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i;' a fiBKTKAL KE;t!STIiY-FIiICB, MRS ALPF. NNYS T*rinc6-s -itret^t. CHEAP BEDS F>R RESPECTABLE FEMURS. GOOD STHRAGR FOR ROXRB. AWTKu, the public »f D'lneilin if) patronise the Arcade Circulating Library. B. J. King, stationer, n«w«igi»nt. 7 \n\i le. W' to i: aher >a_:s, bottles' and met'.ls, and take them to .Smart street Marine Store, where tliry will get cae best price&NTKD Kmployr* «nd ■iern-tsio call at Mrs Pemval's Regi-try ■ >ti\c.e, 3 George, street, near n ctagon. W"AiVTrß"LTkn"ownTsu"psi'i<)r ~8-r^if and Residence, 25s per wpfik, Moray House, Moray place, nea p Criteria" Hotel. WANTED, two (THutletu-n as BrirJers in a private famiiy. Apply Blyth, Bsker, Walker street. ANTKD, a good Collar au<! Harness Maker. Apply. Detnp-ey Bro*., Saddlers, Blenheim, Marlhornujrh. WANTH.D a first eUsi Milliner. Apply Whyle and Co, He'grave Buildings. WAN'PRD7T""Hou-e and Parlor M>H to assist in the Laundry. Apply to Mrs F. Fulton, Tbe Forbury. ANTKi), 2' 00 doz m\ Po-t^r B.>U!es. the hisrhest price given. Parker atvl Garsides, Bnglish Ale aud Porter Kottlera, George street. \jkj ANTE », a respective Young1 Woman ?V a* Nurse. Apply at Julge Kichmoad'a, Queen street. AKT--1), a Wheelwright. Apply to Walsh and Nunn. Oargill'a Hill. WANTKD, a goo'l General Servant. Apply between twelve and o'clock, Bath Hotel, Georere st. ANThD. a Machine Stwer. to proceed ta QuepE-ntown ; first class references tequired. A pr>lv early, Gridiron Hot)l'. WAiNTEu, Two Carp ntt'i's, iinmeiiituely. Aldinga Grocery and Provision Stores, Stafford street WANTED, two good Housemaids. 4.pprjr at Watson's lloyal Hotel, Walker street. W"~ANTKD, n pood Coo!:; ntago Dining Room-, Princas-street' South. Apply sharp this morninc \Jtf ANTED, a Female Uoofc Apply to Mrs ' * Philips. Oitv Company, High street. AMTKI). two <iom\ Ores*imki>M at Mrs Young's, ntxt ttieNew Otago Club, Maclaggan street. ANT-D, a (Nurse Girl For pa>teulars apply at Birron, Grant and Oo's store, Bat'rav street. AWT if. a Ue.ii'i'iil dou-e n c iv,mt and* f'urse Girl. *'ra J- Daniels, corner of Cattle and Albaoy streets, between 0 and 2' o'clock. ANT'-D, a fis'. class Couk for the Country. Apply T7 ra an( i Co, Grocers, Princes rivet North , VXTANTE;) a siharp Boj a- ashir, also®. V V respectable Youth as Me>seuuer. Herbert, Haynf-s snd H 'y WAWT/ti). W.ol >ort r; none but.c>ra;.etant party need npnK J. W., John ReU, For— warding Aepnt, St.ufford strict, AMTJSIJ by a M.arrie<l M*n. a Situation as Shepherd, or to make himself generally useful. Add'ess 4., offi eof thia puper ANTHU T > LXV, aFurnt-hel Bedroom,, suited for two jrentlemen. Apply particulars, Taylor, GrMißr, tfaclfturgin street. W'ANTK », a sooj Oreueral -lervnut and a Nurae Girl. Apply Mrs Reid,. Heriot row. AlVi'tfU to drive • brisk triiite. OUT m->fto is small profits and quick returns. The cheapest, best, unit only million store ill Dunedin. /ill articles fcntvautei-'d fir-t quality. Note the address —AfjOltftiA Grocery, Wine, Spirit, aid Prov;sio'> Stnrc. WAN'iEf Paisetig m by (John's Coaches to know they can rely on being callt-d at the Occidental Hotel. WANT 80, rue following number of tUe "Otnpo Witness." for which a liberitl prica will be given, viz.—April 18, 1853. Apply office of this paper. WaNTKD, everyone to Know Che home of the working aid industrial classes, Sheahan'* Exi-iianj;e Hotel, !n.te of the Hirp oJ Krin. Table that diWea competition. Meals only Is ; excellent beds, Is. Alcock's bn.^a'el'fl tail«;. SIU\UON. WANTED, a Pa-.mastd- for the Northern di«;rict. App'y by writing, ao.'oinpanied with Teatimonia's, to the otiiiw of RoiJs and Works, oaor before Friday, the 25th inst. H. J. MILLKR. Peoretavy for Public Works. Dunedin, 18th Nov , 18 4. OTANTKD IT KNOWN THAI1 A * ' Firsi-Class Dinner, SOUPS, JOINTS, AND PASTRY, Can be had for Is Cd. NORTH'S GTAGO DINING ROOMS, Princes Stre't South. Ready from 12 to 4. Wyu.-SU.iTiii.S wmite.l, one or two firsfcT V class hands. Apply to i^niitb. aud Co, Toknrnairiio A' THO'-ioD (ELY Oompteur. God Melter and Refiner, is opsn to engagement aa Meiter and Assistant -"' as>iyer. The highest references given as to ability and character. Address B. I)., office of this pupfir. TTOUSBKtSKPKn W.mteii, to take tall charge JIL ofasiuftle fre tletuan's Houae; must be of mature years, a tfood look, and able t'> wait at Table; highest references as to character required and given. Apply by letter, stilting qualifications and references, addressed Housekeeper, P. 0., Dmiedin. . ffjllP UltAVrf W.i'iied, this morning, at & _g_ o'clock sharp, at tha top quarry, MaeJaggam street. Board and Residence. MR is . M D i B. BBDFORB EEOUSB, BELt HILT.. Superior Board aud Residencn for Families ana lle'ltl-'illMl. (^ <JOU Atvromni it.ittou tor Two or Three re"X epectable Gentlemen at the Belvidere Hotel, top of York i.lace. -piOOD ACCOM -><JI)A :I N for Boarders \JT in privAie family. 23s per wcjK. Address M. M., offifi- ot this piiner fStWO or Tnree t-*e«r.kuien can be accommo_L dated with Bo;\H an<i lioiigiugr in private family. Inquire, City Nuffet. KOHANfCS' AKAii H iTKL and family BOAHDiNU- H-'D'^B, Stuart street (near the Octagm.). These premises having lately (•lianppd hands, the proprietors re peclfully inform tha public that tln-y arc prepared to receive a few boarders, on niodmate terras. Nothingbut first-cla^s drinks Kept. Vocal and inirtraniental mutic every evening from seven till ten, by a celub ated pianist. TAYLOR .in'i !iIJ''KW■'MtTfT, proprietors. BOAKl) au.i ttesiu«i"u-. l'hrot; vacancies for pfent'emen at Mrs Pitziuaurice's, Gaol street, opuosit..- Su»r«ro« Court _________ Saddlery .RK'.NY Bit THKRS, WHOLES A Lli and Retail Saddlers anfi Harness Makers, Rnttray street, Puncdsa Jg_§" Observe the Name.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 912, 22 November 1864, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 7 Otago Daily Times, Issue 912, 22 November 1864, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 7 Otago Daily Times, Issue 912, 22 November 1864, Page 2