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Per Rangatira, from Northern -Ports : 1 case j drapery, Butterworth: 6 bags grass seed, Drury; 12 kegs butter, T Field; 6 do, G Fowler. Per Alhambra, irom Melbourne: 4 cases drapery, Sargood and Co; 5 three-quarter boxes tobacco, 6 quarter-casks port, Lauge and Thoneinan: 2 cases cigars, Strelitz and Hart; 2 do, Steinhoff; 2 casks cofiee, 5 barrels do, W Gregg and Co; 2 cases tobacco, 2 three-quarter boxes do Currie and Co; 10 cases bitters, Order;, 60 cases moselle, Pole, Dods and Co; 2 packages, Livingstone; 9 do, Bullock; 4 cases, Sargood; 7 packages, Order; 1 case, M'Farland; 2 packages, Mills, Dick and Co; 1 case, D Wilson ; 3 cases, Hankow and Co; 1 truss, Barker; 1 ' case,'-Harnett. and Co ; 2 do, Fer r gusoiC and-'Co;" 2 cases, Barnes; 1 bale, fcmyth; 22 cases provisions, J R Anderson ; 108 cases kerosene, Stanford and Co; 2 cases, Marks; 6 packages, Clark; 20 case?, order; 2, packages, Matheson and Co; 2 do, H Wise; 40 packages boots, Matheson and Co; .1 case, Rattray ; 5 packages, Farquharson; 6 do, Isaacs'; Bros; U do, Parry; 9 casks, 4 cases, R and T Hawoith;. 2 parcels, Fieldheim; 2 do,;Hayman; 25tub's"butter, Lange and Co; 25 cases jam, 240 bags flour, Lange an i Co; 1 cask eggs, J 1ew5:~30 kegs butter. M'Callum and Co; 6 bale? paper, Ham; IS bags potatoes, 6 cases plants', Law, gomner and Co; 5 cases hams, Scoular; 13 cases, 1 keg, Dunning Bros: h bale paperUags, J Gray; 5 casks butter, J Fegm; 2.cases,_DalrympleandCo; 10 packages butter, and a'quantity of cargo for Canterbury. : -;' EXPORTS. Per Annie, for Oamaru : 15,000 feet timber, 9cwtlead, 4 kegs nails, 1 bag, 4 cases iron, 150 sheets do, 15 bags bran j 7 cases, 1 cask ale, 1 do, half-ton potatoes, 50 bundles wire* order.

£3 already t\k steamship Albambra with the English mails on board, reached Port Chalmers about 2' a.m. on Saturday, when the mails were" dulyforwaTded to town by the steamer Peninsula. Tbe.Alhambra made a good passage ny, having arrive 1" at Melbourne bri the 11th instant, and on • the 14th-she shipped and sailed with"' the mail 3, which had arrived on the previous day.- From Swan Island her passage was seriously protracted by a heavy E B.E. gale, which continued for five days without material abatement, and with a heavy cross sea. For some time the vessel was hove to, or only steamed at slow speed,;and altogether the passage was the roughest which Capt. M'Lean has experienced since he took chai ge of the A lhambra. Landing the Blufi maila'at noon on Friday, she left that port about fifty minutes after the Airedale, and j reached the anchorage shortly before her. Dis- ; charged her Otago cargo expeditiously on Satur-, day, and sailed for Lyttelton in the evening. The s.s. Rangatira, which arrived at 3 p.m. ' on Saturday, sailed from Auckland on the I3th inst, and by encountering a very severe gale between that port and JNapier, which compelledher to take shelter under Cape Runaway, she was thrown twenty-foifr houra out of her regular time. Arrived at tfapier on the night of Sunday, the 17th, at Wellington on the 19th, leaving on the 21st, and at Lyttelton on the 22nd, leaving ■on the same day. Two of the Otago wool ships, the Star of Tasmania and Chili, are reported by this mail as having arrived at London, the Star of Tasmania having made one of her usual speedy passages. She left' this port about a week later than the Chili/ and, as will be seen, arrived several days before her. "-,*,,. The' brig Wild Wave arfived at Ljttelton on the' 21st, 28 days out from Sydney, via Wellington. The ship Parisian was at the Heads about the same : time, from Newcastle, via Wellington, with coals. The biig Australian, long expected to arrive from Boston, U.S., will not, we are informed, come on to Lyttelton. Some short time ago she put into Melbourne through stress of weather, having suffered considerable damage on the passage out.— Zytklton Times. By a private telegram we {Argus) learn that the auxiliary stefmship Salamander arrived at Newcastle, N^S.W., at eight a.m. on the 10th inst,.after!a fine run of seventy-one hours from anchorage to anchorage, Captain Clarke reports that he is perfectly satisfied with the vessel. The steamship Gothenhurg sailed yesterday for

Adelaide. J urm.<? her lie-up sue lias undergone a most extensive overhaul. He saloon has been repainted and der orated, and it can now vie m neatness with that of any of our colonial fleet.— Argus. The s.s. Great Britain was to sail from Liverpoo] on the 26th May, with a full complement of passengers, and a large cargo of merchandise.

Captain .Biwvn, late of the 0.5,3. Company's s.s. Albion, has been appointed to the command of the ship Julia Farmer, now loading for London.

Fire, as well as storm, seems to have been busy in the Straits. We find the following in the Gipps's Land Guardian of the Bth instant :— Portions ot burnt wreck have lately bean washed up on Yanaki Beach- There is a good deal of carvrd wood amongst them, but all so charred as to give no clue to the vessel to which they belonged. It appears, however, that she was what is technically termed ' a sofo wood' ship.'

.. Harbour op KATPAiu.-~Those who have any doubt of the facility with which large vessels ran enter Kaipara harbor must have these doubts dispersed by the fact that the Peerless, a ship of over 10P0 tons, and drawins twenty feet of water, has entered safely, and without any difficulty. No soundinss were obtained with eight fathoms of line.— Southern Cros?.

Launch of a Steam Dredge.—On Wednesday, Messrs P. N. Russell nnd Co., launched from their extensive ship-building yard, at the foot of Bathursfc-street, a large iron steam dredge; being the second built by that firm for the New South Wales Government, to : be employed in dredging the shallows and sand banks on the Hunter River and port of Newcastle.The hull of the vessel is 110 feet long, with a beam of twenty-ffvefeet, arid is built off iron plate, the frames being of three-inch angle iron, .^he is in four watertight compartments.- Sydney Empire.

The 'Peninsular and Oriental Company's R.M.S.S. Madras, A. B. Farquhar, Esq, commander, left. Galle at balf-past five p.m. on the 22nd ult., the company's new steamer Golconda, which brought the English mail from Suez, having; arrivejl on that date, two days Behind time. The passage from GaHe to King George's riound was made under unfavorable circumstances, against a strong south-ea«t trade, which was not' lost until reaching the 27 th degree" of south latitude. On the 6th inst, when off Cape Leu win, the Madras encountered a violent storm" from south-east, during which a valuable Arab stallion died She arrived at King George's Sound on the 7th instant.— Argus. v ;:v-i*\::': '

A large number, of persons assembled, on the Onehunga beach on Tuesday morning to witness the launch of the second steamer built on the Manukau. She is a nice little boat, and haslbeeu built by the contractor, Mr Hutchinson, for Mr W. J. Young, of Auckland, who intends to run her on the Waikato and Waipa. after which latter stream she is to be named. She is 66 feet in length, by, 16 fee'^beam, and diagonally built, and will, when she has her engines in her, it is believed, draw only two feet. Captain Grundy, late of the Kate, is to be her future master, and Mr Alexander, recently of the Ballarat, is to be her engineer.— Southern Cross. ■ ■-■'; -

A fore-and-aft schooner, built expressly for the Queensland Government, was successfully launched from the yards of Messrs Henry Nicol and Son, of Mechanics' Bay, Auckland, on Saturday morning last, The vessel has a smart appearance in: the water, and she is a; credit to her builders. Her dimensions are as follows: — Length over all, 55 feet; breadth of beam, 14£ feet; and depth of hold 5 feet 6 inches. Captain Poole, late chief officer of the brig Princess Alice, has been appointed to take her over to Queensland. The keel of a fore and-aft schooner for Captain Sellers, of the Tauranga, will be laid on the spot vacated by the Queensland pilot boat today. She is to be a vessel of about 60 tons. Messrs Nicol and Son. have also three coasting cutters in course of construction, and which will be launched shortly. One of them is for Captain Doughty, master of the schooner Success; another for Mr Casey, and another for Messrs T. Mackay and Co, or Queen street.— lbid.

Auckland Shipping.—The harbour ,is at present full of shipping1, and there are no less than forty-seven vessels lying in it, exclusive of the fleet of coasting cutters. The coasting trade is brisk, as shown' by the fact that during the past week about ten or twelve vessels have arrived with cargoes of grain, spirits, timber, &c. The foreign arrivals are the French barque Tampico, faom Valparaiso, with a. full cargo of flour: the Reliance and Frederick, from Hobart Town, with miscellaneous cargoes; the Black Diamond, from Newcastle, with coals; and the Deva, and pbillis, from Adelaide, with flour and wheat. We understand that the cargo of both of these Jast named vessels is to be transhipped for Sydney and other ports. The barque Gabalva arrived early in the week from London. She has brought a general cargo and twenty pas-, sengers. The only departures during the week arethes.s. Prince Alfred, for Sydney; and*the barque H. L\ Rutgers, for Newcastle, The favorite clipper ship Avalanche, in command of Captain Scott,; is again about to leave. The clipper .barque Sir George Grey has already about 350 tons of her cargo on board, and will finish loading this morning, having now only about 50 tons to take in. Her cargo, with the exception of about twenty tons of oil, consists of kauri gum. She will probably haul from the wharf to the stream on Monday, and sail on the 20 th.instant. The Miranda arid Esk are the only men-of-war now in harbour. The cutter Will Watch has arrived from the South Sea Islands.

Arrived at London.—Star of Tasmania, 7th May; Chile, 10th May,

SHIPS LOADING FOR THE AUSTRALIAN COLONIES. AT LONDON. Fob iuoKLAHD.—Talbot, James; IdaZeigler, Reynolds; Foam of the Seas, Rogers. For Canterbury (N.Z.).—British Empire, Calleman;" William Mites, Brinsden; Devonshire, Holt; Belleshna, Whittle. ' F.ok Geelong.—Giant's Causeway, Robertson; Calliance, Brown. For Hawke's Bay.—Strathallen, Paddle. Fob Hobart Town.—Heather Bell, Harmsworth ; Windward, Lulham; Wagoolay, Hay. For Launoeston.—-Westbury, Smith; Dunorlan, Barwood. For Moreton Bay.—Queen of the Colonies, Cairncross; Cornwallis, Vaill. For Nelson (N.Z.).—Ann Longton, Longton. Fob Otago.— Black Swan, King; Precursor, Thomson; Star of Tasmania, Culbert; Chile, Carthoys. Fob Port Augustine, Adelaide.—Coonatta,

Begg. For Portland Bay.— Teesdale, Topping. For Port Phillip.—Star of Peace, Mitchell; 1 Giant's.Causeway, Robertson; Essex, Attwood ; Moravian, Edward; Prince JSupert, Scott; Mary Ann Wilson, Smith; Calliance, Brown ; IC. H. Lord, Smith; Golden South, Faithful; j Dover Castle, Ayles; Rising Sun, Bustin. For Queensland.—Prince of Wales, Deacon. . For Southland, N.Z.—Dona Anita, Smith. For Swan River.—Daylight, Ritchie. For Sydney.—Woolloomooloq. Ayling; Royal Edward,-Shaw; La Hogue, Williams; Nineveh, Donald; James Livesay, Morris; J. L. Hall, Richardson ; William Cole, Tothill; Clerwell, Haws; Sirocco, Roy; Duncan Dunbar; Swanson; Sir J. Lawrence, Fernie; Colonial Empire, Ross. ■ For Wellington.—Asterope, Stuart. . AT LIVERPOOL. . For'Melbourne.—Julia, Johnston. For Melbourne and Geelong. — Blue Jacket, White.; Lightning, Johnston; Istamboul, Deuchar; Donald Mackay, Richards. -For Moreton Bay, Queensland.— Young. England, Smith. AT GLASGOW. For Melbourne.—Clutha, Langlands.

DISTANCE TABLE. Distance from MilesSydney to Auckland 1310 „ Manukau 1205 I „ Nelson .. .. 1180! „ Bluff Harbor ... .. •• »001 Melbourne to Auckland .. .. ...1650 „ Manukau ]^° „ -Nelson ... 1410 " Bluff .- .« 1200 „ Dunedin 133p Auckland to Napier 353 „ Port Chalmers (direct) 800 „ Canterbury 678 Napier to Wellington •• " m\ Manukau to Raglan '•• Jx „ Taranaki \f .Taranaki to Nelson «£ „ Wanganui •« «« «i ««

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 809, 25 July 1864, Page 4

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IMPORTS. Otago Daily Times, Issue 809, 25 July 1864, Page 4

IMPORTS. Otago Daily Times, Issue 809, 25 July 1864, Page 4