OF MORTGAGED FEEIIHOLD Of SATORPAY, 18th MAEOH, with the dm K trade. The w^e of «* Stock of Hears CI CT e By Order of the .Registaer of the Supreme O,COO do««On. The whole of furniture will _ p """- OlJS^^^S.'tSS™ I'!* and Co., be aold by auction in a few days. Partlctilaw I« George, St. Andrew, and Filleul streets. Tweaty Pases of Beading Matter, hcaltby leeohJJ WINES AND SPIRITS. 516 TERMS AT BALE. fa fatnre advertisement. n ILL 1B S A~ND STREET Cotnprking CO cases AuimontUlado sherry, in bond FRIDAY, 24th MARCH,. FRIDAY, 24th MARCH, XX have been instructed by the Registrar "'^"^^J""" o'*0'*^1"1'1" ! MEDIOAL HALL, PKINCBS-BTREET '""o bhd, d'urk brandy ]U-«LANDRESS, HEPBURN AND CO. 12 «'«»ock. * °* *° Supreme Court at Otago to sell by . • __ &t»W,hed igg. •*•*■*- , , —— public auction, in their rooms, corner of Gold Mininir T I s a a « o Tr totr "vine^ao -ebeen ,« by .Chapman, E fi ,, LEASE 0F THE PHC KSK BREWERY, At 12 o'cloc,. Prin.s and Dowling street, on .„ »-i MH ** ... K. «. J • CHR MI BT ANDIn GG J 22 octo«« Ponced/Loon riierr, B'glßtrar °f th° SuPremo Court« to K» WJth THDRSDAT, 30th MARCH, The We*t Coast ( the Ph^aceu.ica. 8«L «f 158 cases, claret auction at their Rooms, Manso street, on PLANT ' ALF" EMPTY . MDS" TA BIRD PAMKRS OTHFK Al , At 12 °'clock ' of Great Britain. 1842), IS do KoruKummd FRmAV .. ' nrw HORSE, DRAY, & c. TO BIRD FANCIERS AND OTHERS. All tho S e two sections df Town Land J^SSSB-ort Oppo^ the « ao k oi New Zealand, and nert to 30 do Victoria Store stont *RIDAI. *4th MARCH, __ ___ ra ort gag ed by Mr J. Curie, tSSiSS^ PerWn, and Co.',, Draper,, P^cea-.tre^ 15 do /.bsynthe At 12 o'clock. By Order of the Trustees in the Estate of _ DAVIE LS AND CO. ■»* n«»be«d forty and The Seat of War 21 <lo Maraschino It. GOLDING. J. DA*f BL B AND C°- seventy-two, Block twenty, Dun- £«to> ~ L . havi^ ?6Baed Ule abons fi;ttlaM _ b.« -eived instructions from tlie la, b^=B,?. j^.^^VS^ Siffi B J:!'rs,'SJb"ck holdftopertlcTi.:- - M-LANDRKSS, HEPBURN AND CO. porter to sell by auction at the Com- Andrew Btrcet ot three ' hundred ffot.lSJitSlnSa"' 11- S^ KT^I3T??.d<& 8112. %2 ■ol To rr « , haVebeeninstrUctcd merdal gate RoomSj prfaoei an(J thirty feet, and to Filieul V wie , iea "^Lu^ and Goanei!',, Perfumery; ' ' , 1 Ihe lease; of all that piece of land m the Estate of R. Goldinsr, to sell by street of sixty-Bix feet, as the same Town Board „,..,„ 60 cask. *>«><£>£*<>> -** q^'t- 1, . n auction, on the Prc»Ue., Filieul street, on FRIDAY, nn! S 4,n IHST., arc shown on the plan of«id city X££^W "rSd7 s"iaaß mCr'PtioDß BCCOratdT 2.0 ™ B-,«, porter ' Friday, 24th instant, .t 12 o'clock, a.toMV tflgeth(->r wilh th« Buildings SnoSSs- Gr7at Fi. Tee.b extrnetwl, and all other Dental Open*. 2 butts Gonzaltz sherry, double dia- containinf? 10 acres. 3 roods and ..,,, .T, . . ~ T ~, At 12 o'clock, h . . s „",. . l\ tiou* carefully performed. "pen*. b ' All their Interest in the Lcaso of those erected thereon, consisting of large The Maaiiesmra Light J ' m""ri 8 perches, more or less,being Sec- extensive premises known as tho A clioico collection of English and Aas- and substantially built Dwelling Th» fax on r*ew>paperu ir Z T, Z Z ~ Z Z T~ fl Jilhlu «'o '30, triple diamond . ; ° Trial of Captain Jarvey *l , ,» 'j nr-cisks do do quadruple dia- tion 11C on tho Record Map of the PnffiNlX BREWERY. . tralian Blrda, ex SiUsex, from lon- ll<mS0 ' T.mmt.h's Shop, and mf)ping l <Uta Manner to Mr Andrew 8. Wihon), '*' ' j^l go " several well built Cottages of Trade Report Bf" KS >nfor«n 1j« Kricnde, Patrons, and llic u:oI1' i , eaid District, and bounded on the w ..„ „.' „ , don, just landed per Hero, from various sizes. Produen Rport Public generally, that ho has commenced leases I do N.E. by Section 4, on S.E. by land 30 hhd. .1. Melbourne, comprising- ** further particulars and conditions of SuhTN^of the Wee,. & , ""^CHEMIST AND DinaOlST bcfc»gin ß to Mr Goo. Dnnean, on ™ d««n, bot«ed porter ? "^ at>d '^^ '«- •« T HB W«.="- for ft. C«.U, k « pinff RM ds fu, b^H.y'on.y.h 40 do Houfrhton'Hdo, do the S.W. by a road line, and on ', » , rITTT J IQTnr _ pabiisbed every hopes to obtain a *»•» of tbeir patronage. -,qr-ci»M;s Henntasy's dark brandy 1 horse Thrnsheg, do do GILLIES and STREET, FBIDiY, JAMES RHID, V) '■i-c- eltin t the N.W. by a road line. Dray stnd harness Land and Estate Affents, And for the Town unrj Chemkt and Druggwt, And a variety of Rundrips Canaries, variety of good singing birds And Auctioneem hatiiktiay Prince* mrutt ,^ortb, .1 qr-c.Kiks port The Lease Ims about 11' years lo run, Ana. a vantty ot sundries. And Aticnnnecrg. SATURDAY. N, xt Griierion Ho?eL GliOCi:i£/KS AND OJLMKN'S STOKI-IS. at a ground rent of L.TO per annum. Full _, T „ eir Magpies, talk well THURSDAY. 30 h MARCH, Town SnhscripUon .... 20s per annum. " ~ „_. , .Z7ZZ T~- • ,5,,,,,. B «y crystal sn.* Valuation being allowed at the expiration TERMS AT SAJ.R King Lanry Parrots talk well A t l^lock. Country 25 < perannu*. P^'tfJSl H^e^Sf^ "* 5 cases capers of Lease, with option of renewal for 14 FRIDAY, 24th MARCH, For Positive Sale. rayaWeta aUwnw. (»^"jLL^o'W wTntor^tl'^br 11' »> f G do cantor oil, half-pints ycftrg . At 12 o'clock. Roselle Parrots, do — Sinsrle cpies 6J. hn bus ope. e*l tho nh«»« 8t ,re w/h"a welly, t ,o'kct. imtiß ISG.S m - . , *i. -^i Leasehold m Elm Row. —. _ «.!<. c t«<! a«Hor m-nt of Gaods, lmi n(? parchased ,■;'"', • , Th» property may almoit be considered — Cockatoos, do •— TMM:-.DI&TJtLY AFTB& THE C^CLU. «« .drMUgeouriy for casll, be if waWed to IJCKscs Wcllicrspuon's jams equal to a Freehold To drapers, C!'>thior,«, Tailors and n ILLIES AND STREET { «-l! «t prica to soit the times. r)d do Cheddar cheese Others Laughing Jackasses \X nay« received lTistructions to sell by Carpenter*. buiUl'rs, and up-country sfcro- ,' .... , On the above land is erected a substantia public auction, in their rooms, corner of Prin- BION OP THE TRIAL, keep.-rs »upp!ieii nt the v-rv lowest prices. 21 (lo Compton s middles bacon •,»•», m- , ■ Choice lot of PiMon-! ccs and Dowlinff streets, on Thursday, 30th — 55 do Robinson's bacon. i»«^ .t prejeot «cc.p«d b 7 Mr Tiekto fl Cao.ce lot of 1-gaons .^^ 7. Will be Pushed IMIMaTIIf. TOBACCO. eontaming G large and lofty Ro,m,, «ith Wil , be on viow to . monow at the Cpm- h« ™s eof part «f S««»n J2. Block .p MI? , KMBf hByBK 4, case, Sunny South, J.b, rT^M r" 0-llmildiagi 1 !?""' TLTLANDRESS, HKPDURN AND CO. mercia! Sale Rooms femfe^^ftS^^lS APAMP BLX T; SL^C^^^^JS & n (I r-tkm-« Sovereign twist 2-"tHl1 StjU)' C ' <*'" lIoUSO and Cftlf Pe "' M will sell by auction, at their rooms, mcrClal &ale K°°mS- the large „„,! convent Four- cwry on the b U Prfne« In ijTlt. teancbl^ o^iS 1 ... Pig Sties,. Fowl House and Yard, and Stock- Manse street, ou Friday, 24th instant, at 12 ~~~~~~; ,„„ „_„ roomed Cottage erected thereon. the firm of Jsm»s K C lr and Co., and, while •2 c«8&s Hiirrijon's aromatic, lbs ~f , o'clock, IRIDAY, 24th MARCH, The ieasa has about 12 years to run, cohtaisiko tlmnklnct the j>ubH> for past favow, he hopes by 1 qr-tierce Barrett's twist J< * 5 cases drapery and cloths, At 12 o'clock. atan rental of ill. 12* per rtrlct atteotio., to b ß »in«s. and rte emplojmnt 1 Also, annnm, and will be sold cheap. o!t nono but first-eliisi workmen nnd routeriala, to S J.boxes Lorillatda, 10a one of 2 Rooms. Fancy dress pieces Apples, Jarnu, Home-cured Bacon, Land and E^ttite A«ent>i and Auctioneers. op thb In wtiring from Banner. I to* to thw»k my ,»case, Wa.»,in B ton, Jib, There is a never failing supply of water on Fr 3 rae rinoe 9 MW^ Town ' Tl^sl^^rT^icli: ™AL 0F CAPTAIN JARVE¥' ' Sp^^.S S^i^rfp? S 12 <1.) Knight Ttmplar,'lbs the grouud. Fancy printed dresses Ex Daniel Watson, from Hobart Town. ~',... ' ani (runt tha,t the M » m.y b-* continued to hit -~m IT • Kepps AiKotiocK. *«oc<>Bßor. MrJsme*Ke!r. whom I con conil- .,.)()(> Havana cigars Tho property is divided into 4 Paddocks, Fancy tweeds r DANIELS AND CO. Difisolatian^Tpartnerahin E J XI X O >le!? t!y re«mro,''? dt.! o fu!flU »«Wactorily, aU 24,()00 Manilla Havana?. all laid down in EngUsh Grass, about half an Do doeskin, J. will sell hv auction, at the Cora met ciil XJmsolution^ofJ artnership v. J. KIHQ, orders entruited to him. TEAS. acre is fenced ofl" for an Orchard and Kitchen Do silk ye pieces Sale Rooms. Princes street, on Friday, 24th To Hotel-keepers, Speculators, and Others. Frausßm, DAVID MILNE. , instant, at 12 o clock, Duncdin, March 1865 :ifi box-» ornn K e pclcoc Garden, and is weU Stocked with Fruit Trcea 517 Term ßa tßale. 30 cases apples choke sorts Freehold Proof rty~ the Towashio of AJSCADE. 203^.,-^J-nc. and Vegetable, W PB,VALB BALI. ™°M "^ ~ TO HOTBLKKBFEES ANB OTHEBS. ~ T'"9 beautifully situntcd property is ad- 10 do do in Ilb tins, do do -mrA'V'Pnvvsr n a v In conwnuenre of the rreat leDirih of (be trm! . ". ~ , ~V fl. r borag within an easy distance of Town. Vt'IANDBESS, HKP3URW AND CO., No Kcre-rve. from MessM Home. We«therly and Co. to r *n untTinrw nsnaireinent oi the samo Brewer, and will coa--40 dozffalvftmsed iron bucket \, b aw t been Wtracted to offer for «ale by Terms cash sell by auction, on Thursday, the 2Jird ir, B t., T*O SHILLINGS. tlntse to supply th«« 70 doz LJI. shovels, ~~~° private centraot, J at 12 o'clock noon, at the Comraercul Uotel, Aj only a ilmited numbar of O3ples will bd MALT ALES AND BOTTLED STOU? A fcix Horse poKrer BnffinD complete, with FRIDAY, 24th MARCH. Lawrence, „•„..!*.! r,. t (\ All that piece of Land containing full mz« c mbiaeJ 'ihraehuiK and At U o'clock. Ail their Y ahmble :Fref' nol(l Allotments P"ntfd» enir'y »PP»ca'ir>n is weennry. For whfch it la ao justly celebrated. ,„ , & m Fini«bir g Mu-binfl ' m " ' situate in the Town of Lawrence. ' MAUfiIOH JOHL kra" " 44 acres, 3 roods, 34 pcrchet, more CO (m driving bat. lifting jack, and ladder- To Parties Furnishing and Others. Lot I, mSE LONDON JOURWAL Proprietor. 532 No reserve. A , Wj _ Bd th c, )mmerc ; a i Hotel and \. .. ~ ~ . , .. .... ~ Brewery, Gfcorwand King streets. or lus, m tie West Ta.en Dv- Kxtrasrtof drum hnwes. wood besrimw IP DE CARLE AND CO. Sillmrd Room, 10 stalled StaMo, lll 'h*^?' 1" 158* "^ "f l*»o. t"olJ > THIS DAY, trict, being bounded towards the Kxtra ;»:* barley homer ends and set flre jt^. are instructed losell by auction, Finery. K'chen, Store and Out- "^tf-r drcX tion thanTkaPo'f' anv^be! Orders addmaod to the store, Princes etsset, ~,.„„„ bars, at their Rooms, Princes street, on Friday, houw, having a frontagu to Pet-1 nTriodiosl in i)m world Ita amtoU Lbraw wil haw prompt att«>«on, WEDNESDAY, 22ml MARCH, K.W. by » road-Une 2820 links, „ &c, Sec, &c. 24th instant, at 11 o'clock, ~r^t «,f 63 feet, with a depth of -StabttWrk. of ~ At 12 o'clock aharp. Tcrmo and particulars on application to The following Goods, ex Lady Ann- 168 feet, and a* to the Sir W-lbr Seatt, Bart., BBWBINQ FB <M BUBIWBBB. , r ~ , Ofhf , rfi toWarda »>»oN.K,bySccUon 13, M'L,,NDBKSS, HEPBURN and CO Mahogany couch, dining table, chairs, Z± J^ZT* '^ °f 9<> I*' rpHB unterigned b^T to aanounee to lib To Fruiterers and Others. 1100 links, towards the S.E. by a W a,-street. cbeffon notables, bedstei»,cbUd'« , .. t-- pS?«*S?*j«i. 1 P«ron S R SI the public that he has retired , -~-.„ -...- ' cribs, hiir maltraases, cornice The hotel is in complete worknag order g "«J B. Bt. John, • lrom bua in(-08, and in returning thanks for the 122 cases Applea road Hne 22f,0 links, and towards . THIb DAY, poles and rings and doing a first-class trade. W.tff Phiifin, liberal »upp<.rt with which be baa always bn«i 10 flo l\aru WEDNESDAY, 22nd MARCH. A larse lot of flock, and variety son- Cobb and Co'e coaches arrive and depart JWi Grant in &« J*vored, soßdu a eont»nu»tion of the same fcr 00 i coses do the S.W. by eection 15,2G90 links. „. . »,,.,, dries daily. i^« Brandon * iiis sucueasor, Mr L Herman. Sale tO comm!^! atllodock- Terns cash. * . hot 2. M™ Sofnhtr'th, AETHOE BKVERLY, Now lanuinjr ex Daniel Watson, from Algo> 25 acres x roodj being jof Bee . premige cornpr of Arthnr and Ko rcserre. Adjoininß th*- Comm rn>ial Hotel, and »■ «or« J«> Smythlea, &a, &c. W*SS2f* t \ HOb™° Wn- tion N0.15, fining the above. " "I^AY, 2 ,th MABCIT K^^Sfde^ 8^ M^K^iOTJSiIS - this land ~ a lar Ee and subs.ntM h _ H^O^ S^iWS -,^ "T^BSU Wl^^^^^^ S onWe^ S a a y,,,ndin 9 , ia t l2 o.lock1ock s^e a »d , Cot^ea partof^U, land b*« Eurniture D^ and Other, R 1^ t^ S,J tJ? bi^SSS: . ta ££A .^ -* «^ ! ~, , fenced off into two Paddocks. The whole DANIELS AND CO *gr-uetion, at tbeir Boomj, PnncM •treet^ on JjOt 3 t,]^, cbarmi D g poems; viltoble educa.ional nnd t^rtment-- ; 16 Cdo' SKars is now let for 5 years, at LI 50 per annum. J. h«ve tern favored with, instrnctiona *ndfcy, Wth insUnt, at n odock, ' r wh^ SJ«^^™s^^rf M<h' Onn^.toff of-B^H'h Gold anaffilwr 90'a^Vdo from &P. 0-R.fferty, Esq., to sell by auc GO cases, each Idcz port Section, Section 5, Block:2,lLi H g o f^ 1d,.!!? ,£!,* w °?«?J r*%»} "Assorted. Title-Crown Grant. tion, on the premie corner of Arthur .trcet 80 do do do . front,, fgeor66 f ,' e ,, to P«l .treet ''ewrffi'nSn^i.&rZ'" &? Br^C%S^N f cldaif t>«W Now Inmlimr in fine order et DanH Watson, a"d, E:m I?nwri "I"?' ?° bia,? b? d I H,? te1 ' on S? d° Q WM^f'^Xf by ft d'P'h °'' 165 <"«*,« present .ci.ntifl* inventions ani .fewte; sutlstin , e tm^iam^^ "* HccklM*(! ' Lo«ks*^ frZ T iVr.T'lv wn Wcdnwdfty, 22nd March, at 11 o'clock, 25 qr-casks Kartell a pale brandy occupied by Mr Marshall, builder. f .mbr«ein« «U the princip^ official rctanw pah w"1™""1 * worn iioonrt -town. Handsome so/a To Close Consignments. rt . ished. of pnblie aecouoto, popuktioa, emigmnon Silwr and Blectre-plated Ware Terms at Sale. Q The Lcaso of part of Section 16, Do 100 table _, Lot .4. health, military, na»«l, ami wmttercial nflWr* CTocks, »nd Watohe. repaired on the pm»«) — O* Do couch and cany chairs xerms at Bale. Being Section 3. Block 3. O a this lot and ranch valuable general Btatoitina! information ;; jraaranteed for twelve months. trITIS n , v . , . Do whatnot and work table """ iDCAmn,' ourn U erected as ibstantial and elegant ; abort roiwelUneoui pieces, ed;widt of litemrj Colonial Jewel Ic.j msde to order. iiii&ujvi, Block VL, on the map of the town Chairs tobies AJJoUiiU AJi BAlils. building, lately n«ed as a school- and historical interest illustratiTO of pamuc Country Watehmaicers may rely on their order* i rp w . ,c. ... , r "", f „ . ~„.„„ _ popular authors /^II.LIES AND STREET Lots 5 and 6, voluminous personal oomapondeitce upon i;-n-rj I- BBRMAN, i lo Wmc and bpint alcrch»nts, HotellseeperF, depth of 165 feet. Fenders and fire irons l-i- are inßtrac ted by the Proprietor, who Being Sections 1 and 20 of Block 7 imacioable topio, conveying at mM information . (I*ata A. Beverly), 1 and Others. x Handsome brans bedstead isleavintr the Province, to sell by public each containing iof an acre. »l»e mostTWed and the mo*t extenfdve. _ * ! The Lease is for 14 yeare from 27th anction. on the preraises, , The nucti o n eer in drawing the attention of ', *■» WWDOW JOURNAL »tand» tmmalled rriaoe« *tM^ ed i a . ! m rnirustfspnPTWNV Dressing tables, dressing glasses rm,e lease, havinc 81 years to run mtn-rmiuw to ihp above valiiable investmenis . for the losfrncrive. anmswir aad moral fxoeljleow 1/aae"l°* \ SOQ^CASKSIOM^VINL. Augnst, 18G1, at a ground rent of gE&£ d^Sd eUttoy : xio.lf^tof SeeS S^d'^S 'le^h^i :S2!U^l&a^4aS^^ OHTIE^O P« OM BtjaiMW.-» M 1 .TAvratr^ TiFimtUN ASDCO ?m ?r? nflnnSSh. 42, Block 111, Dunedm, having a oW< , 9t established licensed house on the GoM Z& lWwMr% "» I>BK3LOW, of the Bojal Portrslfc S ™ tlir HZ! Ll2 103 Per annum. A quantity of sundries. ,„ f of 22 feet to Lees street, Keldßl and haß a!way9 commands! the best U.mW^eii^SJS^&l 'l? 11^ Pri««*»tf(k "^ *«*??• %* j on tho above , erected . i.r.e iron | * **-«** | Jg-J Wo »£SfM^jS ftU2C^ 6 — po, Store, now intheocc^no, .„ , ..,| ~ , 4.jl^ f 22^^"^^ E«HS£IS» wbc , Messrs Ttekb and Co. J ■"■ The Leased the Cottage will be sotailted: * • - •* —'■■.--■»..-.■•.'•.• *. * <p ern i ßatS aK ■; ■- • world. "/ " *' ''■ w - ST. dHt2£ r ta Sdto! PortX^S for positire sale, at the conclasioa of the sale Friday, 2 o'clock, on tho ground. No waerre* Lua^heon provided. ', L'>ND3H JOUBWAL Ofne& 885!, fflraad »U kia^s *li«ioer mi better than «oy oftarSlB TermßatsaJe. Sl3 Terms liberal. offarnitare. - fltenna-cash. Qnmt. London. BaliaijlnltoS&i.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 1016, 22 March 1865, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Otago Daily Times, Issue 1016, 22 March 1865, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Otago Daily Times, Issue 1016, 22 March 1865, Page 3