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Psropcrties for Sale FOE BAILK. QTJKEK'B AE M S H<OT it I*, Next Daily Time* Cflkst, JUutitdiu. Apply ALBX. CD-MMIWG *od CO., Bt«Soni mtmn; or tint proprietor, JAMhff BUQ&K. FOB BALE, THE WBOT EAST HOTBL, O&HAB0. TUB aUvre Hoooe Is newly bad subßtontiaily built, is dciun a good trade, and is dtuawd tn ihe moct thiivtag part oi the town of Uaio»nt,' on the Mftin North Koad- The Propirietor being nbuttt to l«.ve tto Province, i» the «tslv rftssoD for selling. Terms easy. Apply to the Proprietor, H. WILSON, Oansm Or to RBBVKSand C . JiUsrfi atrett TO BB cOI.D, by Private C«ntr«n» Valuable Fr- elwid Pioperty, situate in Moray Piacfl, opposite tha Coi gregational • kureh f nosapiWm\( Quarter-sere BtcMoo, oa which m erected a tivt-toomsti Verandah Cortege. For particular «)'ply to J. DAftlßl-8 ami CO., Aactioneers. Commercial H;tln h<x)ios, Priuct-B nt'fcetl. IG^Oit aALiJ, a new *rcu*ro»med Huuse, wlih JJ 05 acre* of LantJ, of which 15 m-e ie gnum, two largo irardeno, gardener's cottage, S-»tallcd sAble, and other oat balUiiogs. 'Itrtuo very easy Apply to GEO, 8. BRODRICK, 1, M«roer*n Bnvdlnap FKEEHOLD PRtPKHTY FOB BALB is POST CHALMEES. AVEBY deabrable Freehold Property, conblsUbp; of < nn Quarter-acre Kocti"B, and Two substantially built tioa»e« Ihcrcon. Apply to A. HADUOCK, fbip Plumber. ELIGIBLE INVa-TMKNT. FSEiIHOLD PEOPERTY. FOR B*LK, with imraedtate pos«ession, a beautifully j-ltuaifil Villa anil Pri>it Gardes a Uncled, in J-iUchet Bt.j (Uundns iitrcet.) The above will tc sold a tuu'gain. Terms veiy easy. apply to B. P. Ncru", Stafford rtrect i},%i \t i —FOX .Aha, a < a*h Buufaew, "XiCtXnh ckarii n« from LlO to LSO weekly; mutt be Bold, as the owner is leaving the ColonyFor particulars, Rvnnn, Kenniflly and Co. |b"•OK ti* L\i, in a populous town in the F Middle Islnnd, aBK.M IN AEV, caablish-d lor ibree jears, wiih «n average attendance ot <W jissjjils, irrespective of boanivm. 'I be Piopnetor is di»poeinK of tiie a^ovein consequence t f teav.n^ ilie colony, and wil! treat with v pun-baser on liberal tcraa for liie prcmiMs and yowl will. LeltcrK from princiDalt only, to be addressed to M. *).. &ffic« "f thii paper. tilUii tiA< X, Two CoIUfCKB. Uriqiiire uL Mr Oil*, Tailor. ofiposilK AnnfrnSftiriJiin Ifot*1!. you nAt.K, tue Houuutiurn ttu»ie ana mock, I? (.itaafrd on Dunstan road, now doing a ftood buxitietis. For farther particularfi, apply (o the p-onrli^tor. Mrs Jon<>«. FOt%. &. aargaiu —owi er priucetulng to the Wwrt «'oust—Two '- ttopcß. centrally *itiinti»fl ; pric« LSO. Evan*, Kennelly &wi Co. Election Mo ise. ELECTION KOTICK. BLECT^AAL DIrtTi<ICT OF BRUCE. XN Pursuimce of the Provlsionß of an Act of fho Gen«ral Assembly of New ZeftlamJ, ict'tuli<l "The E<(?a!f.tioi:i of Blectiouit Act, 1858 " I, John s>we, B-turniner Officer for the Hiectoral Iftrict. of Bruce, ho hereby give notice tlmt by virtu-" of n Wrir bearing date'the Poarth dnv of March, 18135, is«ned under !he hand of his bxcelWary the Uovt-rnor of New Zealand, an lil-ciiou will ho held ibi- the Return of a qualified person to aerve us a Member of the House of Kt-prfsentntives for the s-aid Klcctoral Difl'rict; »iii thait the Nomination of Candidates will t»k" place at Tokornairiro. at noon, tin Fridny, the Tbirtv-first (fay «f March, 18C5; atid that (tie Poll (if Deremary) will ii" taken on Saturday, the Eighth day or"April. 18(13 Dated this Seventeenth day of M&rch, 1805. JOHN DKWE, Returning Officer. The following are the Polling places for the Electoral uKtrict of Bruce: — The Court House, Tokomairiro, Tht? Court Hou*e. Daif din. Tbc Schonlhouse. R«>t Taisri. The i-fhool.'iouse. W(iih»la Theß<'hooihnu«e, Inch Clutha. The Sch'olhoii'e, Wjircpa. The Rcborilh 'Obo, Lnarenoe. Cftpt M'Eenzie's Suittion, Pontahakn. Dated the Seventeenth day of March, 186 ci. JOHN DBWB, Ketamiui? Offiivr. Legal Kotices. NOTICE TO CHEDITOBB IN THS ESTATE OF THOMAS CABsSWEiLL, INVIiiICAIiGILL. jTIRBDITORS In the above Estate are rc\j queen.l)! to iwnd th-ir claims to tie undersigned on w bt-fore sth April, as ail those who have not then wov»d will be excluded, from pairtioipatiug in tbe trust funds. QnO. TURNBULL. Trustee. Hijfh street, Daneilip. 20th March. 1885. Missing Friends. 4 jIOH,\KL BOUiHiN, ymr sister Bridßet * 1 Eoughan U very anxious to hear from you. Tuapeka Piwt OfHce, Otag% hew Z-aJand. TO CHKfITEHFIKLu POTTBRa. JOSHUA CAEI>ER, please send yrnr addMsa *} to Kobert Idfield, tmnager of the Chester* lield Potiery Company, l'ooiscray, Melbourne, immediately. MICHAKL DEEVAK, by comintiDieatiag with P. Barker and Co. PrinccK street sodtb, will hear of something to his advantage. IK tbia should meet the eye of BRIDGET M'MAH'iN, or Brother, plenae call oa Mr oils, Manlaggan street,-a friend wLhes to Bee you. _ Medical, &c. DX. CKAWFOED, L.K.PJ3.Q., late Sureeon Accoucheur to the Glasgow Lyiug-in-Hoapitnl, and lnte Snrpeon in the Royal Navy, be«B to intimate that he may be consulted in all the Branches of his Profession, at his New Medical Dispensary, corner of Moray place and Priac:s street, opposite Criterion Hotels Danediin. Dr. C. oas great experience of the following aitxasen, vix: liisenees peculiar to women, and children Biseaees of the heart and luaga Diseases ef the digestive Bystem 7 Discneca of irJ»« nervous (system Diseases of the eye . Diseases oi the skin Disease? ot the blood Advice gratis from 0 to 12 ».ib.» ant' from 6 to 10 p.m. I\|"R. J, P. 'iSM'STBOKG Surgical and MeobKniea! Dentist, Next to Bay and MieviUu'a, sad over the Biai Shop of Mr RoacJi, Priaees straet.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 1016, 22 March 1865, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 Otago Daily Times, Issue 1016, 22 March 1865, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 Otago Daily Times, Issue 1016, 22 March 1865, Page 2