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ELEOTOEAL EOLL FQR ; THE DISTRICT OF DUNEDIN AND SUBURBS NORTH. ■ . NORTH ■WotnVo nf a Name of Freeholder or Househo. «si£3sir- «—»** S£&u"»n=g. s?sr *--* sear* ■heCta" ~ i, George at. Dunedin leasehold 14 years lease of property, from February Henry Burge, householder . 1 Aitken, Alexander b 1863,ir. George street, Dunedin , ...... ■ Great King st, do do Dwellinphouse oil part of Section 12, Block John Frazer, freeholder 2 AvUten, iJavia . _ .. . 39, Dunedin , _„„. O1 , , Aitken John William s town, freehold Section 7, Block 1, Blueskin district, North William Clarkson, do lU'v^'llUr DuSn Hlll leasehold LeasjTo^rs to run'from 1863, of Section Thomas Corbett, householder ; 4 Aldnch, George Mrogay uuut 3 ' 9j 8 ,- ock 32> and Stct i on 8, Block 33, - • Dunedin ■ T , _' , , ' ... nr . Waikari 1 freehold Town of Port Chalmers,'Section 388, 390 John Tayler, freeholder s Allan/ Cohn Y¥mli 2 do House and 2 acres of land, Waikari Henry Livingstone, householder . „ , . Forth st, Dunedin leasehold Lease, 5 years to run from 1802, of house and James Leighton, freeholder g Allan, Joun ' part of Section 42, Block 36, Forth street, Dunedin r „ , . . ~, a rr hnma . George st, Dunedin household George street, Dunedin L. Solomon, householder 7 Amos, Thomas Hanover st, do leasehold House, 4 years Wse from 18S3, Hanover Osnionu H. G,lles, do 8 Anderson, Andiew street, Duncdin . . T 0,, • . a onn ' T),vW North East Valley do Lease of 10 acres of ground, North jEast James Selby, do 9 Anderson, Davia Valley, 6 nnd a half years to run from April, 1863, North Haibour ■ _ -n V ,M B Porlobello joir.t free-2 Sections in Town of Port Chalmers John Bacon, do j2 Bacon, uavia j i(j ]j , do do in do David Bacon, do 13 Bacon, John °° , i in do Edward A. Amies, do }^B,con, William Port CWmers household Gray "treet, do ArohibuM J. Ritchie .do SSK'Tr^- pf^^ do F^r^treet, Dunedin S^S'^S^eholder gSSSoES. Ktthalmers jo^ Gearg-ar e'et, Port Corners. David K%o«r, fr.el^er , 9 Bcifc, Ptalipp ■JRwy.Vqßay' "."do Nortli H»»rbour District _ . d" . . d° ~ 20 B«ttor, h . v .,l Tewnce. Dun- household House, Boyul Terrace, Dunedin Francis Cairns, householder o] I>;'owii^,C'nsricß *'~ * tv- , Uwer K-ukorhi freehold Section. 7. mid 8 Block 4, Upper Kaikorai, Henry Livingston, freeholder 23 Brown, Daniel. "tl1- ■ ,_ : , ,^ „ ...._..; Wiiikari ' • „ - '>.. ' v ~ Rporccst Dunrilin household Georj--e street, Duncdin Arthur Parker, do 23 Browo,- George Josepa Fonif s lMicbet lVeehoi.l Block 36, Section 46, Forth street, Pelichet Dav!d Henderson, do 24 Brown, Robert B.'v • ■■ Buy, on.l houses thereon „ ■■■■„,'■ Li ith sr Dunedin household House in Leith street, Duncdin James Brown, do 25 Brown, Thomas North East Valley I leasehold 10 yfars ot lease to run in Cumberland street, Henry Burge, householder • 26 Bruni6n,.L>nyid JNonn.JS.asi Dunedin 2 do 6 years to run from 1863, North East Valley, do do North Harbour DJ , n r,= Stafford 8t Dunedin freehold Hanover street, Dunedin ■ James Copeland, do 27 Bunbmy, Cornelius Dunedin household Housq in Itegent Road, do James Tait freeholder Qft Bunnmjr, James r• , . -r, j-« T«th ofrper do L. Solomon, householder IWllenrv PorfchaSnTs freehdd Curde S, Port Chaters Archibald J. Ritchie, freeholder 3Q Burn, Joiin l fraucis _ .. C- Dunedin household House in Forth street, Dunedin Charles Brown, householder 31 Cairns, Francis d o do House at corner of Filleul and Hanover Wm. Henry Monson, do S2 Calder, Charles QO , st reeta, Dunedin • ■ - n i, «" mi« i m Blueskin freehold Rural land, North Harbour . Robert Rodger, do 3 3 Campbell, Malcolm Great iSng st, Dun-household Great King street, Dunedin John Longworth, do ■ ' ' ' Dnnedin leasehold 7i years irotn 1863, houso and half acre of Richard Nevill Reid, do 35 Carter, Thomas . unneain land, 62 and 65, Block 16, Duuedin „ ' - , Aa "■ ' freehold 40 acres land, North Harbour District James P. Boyd, freeholder ~ S§lSa#SS^J |V Great King st, do behold Great Kingstreet,^Dunedin . ;■ J£ £^ s ,housetlder- -. 38PhfS?Tti" En st, Dunedin leasehold Lease for 14 years, Union street, Dunedin John Graham, -do M ChuholinvJaniß« George st, Dunedin household Temperance Hotel, George street, do John W. Jago, do 40 Clarke, James treorg<^«,, .uu , easehold 3 yea rs lease to run from 1863, in George Henry Burge, do 41 Cohen, Samifcl oo . Btreet, Dnnedin 42 C0i,0n Arthur Union household *"££ Jo ■ ." A. H. Williamson, S - jgoS^. PineHiUEoad,do leasehold 8 WlSM^^^. Pi-eG.J.Me^^ do , Coneland James Great King st, do do 10 years lease from May 1862, Brewery, Henry Burge, do 45 oopeianu, onwea = Great Ej^jg street, Dunedin Cornwall John George st, Dunedin do 14 years leasrfTrom 1862, property in George do do 46 U>rnwaii^ Jonn c » street, DUnedin . Cornwelf'Georse Rattray st, Dunedin do 10 years to run from 1863 of lease of property do do 47 Mjrnweii, ueortß , j , . . ■ .in Stuart street, Dunedin rnWii'rpn™*. Duke st, Dunedin freehold Two room house and Section, George and Robert Miller, freeholder 4 8 ... Duke streets, Dunedin 5 ril^tl' Tohn Princes st^TJuned^ leasehold 14 years lease from 1562, house and land, John Prossor, householder 5 l/rawiora, oonn > Great Kjng Btreeti Dunedin p««»i, MiMinoi' ClVdest South,do houisehold House on Section 48, Block 27, Dunedin R. L. Jeffreys, do 52 Creagh, Michael <"W™ oouui.uu t freehold Sections s>7j 9; 10> n> 12 , i 3) and 14, Block Robert Short, freeholder 63 Cutten, WJlHam Hemy Anderson's Bay | g Be J^^ 255) Port Chalmers n«,i; n » T n hnD>' Port Chalmers freehold Currie street, Port Chalmers Archibald J.Ritchie, do fi4 jjarung, .ionn Sawyer's Bay leasehold Sawyer's Bay, Section 13, North Harbour Joseph Morris, do 55 Dawsor,, James Sawyer s Bay M-enc^a y^ John De Carle) householdei . *6n«i«AHw3 Pall Mall George st, leasehold Pall Mall, between George and King streets, James i 7 uavies, Aiirea . Dunedin No 1478, Section 15, Block 21, houseand ' land n • f«, Tnaoni, do ' household House on part of Section 19, Block 30-Robert M'Connell, householder 5f uennistoun, josepu Dunedin r»- • -at o^« Duke st do do Section 72, Block 32, Duke street, Dunedin James Muir, freeholder , g Dodd?/ Jolm George sVPort Chal- do George street, Port Chalmers Archibald J. Ritchie, freeholder nnflsnn-GGOrce Port Chalmers leasehold Port Chalmers Hotel, do ' _ Do do 61 nonald«on James Thomson ' George st, Dunedin liousehold . Shop and dwelling-house, situated m George Peter Cunningharae, householder 62 uonawson, james xuouißuu & street, Dunedin n • '-rvtiiWI1 Porakanui freehold 200 acres, Porakanui; North Harbor District P. W. Mouat, do 63 n.?nW William Port Chalmers household Mount street, Port Chalmers Archibald J. Ritchie, freeholder goSS;SS- d 0 freehold C"r"«street»do dO. d 0 Easton GeorBCE Port Chalmers leasehold Mount street, Port Chalmers David Kilgour do 66 !£plm Alfred London st, Dunedin household House and garden, Section 70, Block 18 iredenck J. Moss, freeholder 67 n,Lcies, Aitrea » London street, Dunedin Pltrar 1 Robert Filleul st, Dunedin household House in Fillenl street, Dunedin Henry Hill, householder 68 PWdflifiSL Moray place, do leasehold Lease for 6& years from 1863 of cottage, Lewis Sampson, do ,: 69 liawaras, ijeorgo j r .;, Moray place, Duuedm, near George ' ' ''I, . street, Duneri in ca 'a t ™«= Geonrestdo- do 13 years from 1863 ; George street, do Henry Burge, do rEnflart'iiSarfG^ii. G«cn Island Bush freehold S-ction 25, Block 33, Great King street do Win Somerville, freeholder : ' aimer John"- ' Port.Chalmers do Blueskin : Block I, Section 20, North Hurbor Frederick Basirc, do «_..__ -,■?„„„ Sawyer's Bay fI do Port Chalmers, Sections 279,225 Joseph Morris, do . 73 F>rquharson, James b.iwyersjjay j !easehold House on Section.l 4, Sawyer's Bay, Ncrth *a Fercuson James Fox Port Chalmers do George street, Port Chalmers ■ _ David Kilgour do I* S Th'omaT George st, Dunedin do Lease more than 3 years to run from 30th Henry Burge, householder 75 l ieiu, j.nouwH s April, 1863, George street, Dunedin ** 'i-lemlne 'An/rew Stafford st, do freehold Land and store, do, do John Dick, freeholder Z 6 > uk h ' Dunedin household Dwelling-house, Great King street, do John Graham, householder V etcher iohn ' do freehold Do, Hanover street, do Jas. Mollison, do 78 a- m)pl T«roh Gt Kins st,Dunedin leasehold Sections 44 and 45, Block 34, Dunedin George Duncan, freeholder II >..h£r George do do freehold Great King street, Dunedin J.S. Douglas, settler 8? V .rrnian fisorffe Uwer Harbor West do Upper Harbor West, 20 acres land, Sections John Hartley Jenkmson, house--Blhurcman,Oeorgelhurcman,Oeorge ,1 19 and 20, North Harbor District holder on Fonester James Walker st, Dunedin do Block 21, Section 28, Great King street, Henry Burge, do *« ' Dunedin Korsvth" "Jan ea Dundas st, do do A house on quarter acre ground, Dundas George Sinclair, freeholder 83 * » street, Dunedin 5,,,, 0 , TT lloh George st, do do House and Section 58, Block 25, George A. Mercer, do 84 tf racer > an&n b street, Dunedin Cnihrnitli Tam?s N". E. Valley do N. E. Valley, North Harbor District John Mains, do 85 ',1 a lUn Forth st, Dunedin leasehold 12 years' lease, ten years to run from George Bailey, do 8 *<*«>■«■"«"*, 1863, of 10-roomed house on quarter acre 5 section, Forth street, Dunedin n,^n» T?nW»f . Gt ICing st, Dunedin household Great ffing street, Dunedin North Henry Burge, householder •'p^l'pamM George st, do leasehold Lease, 5 years from Ist July, 1862, George do do 88 George, lMiwaia » street, Dunedin ... .T , Octagon Dunedin do Lease of 7 years from February, 1862, of pre- David Milne, freeholder S - 89'ierranu/Jonn mises north side of Octagon, Dunedin ■■''~ ; . ■. ,; .■"'. ~„ T London st, do household London street, Dunedhi . Ralph St. Paul, householder so jiiion/jaraes George st, do do Georgestreet, do Henry Burge, do ~, 91 rordon.liifen Gt King st, do freehold Great King street, near Water of Leith, do J. S. Douglas, do • 92 ,oug.,iticnar( Port Chalmers leasehold Magnetic street, Port Chalmers • ' Fredcriek Basire, freeholder 93 moulding, Chailca itODcrt Dunedin freehold One and a half Sections at the corner of William Mackay, householder Q4 ioarlay, Hugh "" w . Albany and Forth streets, Dunedin ■• ~ , . Georcest do ; leasehold 14 j'ears' lease of premises from January, Henry Burge, do ' »S -<ray, John * ' . , 1862, George street, Dunedin ~ , j- 1 freehold Sections 144 and 182, Port Chalmers James Key, freeholder „ Dunedin I 2 leasehold 14 years'lease, 13 to run from 1863, of house $6 Green,' Henry -i on. Section 10, Block 18, London street, t I Dunedin , ' York place do household v York place, Dunedin - j o j m Graham, householder %1 Tlrey, Charles „ . /*j, a ] merg ' fo Mount street, Port Chalmers Archibald J. Ritchie, freeholder $8 Gunn, John Low ; »t Dunedin do Heriot Eow, Dunedin David Ross, do '99 Tnggit, Bryan Cecu Sunnvsid» freehold Allotment of Sections 3 and 4, Block 4, No .J. Eobertion Thompson, houwioo ETaigb, Sydney * 27, Waikari holder

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 413, 17 April 1863, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 1 Otago Daily Times, Issue 413, 17 April 1863, Page 6