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Tuesday, Mabch 21er. (Before His Honor, Mr Justice Chnpraan } It beinjr known tint the case for the Crown was oil but closed on Monday evening, the crowd enliieietl round the Court this morniuir was largtr and more eager than on the previous days. His Honor took his seat at ten o'dock. Michael Maloney recalled, by Mr Prendergiast: I was present at the inquestun the 31st December. L took Home (are to the ion, straight from the shop cif Wilkia«on and Dlxon. I did not stop any ■whfre by this way. Charles Jvlward Hardy: By tlw Foreman : I don't remember that on the 2<sth September, or rmy other occasion, the prisoner informed me that he had given hi* wife ai.y medicine. I am utmost positive he did not.—By Mr Smith (by consent : b?lieve that I did not ask him if he toad jtfviai any—By a Juror: Except from Tending I hsive no idea whether strychnine would affect the coagulation of blood. I never examined the bf(»od Jd arcertain that poiiii:. I am not nware that it has the action of thinning the Wood: nor do I know that quinine ha* thai, effect. The Crown. PMMeotor : The cane tor iho i ro»ecuiion buing coriclud d, will your Honor si uw me !o exulni v why I do not c ill certain wUncws wb-in n fcai been hi^kmihl I »h»ul!d «all The Juige: are not b.und to explain a ell, and it in not noun1. ffae »J»0«n Prtwe< v or: Mr Smith raid that If they wer* n->t ealkd, he should comment strunnh upon the ta-t. HcJu<Le: 'nd he is quite entitled to do it, whether jou explain or not Mr Smiih: In addition to th<> two witnesses named at 'having formi d part of (be crew of the Tnania, in September last, there- Is one of them, Lumh The Judge: Ail that is usual! it, that any wftn>*9 wiio ban been previously exirained. \ sliKutd to at hast Undered for (ixatnioaiion by tho Crown Wai Lubjd examined b« fore 1 Mr Ntnitli: He was. The Ju g/t: if jou wish him, then, ho should be called The down Projecitcr: My learnfd fricnil rrj«s-eaaniii;«d tbo Ooxnoer as to the conduct t>f Lurub at ihe inquest- to »h >w that h? bciiav.'d tnokt fmpropcrlj— n fact, like an iuwiio ptisjD. Mrtfaiitfc: 1 ne»«?r-a;il g'». The ''rttvm Pr< s»e"ntor: Rut I «ny m. Mr Sni tli: I said that he behaved obtrusively, but nothing' more. The Crown Prosecutor: I ilon't say you did ; but i say that in my opinion he actcd'like an insane pemon, He has written letters to the journuls ho known nothing about tho case for the Crown or njrainst t. Mr Stnluh: Why not put him in the box, then? ' The Crovrn Prosecutor: Because I won't give you the opportunity you desire. You can call him if you iike. The Judi?!;: It is wninl, where a witness is examined before the Grand Jury, or his name is at the back, of the bill, at least to tender him lor examination. The Cro'vn I'nwccutor: Lumb was not examined before the Grand Juty, and his name is not «t the tack of the bill. TheJud t ;c: Then you are not bound to call him. Mr Smith : Then, are you sjoing to call Lumb ? The Crovrn Prosecutor: No, lam not. [Before lialf-pait ten o'clock. Sir Jrimet Smith r»*e to wMies* the jury for tbo pri-oner. The address occupied about nix hours in• it-f delivery; and what follow* h, consequently, only a report of the leading pointl!, put into as connected a form as possible.]) M- .-nun.b: Your Iloior aai Oerittemen of thy Jary, <fter this y-tri protrtustii 4ri<i(, it now !x»cO'a>ui my dury to offjr to you such obser valiant an l.iio time which bis eUwsed since you f|ui>tel tlut box \eaV:r!ny and the nrree'it -Moment will enable ma to frame, upoa the whole evide ca which has been piacal be'ore you But refers ( enter apon that analrgH, wnicli th ■ short time—l me Jbattvi>r.i uiiviseJtr in triew uf thi'. liuljji ioaa-4 of cvi lenca \v:iicii it before you -wliioti Tb- (*h >rt time Mowed for examination «f it. reo'lei'4 difficult — allow me t-t thank yon for rhe great at'entioa you hire paid to this cam I ill -w mi no tuatm v<'Q in ttie name of the pri- | <oier, tor I fret that ho i< aure to h.yu a lair ! o naiilsratioa of tha eviience oy y >v. I*4id fear when you firat ear. Into that box i chit you c all not poiaiblv diveat yoain Ives of the p'cjaliue which a^ita*,.-« one |>urtio<i of the put> in affnl iat tho priao er ; bat I htve laktfii fncoaritiem?nt i-on the latelitgeit qi"» tio'i* vim b*v» put to »>itna>H>n. w^sch have proved, beyond doubt, that you were going '<> probe ttiH case tv tha bottom and wouid not wrou;; the prisoner by condemuinj^ him merely on «u<picbu. I need warcely aay I feel the awful re.-ip miioilitv tint rostt upon inc. It was non<! oi my se-:kin^ that I wa< placed in I tliis p wi'itin, anil I ought to state to you how I crime to be so. Mr Jarvey wai a client of mm:. He hul siime property oa the Huou, the dccli of which were placed in ray hands in consequence of some n'Taiij^oraenfei respecting that pr<j;>erty. I r«>ceiv(i(J a note from him, informing me hi* wifii was to l>e exhumed, when I went to him for the B«st time, anrl at his ri-quest I attended the examination, and afterward-* the inquest, i ot expectiujj this case won!! tmume the Horiouu aspect which it afterwards did. But whan it nS'iirai;<l ithat aspect, f fult I should deserve to I<mc that credit which should belonaf to my profession if 1 deserted the priwner. To the bo*t oi ray poor abilities, therelore, I determined to see that the prisoner h;MJ a fair hearinir. 1 was satisfied that the prisoner would have full ja M'W. if tuU O-ttci i« t»r:BideJiuTjr by an iaipartial JarUc. I will siy at <-he futiet. if f hr« inelauy (!iipra-B!Ou» in the of th a trial whioi ape«a- to yo» 'hit the ewinncadil not vrwrunt, I bag you wiltancribt ibe ato theexcit m-sat of the uiacneoc, anil not t»> th •■ intsntiiu ot giving an eo^sjnry off nee tj i>ti'Ts. At th't a line - tiina I h«re n rtuty to perform to tha pris mer, and f ca i b* no rjwpscter of pef*on». I must say wh U •o'iacie'si loU'ly th'ak of the witnesi a «rhj lis7%-->>aen before tie our1, and us I xbat! nut iuteniij ia iy «'• tio o d tho tra'h, i ho *c >ny r:rn>rit> will tx iKirae oat. If, therefo a, any remark of miae sh.»ul<l give ptin, the fault will noi i) 8 rainei if I do not g> beyond th-t privitetfe of counsel in my <*>in'oeat» on tb^tr erlieaaa. (Jiiifle.nea you will bars 'o deoi c ihi« it' Bap m tlie cvUenoti bma;ht. h-fore you sal rig n\ne I k'low it U difficult fora ju-jmni W divest himwlf of the itifiueacj <f oahllo pitju li em a en i tike thi-i, f>f Ikio* that, perl»»p«, careUesly, men are ?e*ly to jaujti t lisH y isinclastaai reipeocta^ tttc trai'fc'f (heir i annhbo-ii. Thuy read a Ntntetnvntlo tha pftp<r» of ft oornaTV intjueat, in which the coroner'mn i received as evide <oa (hat which i* ot e»i 'eitea i I'heßS lliinj<a m&kf a deaj iinpraaaioa an imj creasion f< otn wrti^b noa« of us are wholly a'lle %o i fwe onpiislva". We Bay at <>nci is 10-ks awI tilcious c u*e; and having no further c >noern in tbu inkier .ea>ib pawttea to his t'u-iaes* with tbo I impre»»ii>i rem«oiu(rott hi* luiud. B'ltdirecilr you go into time b;x a lino of detmrcaiion in drawn bistwee ■ >oa and your fellow tinzmn, wtiioh >nake« T>aTi a gaced olfia•, in the p :rtorminoeof ttit duties of wliich js>u dare "Ot listen to tbe prompiin.ifl of pnjuJice, a«'l from wh«t I hsya wen of your dewiewor, you will not al o« you'aelw t<> be carried a»ay by any reaaaiaa of it on your miod#.- I fee) that the hick (tied warnme to di.vnias all pr. f v lice is est>«f.aUy appiic»vile in Ihw case, for lac maiif^-weioa of feeling by tue isrow.i ia thi* placi indiratel it spirit on thn'r part like that of a tige* wilting to make a. xpriair <|t> the anfortuaate mm That is not the way ia which trial by jary j4 conducted ia Batlaud. (When Peat tm os hw wi»l, notwitnhtandi'i|t the public expitemsat ajn«iawt liias tor bftrini; : Wen ga Uf of shaJtio;; at onr belova.l Queen, the Jury who tried biro wore u'etla; sod temperate and pUient in tbnir demeanor a-> if it ti*ll tieeo ft moreljr trlrid offijaca, and after, warde iJsolr Tardiot wasdeliverel ansalmly ami tanrfeilir tomrcU Uus prftooer a* if it had beau KDonUiuryesae, I meatliitt thin to «i»* Umt la

Rr«taii4 ■ prisoner bus * Me trial. mA shall it be t*\<l that the dfapatitioa of h Onncdin Jury i* I«M on the tide «f justice 1 I do not m*k for m«rcy, for if. ultcr bavins; thoroußhly irri^bed tbe evldoDOe. yon can place your h&ad* upon your hei-U and *ay tiom your consdenreii. in tbe eight of God, "_w««nieirtain no reasonmble doubt ot the auUt «f thta man," your duty ia to eindema him. I >m not here to sbiWd one whom I be!ie*e t» be a murderer. Far frota it If I knew him to bo one, vo» would noi; «»«• me bere; bat. lam here a« part of the iD»cblwiry of this t;ourt, to (see that justice is dime to fheaocu^d ; that hi* Ci.m may bo hilly prestnted to jour miiina, tbst you see it fn every r-a-gnaMis aapfct bffore-you come to decide oa i hftt k,» tv! que»tion of (juiity or not guilty. There i< no hhiitinp the matter ifar t atrocious and fearful fbJue.. are current with regard to tho }>ri«oncr. I bare eTBn Jwartl it m)d he has itot a garden t 11 of children in Taiitnania. whom he ha* poi«ned and buiied; and another report that there wm a number «l»o in Melbourne, niokbgr bis niife to huve becu one of th« moa prolific of women. I do n-1 for a njommt beliero you will K'T'- (!»e''Biico to ther« idle udet, ami I tue*elv m^ntiOD iihcm to chow the stale into which the üb!i> mi n«l is thrown on «uch occv-ions an tbia. 1 horrid tnle when t »ld lows not- ing by repetitioc, asd it calculated to have a sinister i fleet oa the "iin'Jicf a fury. It might fend you fo tho cornlusioo that if there is mt Fofficient rvidraca t'i ccnvict the prisoner for the murd«-r of bis irife, tti° • trwr nil tiC'B render it advisable for you to strik a sort of average, and fi. d him guilty, o savd tho ttoubks of a trial for them But I. meed M-arcely tell you, what yon h»w to do wiih is to inquire how Mra Jarrey came by htr t'eath. Mad tbe prisoner a guj.ty bund In it. If you have no reasonable 'onbt of 't, find h>m Kuiltj; hufc we hive i o'hing to do with hour the children eume by thur deathp. If, »»> I naniidi ntly expect, tue ro*nlt of tho trial is his aoqnitta', ahouid the pnliee uu-peet foui play loyr.rtis others, thuy may exbnme all their b«Ui's and pursue fuitber in»e«tig«tions, so that full justice may ba done. All I ntk of yon, i» to codQus jourse yes !o thin c&ie, snd this case alone. Tho accusid ia charged -nith the murder of hi« mU aioae, and wlh that a'o&a joa have to do. U Is of the utmost fmportancti that- prisoncis on their trial, should not bo condrawfri hn» on pvii'enco sa the law sianctSon, for otherwise trial by jury would heroine wi engine of opjircwion ; a Ifarful envina that might be used for t!ie destruction of lamina lifo. It micht occur under tho*c circumstanceH that I might have a jrrudjre agninst a man. Boppo<ti«ig a death took place in bin houw under curcmniitnnccs which the world called {fuspiciou:;— »tij>|M»in<i I call a person, who calls himself an analyst, iroin another country, and ask him what he has found in the stoniiich of the deceased, it may be tho prisoner's life would be in the tian<!» of a very ignorant num. From this it is evidently necessary you should go clean through the evidence wiith thi! utmost circumspection, and not 'let n poiit fia<ss without the utmost consideration. It i>i etihtomary in Eng'and for counsel to thnnk the (j(liL>.:w of the Crown for the manner in which a ruse ha* been coudtictcd ngniust a prwiner. Ajkl t at is not un idle ceremoay, for, for the last century, the trinls of prisoners' httve been crandiicttti with even handed justice, mid the canes have l>e«n conducted in »ucha way tin to (»nvitsc« everybody that the public; prowWtor wju« not acting tromi a vindictive epirit, bnt that ho was simply doing a dry and I may say an unpleasant ilLti. "t'ho pubii! prossicuior oiiufiises himwlf ia ifoßiond to a o'car suo«int >ti(ern<nt of (aobr, wlncli h- has tiik-ii the troub'o to ascertain to be "iiotii dc.dordinK to the OTi'ienoe, Hu i-titos hem t tie jury in a very few words, and never puts a *iriliiHil menniug either on fncts or cxpres'lonß, But what has hem done hert? Why tho Orowa I Jro»ieantor stated what ttirned out to op a pare and wicked tabiia-ilUm. He b m ginri you a Kr.iphio unoount <>f the pos'tion of the :inua of the C'Tu-e i;lieri exhumed, nut he mild the arms •t-r« close ti the roffi<; lid. I will not bo fn il I tun guilty oi a mi'tnke. The conreolnma of the newspaper report hiw been conflrtiifi.l by the teamed Judge, aud ou reference to it you will find that stated at the cone 'union of the Crown I'tomcu tor's address. Now 1 do .say that ii ono of tho vilest iUbricatio"3 ever maie by a Crown Prosecutor. It i< monitrouq. Cure should havo been taken by him not to oveutnte a single f»ct. Ho might have satisfied liimnelfon the'subject from t!w evidence of Doctor Alexander, nnd if" the ;irms hill been found in that position it would havo bttsu a most friKlitifui one. But Iwm present ut the cxhumatioD, and I knew it was a He Tiie J'udze ; I think, it vary reprchnniSble of coun.scl to us« such mi expression. A ijUlc exngKurat.ioii may ha allowed, bul it was very wrong inrlwd lo use Unit exprevion. Sir Smitfi: Vory wcli, your Honor, I withdraw that expression and Iwft pardon for it hut it wt» cruelly false —cruelly false toward* the prisoner. That courwe of conduct, was fullowe.l by a Bystoinutic iitlcmpt oa th<) part of Mr Premier— to ;©ail the witnessus- I do not accuse him of real uiif;iinie« in intentioa j nji -<o:tj a biroin.-n m. tj ihhlo* tae m:i,ju--r it» which this proifcu'ian hi» b-;ei conlueted. 'ieui'einen, you recollect his Honor bai 'evarai it'n'.'t I; t tell Mr l'r'iiilijrgjiat no: to lmi the j/iliiedaH. y.m rcjlle 't i_h*t w%* ths Civi when wi arrive I at the mxt imporUn^ part of tho tria', «ha« MU< Survey was aboir to detail her ra'itber's Hynaptoioa ' lib Jag« : T>ikini the w'lola of the evid «cc, ' tl4»l(. tf»rs sin of pan, ng loiulittit! queuioni haft b(;>- n cm nitte j on ncMom a< has been done in a. '«urt cf Judtic. Mr e'lruith; Ktccpt with r^crani to »b<i principal wit .c—f. I am not runoing a tilt against my Ihe^! irieuds, but it is nws<ary { should put it t<t you vi bo whether that was Miix JarvayV cvi- ■ iaiißt liir nat; U>e if the answe-a w ra suggested by the form in which »,hs qu stioas wee put, it is, iitfirulr. for you t<i lalcj for gosp»l what hheaail. N >tr I wii! c >me to »h«s oharg% which ii, that on iii<» tsighc of th) iGtli of September latt, the iiri:i<)a(ir com ni'ted tna wilful murder <>f his wifo i>y 4<luiiii>iite<iag <id>»ia of ntryebnin^, I'ik motire 1) iu4 .(dehire to K«t rid of !i«r far thi purpose of cifcubitiujt wit>i auoth'Sr woman unierthq cc-iur •if c -iiC'iittng her a? hi* boaiabenpaf. I bops to -iti*ly you thU the evidence prnduc«3 by the? <7n»v<t U liscoru'stcnt with the charge, and tlia» ilii-eviiienceclea-ly bears oat tho prisoners intioceice, or at tbe very le x*t, thnth-cias is mvolvjl ia eucb a sei of dmljt, tlut no iii.f oi in amonit you can co.'ißC(<;tit'Ously saj» '1! eiitertniti no reiiMiabe tioubt ot t,hi pri■j^ner'a guil'.—And lit order to establish those doj'it'i, it ii >>ofScienit for ma to show you that Uiisro ure s"v^r«l w&yt in which Mrs iarvey mtght <rw, isome by her (tenth by natural eau+es. If I •»hDW ;f.>a now that there fs le^n'ica-ile pr babllity ot' thi-, you cauuol:, and tbo letmal Judg« will tell you, jou ought not to find a y other verdict tliart " Not firuiltj.'* V m are awnra the kw of Bn*land as■ciinwi every rairs to b« Innocent until proved u> ba Koiity. aud it ia a reyirded ir'axi>.j, "bo tar til it lei guilty .lemons shoal') enca:>e tbin tbftt 'him innocent man sh-u d nuflisr pnnkbroent.'* V-n diri all heard 'f ju I'clal murder, of jarfes i-onii ><% to hasty rtrliow on tn»aißolcnt eviduace. In one enso. a man win banged and ader w&rrfs the r«.ii culpritncin'ea*eJ tba'. he was the guilty man. A« you are a ware t«e whole «fth1* evidence ia rhis i;i>c U ciroutni.tantla'. I ought, however. Sio'ori; l commenced my aildresc, to n »v,; informed^ C!fiirt ( da not intend tonal) wit ,es:es. Tns Julffe: it is u<-t necea»iry to say bo ia a rdra a>U ca*e. MiSraiUi: The 'irbtto of the evidence in cir<'u>niumtial. Much has been wrttfn lately ok hit tui jeat, nod it has been suii ia siivor of thte c a?«of eiid.-n^ thnt witnessw m*y ISo, cireumeiaacMKwnßiH; bot no propwition can be mows t>lse or daugaiouii than thit. Tiie prhscipio :*tta dawn ia ttig mm of Rex t. Hoago tiy Baron AMeiwn, thaa whom a. grsater <>r more accttatili-bed CriininaV Jxt&go tuts ner*r been oil the English Bench, vm (hat tile jar; shoalii not only aafuify thetns*l«» th.t nil the farts proved were can»i»teat (»uhthß guilt of ttts prUoner, but tbat 4h«j wow i incoo»i tout with wiy other hypbUtesfa Slupt [ pin sfpl* appear* to. la a sound one, nod adopting >t Istuvtl procasfll i)o »katch whst I propow »♦ tirjrji in tbo prfaooeit'ii defeuoo. Befow doing mI. Wl riwrtly aUcwfe to tic trial O*t luwb<>«a»

frequently referred U> I mean I'aiinet'* triai .'. the murder by MrTchntae nf Jnjin P«n»n» Untflt 1846. The P'fc-nw »*< & mrtifeil irsrt, bat bar &b*n<tanrl lii ;,-f>t<» i^u for lb»? torf. (Je «r:< Cook wefft «»fu[.ji:i-O(«is »nrl p*r'fier« in Ninn nporiJiitf ti*an>» ti.jrid mri'i tlnlr i ff»lr» were mue in xr.4 vp U-jir.ib'ir, f-tofmtr, «» ejp'at 0* Votk ,Jjm! r«<>i*«M ft. tii;re« «>« <f tn>-ti>y, is- d iinw ri forg<>d ■»<;:>• j^wm hi h!s tt-othtt'* name. Jib* fata* j!«-t-'»''fj to otj'ftin ir.ciif» f men lb«w Hero (Inn **< an <.ver« !)«!mhi(f wo-iv« lo th erim*. c pn-p-tn'l CwkV »t ia»c*» f«r ieitif aH»t) upon r.y >(:<• hm'lml p<«-Mi|i» -We o •Uyehf-i*. l»r a> Biieuttcritijta few d*y» prcriou*|j it (• w smntll «'o".*» of nniimony. A n.-i though i)k whole >■( td- •■riiti;ii*«> w«« c:reurn-<'ar»fH!, tb jafj b ><! ti*>''iff»ful'y in fin ik »i *<*r :ictf>f K«=|ry, to tiT'raa r>x» 'hi- c' an o) i;tj.-li-hc« n->ni> m him. Another thi. c !•;]''!'•'a'!'*, ii.tii-iui]'!i »b fb»'jury ti-i-n; i«! '••-•' l_v m p cvi s<-M«uf v. ry trjiinn.t men •wb» »■•!<' oilU-d i« *>ny whether ill'- f'jntjji nns win rr>< ■■»i-.f*i-t witli nf.) known iiUew a thai!ar <p-i t oii t■. t'■ tif wbi;l! my '*;-t-ni-.i Iri'-rcl )i»« jiui i" K.vr.'il «lti/ <*><■« on ihi-friif. But that evttl" nc r«B'f' mi M'tit nf niKt'h'-r itcdlial m*ni —a faef 'H.t <<r>-v.(-* n wjMi-ffi-'jnction b"»srwß that r«-i» fltid 'lit* f)rjTfn t-l'p! in il.i> io m with Q<rM. He wan (.rrt;«<'itn-<l to no'o irjir/ptfiruK <ii 'ii»»a r- -iyriirt"njfi whi. !i are rniiuiiwcv «v»r<.-*c'nt 'i.rlhi: v. i 1!, t!v ma kfl njim>ioin» pro lured t.y ht-*- lv im- ror;vi)!*iorn " Tlmt, in FK.iu';thi'ir like ovi'<-ne* fnr a ja;y to jrorroi. A rnoiii-a! irmt f^i !.in e<nL <i li.i'r fn"n uilii'ji rotifc ol nymjitoms at t!;>: ti. (»<•,!»> 'I jjtves cvidene*; U> Om tiifnesd l.'sx '!''/■• jury ar<» 'ot actii uin ijj» rii rk Ihi.-y fiMtnl h'uu snilly, nnd I think thy qu'snif.". «' th': pr'u'^V'y ol i.imt. y. rdirt h>* rurvci- b> en riiicrl. irj t"« ir. ir-r.t ftrnw the c*idt:nc-Kivrn m the pnrr t.f ihe Ciown it entirely «-«r!*la<ei-t with the prUty eft lutf c«nec. Tht-roM-jHbf-iTjaii iriiriit'<>'''e n'.%m of it pr- nciit" to you, «h'.■!■ I 'iii I now pr'wi fc> ; lialysn Jn ti». K.-t w-v I'•rn«til«-"-»n M 1 on •!]'• n'i'i'ipS" laid down1 y Unron Al'lcrnon, I (Cfin«howt/>younny circsirmf.uiw-i or nny con-idenitiori, (»r nny tmiii of dtcninitiiiu'i's which are itJCMisistcrjt with the privjner'ftttui.'t, yon are bound to acquit him. *n other words, ll* ! row n reasonable ormbt in yotir roind«; and allhoiiffh th''re may be wily one fart inunmtstent with pcuitt, it at ouee deniroyn the hypotlwh of p;ui>t, und the c.vie fulls to the ground. I drive had in my po^«ewion s<;vcr;d days thif liottle of utrvflmine, containirifr ennupth to poHm the who!'; ol" Dunoiin. fttjppose infi;rniri{ioK was received hj* tho poiiee that my wife nnd child died of tetttiia *fiHi)rvK Bn{«i.o-e Ii in provwi t-i bave put »t t'-a wtib tin™. h> Ifwl thin *:•' fiouud esike, aii'i thst a HJViii.t, cr.ine* inio the ro-'tn ni)'i me» all tl.i*, nnr! wltM-i nr, hnor th'-y were rf> nrl I n!so nipco'e TChi-li is the f <C, 'lint 1 •)■< ufd be itititlnl i«> iiiv *itn'- iit'irri (fie p riort by the dea'h of mv wifi: iind chil'!. !-«uf<j."jMr,i{ th« c arc nil th" f.ici< the poil'-t; v.'t luj.l t>{; »f c< ur*e a conmi'i'n ii «jae«t. »* » mrt'tf-r f>t ncc--fiiy, nt.<! if there li-ipj.ejicl t/i he tdi" rn< mies of mini!, o! coutMi I *i.ou!i) Iw fTt to tiskf in\ tiiul lici-p, an-l I »honl<) t)« ntitTiili'i(r in ih it duck. j'upt.f.Miijj i'c&ine cut in U.c iriul I b:il i:ot iliis bottle of istrtelini);!' frr,m V.-.dii: ni i" and Co., forilif)iur-jjoi-e of <"XliiUtiisi' it ot> ibif! t>iai, :«ud i'tnrne<l out i mti'lp i nij'i" <«f it b^it !:'fjl it i»j mv <>v.ii lioo*e. Sii|ipo»<-i'. l««i niijicari-d on tlm tri-tl tli-u tiii» botilt* < f Hlr',(;i.uiiji. h*l b'-t'i. placet on the sWeloaid ; ttiat the'vske »a« by it. imd my Itttif child w«ji ifi iWp ro'im hloih-for the sutccof h*lf an hour. I think li<t! pu'-li • uciuld l» i 1 oiined to jia*B vi ry Uw'!t rf.-i'-.-fki. a* out int; ye: Inm ►»{>- posiinp 1 urn ti»-r)cetlv ii.)i<i«'iit r nnd I tmtibt be on vict'it ih -Huh ue .'r'.diy i; rio<—iit K< w arioly the ctkso of R"X v. Hii't;':l. Whn' ur-; t,!i(' hct.* conn'«<i<:iit wih (iii.'i. .' Ti !Ti: w.Mif^l |].. th'- 'U'l'Jen dooh <f I oM> ftii'-and chid in -Ivtii ■ie »f<n»ii'«. tny linvimf «iv( ; ii tii» in | oniii.ake witii .vi •a'.irtr myfe'f, b .vit c in my po.'i.-i.'iou a quantity or bolt eif MtT'-hi.ii:(!. '! :i' I li'<'l tod! Vfiu'-g ■ ait an<i (>■. I u.ritii to i •>. hibit ihit strjchipiii-' <>n thit tr ai, »n<t ha-l hi tmv.i- i.t.c of it a .<! Wful I iw th ! f.ic of lav wif.'ji in;ir'i.ii.'e [urt o'i comicp to me. There wuuul l>« a terrible ;»rr:»y cf fii'tJ. Th" j,nt. ii' wc'.l't 'TV for trjy * I'm ■•, They "i h'il ,7 " Hi. ■;••» tiinr'►-■ <!11 lii* ■if i-r her mnrri:i(re portion-ban«jf him." And we nre b.'> coiiHtituiil tli:it. tlinv is ;i dasitcrr ol' prtjudi.rc pui«oiiinir our mind-, tliwiuli w: ,iri' to acit ns a jury in tinl "i^lit of (iu'i. nn<! no thrni(j:h tear of man—not to be iuJluruewl by a Rajiiu.Lr: crowd, nor by wli:it. (lit1 j.iilj!ic say nuvide. Hut. lonunalely, tin.-c ivmilil ii.- cii'ciin^tniice^ uliir-li my comiHcl ctiuld (mint i.>!H on my b'-haif. Tlicrewoulil be th« f»«t oJ tin: Hjitd Ij-'intf a!(>ii« in fh ■ room, that thfi imtllt! was in such a pu-iiion ,ri'-s to i-nable the child in pi ty, no:* what it wao, to cau>e h-'iiie »■ l-.iit.-. »<j h. i <iyon itm cur diHh, nriii illu< by a<"ci en!. t'i If .'l'lifii'.j,tered to i;iy nnfirtuni'e wif" find elsi'<J In view f.f i!m-r Uif't cifi'iim't-iiiC'ii tni>-«'ii tOK' tlnT. it will Ile Hit-f'u'y ul' t: .<■ liid.r ie nay if 'lii'V ri!>-.i' a r''ii«i mi'iio <?fnibt f>t' flic lirttnin-iV {-ti;.l tiiin-h hh it was tl:f) int-ic ■vi tlie pri«oiii r to t!i-irfiv !ia nic Mid cd-.d. Alttiniiuh a riiiiuv-ivit. henl-: i/ti(>i, (ii-tl tb.iot^ c lai'fs lo ked vi-iy ■v.T t '!c':"n ■ ii' fl-'-tvi-w in «on Bidfii.tinn of ti it! ■•■...■■oi-:ii '■> don* t i* Ik s<>nr duty io iicfpi't liini 1 !■•.■*■ I Ijnvu m nil-niyfu-U i:iti: lis'ilr' »n to t'>'- nil-a lvi! i!»»'i liy Buron AliJ'-ri'iui in Hex v. 'intdr". I »!i)l no •-■ prei-cui tin ivi.'cc;) i« ymi umft-r tlT>-< •upect". fir.-t ih it no' a'lyi-hr.ine wun fouri'l in thfi «.l-.m ( i!inl<r';k: to >hon nonr-h:ii t".fn fund, :.n-\ I fi-m'y I't-ii-ve I Klmh be abtf to mt'H'v y «'■'lx \h it itr M-o'im i« as much mit p>W:ii t.o sijnuiii'i tlin woi-l', '•(: 1 cliuuld It- rr.r y io i-f-i the df'mnl" if tiic t>ri*oner u-ion t)i>> qn—tii) ■, whcilv.-r itiye.htiiu'nan bten found o' ui»t. This fe:ou<! iis^-fi-t. i», suppo-ln*: iilrycbtii c lirki found hh w:iv into "r* Jnrvey'H hum'iai-h nn.l ;.!.-()»ci"l clcaib, «nd w*not found on fin.i'y>i-, >(;'in nil -fir'ibtbility l>uii would l>- tln-Ciiu-c oldcutfi. Ihi n fiintlly, ijii.lit tliK nsj>cct of intitiinirijr, !or tlit'^uUc ol a ir>im'jnt 'mtr, that l>r Micinni }•■>■ fnuni r-t-y>-h':iue. Dmlcr tin- first a-i-ict I tiuilvrtukc lo piove by faii" areuiTi'iit, ia». d uii»ii ih-' tvif'cnct; iefr.yon, tint th«"M! (irojvßi'ti'ii!! ure troi>. Xi '".. Thir<-is no.r. Ii ue whiiti vrto *c i li". d i>n Mio Jati\ey'-i H''?erl(ifiiTs i.l (in' vpny, oins cf Mi tboilic, ber-nihi' l>y h'-r own ailmi^-ion >h:: w.i.-1 not ul ih't tiiui! in » fl> i^r,i!R t-> tihs.-ivn Bv.p tomi witi' rt'iy •! ■;r<-i i el ii;: uiney. H- <-'>.■■!, Tlia' th'.-ri; In i.othi'-i: in ills'< viiieiiiv to i-hfcw t' »h t 1h« <'oroi.(-r i-n the -8 li Sn'itfm1 cr eo'-id ri! :. rcftfoniililc scc'.'int m tin- ci rui!iftaiicf» ot th death of Mm .1 irvi-y ; imnn ly. n. fit. rctnilnr tn tho&c to which v/x< iisuu^riy -ul'j-1 in T.i-m ni:>. thonlil in', i.ow !■« c isI'idiTcd n|u:il'y rea onabli". Thirlly. Tim! IIr« Jiiv■ y'n de»tb may have ic-ntted f.-<nn rniiriiiriil c v>ivu!tit"n* F nn'thly Ti-riU <i>-.-ti h may have nsiltwl fn'm i'Mopnthic nr ir;iniu-tti'' tnt'inu*!. Kif'h. Tii;.t <teitb m.-s, h^.vw re>alt il from the iHVct of Mr- Jiirv«y'« Imvuiy bvfn bltx! whlo in a etniH if ii_v-nric,il t-yi,r»> <? or su— peniled niiini itlin, ami'!k> wimriil cmiH-ii liv ih" act «f bis I'in-r b'iiii" Kft oi'i-u -d n^'-a. aid thereby eau.tinu croat 10-n nihloot. Umtrr Vi? cccon.i nri'i thii'l-iHi'ict-i 1 a-Mimc tt<;i'••Jrvhni'.e losiy hitvc bspii found in tli'-noin rh. Uml«r tb'iaitwo aspf r.t-' I *hail e'»m?nd thn» dtjilii i.»p e'i».J by pure ai-ci er.t Ir. will be more eniivt'lctit for me to do ■! « ith Ur M'tra 'run's cvii!«.-'ic> fir-t It i:i iinjj^r ant to cn-rvu «i'h if's;<r'i to this evidence Hint Ur Sla^adiivi hnsi *aid, when be rerivid in.^tructiona to aunlyii" tins human stomnrh th'-y w r>: aofU'mi-iitiU'ii by a letter fro-i th-j < ofoti-r, [livinf* ititiiuttiiuti to'cui him to I'tllc*'l! !<e wiiul'i tiuif uirycbiii c. I'doi-s appear t> t:je that tl:e !;iir wa.j >o thu pri Mm r wonSfl b- to send tin htoiorch t'i tinBiifiNjit, whh tJ-ff.r. ii'ftruetio-'f, " ll«r» U (he 'itonmch <f a ikihoh wii.i i» dm v neJ to ti-iv«iiif.i hy poiwt!, fiud out what lint. |>u:i:.jn is" Bat if it. is said that it" th* »ymp town Imve liferi pr:>perlv desTib^d tln-y are (horn of 'Iryclin'inl poisotii-iis, 'he nimynt »!;artß_wi!lti tbe (oicuone ronchui n that nt'ycb »i"mo in tiisre, nnii s'rycliniu*s lu> will flu I. I have do-Inubt, coHaiijriir j; vhe c>n rovtny bitureen Taykr nini Ue.r«|ini»i o'i ti>o »u)j-«i't, lir Maeswlara ihouirht it w»ulii hay-- !>■: aa v tvhu in hi« cap t« iw■ wint ilioHti u»xic>lo(ii»t» fai'cttodft on Vbo oca-iciii tf Pnimtr'd trial. ml litre I complain of tbe uufiir cftisrHj tof the pr>lvpo, in eireal»tiii-f i> u'onili tirji'.x we.. Icb before iht> trml, that Dr >"v<R<!>i-!.-uti Imi fonnd iinison. Tiie Jadjje : Wu have iniewilcuce tf that tort, I never h«a~d ivt'tH ttili m'>mettt, Mrfu»in>: f» vrn" in ibe 'U'w.nrmp ■ r*. Tho Jutlfic: I tKiliovc thettt wns a certificate tendered which wi« not nreivrd. Mr Smith : I twy it was uniUir Thcr.-mm an imprewion in the public mind that the prisoner wrw a jinini'ircr from the first. When I hcnnl that Dr Wncndmn «rat employed, [ conftsA mv heart Bank within me. 1 had nobody to call against him. If Dr Macadam said he hud found a iwund of poison in the stomach, the jury would be inclined to believe him; but fortunately 1 w»» aot In quite such ii corner 88 the occasion wight licva Jound me. It h necessary sometimes

r for * m.»n to wpcak of hi* own attain- • mentn. When In I-ondori I -studied f uwlcr Pro <*wr Graham, oae of tbe mmt 3 < iKttiißa3*t!t4 their.)*!* ©f th- tin;, ans siitrr ward* p***d a degree of BociteJur of Art* *n<i o bare a knowl«dj-<j of Phyrolo*rv. I therefore . laid the ba»te in this rennet, wbteh essbltd me p a! pirMwe i« pr*»»cate »he«« »tu<Ji<!». Wjtcto, - !i«r*f>r", J foam! I hud to men tbe ease by w- . »*lf, 1 'iH-rminea' to nit down «nd nuttr wh*tf *ver 'iilß ;n!-Its itjere mijtiit be la ehernio*! ! analyiU In Ihfn I w&* a"*i»t*d So the m-'st f feint! nminer by Dr Hector, who permitted me r the tiM ef fat* laboratory. J *toii<d Ft litre*- » d;ij» f ami re»Hy the tnaljalsi Ii a »«ry s'mp'fj pro- « <"■»«. inotwlrtisurnitn^ this hard »»ni«» eroplojfi'l Tiisn euaMtd me lo criMW-<i«e»tiou i)r Man*(a«B un<) > owtnj rfuiycomp>l*«ic-tciooii:nieot upon him f-v'4tnc<;. I »as pjjftdijr a*U'Un<l«<i to fin'i tbst ouo who came here witb itltthe prof«'*!'io«>» of n Cnigb^d aHi'iiy#t, was jocleficteot ju ja'iroentar* uit'et', Jbnt notwi<ti!-(Bn'l!iig he lisid siuii-tl ''rw-fdin*, h*s ws* iKuoranl that wtry huine, nnii pb o, and ijufiiinr- are t ;T«n«l of pricltely ihe »i'r!«" «-!enn(:Ut". I »ek«<t l*im "What nre thf »*(> ar'Ard tiivi*iwj« of ftncilytical chemitlry ?'* He -txM ft !■>»>s: tims, and at lint mM, one wu li" q<t*ritlfa'iir» auii thn other the qual.tatsw. 1 ijifi tmt i«if i»'ai«mr !!B*nf q>ie»tl'>n« which I nMrn^eri fo him for the parpowof puzzling him. I saw tfto tcndei)«y of the quw<ion trora the fiwt, and every qu«**tion led up totho point I bad on view. !( wa* evident to me that from the proeww emp!oj'e»i, neither filftf's nor the modification of J^jjcwt ami ■ irdwoort'n. wiw'caiculated toeetridof the quinine; I therefore put that Ions; train of rjtiehtiotiH in order to elicit that fact from him, a fiirt which, affr a great Htruffffle, he aiimitttd. This udrn Won will account for two of the results, the bitter t«j<te and the carbon inn lion. It in no i violnit f.iifiponilion that quinine wax (?iven to her. But Jtlr Macadam eontnioieLs me hirt; and eaj* hi* prtluu; in n> wofidrrfuil; fi'xl ih'it be c:ln ''igtingu^h betww-n the l-i'tir <f qtti'iisß and the bitter of utryehnine. Vox tunalcly we hwe oilier njor« reliable teatimony on t'mt p-int. th.t of ur Alexander. I »b«ll never forgft the botmrable and *tiaigbt-forward m»nne' in whirh he give hi* evidence. He ga»e it tsot only like a man, bat wan anxloax to upcsk the ex net truth—to iook lik« a cau*iou* tnan of aclenee. He ta»t*d a «olut'</n of two jr/afns of Ktryc!inini! in spin' of water and mittc/lt it at fimt fur quinine. I ask which I* the moit probsble opisiin—that of Dr Alexander, or of J>r Macadam; I will leave yoa to decide. Tben a* to cry taitKiti-'n, After* long cro»j-<'X3njinaffo'i Dr Mnculam rrfmtite't thatc,a{iii<ieftoe«cry«talite lnio needla-shaped crjiitnU, and that styn-hnirie <1o? * tie mmc. tvOM^qoently, a«" regard* cry»'al». thr on» may b" rufgnken tor the other- How dnneeroui', tb^rffore, it i« to citoe into a curt of |hai !•■« nnd a wear that h'- hna seen itrycunine. ; wh«-n it may have been (juinine. He did Ray. "When 1 tunitil round thi pokrieing mnebinery. I saw a !©'of colors." wkieh he «.tiil win not a rnntter e*T>Ale <«f explanation ;it wjih me's'ly a matter of i-iuht. Tint in r»ither fileni'er Kvi'l'iiice to liaiiK a > upon. fow, Macadam did nX- till us n.n>t'«it \t nbotifc hi« of wdieh thw nic infioi'e vnrictirß *!• twnen perf'.ct viciou and color blind u<> n. I luve only in tojiposo Dr Mccadam ha« I <tn infinui'y of thin kind, and what become* of hi* «i)or«? 11 in perfrctly »h ckinjf t't think'hat a imn'ti life *}iouM be ins; !o to hans; on «uch a thread aa thiit. Then witli regfurd to viHfon, th*' iuu:r<y'<-'pv wlilefi i.r Macadani u*cl hua t" t>e an d with one eye only, a de'ect wbicj.i is crmsidciel by n <w!«braf><i wriu-r on micoteOi'iy n* t'tt'lini.'to ilef^c'h'e observation. ! ciaic fay the d clor came duwn to iJuntdin thinkinz h: h-id oidy a imrcil cf yokels to deal with, ad 4 that he n«1 nochinpr to >',o but to ftiin a victory He nia> find hiraii''lf rnintnki-n. J>r Macadam fai'ei to b'hiw m>! 'hit thn first priwes« eif Sffts'i* wv» c* 1culai^d to trtt rid of all animal m itter. To this I a<k ynr p:irticq!ar attentiou, fir it is a matter 'I common bi*d»p. oA which youenn take njviii yur fielve^ to c. ntia-tict a man who «nid thia. Y<iu harts I .evd by his description that ho pat th;nfnrnT'li ami coutuntu into a bath, and tnnkon a decoctinln the siitue w«j that you wouli maHtwef tea.. But by the process j^u do s-or %tt ri tof the animnl tcatter /-re yr.n tnen ft ■ i»K to be hoofwinked In thit wiy? It U a lun.entable txlsibitinn who preui\<\« to sclcnct! to ruakf. I <>b'auie<l from Dr Mniftcinni 'hat eujinenl chemistft hud decompiled uini vcoinpoed qaitunc and many other siif> t'Auci-p. and I aKkwl him if be was prepared to >r>y. in the pto^es* of rlccomposiion, it quirin>i xi'i'cd in the hum^u «:o!nach. when tb:it "in ye > oUier nibr.tan«-e* wan heirig derowiw <<, (ik cmi'one"l psrts might not re mute ,>.n'l furrn a nubitiu>e« m far rescnblicg, st-ychrilriß .a*! to appear tba «:)me under ] th»- rnii;r'-'rw», and he annwered eihnr ! fonv if, or I <io not believe it. I have not yet i ticiil iini> important source of error which mum ). .w i-tnii ■!; ;, ua It appcani Or Macaiinm thin s it Mjflidetuly cnivfnl pruetiee to let his as-istant linvu ihti*-s to th*l laboratory in which a jiroeess of di^c-lion i* poiiifj on. Yon see the opportttnities a !>pccu!utive assistant might have to do Komethincr on his own account. Tiiis jrentleman may think he may at veil have apont it hiiiiHili, iimi by Mime new pn^&a. He might think h-t could improve cm i^tai or Itogers and Girdwood, for ]>r Maciulatn holds several olllccu, hi d must b* neo«*ttrily a uood (i'rfil awny mm the n-t.i*tant U nHnwe-l to finuer the §ul>tirir« 1 and put wha'iver ho |jke« to it. Are you goi'ie t >b« rui'ile.) by pviiienei-iike lliali If Dr M-varitim ii-id hmuiiht bit But-i-.tiint, w<s ►h'-ttl I b:ivo ha'nm brie to »iy, *• Wba< did you do V 1 should like to have cro'B-ixntDined thit gentleman, a 'I huve suhtmtte'l him to the mine «evi-r«! or ieul a» \ the Doctor bitmc.f, nnd whieli n'snite lin 'h-uxpo-urs of ;m mnount c<f ign-ranC! for which I wainot preparr-d. 1 '■ay.iiojiiiyoiiuht to eoiifid^r tlic reiutsofiiuch im an ilytfm wortha«inc!tt*»traw f Wlifu i asked Dr Mac .dam why hr ha<l no liroMght a por'.foii of the residuom inU) our' with dim in order to *ati<fy yjo, by simi', thit what h« sad att to tie re>u''fi of his te'it-f w;»f tru-\ h- usiiii that lie hud not fto>i« »o, tw»u»«> th f.'ir.i Ciiit.f Juttk'l" of Klr and (Lord </im;ibi>i;) rice i'ied 'o uilow experiiri'Mita in Court. Hut . that—not intm'iiniHily, I presume— ww cil ri». .fed to mislead you. i.->rd Camp hell ■!--t'lii cd only to inlow experiments on thn lo«*r an nul*. It would l>e itsju»tlee ti p'evmt « pri oner Snvirg l-e hem fit ot siioh rxpt-r imeaU n* tho eto wbii-h ! reierr.;!. J in error ii> tu-)j;. sing that there wa< a recorded case of such - xperiiuentu bt'ssig permitted in an K>sti'«h coirt. !iut it bn.* b?er» done in Am'ric-i—h*' couii'ry which derived ita luwa from Kn^lainl, «■! Wiiicb has pro uced sime of tbe moit ernin-n j'^ig^s tbe world has seen; mid th« Ciurts of X jelmtiJ, ks wAI as of her Colonies, wnul i d>> wvU t< take a lc««on f.-cm ih»re of Arnericn. r tint rcsprct t hope th=it you will cot lake Ur *•' ncalem'* word as to what he eftvs he f«vw in bis libir^tory ; nnd that you tvill ihu^ read hm a ' lecson as to what l-e should d<> in future. I do n"t ohargH h'm with the inUMion to deceive; bat be may b« mist^ksn: am! I trow you will not cafent to h&ng a man xifion tbe possibly e'rourons opinion of nnother man. Ur MhO'ttlam mny find out bercaficr thit hi< microscope mi out of order or hiH&ia'hi wrong: he woniid bfi very forry, no donbt, to find sh»t a man hrsd been bang upon his mia*nk"n e»i iif»ce, but that would «0V give back their fa*H«-r to tln-iie poor cbiidren. I bcs^••oli you, ("entlemen, >'ot to be i.tvercoma by a name: vie \our own poramiin B«ti«t. "Analytical cheratat to tho (fa vt-riiint>->t of Vioioria," i» a very hiah soatitline title. But enquire ft very little into tbe qtwlifi ration* of. thu K'sntletaan who owns it; find y«n will find, to the least, rhat they are not im liigh as theyoufrht to be. He cornea here tuiki jar thai his bare wird chcald betaken. " I found strychnine." That's supposed to bo ennusth fir yon. It iif simply Imrrtfjin'r, that yosi should be aeked to btmtt « man upon p-neb eyidi-nee. A preut p'^int lifts been niai.'e of tlie rigi'tity if the body of Mrs Jnrvy toon after death ; bat all that arisen from ntfccr ignorariceof tlie period at wh!c>, In onliaary eneei', rijridity set* iv- Medicil raen ennnnl b* expected to be well informed on the fnitj^ct. Their Un-dn«BS it to imve life; nncS I il.v..'t know that it worjiri at all benefit tbo living that fbese goatlemen ahould stttly ibe extern*! ro itiit-iitotioi^ after death. But jou Heard m? real to Dr Msoj.'iam » pawacre Irora a writer who 'ban »p<!ciit!!y titodted thin tubjeot, (Milsller's Pbytinlopy) ; and that, I think, wlli have convlncis-i ycuofiwo tbiogt—that'Dr Macadam and the raedictl witnesses Generally wera not wrfi infcrmwi upon tbe point; ana that soma appearai>re» pre»ent«d by the extremities of the corpse, Bad es>peeWlly tiie cleijcbing of the hands, were In nowine indications of poiiioaiog by ntrjckoioe but were »eel» as present themitelTe* aflur dentil from various dfreaßea,and more particularly imm asuta aetvenw diseases. I nabinit ta you, am-1, fideaUy, Uut the evidence (rf Dr Macinlaw, prea

Mit w*», with the comnii*»tou »< glimtig ot*>, awl in the absence o< his assisUnt, oiubtnotto i*»e »njr weight with you. Out of bi* own mou'h. I have axiown that you caunoi like it fo> jsraotwl that Iw found Atrjotaine ; but *bat, on '&* contrary, if job only suptiOM that *b» prisoner tiiminixteTml to hi* wife ut-e .of those 2 fir powdagp of quinine, »faish he took dome, the wfaoio ililci; i* explained. For, *n thtt «»*« away go two Uart» the bitter tiiste and the cry*taJi«aUoa j am), tlio*e two gone, the color testa become worthier by themselves, or they arc otherwise explntncd, as 1 have »hown,' Is the bypoibwi* I have iires-enlcd on this point an extravagant one ? I» it an violent ns (lie nmumption of Dr Mjieudfmi, wh nhe uodertakw to .isn.rt uhat chan^f* m.iy nnd what may not take plturc, wliiig a iiuman twdy is mouUkrinie in the prave? fAt this paint. the four yourtjjer children of the prisoner entered the Court, und were accomuiodutat wltlisscat i'«ir the dock. The htime-t counsel Irrw! previously stated that he understood the poiiee ba<! refused to admit the children; lo which Hi* Hntior replied that there vtax no exclusion of any t>eri>onn at that «tnge of llie trial. Those who hud ftccn witn«tej?, or other*, might te picsent, if they could find win, The youngest etiild, little more than au infant, had its curiosity excited by the central and by other things about the Court. By ii* exclamations, nnd by Its little IkiW>!<', which the eldest boy tried VJsinfy to slill, the child dwtiirtx-d the proceedtnzH two or three. times; anil, at leagth, the Judge directed tiiatthe <*hi!d should be ta*en out of Court,] I will iww proceed to coa«Mer the tnotficn! evidence. Dr lliirdy's bin many re«t»ect» moNt important. I do not say it reproachfully, for lam (sure he did nil he considered neeewmrv; but it appears to be the <act, that the cxaroinut! mof the body which he innde waa not calculated to detect the scarcely p>rceptihlc pubatitm^of the heart whirh are atone to be detected dnrinj? an attack of bvnteriftal «ynirope. Beltevtnfr the woman to be dead, Dr Hardy yielded to the lescecbingK of the prisoner and opened a vein in the arm j and 1 believe that it was v^ry unfortunate tliat he omitted to bind the arm subsequently. I put it to you tut a tea*owib)o hypothssaa, that Dr Hardy wiw the woman lt» a state of hysterical syncope; and that she died from loss of blood, consequent upon the vein being left open. Dr Macadam has (old you that a stethoscope should be uwxl if poseible; "but its use was not considered necessary he =c, because it was fupposed ilio woman waidcad. It is not uncommon to hold a looking rlots before the noHtrllfi, k> on to detect the faintest breath; but, for the iame reason, that wan not done. I con- : fidently say, that this hypothcHW mto syncope is a %sifc pround on which you would be warranted in acquitting the prisoner. To take another view, Dr Hardy believed death, to have resulted from |iu<;r|>mui eouvu^ion* ani it might -t-ll bs- nn<u u> be fimi>ly a qut-slion for the medic*! men whether that or n fir. was the can*?. > r H icfceo. the only medical wittier who had Ben a mm undtiuhieilly die from ssryohnitjp, >ie-c i''ed cyrnp t >ra« mucu moie marked thnn thone de^eribtd i»y Mis* J:*rvcy, even Hiippotrirg every word of her -mry is to ba rftiled on. 1 ihink the le«s Isay alviufc the evid-lice of Dr Hulm^, the better. Whci Dr Hutcne laughed at what i-uch m-n an A-hwe and Copland hive written, 'ho*© writings Ivinu believe! by Dr "skxan'Vr, I think n>»t lir HutmeißO'te an exhibition ol bimneSf which i.«io He retrrtlted. He in, snd I hop- will remain, a \>£Tsrknni friend of my own ; cat. ileitmte na I f-i-1 on the matter, I felt txmud to say tlil» maeb aB t'> l»i <;v!ilt!i>ce. Dr gave iji» evMen>N3 witb the ni'mt marked fui-nws aad proper caution <lfif. i^ay, that he wa* by no m«ann pri-pured to d»ny thi-t this was n rate of hvatiTica! «yiif>>pe. and that Mrt Jiirvey di"ti in confequenon of the vein twing* left open. I am as well <ntit)ei to !uv" a th-ory aa «ny of the raeiical witniwgea; and I put it to you bs a tbrory, ihv the decoinnositiotjof qaiiiineinand with the body, p odused a substance cipabie of Riving th" aarne play of colors as etrychnine, wh^o tettrd. Aqn-ttion vtnt put lo Dr Alexander by on« of you, gentkmen, the otj^et of which seemed to bo to Itafii whether t-ie afiafimt'atioa of'q it>in<> w.juld ac-c-ttritfor th« pain iv the hea'luf *:ioh Mrj.Jarv»-y <>.itnplaiaed. i v/«ulil now remind you that ytii musf. nit lie unfavorably mi preyed with the answer given j iweausie thero are many ijiitural cauni a wbioh wca'd aeo u»t for that pain, est'ecinlly in a pernon Buffering from an aeuts nervau* di-order. I proceed to «'e»l with ruj flr-t proposition under t'l- first R»peet of the case w>;cb i have »t"'tsd t> yuu—That no reliance whatever i* to be placed o>i Minn Jarvtij's «!e -cripii^n of the ymptoin» xhibite Iby her mother befo'o <fcn'h; bvc^nse Mis< J'jrvey. by her own n lmjs>.j in, was not in a tit state t>> observe symp torus with any degree of acjunicy. Prow my beirt 1 siy Jt, Ido mint sinc-reiy pity that poor uirl; and I srost that my cn>B»-extimina"ion of h rle {> ko thai fueling on ray pirf. Hbe ofcipita a very piinful po»iti''n imi«td.| I For a child to bo Ufi'Jet* the belief— %v I have no doubt she is —that ber father, has been Ku'*ty of an atrocious crime, m u*U bfi eiwawh to drive her distracted. I wonder thit «he was able to t/ive her evtde"ca in the very methodical manner si>e diii. It must be obvio'is, from her own aeconnt that ado ha* been bioodine over the oireumetancs attending be' mntW-i ''e.'ith. until t-ba ban got into a morbid state of mind, in which, uuconeciounlv. perhaps, *h« bat be-;u imptfllei! to th-j iielief that ber tathßr his tle»trnye ber mothffll". I h'tt «l»o him t^kcii that njortiid vlbw, i:u<\ conceived th«t 'ir.-«il!ul Jiallucination, I think thore i« vnry utrong evidence to prove, liut floi s n-it h<>r own ti-stimouy prove tint an^.ttier fe>li»a a!r-o, bin takwn pogs^sston • f ber—tburof i'lff-risa hatred of !fT f.ithvr ? Yon will nay, "It is naturti uniler the CTCnnistai cm ;" enit a>> I siy. Iba r.-v .leiou from the feeling of na"ura! aQcCtmu to one ol iaisnee and inor<*BtUEly bitter hntre'l, on a-'cnnt of the foul dee. wbich alic btlit-v •» fcer f ither to have perpetra<ed t mu»t have w.rped her jailiirnetit—roust have ie*l her to color and to tutlon things, uutil they hnve aosumed a lotrelly different -md wrotif; appearance ; icd > hie must prevent gei<t!irttien charged with the (a*re<! ifuty you hive to perform, from onfcUerlnft ber ciridenee a< other tb'in unsafe *tnd unrtliabia. 1 tympafhUe with he trirl ; but I muot not foriret !b.? .lufy I oweto fi«-r f'ither. My chief tninsion bee, ( -*onfe«ii it, is to «how thai Mi** Jirvey in la'»or Jnir under a dreadful hall u:i rial'On ; and that, <abother intentional!* or uu nK-ntionnlly, i-he ba> dp.ited frmn f.ota, or (/.lvt-u to ihem kUffe a c 'loring, that it wota!d be in tho hiisheut dej^ew Impru'lent to uny tbe lea^t for you to rely upon her evidence. 'ihost-ry a» it appia am thi- case, iniudeel most roiia tic. It hna in it, alt the clement* of oe of the mo>t thrtlSin? riimi^CPS ever writ'eu ; ao'l I 'to not wonder tout it itistekeo pos-ts.-ion oi tb« hearts nnd aiio'B of very many women, and holds them in moat painful suspense for <he is'ue. All of a« mutt b« known caMja fhowing how liable fcmiles are. when any Btronsr, Btntiment taken p»tes<*i'»n of ibrm, to be earrled awny hy it.-how liable tb<y t-ien (ire to exu'g'-raW io all tbut relttes ti the partiiu'ar sabj^ct—and how dsngcrona it would Ye to rely upirn their evidence in such a solemn inqniry as tho present. I complain th«t the medical mn here havo bt-en placed in a taim ptattion, in b*in*{ aikei to infer the n'lt-ira of disease ir m tl;e twimppor'el dfscriptioni of this oae inorbiiiy exottsd girl . it se«ms to me a'most unpiecedfnVd, thit meh a. ihlnt'i-hou'd )>e attempted ; *nd sura I a'o that the m dical m«n cmre-oed have not b«ei »up pli«.i with stay Rood irrontid on which to !»%*« nu opinion. Home people may say of M« Ja'vey, •• **ha w a nobio girf. Sbe tuake* a great naerifloe of frellni:; >-be <t nounces her father before the world, an a mnLfactor, and the is a heroine for «1 i»g it." I agree with taut doctrine t> a etrt'on extent. It i» an cxeroice of (jre % moral cm'a'.'o tviat Mia> J,irv«y has whown ; and I sympathisj with ber position. Bat yon. geiit'emen, nil mea of the woild, i«a«t have perc-ive'l, nnw and th-n, traces of the fiend ri-in-r within her—that is, ths ftnail of »"(ter and hatred towards her'father,wbieh. has taken po'sestfos of ber. Tfte /Eilian harp, when ifc< string* are swept by tha br^e»s, will fend forth low and wailimr kouiilk a_e Jrem, some woman in the depths of ties air—pttitative, m>rro»fai; but theree'»sie* a finrce ga*t of wind, and then th« note* are wof n'lriaka of ptunJon and crlte for Trcn*{«iiQ*ie. I» wot .tali nfk alt>»WaW?,' niiy, an appropriate aimile, srentlemeu? Miss J&ive? id torn by confliftiiii-r paa»ion»-— *h« is imtw'W »y what »)»« thinks a -tense of jnttlce, to denounce ber fetJier; but at tlie same time, ft peculiar taint or bias i« given, to: her evidence by the anger and hatred nhe feels to ■ wards him who, she thinks, has deprived ber oT her beloved mother. It fa under the influence ol these conflicting pas-tons that she has given her evidence; and I beseech you to scan It mastearetally, Itat you should be effected by it, and ted to adopt the mie-statements into wltkb that q*rit off

lutocd has betrayed ker. Did you not boto how frequently she paused in jrfvitttther evidence— paused, so often that ft veverd times "attracted the notfee of the Judge. In no* this aMr inference—that, bavins? told tor, story to Mr Bimofgan, in private, to Dr Hodum, in private, and apiiD at tias inquest, fhe bad got a certain ml of pbrniei ia hear mind, and wanted to repeat just the same things In that box—to slick to her story, in fact? Her coot deUtertttfon was most remarkable. She pauwd, untU she had {tot the sentences to be pat fnio her mother* raontli, sad then she went od—sentences tbst I w II undertake to say, none of yon gentlemen, hardened ft* you arc, comparatively, by the struggle with the world, would have been cool enough under »4 atl t-iiajfar ciraunnto-ce*. to Bare *v •c-urateiy noted and r>m*ia tsred. Ac u.ited by tbe spirit »o ■which I bar« rufwed, {sit n>t I'Oixjble tluit she baa 'wen carried »w»y to invention, xs to many of those sentences? I da btilieve tb*t that pbr&t-, "It is buying my throat," w*» Mjfrgfsu d b* <*on ewaitoni with the Oammfs-ioner ot police or the Coroner—m'>re probably tbo Itttttr; for he, having apparently fo'rowt an opinion on the rase won'd uatu a'lj pat qa»>-tion- that wcu'd sugAWt to hsr thin*;* which »iw iniJ*t say if that a;»ne "I iuwn wjib in come to Ix 9 feeiicv&i by others Ido cot toy this a:i any rifl-ctton upon Ijt nockm. (ban whom titere'ia ao one hew for whom I tave gr aier rj*r>*ct- BemcmW, ireiitlrm'n. that th<; cirl'u B'ateraent that her mother cpok* tit <ill, up*t»irr t j«»t t>ef»r9 her >toatb, is contrarliiUed by fh" boy. nn'.Tc*, who #ays tait liia mo h-rdid no wore than moan: bat if »he <Jii tpeuk, w iuld thi« bewi'.dfrcd jjirl, who eoufeswl t.mtaiio oit nut know fvtwtsbe was <i-nnK\ be Jikelv to hive remem rre<l all the wnu-nee* which »be >epea:e4 in that box? Why thonid not the »tory which tlbeeiri fint told the Coion<-r, »nd which tbeu &vu,ft»<l him thit there wm to reason for an inquiry, not b« Jteeeft'd *» fsifotactory now] Why hat she changed hsr rtory? Ha» what pm-cd with respect to tb*t> i roperly on the Huon, in Tasmania, had anything to-fo with the channel The tfij took anneihingfrr>m her I!• tier's no«t*e after th* funeral; and stio a<tmir.s tier be!ief that ber fatber intended t~> get a war* rapt to ftarrh the homo of Mr Lumb for the mi skirt things. When np the conntiy, the ws». ia correspondence with Lumb ; and maj it not t>e conjecture-!, spirt from uny evidence, tbat Lumb bad something to do with her coining town again to town? Lamb »m tbo man wbo wrote the lettir nieoed " loTetiixator." which appeared id tbe paper, and 'be writer of which said that he bad good evliisuce against the Dri-oner. Lumh wits the roan who obtrasivtly prensed hira'elf ujion tbe Coroner, demanding Mint his evidence «boul <bj Liken. Th re ia enough tfi wairmt m> ttkiutr you to beliere that Mb gUI ws« acttd ou l-y » umb. Tlio Jurfuc: i do not nee any evidence of it '■■fie c >raminifstc'i to Lumb, not he to ber, what '■he. aft#rwnr<*a lold tbe Coroner. That shows inSima' I}'1 }' bat Ido not nes that It ohoww proii.ptInj; on bis part. Jf it couid have been thown ihat l.uiub exhibited anfmoHtlv— Mr Suit h : Wtiion ie thn v,Ty thins; <bat was iihown by Ufa goiu£ ami fon:ia^ bin evidtneo on fne jun. Tiio Ju'iee : He was swo-n ; bat wbatheeaM wit« co;cidertd so unelet-8, that ntitber party would cJiil bidi h;re. Mrgntith: Thit makes the tinimosity the irreator. At ftll ere; t», froni what tlie Coroner iai.l, I infer animosi'y. And vrn nttd not fi-an-b ifar to" a nioiive. Tlie prisouer had net an in the uhip: ing agency ba+ine-* ; «n>i it roighf bt-con-T-iiient to f;eta rivnl oati f t)ie way. I think I liHve nbown yon that tbe etite of tniuil of Miss Jarvey at ihe Ume and iiuce her moihar's death, prevents ber testimony leinc acceptei; mod that bei"^no, the evitencK of the medicil men, fo far tig it is ba<e(l upon an a'wnroption I but she accurately described hsr mother 1* syraptorm falia io ibe g oaoil. N< body htin giv«;n on a Teason why ihe account of the dea-h which first .'Htiified the Coroner, *h uld not now be coosideml aatia'iictory. It in-y b- said that tbe purchase of pui«on by tbo pmonoe might i-ff-cl Dr H' ckeu's opinion ; bat be yon not tuDed to iziro ao o.'iiolon on t)ie |> >mc, nor would it be admiatibU—h<» has only burn calif<i to give hfa opimon upon the nymp'oms wh'ch Miss Jarvey described. I tvir-h to »how lliat 1 am ready to taect every possible assumption ; Bin] I wilt now deal witit the second i-pect of the c»«e, a< ! bafur>r atate-i it, Itie this No utrjchniue wna fount in the deceased'a tlomnah, but tbe sjruptoui- were con-istent wltn the 'iction of Hirychniue; or, if poison ira« f.rmvl, i» may be Roeomitcd lor hj an> one of n c'inpter of accidents, which rm:d reiisona'bly accvuut tor i tne diath which the priaoncr fo droply uricved, ! That erief was p-oved by a wivne-a from the euemj'* cimp, U 1 may u*e the cxpressioQ-—Mrs Lunjti. The Jn Iga : She ffa»« her evidenoo vcryfair'y Mr .-mhh: ."he did to, viiiy fatrty and very credlahly. 4b to tbe purchase of tin f oho i, Mr it&s-'Ji proved that it was in tbo prceiic; of other' cuHtomers that he «.i<! to the prl»ouor, "Ob! I've got tbat sfrychnlne for yon," and that it w'.ia iv their tbat the conve'Hatio'i a!}'Ut payioc; for It 'ok place. Mr I.*»ao' proved more: (hat eight or nine months befiro Mr» Jarvey'n death, the priiooer Duugbt prison fur toe avxwed purpose of i><>ii>ODiujf rtts. f*>r which the utrychnin - was * upplied t-> him Tliat wasfoar months h>fora Mr» Jatveyand the fumiy came to New Z ja'dnd. Lid Jell, tba engineer o( the Tif.auin, proved tiiat If. c-omplaiiied to the priton*r th'it rats, or other v>rmin, hart cnten holts ia his cnat; tbit the urwoiersaid— " I'll bring <o nt-thinK to >«op that." Mr ftobinsoa. part owner of Jh« stesraer, could not re"oll«ct the prl~oiier pi opo«ti>K to nsa paison to de atroy ra-s on board her ; hat he wax -are that if the proposal ba'i been m >dt3, hti would have objected tv tt, that tbe ms wouJ I only i;et between tbe Hkia uiid the liainy;, mid came the ship 'o stiulc. Not io »|>rak mow harniily ahmt Mr MoDinnon and the two stewards, in their ignor anse of rat* ou bourd tlie v.^i-el, thin may be «<itd they showed » m>t«Mninn'i >n not to a Io v anythiug u> be K°t ou j, 0 { thijm that could be favoriibte to the prisoinir. With them, U was, Nan mi ricordo —i veiy mre r*fu«e for untruthful wituajaeti, Ctn you, gentlemtsa, doubt for a miratnt. that there were on boird tbe Titan-ii'! WUat, then, would the prisoner b« lively to do 'I He h i<l mtde » promise io JLid'ii>li u> do what he knew Ibe owner, Rot>in jon, would ohJa:t to ; hat men will be obstinate ; and th-re »ro very mmy hoka ano o >rner» Rbout a ship where pauon can be piaoed without d&ntpir to tho c on bo-ird, and without dan/cofHuvone. in this ca*e, " peaching1' to the ow cr. wbo wunld ba sure !o eotupliiiu. Wiitui is there sunpi 'ious about the purehmie of the poisou ? He goes to tdie ohe I'Utand sija, *• What yen uave me before *loes ii<)t dee'roy tde rate—it ou/y appears tomik« 'hera Bick.* J Tim ch'iniit replies ' S'heu I'l give yon pare strychnine;" and the next day. tin rewinds the |ttinoaer, '* I've gi'i tbac mryohnine," uml tbe pii-oner tsketf: away. Hapt>osiiiß the deeea-ed <ilad of p>i-wn. Ido not admit it or believe it fora, mime t; hat I will meet every asuai:np!.uin, How ww it, administer dt' * Hy the iiWa of the nri*oner,"«ay-ith Crowi. But is there no way of accounting for tin a iminl'tra tiou without Hccaniug ihe prtaozw of an awful crime? !>■ it uec4»tary for me rn'dweil np«n what (uay reitnit Irora carelewnese? Whin I befjen erperlments in contectioii with this owe, 2 **n:ed half a ilrajtbm of strjehaine, an>' I went to my rh»m)rt'* f»r it. He wan out, and I left * message for him to »end it to my bou-,e. Thiok of that. I was dttfciued on my way home; and when I started acoii), the thought fluibed scroe* mj mind, " Wuat have I doae ? that po'won m^J be do iv'ticrl befor« I reaott home. Women will be cu-ioaa. My wiia may opau tbe pa'Cil, and sbo siißv, woraan-iike, ttstethe powiJer. Go^d heavfk ! what will happen!" Gentlemen, you may believe liwt Imo borne very hastily. Look at these paroelc—oneo' q v Iv mc, t heoi htmt strychnine —she exact coaoterpartiiof thcee sapi'Lied to ibe prisoner. Do you bettovn .that moh v i«)i'on fhould be mid ia ra -b pupet 1 Shoald any of it b**ol<" f except ia a stoppered bottte? The prtoouerh^* the *try Jbnine tbirte or four days before hi* fife a death mLhi he not, afwr usiaK *»!n* fjt tbe rau on bosrt the ship, have pot the parcel into hi« waistcoat jwoket? I aeard fh» _otb.r day of .'a '!iH)iufttt**r -who ba(l--cam>»«r_* parcel of Has poison in his waistcoat pocket for weeks. u-'Vn&i-Tit! wight town put hfoflngws.te his pocket, buvc taken oat*few«f thecrystw. hare put his finseis to bi» lips, and Wen dead itt. ftalf m hoar. Why, titan, shonld not tbe priwnfjr, have taken this ittrychnin* ItomeT TwowrOtwe days* wear in bin pocket would so fray the P»PfJ that. Inetritably, a number fof tba crystals would I get loose, rate fils poel^et.. He tode home tfte quinine paw*aru, very piobably ia tae J«iae Socket; and now «wOy might same of &c QdOcd B^tbjains have got Into the parcel

or liw ifotda of tbe paper I A quarter of a trrain but caused dea:h; and I {nut it to you that, is the way It have described, tbe priwm?r, fa adminbterinjr a quinine powder to hl» wife, roisht bave uncoiMcioualy adnifcistered strychnine tuso. Axe you prepared to assert that it could not have so happened, gentlemen 1 Why abunild you adopt She forced and horrid theory of murder? There is another pwribliftj to be suggested: that Mm Jarvey examined tbe clothes which ber husband ! took oil" on tbe Saturday, and which he would j most probably not wear on tbe -unday found j tbe packet tasted the contents— aud was not markedly aftVctcd until alter the prisoner returned home. All tueee ore reasonable hjpoth -*c«, up in any of whi.-b you should a quit me pri«oner, unli««a jou Hud tbat he had «iine (.mmondoai motive wiich imiieiled him to ao nrait th'a foal de"d. Wb«t Is the allege-J motive ? That lie wLobed to take a w.min libto bis bum under the ditgube of hoa-eke*j>er, bat (or criminal interc urge. Thi- wiman, be it retnenv bert<l, was not one iftfa, whosn pret'y tm'. he haT been ju*t oaritivat<;d ; ba. one whom be h-ui known for tighten month*. But them is no evidence that be ever enn-orted with her; and the only place he was spoken of a< VMitioe uritd her is tbe bou*e of tfm bnsbandoori r hi« old s-boolfeliow and pUyaate, Mrs Duthiw. Ktver did I kn»w «.f » ci*e that ao lamentably broke down on this all important poh.t of motive for crim.-1 Jn cn»e, the motive wan plain fc» a;l—irresss'ible to him Can you MSeve that /he p-itoaer's <te«ira ti gntlify hiii Jaitwamn alfquait motive for the de»trno>ion of )•!<■ wife 1 Iho a that »ach intercoarm by a, married mtn is a fuul wrone <o htii wi/e. Bui If the prisoner ucii-ed it bUwife need not be riertroyed for ths (rratificition of the piMiion. Thrre are pU-nty of tim«« anl pla-fa fur such » thintr, without wife lanrrier. Will yoti believe that so foal no a rorioasu o ime wiu •H^miustted, froni lust after a worn in whom le hid known at feast a T^ar before hi* wife came to this colony Game? Wh>, h« went to Tasmania and bronKht over hit wife and fiaiilj, Before thU, he nupptied all their nooilw in money, and sent them pivcntt b- «ides. Mis* Jarvt-y told you that gciutitrmen; and 1 have no donbt that to m«<-h of ber evidence was quit* truthful Nemo repente ftiii turpi&timw Foar or five months before it is alleged this foal deed was doae. the p i.oner wits nuppcrtinjt hie *tfe and chilrfren aooording to bis means ? j What shnnid no naddenly convert him into a warderer? Tbfn woman? Whyhi* wifewa* not in bis way, whatever be de*ire>l with this woman Ha hrcught them ovrr here. They were living on this propeaty on Ihe Huon, whl b has been so mneb t poken of; and that is a rougb, baokwooste »irt of country, where they could Kve well for little or nothing, a« compa-e't with the co-t of their msinfteiiance hert>. Wcy abou'd be incur the trouble and the expense of bringing ihi-m here, unless lie loved theai, and dt-aired to bavt* his hnoselio'd roaifortably settled in this Colony 1 I mvii now conclave 1 feel bow unequal I bave bfen to the diwbarße of th* respon»ibl« daty that hiK f«t!en upon me. I trust, gentlemen, tiuit >ou will make due ali wance for my BhoitC(inatnjrn, ami tbar you v/iU patie..itly ciin^Mer thiit cisc, and not lii(bt<v convent to ink. away tbe life (if felluw-creainre upon »nch evidence a< hns been addnred in this rase. Y«a h»v« a gruve and vacred daty to perform Do not thriak from it. if yoa think the prisoner Is r>s!ly eaflty. 1 ata the last man in the world to yoa to arqajt one wb^m tou ci»n think Rnilty of the atrocious deed imputed to ihe prUone<*. Ltl me bi'teeih y«n to wci^b well all the ovi'ienoi! and all Ihe pirts of tliii complicUetl on«e —complicated bee a«n it, hns bt-en «urrouncfed by Dumerom facto which really hive uo bearing upon it. Oeniktn'-n, Inm mtUfie lof this: If you do iriv« tn tbe fiKtnthat >erioan coiii-ideraiinn which I am sure it>ey wilt receive at your hind", you can romo to but o c conclusion—that on the evidence for ihe Cr wn, which is alt that yon bave to conni'ier, jou bnvo most reasonable ifouhts—loulils npon whi b jou will fe«l juttiS-d iv fiudinif a vemict of Pot <4ai ty. And, g jut)coien, h.vlnicdono, a* I ioi wider, your duty in fin ting tbat ve-niot. you may retire to y nr homes, happy in having dls^hnnfid that duty in tbe fac "f otrang imnito pr< judice ; happy, al»«, in the t'lougtit th^t. to tbe latest hour of their <>xioteno«, thw poor chilJren wil til<-s< and revere the memory of tltose wiio have tavf-d their fa her from sfel-n'o doom The leagued Counsel nhowed toneh emotion daring the clo<fnjr pnai-iges of hi« a f'lrets. Tim Juu^e Kdi'l that in so important a caw, he should titter sumicini; up ii nil the next motnioit; and at a qno'ter after (ive o'«loRk, tne (' art was ai'joariud antil ten o'clock this day (Wedripa'iny.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 1016, 22 March 1865, Page 5

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TRIAL OF CAPTAIN JARVEY FOR POISONING HIS WIFE. Otago Daily Times, Issue 1016, 22 March 1865, Page 5

TRIAL OF CAPTAIN JARVEY FOR POISONING HIS WIFE. Otago Daily Times, Issue 1016, 22 March 1865, Page 5