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November 21 — ML oniWAuna. November 21 -Eclipse, 99 tons, Hunter, for Sydney, with cargo, fisher Bro?, agents. November 21—Reliauee, 117 tons, Frodabam, for Hobart Town, ia -ballast. E. Chalmer, agent. November 21—Yarra, 141 tone, Finlaysou, for "ewcastle, in ballast. Royse, Mudie and Co, ' .\.;ents. , INW«RI)K —OOAHTWISK. November 21—Titani*, 56 tons, Harper, from lnvercnrgi!,with cargo and passengers. Robinson and Lilly, agents. November 21 —Oraeo, 605 tons, Edwards, from Lythelton, with cirgo and passengers, hoysv, Mudie and On, afrfits. • November '21 Ceres, 91 tons, BrowD, from Auckland, with cargo. Master, agent. OUTWARDS—O'IAWCWIHK. November 21—(jfpelonpr, 137 tons, Turnbul', for Lyttelion, xc , with cargo. John Jones and Co, agents. November 21— Anne, 30 tons, Russell, for Oamaru, with cargo. Master, a: ent. November 21—Spec, 32 ton-, DaVy, for Invercargill, with cargo. H. Houghton and Cc, agents. November 21— Rang'itira, 174 tons, Mundle, for Lytidton, with cargo and passeugers. IMPORTS. Per Ceres, from Auckland—Free and f'uty paid: 974 casks fliur, order; 9i casks bottled beer order.

Per -Titania, from fnverrargill- Under bond : 2 qr.-casks brandy, 2 do whi ky, Robinson and Lilly. Free and duly puid :13 packages, Low.

EXPORTS. Per Annf, for Oatnnm : 29 iron post.", 3 rases iron, 8 rolls sheet lea'1, 6000 feet timber, 1 package hardware, 1 <lo bolts, 3 iron blocks, 1 kes nails, 1 coil rope, 21 lengths spouting, 18 puck ases 1 bundle zin ■■■, 140 i rapty bags, 2 bags hair, 1 doo-, 1 case braiitlv, I barrel sugar, 1 waggon, 1 casf, 67 bundles iron, 173 bars rio, 3 pieces. Per Spec, for Invercarsri'l, free and duly paid : 30 biga inaiz", 50 do bran, 500 do oat?, order. Per Gr je on? for Lyttelton. &c , under boud. — Por Tiinarti —10 cliprH tea, 10 h do, 40 boxes do, Cargi'l and Co; 189 biife sugar, 6 qr-casks wine, Frnnck and Co; 1 J-box tobicco, 2 cases do, F Coleraan. Under bind forLyttelton—10 cases tobacco, E and J Hart. F.>r Oamim, free and duty paid—l eass drapery, Sargood and Co; 10 half-chests tea, Pranck am Oo ; 1 weighing machine, 1 case, 1 hale, Cargill and Oo; 1 qr-cask ■wine, Franck and (Jo ; 1 bale leather, Farquhar ; 1 pmcel, Hnynvm and Co; 2* parcels table, Wallach Bros ; I b tin corks, Youngman and Co ; 1 ca^e, Hiirnett and Co ; 3 drams, 1 onse oil, 12 cases paints, 3 tins varniah, 1 T square, 1 parce', 2 casks puUy 12 cises paint 6 boxes glass, 1 parcel brushware, 1 case slnss, H Brooks; 20 cases porter, Lange and Tborienrin ; 5 casks, 1 case porter, Parker and Garsides ; 1 ca«e. M Calvert; 20 half chests tea 20 boxes do, 50 do candles, Franc* and Co ; 2 cises dr sperv, Bing, Harris and Co ; 2 boxes <:!o:hes ppgs, 2 casks zinc, 1 pair bellow», 1 anvil, 1 vyee, 10 kegs nail*, 1 case, A Briscoe and Co ; 1 cisc boots, 4 potkets hops, 2 cases, Carg.ll and Co ; 6 caiks currants, 5 kegs treacle, Pole, Dods and Cameron; 2 cases iron,W and G Turnbnll; 1 pkg baskets, Boenicke: 5 cases axes, 2 pkas shums, 2 boxes. 6 packages, X Cnleman; 3 bales paper bags, 2 casks lice, 3do blacking, W and U- Turnlmll and Co; 6 cases, Murison and Oo; 10 cases, 3 trunks, 1 truss drape-y, Srrgoid and Co; 4 casks butter, J Brook; 3 barrels aie, 3 doz porter, J L and C Burke ; 4 cases bieatelle tables. Cohen Bros ; 6 cases chees", 5 do starch 10 bags malt, R U Mfortin and Co; G ca3o- bottled spirits, J II Sutter; 1 case Kpsom salt", 10 cases salad, 1 parcel, H and E Voun<riiian ; 1 ense paperhangings, 5 tins varnish, II Brooks ; 1 case drapery, Sargood and Co; 4 tagqhab, <* ; 6 casks ale, Patterson and M'Usod; 4do do, Ure and Co. Por Akaroa : 3 casks blocks, 1 parcel rasps, 36 bars iron, 1 hale, 3 oils rope, 4 cases, 20 baps, 16 crates, It iJ Martin and Co. For Lyttelton : 1 case drapwy, Sargood and Co ; 9do galvanised iron, 11 H Martin and Co ;HI trunks boots, J Bloomington; 1 package, 4 fishing nets, J Reid and Co

Per Rangatira, for Lyttelton: Under bond— For Wellington : 7 '--tierces tsbac^o, Cleve and Co. For Picfon : 50 casea brandy, EDe Carle and Co. For Nelson: 2 qr-casks do, Miller THIS DAY] 22nd INST.j \

Bros; 1 case cigars, 8 pnckiiges suga', 10 cases branfiy, 3 (]■-clicks do, McCallum, N-il and OoFree find duty paid, for 1 yttelton : 2 c-ises • hugs, 2 ca.-ks >osin, 1 case acids, 3 ilo rfrufrs, 1 <'ask do, Younemnn and Co; 135 bags potatoes. Lluul, Taergart and Co; 147 bars iron, 24 bundles do, 2 bars steel, 32 do iron, 28 bundles do, 3 nnska .sundries, 2 casedo, 4 bundles' oakum, 77 bars, 8 bundles hon, 1 bundle, 2 bars steel, Hiiscoa aurt Co; 1 cesj, 1 parcel, Kohn and Co ; 4 < a-es galvanised irnr, ldoeundiies, iBG sa^h weight-, 2 cases picks, 1 do do handle?, 1 do tomahavks. 2 bundles shovels, 2 parcels merchann'z", I coil, 40 bars iron, Wri-coe and Uu ; 3 cases, 1 bale merobai disc. J Kohn anil Co; 2 parcels', Henry Wise. For Wellington—l e\<e lamps, 5 do cheese, 6do mustard, 1 do coff -e, 3do drapery, J T Taiue; 2 keea soit soap. -2 ca-*.-, 1 keg i.rugs, 2 cases acide, 1 qr-cnsk spirits <f wuie, Youngman and Co; 3D bars iron, 9 kegs nnils, 4 cases scales, 1 American chair, 4 ei'es, 1 o^h luniwaiv. 1 case hindies, 8 keg* paint, 1 copper tuba. 5 bundles. ID plates iron. 1 parcel merchandise, 1 ca^-e ironmongery, 1 do bedsteads, 1 package stretchers, BrisC'e nnd <-o. For Pcton : 1 package type, Harnett and Go; 6do boots. Matthews and Co; 1 package merchandise, Ye Carle and Co ; 10 hhds aie, MLean and Co; 2 cases clocks, 1 do merchandise, Havmnn and Co; 1 keg hearings. 1 case starch. Ido jams, 2 bags sugar, 2 hall-chests tea, 1 box maizena. 1 case merchandise, 1 do vinegar, T Brown and Uo. For Nelson : 3 quarter-ca-ks brandy, 2 empty kegs, Williams Brothers; 1 case kerosene, 24 bags suear, 6 cases b:seon, 5 do hams, 1 "O shovi'.ls, 3 do pi-kf, 2 bags hunJles, 3 cases axes, 2 chests tea, 6 h -if do, 6 case* geneva, 6 do brand', 1 dozen sluice forks, J Griff n; 1 qrcask p>rt wine 6 cases norter, ldncotter, 3 dozm bucket?, 7 cases bac">i', 1 ca?k dried apples, 1 case salmon, 1 kfg so la. 1 cask currants, 3 boxes raisins, 8 do tobacco, 1 do pipe?, 2 do soap, 2 do salt, 6 do candies, 1 case castor oil, Miller Brothers ; 3 trunks boot*, Mathews and Co ; 1 case ttnlad oil, 1 do cheese, 3 boxes I'ibst.ere, 3 bundles baps, 2 do paper do, 60 bags fluur, Miller Bros; 10 cases baum, hi De Cuileand Co ; 1 do galvanised iron, 6 kegs rooting, Moss and Co; 4 eh/sts tea, 1 £ do, 1 bale wooJpaVKp, 2 trusses floorcloths, Turn bull and Co ; 20 cases brandy, 20 do geneva, 20 do porter, 20 b. Xrs candles, 7 cases bacon, 2qr casks wine, 1 case tobacco, Miller Bros; 21 packages ham and bacorj, 2 chests candles, 10 cases claret, 3 boxes tea, 4 do, 1 chest do, 5 boxes soap, 5 £-do, 3 cases sardines, 4 do bacon, 1 bale hop", 5 cases bacon. 1 bale bans, M'Callum, Weil and Co ; 1 case merchandize, Kohn and (Jo; 1 bdle pick handles*, 2 boxes pipes scases salmon. 1 do sardines, 1 cask currants, 2 boxes raisins, 1 cask soda, 3 bags salt, 3 cases bitters, 1 bdle calico bags. 3 doz shovels, 1 do i-luice forks, 2 do picks, 1 do axe haniiles. 1 do sundries. 1 spirit measure, 1 cask fflass, 1 (jr cask sherry win*>, Miller Bros; 10 cases kerosene oil, Turnbull and Co; 20 do bacon, H and J Hard.

The short survey made by the Government steamer St. Kilda, in the neighborhood o'' Waipapapa Point, did not result in the discovery ol the rock upon which several steamers are ale,ed 10 bave struck though soundings were taken within a considerable circlp, including within its range the bearings given by the commanders athe several vessels. Uapt. 'Ihocuas Koherttor, secretary to the Marine iJoard, by whom the survey was conducted, has, however, ascer ained from some reliable sources of information, that a reef docs exist on the coast thereabout, but not in the exact neisrhbi rhood described by the captains of the steamers which have struck, and it is prnbablp, or at lea«t advisable, that tlie present short survey should be followed by a survey more complete in irs character,andincludingboth theloculitie-'in which the reef is suspected to exist. It is ascertain* d that upon the fame reef a brig struck last, year remaining hard and fast for an hour, and there is no knowing wh;it other and more serious disters misrht cccur. By the present su'vey it was found that in the neighborhood r f Waipap.ipa, within the bearings puhlished as those within whi; h the steamers srruck, the bottom was a rocky one, with a pretty regular depth of water. In making the survey, and the other work for which the trip was undertaken, Canta:n Robertson wa; accompanied by ' aptain Louden, as an officer of the Provincial Government.

The s.s. Om^o return"d in the morning from Lyttelton, making speedy trip* both to a^d from tliit port, as she did iho on the occasion of her last passage from Melbourne.

The brig Lady D 'nison has arrived at Lyttelfon from flobart Town, c-he put into Timaru, but, finding all the nTa'ab'e appliances employed in discharging the baique Catherine, she proceeded o<-\ to Lyttel'on.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 912, 22 November 1864, Page 4

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CUSTOMS ENTRIES. INWARDS. Otago Daily Times, Issue 912, 22 November 1864, Page 4

CUSTOMS ENTRIES. INWARDS. Otago Daily Times, Issue 912, 22 November 1864, Page 4