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The weekly meeting of the Town Board was held yesterday afternoon—Mr Bastings ia the chair. There were present Messrs Miller, Kednviyne, Howard, M "Guire, Turner, Gfrey, M'Leod, Murray, and Ham.

Btfo-e the minute we e conn meti,

Mr D. WrnE«, j<n drew the attention of the Boar*! to the fact hut the last, meeting was illegal, as bv the. by* l-.w-, of the Board any meeiiucr was illegal which ws not held within fjfteeu minutes after ths hour for w>icli it was called. The meetine: was called for fuur o'clock, and he was in attendance until twenty or twentyfive minutes, past four, wh ■» no meeting took p'aee. Under the=e circnni«tauces lie held that the minutes could not he con6im;d.

The Clerk explained that on the day i» question the Boar i were enc«god in Committee from thr'-e until affc four o'clock.

Mr M'liKOD more* that the minutes be confirrae ', on tfie ground t!ia< lie (HI not see the force of members of the Board continually splitting haivs in the manner n whii'h Mr Miller was in the habit of doinpr He wns astonished that any momber should obstruct the proceedings in this manner Mr D. Millkb, jnn. liar! no wish to-obstruct the business, hut he drew the attention of the Board to the fant. The minutes were then eonfirme', Mr K Millbk jnn tho»jrht he ivruld he tjuite in order in entering his protest against the confirmation of t; e minutes n r M'Lkop hoveil the chairman would set h*sface "gainst iccei ing protests. There was no provision f'>r it in tb« hye-laws. The matter dropped. HPPOBT OF TUB FINANCE COMSTTTHEB. The Clf.kk reart the f.illuwing report; — " vour Comuuttee met on f>e 17th instant, and consirere i thn viirious subjects referred to them by th* Board " 'I hf olaira of Messrs Pwcp nnl P^cUhara for the completion nf their contract (fillinc in the M-irtet. Keaerv<) wis inves i-ate', and your Commi-tpe rec mnnend thai ihe amount, say L'4lßl7^4' he paid, heinsr tlßo over the original terulor, as shown in the one accepted by them, thedifftreni'e ia ths total haing an error in th« addition. "The day-labor p-'y-sb'e*, arnountinK to L7B 5s ('o Nov. sin lusive) was ordered'to be paid, anil a iheque drawn for the am' uut- " Mr Ba>m-< not h«vin<r received an official notice ns to exnm'nr g tiif 2'h rhwins frnciag afc Waihola ouM make no report up>n the same. Th- Clerk w«s instructed to givit Vsr Barnes the requ: vert noiice " The sev'-ra; accounts ren ered to the Board by the Gas (.Jorannny were onsidrrfd, and yoar Committe rec-itnmpnded that no sums he paidT except for lamps actually lighted and certified for as correct.

■' Miscellaneous accounts amounting to Lt2B ]0-i M, were pnsspd and ordiret for pivment." It wis moved and seconile'i that tlie report of the Finance ''ommitte be recivwd and adopted. Mr D Miiuiß, Jan.. moved an ;m>enMmettt— "Tb-nt tbe lepoir. lie ou the table until nesfc mei^ti^ig." Tin - wwnot seconded, and accordingly fell ka tbp ground. Tie motion was agreed to. REPORT CP THE PUB' 10 WORKS COMMITTEE^ "24t!i Kovunbfi-. "1864. " The Engineer's K port of lot.'". November, was considered, and .vour Oorumitte" r commend that, the first o!au»e, referring to the public urinals and tanks tlifl ootitractors for the New Po-t Office be authorised to remove the said tank's ant u'inals fion their present no-ition to that fronting Hiali street, and mirked on the p an ' W. 'i'.' tbe same to be accessible to the public. "J ur Committee considered the second clause c-f■ the repo t n-f rnnj to the stem-water channel, "p ■fsitethfi Navvmirkf t ''ofel andareof opinion that this work comes under the surveillance i.f the Insp?i'tor of '- uS'snnci's> and cannot, recommend th* Board to take anv action.

'• Town section 25 bl'ick vii, referred to this Committ'-e. w»s deferred un'il tbe Committee had examined the spot, and report to the Board at th<-ir uex!> meeting. '■ E W. Alexwier's letter, eomp'aininj* of the grating to the sewer in Raitray'street, was cqttsiilered, and > our Or.rnniittPe a'e of opinion that the Bo rd should perform- the w >rk, when in funds, ami thiit in th* meantime day labor from the exiting st.'ff should h-3 employed in keeping r. e trratimr* e'eax. " Mr R Feowi'-U's application for a signboard, to be affixed r.n Merce>-'« corner, wns considered, and your < ommit'ee cannot recommend that the request th'iulii Up u'a'ted '■On the 2ind inst., your OommiUee, consisting: of Mr sr* i-frcy Ham.'and Barnes inspected section 25 block Vii, and recommended that tenders, be advertised f r, subject to the seftinn being open as a manure <<epofc from » unust next, under th& regulations of the Town Board Or'inane-/" It was agreed to consider this report clause by clause On clause 1, which referred to ile removal be the wdter-t^nlts, Mr M'Lkod rapre^sert a shone opinion that the tanks -ImuiJ remii" in static quo. Mr Turner li.ugh' .he vVoiks Committee ought not to have taken up tbe question, seeing th&t the B-urd had iil-ealy airiv-il ata definite resolution* "n the mbj-iec. He v?»* of opinion that ttie B-iirri' sh.-.ukl not tab- upon <heais?l*es theres»on-i''iltty of >illowin<r She co-tr.icbirs for the Post • >ffic« to remove th! t .nks to any place from wliich the Boird would agiin b.tvo to remove them when n Miitiltle site wiw /bund by the City hnsfineer. If tbe eontraciors wmld i-PißDve them to a spot vrbers they weie likely t> be permanent, he wou'd have no o'jentjon to tiieir doing so, but if they were only to be ta-< porarily removeil for the"c-invenienee of the eont.ra:t»rs.. he would set bis fane aua'nst it It was k-iowe to the members of the Board that, uilien the Ulerk wrote to the contractors asking them, in the terms of the resolution ot tbe Boav<',. to remove the obs ruction n» the entrance to tne tanks tne contractors: replie : that if tbe Olerk sent men to remove the. feiicitier. they wou'd s»nd i-ut. double 'he nural>er to vasist tbein. It would be bettfr for tbe Bsard. to eive up its fu ciions at; once than to be ilictat'd to in th's manner by contractors antl aiabitsots. The CHAIRMA.K ruled that tbe first clause ot tsie n port w;i» ou'. ot order, and could not bo entertained, as the mutter iiad already becnsdttledl by tbe Board. Tbe clause wns then sivuok out. Clauses 2 and 3 were adopted. On c'anse 4, which hail re erenco to the refusal of permission to erect a signboard over the footpath in Princes stree'., Mr M'Leob thought it was quito right to HAMS.—AT ROYSE,

refuse permission, but. at the sime time, any person could erect a signboard without the permission of the Board, if it was a certain height above the footpath. Mr Murray moved as an amendment, "that permission be uranted, so long as the erection does not interfere ith lbs public ronvei.ieu e." This was teconded by Mr Howard and carried. On clause 5. which referred to the proposed manure depot on tbe Ciner ham read Mr Turner moved as nu amendment to the clause '■ l'hat .iu the meantime the Board re- • serve the tfn «cre sictio i tor their own use. This was carried by the ca tins; vote of the Chairman. CORRESPONDENCE. Mr H. Waymoulh, sea e'liry to the Otngo Local Comm.tiee of the ft<w Zealand I xhibition, wrote reque.siinn tbe use ot t. e Board Koom fur a special met ting of ihe Committee. O'i Wednesday next, and for which the offices of the Committee were suppose ■ to be inadequate. The application v/ns grained. Mr Chaile^j Jteid wiote as agent for Mr James Pater?on, with refeic»c to an 'sse* inent case which bad been heard in the Residt nt M«gi«tratc's Court that day, and stating thai he had no wish to take advantage of any iei>:il elections which had hi en raised, but was always willing to pay a fair amount, of assessment for the tjuiidingin q'ustion since it, was erected, and Whs now ready to empromise the mitter. The Clerk explained that the house in question had been rated for the whole vfar, and he was satisfied that it shoull only have been charged with one quarter. ' Mr M'J eod moved —" That the matter be reterred to tbe Town Clerk for adjustment." This was carried. Several lett-rs complaining of the over-ra'ing of property were referred to the Finance Committee. Mr T. H. Johnston obtained permission to erect a latnp-piUar in front of M oir's Hotel in Manse street Permission was al-o granted to Mr J. ft Hood to erect two po9ts near the curb •of the footpath, opposite his hotel in London street. A letter was read from Mr Law son, architect, on behnlf of tbe Deacon's Court of the First Prf sbyterian Church, directing the attention of the Board to the present condition of Dowling street east. The street had not been cut down to its permanent level; but the church had been built to suit the permanent level. The etreet was -filled vith rubbish of every description, and as ;the Chur h .vould shortly be opened for Divine service, he thought he hai-l only to direct the attention of tbe Board to the fact to have the necessary works carried out on t'ie s;reet. It was moved and seconded i hat the letter be referred to the Works Committee Mr Guby ol'j'.cud to 'his after the manner in which the Committee's report had been dealt with that day. The Chairman suggested that it was the duty of the Board to do something to this street, and, at all everitsf to prohibit parties from lnying •down rubbish on it as th»y had ><em in the habi'J of dointr- The street w.s in a dreadful condition from ihis cause. In ihe case of other churches the Bon'd had dnne something, by the form ition of footpaths, to allow pel sons to get to Church, and he thought it wsss the duty of the Board to do something in this case. Mr Ham thought it was onlv fair that they should do for this Church what they had done for o'hers. For ti is purpose the letter shiuld be referred to the Works Committee in order to ascertain the amount which wss absolutely requir<d to make a fo t-way to the Chuic'i. Mr D. IWiller Jim., supported the motion, and endorstd the rema- ks of the last speaker. Mr Turner opposed the request contained in the letter, on the ground that the Board was not in a poH'ion to do anything to the street for want. of funds, and also because other important •works had been refused for a similar reason. Mr Grey movel' as nn amendment—" That the request be complied with, and that the City Engine, r be instructed to place the maintenance men to form a footpath to the Church " Mr hEDMAVNa sec"i>d-;d <b* amendment, •which was i ui to the meetir.g- an I negatived. The Utter was then referred to the Works Committee. A letter from Mr G. O'Briscol , enclosing an account to the amount of L23 12-< Id, for timber supplied, was referred to the Finance Committee The • ommissioner of Police wrote stating that, in accordance with th« request of the Bowl, he had given such instructions to the confab e on the beat as would prevem the removal of shrubs and flowers friirn the Cematery. A communication was read from the Provincial Treasuv«r that th* placing of the amount of LI7CO. recently voted by the Council, at the disposal of the Board, wuld have the earliest attention of the G v rnment. He requested to t»3 informed when tbe Government, migh expect payment of the account rendered on the 19th Jily for interest and r- payment ofdebentures amounting to L1928 15s <M ■ Befurre i t.o the Finnnce Committee. Mr 'fainr, S-ecr-tarv to the Uune'lin Water Works C tcp my, wrote forwarding a draft of the Act which the Company proposed sending to the Assembly Mr M Leod considered thi* a matter of such importance to the citizsus that :t ought to have the fullest consideration. With this view hy moved, " Th»ta Special Committee be appointed, consisting of Messrs Uedmstyne, Ham, Bastings, Murrayl, and the mover, to examine the Act, and report to the next meeting of the .Board." Mr KepmAtne spconded the mot on. Mr I). Mi lib, jnn., < bjfeted lo Special Committees, 'il.i matter ought, to be considered by ■ a Committee of ths whole rJoarJ. The moiion was then cairied. Mr VV. Jay obtained permission to lav down a stone crossing t<>hi* stable in C iStle street. The Chairman asked the if he had .preparen certain returns which had bem called tor several w-eks atro. Qhe Engineer explained that the non-prepa-ration of the returns was net through-any want •of courtesy on hi" part to the Board, but simply fcecanse he had been overworked. The returns •would be ready by the end of the month. ALBANY BTKKKT. The Chai-man asked the City Fngineer why the imtjiMvemeats in Albany street were at a standstill. The Kngcnekk replied by reading the foilow;.iDg report: - " City Engineer's Department, "2-tth November, 1864. " Gentlemen—l have the honor to lay hefore •the Biiard a draft letter, which I purpose remitting to the tbp Secretary for Public Works. This I do nfpr laving had a lengthened conferem c with that department this morning iu reference • to the present state of Albany street. • " ' 24tlr November, 1864. ■" ' To the Secretary for Public Works. "'Sik -C|iOti the part of the Town Board, I have the honor to guarantee that ih^y, through their contractors, will remove from Albany street to the grounds of the Exhibition Buildings 37d0 cubic yaida of earth, as also t j complete a tubular sewer het-.veen the N.W. eoi. er ot the Exhibition Block, i.e , comer of Ki 'g and Frederick streKls, and tlie N.W. corner of thR building, as laid down upon a drawing sulrnitred oy ni° to ibs Government, for a sum not exceeding I.3j'), to be paid by the s*M Government upon my certificate; nnd that tliis amount so expended will exonerate Ills (Sownim-nt t'O^n any respo»Bibility in reference to their breaking up tlie surface of this street, and leavinar it unfinished. " ' I ha?e, &'.;.. " ' Millah, P.S.A., City Engineer.' "Before seuilinj this letter [ linve the honor to request ti.e sanccion of the Board. I may •state therewith that this Government expenditure will biinesucli portion of Albany street, as has been interfered with, to a state to leceive the pernmnent n etalling, and tnabls me to opeu the same for safe traffic. '• I have, &o , "Millar, F.8.A., City Engineer." On the motion of Mr Murray, ifc was resolved — ■*' That the request contained in the report of the MUDIE & Co.'s BOND,

City Kngineer be agreed to, in rtferencie to Albany street." THE WATER TANKS. Mr M'Leod said it hail just been reported to him by the. Inspector of Nuisances, that tbe contrnctora for tlic Post Office had commenced to bieuk up tbe street in front, of the) war, r tanks. They hat! receive"! no permission from tha Hoard to open tlie street, and it was too much to <ak''it upon iheinselvt-s without authority. He suggested that. it. would be better to hear what the Inspector had to say, and to give him iu^ruetions how to act The Inspector of Nuisances said thnt a few minutes previously lie harl fuuud two nun tirnnking up the street, insi le the fence in f out of ihe water tanks. They told him they were acting scpordincr to the instructions of the contractor.* for the Post < flice He then saw ihe overseer, and asked to see his permission from the Hoard to break up the street, but he said he had none, and his men were searching for the old water channel. If the street was broken up at this point it would be impossible for drays to approach the tanks.

Mr !-Jrey said he was aware that i he contractor?, while digging out the foundation, found that water continutd to flow in on the.ti. notwMi Standing that they had kept a pump working aU night. They thought that tbe pipes leading to the water tanks had burst, and they wished to ascertain the fact.

Mr M'Leod moved —"That instructions be given to the Inspector of Nuisances to tak« legal proceeding against any person who opened the street, without bavins: first obtained permission from the Town Board "

Mr Turner seconded the motion, as he be-lieve-l the contractors were attempting to coerce the Board into complying with their request to remove the tanks from the present site.

Themoiion was then agreed to. The Board adjourned to Tuesday next at three o'clock.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 915, 25 November 1864, Page 4

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TOWN BOARD. Otago Daily Times, Issue 915, 25 November 1864, Page 4

TOWN BOARD. Otago Daily Times, Issue 915, 25 November 1864, Page 4