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TORT CITALMBBS.—SIabck-10. Wimi 8.W., irlifl bre*2«. Hi)?h water on 20th M»r>'ls i *t >b« Hewfn, 7SO p.m. { at Port Cbftlmm, 8.21 p m. } at Huncdin, 9 6 p.m. kHMVAtS. Dtwlol Wat«m. M%. 14* »«"*» Ve*tbenUmo, eenßTttl ca^ffflj Hofwsrt T'-wn, 0 puteogers. rrUch*T4, Fl*h*r "»'' C->, nsent*. ~, jLubrav, /• Bwiean wfbc-n'i1. 3'B ton»>, Horn**. fr«a B<«o», H. rt OfP. 22, lumber and mcrchaudice» G. It. u-itw,"a(re t, ■ Jon* L«;kbart; ii«hwnfr. C'nlow, froraoj-ursey, gacera! cirgo, Franck Jia4 Co., ogents. BKPABTt'BKH. : Albamhra, aa. M'f/an for OkitikJ, 330 pasMDglM'it. Albirni. HP. KMner, for Melbourne, Bngh'sh mail, 110 p&'**nttt n Bj-JHiowt, bn>-(jn<\ 278 t"m». Yon Uefliinjo, for , Va!para?*o. tirot^r tx Jui.n fulirok nml JSella Viatn, from Bt»;w(irr»s itlan'?, 3 paa»«nff»rs. Ain-dale. a». Fcrcu*on, for Bluff Karhror, orittinAl cargo and pa*('rif ifom Wortliera Porta. MMKSOKJI UfiT. Per DnnlfJ W»ißon, from Hrbirt Town : Mr j and Jilra rinyw<»"<l «nd fw children, Mr and Miss An»sewn. M«lter Oortlrt-y. Per Albion, for .M*lbf.u-»f : Miss BJehanl^n Mies Tnyl r, Mri) Buckley, Mi«w« Baeklcy (2), Mi** Fi<t'h"r. Mrettiordii.. Mrs How »• d «•!.)!'>, Mrs Meliimtt, Mrs Htvuirt and. fnmlly (*). Mm'S Mnrtiri, 8<b!«!!», Pa'aona. I«iia"*, TaMaiDafi, Hart. Heym»ni«>i», KatO'i. Smtfc'i. wlnttlnßham, fhrk, 8h iw. Kusmll. Fisher, Nlchol', G. L fim», It- Fwirrc. W, Por-yib, Meek. X Mccller, M. FI'U'V. K. Bot<«), Clai*. PiH, R»tiray. Bowman, Bird, Penlmen, Copt Vine Hall; 75 in j.tei-rapc. Per Alfinii.brft. for Gkftiki: Mrs flail nndcW!'.!, Mr* (Irant chii<!, »n<! in'cnt lAtb Dunn, Me^ra Horsfaii Cuifdeford. Battiirpn. Hnworth,. <3iog, Al'Dcaihi Chsmbeif, 8!0 !u steerage. F(wm LowDf»!»~K*mnk, D"c. 10 No. fl7fW, 3rd cl[« p ; General Wyi drtam, Dec. 15, Ko. 1507, 3rd rfia t>. I'iiojj Mbljiouune—Trailer, Marcb 4. FkomGi-abo.w -Bt. Vinwnt, ! ec O,Ko.CCI, 2nd din. p. PROJECTED BEI'AHTOItWH. Celaeno. for London, curly. Bobert Heuf!«»r«nti. for tt>n<\m\, Match. Ola'gnw. f r Okitiin. thts 't«y. : Urilft Vi-ta. for <>l<itiki, tfOtliin«t Sir V. I) «Wp. for i.xi'iki, 20th in«t. Hero, f«r Lvtti-ltun. 'hid day. Ynnn for ("«kitilti 2Utt<i*t. I Bruthi-rn, for'kitiki, Sifi'l tnst tiotbenbnfit, for < JtUiki, 2Ut inst. Lord A^liloy, for Cki.iM thixdity. GeclooK. for OnfinMi. '■iin-f iost. la-ly Uinl, for <>Mtiki. Sard in«t. Win. Jliskin, fur InvciearKill, U2od !ntt. VBWPi, <tn wtl, Oclacno, fliip, from T/>ndon. Bobert Ik-ii'tertion, ».tiip. from fJla'Row. Bahy, «.»., from liivercni-.-ill. Kdwarr! n<:<l <. brbtophtr, Irom Waiknva. E«tli«r, fclioonor, from I ytt'i'ton. Eleanor, bfsrq*te, from St. Jobn>, K.B. Annie, an'mimcr, frotn Ohdmu. pefinnce, febooner, fiora Alo!yncux. Dolphin, fchoon«r t from Wnikava, Befl.i Vi«la. Ijfirqne, from .Sicwart'u T«lnnd. Wra Mii-kin, v.v., ir'-iu Port Molyncnx. Cymrnes. schooner, from Cnnleibury. Travclle<*i* HiM<; from Cfiathftrnf. Storm JJird. B'liooncr, fnn Ncweasllfl. Li<lv Ann *liip, from London Fir F. D.-akf, mslioon^r from SlnurillHS, Rfjdlothisn, kctjh from Bs t. Gothenlia'g, « » , from Ly'.tel'.on. Julie licyn. butqi'". from Adelaide. Fawn, brijr, from Miuritiusi. A. W. Strv-.iiß. butquv!, from Kewcsstle. Elforf, cotter, from < 'oa«t Affiiiui'O. ba quo. from Newmutle. Jmo ljocklnrt, scljo'iacr, from Sydney. Daniel Wubou, brig from Ilobtrt Town, I.ubra, schion-r InmllwWi, 0.8. CUSTOMS KNTKLBS. INWARD 9. Mircb. 18-A. W. Stevon*. 474 tons, J. Ii Brawn, mister, from Newcastle with coat and pljs». "Ma't^r, BKi>nt. Marcb 18-Affis»ncn. 401 ton*. Q. Bimson, master, from with cml. Lioyd, Taggt rt and Co., ngentfr. OOTWAROS. March 18 —Albior, 4GH lons, Kltlney. master, for Melbourne vriih cargo, piMsngcrs, a«d mails. Cargilland Uo.agents, Mnrcb 18 Arum, K0 tonn, Itnvell, master, from '"am'ini, with cariro. Matter, asont. Ma'c'i 18 -Kflort, 20 ton?, Kills, master, from Heathc'it*, with carg'>. 11. Houghton atid Co ■ agenta. OIJTW*n)>« —m>AHTV»t»K. Marnb 18 TVlklrs"l. 28 ton», Cntnbsr, niaitcr, for OkitiM with c^rro asjeni. ' March 18—■I-trfv Kr<nkH» 40 tons, C-ron1 ell, rn&Htcr, for tbo Jlolyncux, with cargo. Dalrymple junr., nnd Co , nseiit*. Mi.r«h 18—'Aliiambra. 407 tcisjf, M'L^n, master, for OklJiki, with 350 passengers. Koj»i", Mntlie «n>i Co., r.gcnto, Starch 18 — Airr.laW 210 tors, Ferguson, master, lior the U!uff, wjth curco and ptmitugctx, Q. 8. Brodtick, ape t IMPOMTS. Per T.ubra. from Bo'tin, U.S.: IC4 cases merchandise*, II Towns; .'W-to, A C Holland ; 120 iiiecs* aih planking, 8 pwkngCE etvetinfitstock, ) ca.H* inerc'iaiKli-p, 4 barrels, '"ohti timi Co; JJOO kit- flab. 194 (!.z v puitn. CO n fltst tuba. 8 of sen howd (-kirt*. Csnptain Howes; 300 kog- lnb«'«>ra, 80 box<-. 200 i.xc«, HO t'nxi*. 3ca<ku, 1251 cues oil. 42 005.>et lumber, 3 casea, 13 boxia tba'co, G i. tfi-o; a'SO'ca'w oil. A Brisuui-j 12(1 pnehageii gla'-nware, 20 catea kerogenw. W Kennedy. Per Daniel Wati>n, from Hobait Town: 10 ci"X» ««'i, Cbnlix; 2 cunmj i'cotf, B»t'i; 1 caao lioncy, Bly ; 17 cases fruit X 6 Fi»tier, 112 ca««!8 do, 18 b^* onion*. Piher Bronj 1 case plants. Lift" and O; 04 eaww frait. 31! half-do, l'eatbcnt me ; 158 emeu do, 24 half do, 27 ca«es onions, \V Ki*her; 2t Veen Jam, M'Callum; 60 cate". Wilder ; 121 can*". W nsbor; 48 caw«, 18 4 do Fisher Bros; 20 cft«o«, 15 rfo Jim, 1 casK, 1 bale Jiaonn, DtmieU and Co; 45ca«'« j uu, Ii H Msitirt and Co- 158 cases fruit, 35 half-orure-i fruit, 83 bijtn onion*, W Fisher; 5 canes j-ito, PentbeiN ftono; 10 M 0 0 f-»t b«"««, Pritohardj 2(5.000 0-do, 15,000 latdn, 6552 feet timber 1? 600 5 (t jmlinjr, 3!G5 p-B'a and rail*. 25ai'te» b--on, I'islier sud Co; 74 ci^a fro t, 78 half cr; i «10, Ft'fttherstone I'er jinn«. from Oamaru: 22 bales wool, Bojae, M u'He ond <'o Per Kftiit, from Rcat'iests Eiver: 400 bags oati, Wbittiajzhnm Bros. Per a(li-iiire,from Newcastle; £74 t-ns coal, &. M* .Kinnou. - ■ Per "A. \V. Sfc¥i»n«, from Neww*t'e : 067 tons coal, 40 i>ig«, CO busheU mites, 12 lowtj, 12f?fitfia«, 12 clucks, ordtr. EXPORTS. Per Laiiy Franklin, for the M .lynoux—A large quantity ol pkja nn-l i"t&res fo? os'ilers. Per Albion, for Melbourne—'4 pkgs iad«, Dalgiity nnd Co; 7 naze* vestas, Praock find Co ; 12 pkg», BrlKcoo acd <-'o ; 1 onainc. A Cairns ; 1 bale paper hanging*. Scmilan Siro'flportrnantfan, Wa?«on and rotib; 6 pkft*, Cnrcill and Co ; 1 ewe G Wnttlicwfl ; 1 ea*e caibrnidory, O-reill and Co; 2pkß«, J Htiniltji. ; 8 rases, J Wilson j 2 parcels, Cnr«ill aod O. t'roduce of die Province —^1213«» s.lwt», IS^rs of uold, Union Bank, si)2owldwt, Bonkuf The schooner Lnbrn. by which wo have American advices to the 22nd of December, Bailed from Boston on tfmt <laip, with a cargo of lumber and general merchandise, partly for till* port and partly Sydney, '■whither she proceeds niter dkchargiag the portioa Intended for Ota/ro. With onlloary

wealhw during the first part of the passa c, and stronsr W. tv-ind* wliUe rannutfr down licr eairtin^ in aijotit Sode« &., $he mad/i Hid trip la 85 ifay*. To tho New Kealaml eoiirt'fo 80 dsy»; to the meridian of Mdiwuroela 73days; to the Cape irifiO dny#: e»d to the Equator io 22 day*. Duringl the ps«s:«{re, *!io uliippwJ a «ea "wiueh msaihed a boat and wine xpaw; and *he nJ» carried awnv «ome «pan» aloft. Though of 318 tonji refditer,' nod capable <rf carryin■'■ conuWcraMy over 500 tons, sho only draws 10J Jeot water « rrescnS, and will probaby diKchali¥eot I>»nwJlnHercoi»mantl«r,Cap<alit*llOßii»,td K'hfn we are Indebted for Boston file* to fb»dt»U!of departure; was foitncriy in command of the *lnP Southern Cro«*, of 10W) ions, which v««ct, whue under hi* command, ww completely btmiton the Wgbmta by the Ccnfwk'rateerulncrFloriifc, during njmsajre from CtalHornJa t« eha Eastern SlatesTho hritf Daniel Wftteon, Cantnia reafhersionc, foroscrly of fhe iwiiouner l'itot f and whom shortly to awuree command of a now vitml to Iw launched"thto week at Hobart Town, arrived from tlwt port after nn eleven «!a>V wsssage. hue reached Foveaux Stwite, with modwate weather. !on Thursday last, s.incc wh!cli date »he na* had Bfiffbttul winds. She brinjpi n larpj caj?o of fruit nmlotlncr Tasmanlar* proiiut-i?, inctudlnir a ca*eof plants for the Botnnicnl Oartlcni«, Dune-din. Her papers are to the 7th iu«t. Tbo rtcmrisbfp Alhambrn, with 330 passengers tor Okitiki, took her departure on Saturday cvcninif, and on Sunday morning the nfive wbpouer John Bullock, with"lCs r a««npfer» for the same destination, was towed out by the tfamwm. The Albion, which a!«o cailcil on Saturday afternoon, had n large number of pastscnKcrs. fbr Mclbourri', chiefly families In the cabin. The barque. Brilliant, which was towed i ut on Sattirdny, took the first car«ro of Stewart's Inland timber which has bcflnsblpped t Vaj{>nr»feo. It is to be liOjJCil Clint she may prove tlie initiator of a new and cxterwive branch of export trade.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 1014, 20 March 1865, Page 4

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SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 1014, 20 March 1865, Page 4

SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 1014, 20 March 1865, Page 4