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; . IHWARDS. August 29.—Albion, 453 tons, M'Lachlan, master, from .Melbourne, with cargo and passengers. Oargill and Co., agents. OUTWARDS. August'29—Nil. INWAKDB—COASTWISE, August 29. — Airedale, 236 tons, Hagley, master, from Lyttelton, with cargo and 14 passengers. G. S. 8.-oiriek, agent August 29.— Wellington, 261 tons, Francis, master,- from Lyttelton and Wellington, with cargo (and 19 passengirs. Lloyd, Taggarfc and Co., agents. August 29.—Dolphin, 40 tons, Hurley, master, from Chatham Islands, with cargo. Royse, Mudie and Co,, agents. OUTWsn'}* —OOAHT'-'ISB. August 29.—Wellington, 261 tons, Francis master, for Bluff Harbor, with cargo and passengers. Llovf!, Tasraart and Co., ogents. August 29.—Wm. Miikin, 74 tons, Godfrey, master, for Invercargill, with cargo. Diilgety, Rattray and Co., agents. August 29. — Airedale, £85 tons, Hngley, •master, tor Lytelton, with cargo ami passengers. G. S. .Hrodriek agent. August 29, -Geelong, 137 tons, Turnbwll, master, for Oatnaru, with cargo. J» Jones aad Co., agents. . August 29 —Queen, 177 tons, Cellem, master, for Lyttelton ani Wellington, with cargo and passengers. Lloyd, Taggart and Co., agents. J^P'RTS. Per Airedale, from Lyttelton :■ 100 bags flour, 3 cases merchandise, 6 case 3 fruit, 2 cases, 3 parcels, order. Per Wellington, from Wellington and Lyttelton : 1 package drapery. Butterworth Brothers ; I case merchandise, -Taylor; 1 box beans, Shirley; 10 kegs baiter, Pole. Dods and Cameron; II do do, Tumbuli a-d Co. EXPORTS. Per Airedale for Northern Ports and Sydney: For Nelson: 7 packages, Mathewsand Tallerrnan; for Sydney: 2 boxes of cancelled notes, and 3815 oz, 14 dwt 12 gr, gold. Bank of N; S. W.j 6780 oz 12 dwt eo!d, Baßk of N. Z. Per. Wm. Miskin, for Invercargill—under bond: 10 cases Geneva, 1 qr-c sk wine, 1 do whisky, W. Pole; 3Ucases Geneva. Miller, Bros.; 4qr-casks brandy, N. Stavely; 3D bags sugar, 1 half-tierce tobacco, R. B. Martin and Co.; 4 qr-casks brandy, H. Wurm; sdo whiskey, D. B. GirdwooJ. Free and Duty paid :30 firkins butter, 2 cases tobacco, 1 cask currants, 5 halfchests tea, 10 bags salt, 1 case sago, 1 ease jsms, 1 case sardines, 5 hslf-cnests tea, 2 tubs butter, 1 case lobsters, 16 bags sugar, Pickford and Co; 5 casks, 20 bags salt. 5 half-chests tea, 5 bags rice, 2 boxes raisias, 1 ease mustard, 1 bund c bncket3, 3 bundles spades, 1 qr-tierce tobacco, 30 bag 3 sugar, R B Martin and Co; 2 cases, Ross and Gflendinning: 1 ease bason, Ido cheese. 10 bags rice, R Wilson and Co; 3 tubs butter, J Brook; 1 qr-cask brandy, 1 chest, 3 boxes candles, John Connell; 1 cask, 3 sacks seeds, Law, Somner and Co; 1 case, Sargood and Co; 30 cases kerosene, 1 do glass, Stanford and Co; 5 cases kerosene, ficoular; 16 bags sugar; M'Callam, Neill and Co; 1 case bacou, 1 qr-cask brandy. Currie ana Smith : 5 packages, j 190 bags flour, Anderson and Co; 1 case, Herman and Co; 2 chests, Moncrieff; 5 bags rice, RB Martin and Co; 7 packages kerosene, Youngman; 3 packages tobacco, Bentwioh aad Co; 13 bags seeds, J Anderson and Co; 1 trunk, J Bloomington ; 126 lbs/gunpowder, 566 lbs shot, 2000 caps, Day and Meiville; 50 lbs gunpowder, 2 cwt shot, J Uonnell; 50 lbs gunpowder, 3 cwt -shot, SQOO caps, A Brisaoe aud Co. Per Geelong, for Oamaru and intermediate ports—For Oamaru: 2 half-tierces tobacco, Franckand Co. For Waikouaiti: 1 case, Bing, Harris and Co; 2 packages, M'Callum and Co ; 1 do, Day and Mievide; 2 cases, 1 parcel, Mackay; 1 package, 1 keg, Henderson. For Moeraki: 1 bag sugar, 1 firkin, 1 keg apples, 1 ■case, 32 bag* flour, T Brown and Co. For Oamaru: 6 bags white lead, 1 drum oil, 1 tin package, Baines and Oliver; 2 cases, 1 tin, J THIS DAY,

'Mackay; 1 bale, Tnrnbuil; 1 ca<e, and Oliver; 3 kegs nails, Briscoe and Co; 5 bags flour, 6 cases geneva. 4 do cordials, Cleve and \-,o; 1 seed driU, Robinson; 1 stone, 1 boiler, 2 pots, 2 pieces pipe, 4 cases, Stanford and Co; 2 chests tea, 2 cases, 2 casks. 4 boxes, Garaill and Co; 2 cases, Cleve and Co; 2 bundles of rope Baiiies and Oliver; 12 bags potatoes Whitehead ; 4 rolls sheet lead, HBi'ooks; Hlbs shot, 25U caps, 1 rfle, J MilJs. Per Queen, for Northern Ports (undfir bond): 2 quarter-c?sks wine, A Joske and Co. Free and duty paid: A number of' cases, packages, and casks of hardware go-^ds, A Briscoe and Co; 3 cases wine, A Joske and Co; Ido merchandise, J Hyman; 4 do ironinongpry, De Costa. For Wellington : 2 rolls matting Briscoe and Co ; 1 chest clothes, J »B;irc!ay; 1 fprina: enrt, H Lewis; 2 eases, 2 bales, 2 parcels, Bing, Harris and Co; 200 bags flour, L.'oyd, 'fapreart. and Co. For Napier: 1 ease drapery, Biug, Harris, and Co ; 74 coils wire, 100 boxes candles, Loyd, Tajrgart, and Co ; 4 cases salt. 1 parcel flags, T Brown and Co; 1 case merchandise, Isaacs Bro?; 200 bags flour, Lloyi, Tasgart. and Co. For Auckland : •2 anchors, 2 chain cables, Clark and Co; 1 case, 1 cask, 1 keg, Youngman and Co ; 1 box merchandise, Mrs Stack; 1 case drapery, Sargood and Co ; 1 do merchandise, J Kohn and Co; 3 cases, 3 casks, H an<: J Hart: 1 case, J Kohn end Co; 20 casks butter, J Brook.

• An arranpem nt ha^ beea ents ed into by which the steamers Albion an 1 H ro are to ran in conjunction between Ms-lbourne and New Zealand ports, one of the vessels making the passaga by Cook's Straits and the <thevs by Foveaux Straits. On this trip tha Albion proceeds to Lyitslton, only returning from that port to sail from Port Chalmers aad Bluff Harbour for Melbourne.

The s.s. Airedale returned to port in the morning, bringing Sydney, Nsison, and Wellington mails, which hal l>9*vn transhipped from the s.s. Auckland at Lyttalton. In the afternoon the Airedale sailed for th?«e ports, it lieintr intended that, on arrival at Sydney, she should receive a thorough overhaul. The •■ uckland left Sydney on the 16th, arriving at Nelson on the 23r<i.

The Omeo, last reported as at WeilinjrKni, Iwd arrived at Nelson on the 18th, but when leaving that port had to put b3ck to the outer roadstead in consequence of a heavy gale, When leaving the Manakau, ths s.s. W'llington ran foui of a buoy oa the left hand side of the channel, when, her keel having crossed the connecting chain, she ran along it until the blade of the screw had become so much entangled, a3 to necessitate its being reversed ; it was then found that two of the f<ms had b?en br ken off. On arrival at Nelson, the Wellington wa« immediately placed on the Bouller Bank, where anew screw was fitted.

There has been a very heavy sea on the bar all day, but the Samson was able successfully to tow out the ship Warwick ahire 3 b^uad for Valparaiso. fl'h- schooner Wild Wave, bound for Stewart's Island, has remained at th?. Heads since W dnesday last, wind-bound, and is now unable to get out in consfquence of the heavy bar sea. The Feronia. from Newcastle, has arrived at Wellington with a c krgo of coals for the I.C.X.M. Company. The ba-qne Omega harl also arrived. The Isabella sailed from Hobart Town for Dunediu, on 12fcf» August, and the Crishna on the same day for Lyttelton. The Sussex, consigned to Messrs Cargill andCo., sailed from Newcastle for this port, on 13th August. The Eclipse, for New Zealand, sailed from Sydney on 16th August. The ship Asterope, Captain Stuart, sailed from Gravesend for Wellington direct, oq the 2!xth June, with 7 cabin, 15 second cabin, and 30 steerage passengers The John Bunyan was to follow, to leave" London on the 20ch July ; to be Mowed by the Wild Duck. The barque Albert William, hence, arrived at London on the 20th June.

The barque Trinculo, 310 ton<=. Captain Patterson, arrived yesterday from Leith, alter a voyage of 125 day-. She has encountered unusually wet weather, heav) gaies prevailing throughout On the 11th July a very heavy gale from the N. W. was enconr,tered, during which she carried away her jibboom, split jib and flying very jib. A heavy sea struck her, and washed off the deck one of the crew natneil Ho her t Grant, the steward, who was assisting to haul up the mainsail. The poor fellow was never ssen again. Two more of the crew were knockei down, and very narrowly escaped being washed over board. The Trinnulo is an iron clipp2rbuilfc barque of over 300 tons, and is about four years old. She brings a large general cargo, principally consigned to Messrs Ba.'.ho'z and Co. — Southern Cross, 18th August.

Exportation of Cattle to New Caledonia. —The siip Ashburton. Captain Corke, whioh made such a sp'endid run from this port to New Caledonia, on her last trip, sailed again on Tuesday hist for the same destination. She takes this f.Tine 230 h:ad of prima yaing store cattle of various brands on account of the charterers, Messrs Smith aud Joubert, the contractors for the French authorities at thi islawi.-'Neio-castle Telegraph. The Eiiiz^ Gcbdaud. —This vessel, which left Melbourne on the 14th July last, with a complement of forty horses and two carriages, bound for Ceylon, has put in here in a damaged state. When off Cape Ciear, the vessel enconntered a cyclone o' a most terrific character, in which she had carried away her main rigging, basides receiving other damage. Finding the sea breaking over her, it became necessary to batten down her hatchways. On clearing: the storm it was fouud on opening the batches that about one half of her stock had died from suffocation an'l the effects of the hurricane. Cap am Davies then bare up for Newcastle, and made the port on Sunday evening la-t. After repairing damage and purchasing more horse stock, we understand Captain Davies intends prosecuting1 his vovage.— lbid. The Queensland Tbadh.—The A S.N. Company have mtde a most significant reduction in the fares and freights between here and Sydney. A first cabin passagft is advertised at the low figure of L 2 ss. and LI for the steerage. Freight will be charged at 10s per ton by measurement and 5s per ton dead weight. Wool will be carried from Ipswich or Brisbane at 7s 61. This new order of things goes into efhet on Saturday next, 6th August, when the City of 3risbaae wilt leave for Sydney at half-past nine p.m.— North Australian, 4th August. The ship Mary Durkee sailed from New York April Bth for Melbourne. On the 24?h of July, in lat. 47deg. 12min., and long. 147deg..8., Nelson Peterson, seaman, a native of Sweden, fell from the main topsail-yard, while furling ths sail. He struck on the deckload, and broke his neck. On July 29. Joseph Kobbins, seaman, a native of Yarmouth, fell out of the main rigging, while coming from loosening the main top-ail. There was a high sea on, and the ship was running about seven knots. Threw over a quantity of planks, and brought the ship to the winrt, and got the boat out. The chief officer and three men went in her and pulled in the direction where the man was last ssen. After being awa? from the ship more than an hour, returned without seeing anything of him. With much, difficulty they saved the boat.- Argus,

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 839, 30 August 1864, Page 4

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CUSTOMS ENTRIES. Otago Daily Times, Issue 839, 30 August 1864, Page 4

CUSTOMS ENTRIES. Otago Daily Times, Issue 839, 30 August 1864, Page 4